946 resultados para Cross-relaxation process


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The position-dependent oxygen vacancy dynamics induced by a biased scanning probe microscopy tip in Samarium doped ceria thin films grown on MgO (100) substrates is investigated. The granularity of the samples gives rise to spatially dependent local electrochemical activity, as explored by electrochemical strain microscopy. The kinetics of the oxygen vacancy relaxation process is investigated separately for grain boundaries and grains. Higher oxygen vacancy concentration variation and slower diffusion are observed in the grain boundary regions as compared to the grains.


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Conjugated polymers have attracted considerable attention in the last few decades due to their potential for optoelectronic applications. A key step that needs optimisation is charge carrier separation following photoexcitation. To understand better the dynamics of the exciton prior to charge separation, we have performed simulations of the formation and dynamics of localised excitations in single conjugated polymer strands. We use a nonadiabatic molecular dynamics method which allows for the coupled evolution of the nuclear degrees of freedom and of multiconfigurational electronic wavefunctions. We show the relaxation of electron-hole pairs to form excitons and oppositely charged polaron pairs and discuss the modifications to the relaxation process predicted by the inclusion of the Coulomb interaction between the carriers. The issue of charge photogeneration in conjugated polymers in dilute solution is also addressed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3600404]


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Therllloelynalllics of lllodel 11lel1ll)rane systeills containing 1110nollnsaturatecl I)lloSI)holil) ids is strongly infllienced l)y the I)osition of the C==C dOlll)le })ond in tIle acyl chain. The telllI)eratllres of both chain-nlelting (TM) and La -+ HI! (TH) I)hase traIlsitions are lowered by IIp to 20°C when C==C is Inoved froln positions 6 or 11 to I)osition 9 in an 18-carl)on chain. This work is an attellll)t to ellicidate the uIlderlying Illoleclilar Illechanisllls reSI)Onsi])le for tllese draillatic tllerillodynaillic changes. Mixtllres of di-18: 1 l)hoSI)hatidylethanolanline with C==C at l)ositioIlS 6, 9, 11 were llsed, witll a sI1lall aI1lOlint of I)erdellterated tetradecanol, known to })e a gooel rel)Orter of the cllain Illoleclilar order. SI)ectral second 11I0I1lents were llsed to Illonitor tIle La -+ HII I)hase transition, which was fOllnd to ])e ])road (2-6°C), with a slight llysteresis on heatiIlg/cooling. The orientational order I)rofiles were nleasllred 1lSiIlg 2H Illiclear Illagnetic resonance and changes in these order I)rofiles between La aIld HII I)hases silow l)oth a local increase in order in the vicinity of the C==C bonds and an o\Terall decrease ill the average orientational order of the chain as a whole. These Sll])tle changes recluire })oth high-fidelity SI)ectrosCol)y and a careflll data analysis that takes into aCCOllnt the effects due to l)artiall1lagnetically-indllced orientational ordering of the l)ilayers. In tIle COIltext of SOllle recently rel)Orted cross-relaxation 11leaSlirenlents in Silllilar l)llOSI)llolil)iels, 0111' reslilts sllggest that large-anll)litllde conforlllational changes in the interior of tIle I110del 111eI11])ranes I)lay a 1110re significant role than I)reviollsly thOllght.


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This thesis describes two different approaches for the preparation of polynuclear clusters with interesting structural, magnetic and optical properties. Firstly, exploiting p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (TBC4) macrocycles together with selected Ln(III) ions for the assembly of emissive single molecule magnets, and secondly the preparation and coordination of a chiral mpmH ligand with selected 3d transition metal ions, working towards the discovery of chiral polynuclear clusters. In Project 1, the coordination chemistry of the TBC4 macrocycle together with Dy(III) and Tb(III) afforded two Ln6[TBC4]2 complexes that have been structurally, magnetically and optically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that both complexes contain an octahedral core of Ln6 ions capped by two fully deprotonated TBC4 macrocycles. Although the unit cells of the two complexes are very similar, the coordination geometries of their Ln(III) ions are subtly different. Variable temperature ac magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that both complexes display single molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour in zero dc field and the energy barriers and associated pre-exponential factors for each relaxation process have been determined. Low temperature solid state photoluminescence studies reveal that both complexes are emissive; however, the f-f transitions within the Dy6 complex were masked by broad emissions from the TBC4 ligand. In contrast, the Tb(III) complex displayed green emission with the spectrum comprising four sharp bands corresponding to 5D4 → 7FJ transitions (where J = 3, 4, 5 and 6), highlighting that energy transfer from the TBC4 macrocycle to the Tb(III) ion is more effective than to Dy. Examples of zero field Tb(III) SMMs are scarce in the chemical literature and the Tb6[TBC4]2 complex represents the first example of a Tb(III) dual property SMM assembled from a p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene macrocycle with two magnetically derived energy barriers, Ueff of 79 and 63 K. In Project 2, the coordination of both enantiomers of the chiral ligand, α-methyl-2-pyridinemethanol (mpmH) to Ni(II) and Co(II) afforded three polynuclear clusters that have been structurally and magnetically characterized. The first complex, a Ni4 cluster of stoichiometry [Ni4(O2CCMe3)4(mpm)4]·H2O crystallizes in a distorted cubane topology that is well known in Ni(II) cluster chemistry. The final two Co(II) complexes crystallize as a linear mixed valence trimer with stoichiometry [Co3(mpm)6]·(ClO4)2, and a Co4 mixed valence complex [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2], whose structural topology resembles that of a defective double cubane. All three complexes crystallize in chiral space groups and circular dichroism experiments further confirm that the chirality of the ligand has been transferred to the respective coordination complex. Magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that for all three complexes, there are competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2] complex represents the first example of a chiral mixed valence Co4 cluster with a defective double cubane topology.


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Photoconductivity (PC) processes may be the most suitable technique for obtaining information about the states in the gap. It finds applications in photovoItaics, photo detection and radiation measurements. The main task in the area of photovoltaics, is to increase the efficiency of the device and also to develop new materials with good optoelectronic properties useful for energy conversion, keeping the idea of cost effectiveness. Photoconduction includes generation and recombination of carriers and their transport to the electrodes. So thermal relaxation process, charge carrier statistics, effects of electrodes and several mechanisms of recombination are involved in photoconductivity.A major effect of trapping is to make the experimentally observed decay time of photocurrent, longer than carrier lifetime. If no trapping centers are present, then observed photocurrent will decay in the same way as the density of free carriers and the observed decay time will be equal to carrier lifetime. If the density of free carriers is much less than density of trapped carriers, the entire decay of photocurrent is effectively dominated by the rate of trap emptying rather than by the rate of recombination.In the present study, the decay time of carriers was measured using photoconductive decay (PCD) technique. For the measurements, the film was loaded in a liquid Helium cryostat and the temperature was controlled using Lakshore Auto tuning temperature controller (Model 321). White light was used to illuminate the required area of the sample. Heat radiation from the light source was avoided by passing the light beam through a water filter. The decay current. after switching off the illumination. was measured using a Kiethely 2000 multi meter. Sets of PCD measurements were taken varying sample temperature, sample preparation temperature, thickness of the film, partial pressure of Oxygen and concentration of a particular element in a compound. Decay times were calculated using the rate window technique, which is a decay sampling technique particularly suited to computerized analysis. For PCD curves with two well-defined regions, two windows were chosen, one at the fast decay region and the other at the slow decay region. The curves in a particular window were exponentially fitted using Microsoft Excel 2000 programme. These decay times were plotted against sample temperature and sample preparation temperature to study the effect of various defects in the film. These studies were done in order to optimize conditions of preparation technique so as to get good photosensitive samples. useful for photovoltaic applications.Materials selected for the study were CdS, In2Se3, CuIn2Se3 and CuInS2• Photoconductivity studies done on these samples are organised in six chapters including introduction and conclusion.


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This research is associated with the goal of the horticultural sector of the Colombian southwest, which is to obtain climatic information, specifically, to predict the monthly average temperature in sites where it has not been measured. The data correspond to monthly average temperature, and were recorded in meteorological stations at Valle del Cauca, Colombia, South America. Two components are identified in the data of this research: (1) a component due to the temporal aspects, determined by characteristics of the time series, distribution of the monthly average temperature through the months and the temporal phenomena, which increased (El Nino) and decreased (La Nina) the temperature values, and (2) a component due to the sites, which is determined for the clear differentiation of two populations, the valley and the mountains, which are associated with the pattern of monthly average temperature and with the altitude. Finally, due to the closeness between meteorological stations it is possible to find spatial correlation between data from nearby sites. In the first instance a random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors is obtained by month and geographical location (mountains and valley, respectively). Models for wet periods in mountains show a normal distribution in the errors; models for the valley and dry periods in mountains do not exhibit a normal pattern in the errors. In models of mountains and wet periods, omni-directional weighted variograms for residuals show spatial continuity. The random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors and the random coefficient model with spatial covariance structure in the errors are capturing the influence of the El Nino and La Nina phenomena, which indicates that the inclusion of the random part in the model is appropriate. The altitude variable contributes significantly in the models for mountains. In general, the cross-validation process indicates that the random coefficient model with spatial spherical and the random coefficient model with spatial Gaussian are the best models for the wet periods in mountains, and the worst model is the model used by the Colombian Institute for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) to predict temperature.


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A numerical algorithm for fully dynamical lubrication problems based on the Elrod-Adams formulation of the Reynolds equation with mass-conserving boundary conditions is described. A simple but effective relaxation scheme is used to update the solution maintaining the complementarity conditions on the variables that represent the pressure and fluid fraction. The equations of motion are discretized in time using Newmark`s scheme, and the dynamical variables are updated within the same relaxation process just mentioned. The good behavior of the proposed algorithm is illustrated in two examples: an oscillatory squeeze flow (for which the exact solution is available) and a dynamically loaded journal bearing. This article is accompanied by the ready-to-compile source code with the implementation of the proposed algorithm. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3142903]


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Semiconductor magnetic quantum dots are very promising structures, with novel properties that find multiple applications in spintronic devices. EuTe is a wide gap semiconductor with NaCl structure, and strong magnetic moments S=7/2 at the half filled 4f(7) electronic levels. On the other hand, SnTe is a narrow gap semiconductor with the same crystal structure and 4% lattice mismatch with EuTe. In this work, we investigate the molecular beam epitaxial growth of EuTe on SnTe after the critical thickness for island formation is surpassed, as a previous step to the growth of organized magnetic quantum dots. The topology and strain state of EuTe islands were studied as a function of growth temperature and EuTe nominal layer thickness. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) was used in-situ to monitor surface morphology and strain state. RHEED results were complemented and enriched with atomic force microscopy and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements made at the XRD2 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron. EuTe islands of increasing height and diameter are obtained when the EuTe nominal thickness increases, with higher aspect ratio for the islands grown at lower temperatures. As the islands grow, a relaxation toward the EuTe bulk lattice parameter was observed. The relaxation process was partially reverted by the growth of the SnTe cap layer, vital to protect the EuTe islands from oxidation. A simple model is outlined to describe the distortions caused by the EuTe islands on the SnTe buffer and cap layers. The SnTe cap layers formed interesting plateau structures with easily controlled wall height, that could find applications as a template for future nanostructures growth. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New lanthanide complexes with benzeneseleninic (ABSe) and 4-chloro-benzeneseleninic (ABSeCl) acids have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and UV-visible spectroscopies. The emission spectra of the trivalent europium complexes presented the typical electronic (5)D(0) -> (7)F(j) transitions of the ion (J = 0-4). The ground-state geometries of the europium complexes have been calculated by using the Sparkle/AM1 model. From these results, the 4f-4f intensity parameters and energies of the ligand singlet and triplet excited states have been obtained. The lower emission quantum yield for the [Eu(ABSe)(3)(H(2)O)(2)](H(2)O)(2) compound, as compared to the [Eu(Al(3)SeCl)(3)(H(2)O)(2)] one, can be associated to the higher numbers of water molecules, in the first and second coordination spheres, that contribute to the luminescence quenching. The [Eu(Al(3)Se)(3)(H(2)O)(2)](H(2)O)(2) complex presents an intermediate state whose energy difference with respect to the first excited singlet state is resonant with three phonons from the water molecules, favouring a multiphonon relaxation process from the singlet state followed by a fast internal conversion process; this effect is less pronounced in the complex with the ABSeCl ligand. The luminescence decay curves of the gadolinium complexes indicate that the level responsible for the intramolecular energy transfer process has a triplet character for both compounds. The nephelauxetic effect in these compounds was investigated under the light of a recently proposed covalency scale based on the concept of overlap polarizability of the chemical bond. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The research reported in this paper considers Product Innovation from a broader perspective than that of the isolated NPD (New Product Development) project commonly discussed in the literature. In this perspective, Product Innovation is a continuous and cross-functional process involving the sharing and transfer of knowledge within the many steps of the innovation process, and the integration of a growing number of different competencies inside and outside the organisational boundaries. This paper examines two in-depth case studies that were carried out to establish if and how learning occurred within companies developing new products. Based on a model developed as part of a joint Euro-Australian research project, the way in which the selected companies share and transfer knowledge and learning experiences during their product innovation processes have been examined and analysed. This model uses a number of interrelated variables including performance, behaviours and levers to stimulate improvement, contingencies, and learning/innovation capabilities to describe the learning and knowledge transfer in product innovation processes within the case studies. This paper discusses some of the skills the research has identified that managers need to enable their companies to gain a competitive advantage through improved product innovation. The ongoing research has developed, tested and disseminated a computer-based methodology to assess organisational knowledge capture and transfer in the new product development process. The research is part of the Euro-Australian co-operation project known as CIMA (Continuous Improvement and Product Innovation Management).


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Electrospun polyelectrolyte hydrogel nanofibres are being developed for many applications including artificial muscles, scaffolds for tissue engineering, wound dressings and controlled drug release. For electrospun polyelectrolytes, a post-spinning crosslinking process is necessary for producing a hydrogel. Typically, radiation or thermal crosslinking routines are employed that require multifunctional crosslinking molecules and crosslink reaction initiators (free radical producers). Here, ultraviolet subtype-C (UVC) radiation was employed to crosslink neat poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) nanofibres and films to different crosslink densities. Specific crosslink initiators or crosslinking molecules are not necessary in this fast and simple process providing an advantage for biological applications. Scanning probe microscopy was used for the first time to measure the dry and wet dimensions of hydrogel nanofibres. The diameters of the swollen fibres decrease monotonically with increasing UVC radiation time. The fibres could be reversibly swollen/contracted by treatment with solutions of varying pH, demonstrating their potential as artificial muscles. The surprising success of UVC radiation exposure to achieve chemical crosslinks without a specific initiator molecule exploits the ultrathin dimensions of the PAA samples and will not work with relatively thick samples.


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Estuda o consumerismo, o consumerismo no Brasil e investiga o tratamento que as empresas de serviços públicos dispensam às reclamações, através de pesquisa a 3 universos: o PROCON, 9 executivos de 4 empresas governamentais de serviços públicos e ,40 consumidores reclamantes.


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We investigate several diffusion equations which extend the usual one by considering the presence of nonlinear terms or a memory effect on the diffusive term. We also considered a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. For these equations we have obtained a new classes of solutions and studied the connection of them with the anomalous diffusion process. We start by considering a nonlinear diffusion equation with a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. The solutions obtained for this case generalize the usual one and can be expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions present in the generalized thermostatistics context (Tsallis formalism). After, a nonlinear external force is considered. For this case the solutions can be also expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions. However, by a suitable choice of the nonlinear external force, we may have an exponential behavior, suggesting a connection with standard thermostatistics. This fact reveals that these solutions may present an anomalous relaxation process and then, reach an equilibrium state of the kind Boltzmann- Gibbs. Next, we investigate a nonmarkovian linear diffusion equation that presents a kernel leading to the anomalous diffusive process. Particularly, our first choice leads to both a the usual behavior and anomalous behavior obtained through a fractionalderivative equation. The results obtained, within this context, correspond to a change in the waiting-time distribution for jumps in the formalism of random walks. These modifications had direct influence in the solutions, that turned out to be expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler or H of Fox functions. In this way, the second moment associated to these distributions led to an anomalous spread of the distribution, in contrast to the usual situation where one finds a linear increase with time


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Power-conversion efficiencies of organic heterojunction solar cells can be increased by using semiconducting donor-acceptor materials with complementary absorption spectra extending to the near-infrared region. Here, we used continuous wave fluorescence and absorption, as well as nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to study the initial charge transfer step for blends of a donor poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivative and low-band gap cyanine dyes serving as electron acceptors. Electron transfer is the dominant relaxation process after photoexcitation of the donor. Hole transfer after cyanine photoexcitation occurs with an efficiency close to unity up to dye concentrations of similar to 30 wt%. Cyanines present an efficient self-quenching mechanism of their fluorescence, and for higher dye loadings in the blend, or pure cyanine films, this process effectively reduces the hole transfer. Comparison between dye emission in an inert polystyrene matrix and the donor matrix allowed us to separate the influence of self-quenching and charge transfer mechanisms. Favorable photovoltaic bilayer performance, including high open-circuit voltages of similar to 1 V confirmed the results from optical experiments. The characteristics of solar cells using different dyes also highlighted the need for balanced adjustment of the energy levels and their offsets at the heterojunction when using low-bandgap materials, and accentuated important effects of interface interactions and solid-state packing on charge generation and transport.