937 resultados para Constitutional Injunctions (ADI nº.4.917, ADI nº. 4.916, ADI nº. 4.492 and ADI nº. 4.920)


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Analisa o efeito da legislação aplicável à destinação de recursos para educação pela exploração de petróleo, quando da elaboração da lei orçamentária e da sua execução.


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Monografia (especialização) – Curso de Parlamento e Direito, Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 2015.


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It has long been recognized that many direct parallel tridiagonal solvers are only efficient for solving a single tridiagonal equation of large sizes, and they become inefficient when naively used in a three-dimensional ADI solver. In order to improve the parallel efficiency of an ADI solver using a direct parallel solver, we implement the single parallel partition (SPP) algorithm in conjunction with message vectorization, which aggregates several communication messages into one to reduce the communication costs. The measured performances show that the longest allowable message vector length (MVL) is not necessarily the best choice. To understand this observation and optimize the performance, we propose an improved model that takes the cache effect into consideration. The optimal MVL for achieving the best performance is shown to depend on number of processors and grid sizes. Similar dependence of the optimal MVL is also found for the popular block pipelined method.


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Barriers to learning inhibit organisational learning directed at improving the quality of working life for employees and increasing productivity. They exist at all levels of organisation and in some way, explain the discrepancies that exist between the rhetoric of the Learning Organisation and the reality of the workplace. This research investigates such barriers to learning in ADI Benalla.


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The application of austempered ductile iron (ADI) is gaining an ever greater share of the worldwide ferrous product market, specifically centering on the aerospace, automotive and shipping industries. ADI is a heat treated cast iron, which exhibits remarkable mechanical properties and provides an attractive material for designers and engineers to displace conventional materials. Previous attempts, however, to machine ADI using carbide or ceramic cutting tools produced poor tool life characteristics due to the relatively poor machinability of the workpiece. This paper presents a research study that has applied the advanced technology of modern ultrahard cutting tools, in an attempt to achieve enhanced machinability performance. This performance was evaluated through the analysis of cutting forces, tool wear, surface finish and roundness.


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Em instigante artigo, Domingues (2011), que ainda permanece muito relevante e atual, e em que se faz uso da alegoria simbolizada pela espada de Dâmocles, somos alertados para possíveis efeitos da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) 2.316, que foi proposta no já longínquo ano de 2000, pelo antigo Partido Liberal. Tal ADI 2.316, que continua pendente de definição por parte do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), diz respeito ao artigo 5º da Medida Provisória (MP) 2.170–36/2001, que estabelece: “Art. 5º. Nas operações realizadas pelas instituições integrantes do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, é admissível a capitalização de juros com periodicidade inferior a um ano.” Ou seja, em outras palavras, ainda não há decisão final, pois que o STF não concluiu sua apreciação da matéria, sobre se o chamado regime de juros compostos pode ser empregado em prazos que sejam frações do ano.


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Neste trabalho é analisado o comportamento da densidade de corrente em cabos OPGW quando submetidos a descargas atmosféricas. Para esta análise, foram aplicados dois modelos de corrente, uma vez que a descarga atmosférica tem duas componentes principais que causam mais danos aos cabos em geral: a componente impulsiva e a componente contínua. O método numérico utilizado para as simulações computacionais é o método ADI-FDTD (Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo de Direções Alternadas Implícitas), o qual é truncado pela técnica CPML (Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layers). Com base no comportamento da corrente no cabo, é feita uma avaliação para determinar qual das duas componentes de descarga atmosférica pode causar mais danos aos cabos OPGW.


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Introduction. “Convention” is an ambiguous term, not only for lawyers, containing a wide variety of different meanings. Even when restricted to denote an assembly it may be used for all sorts of gatherings. In the context of constitutional law a convention is a very specific instrument, and the question is to what extent it is actually known in European constitutional law and whether the “Convention on the Future of Europe” as called forth by the Declaration of Laeken conforms to what is understood in constitutional law by “convention”.1 Or did the Laeken Council pick up a term without any foundation in European constitutional law, rarely practiced and even less understood, the only precedents of which are supposed to be the American Federal Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and the convention that drafted the European Charter on Fundamental Rights, as can be read time and again? 2 As it is the privilege of the constitutional historian to make aware the evolution of legal institutions and to analyze their conferred meaning so that they will be available in political discourse, I shall examine the meaning of “convention” in constitutional history and comparative constitutional law in a first part, while a second part will place the Convention on the Future of the European Union according to its composition and commission into the context of constitutional conventions as understood in law.


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From the Introduction. “We are a Convention. We are not an Intergovernmental Conference because we have not been given a mandate by Governments to negotiate on their behalf the solutions which we propose. We are not a Parliament because we are not elected by citizens to draft legislative texts. […] We are a Convention. What does this mean? A Convention is a group of men and women meeting for the sole purpose of preparing a joint proposal. […] It is a task modest in form but immense in content, for if it succeeds in accordance with our mandate, it will light up the future of Europe”.1 In his speech inaugurating the Convention process on 26 February 2002 in Brussels, Convention President VALÉRY GISCARD D’ESTAING raises three issues: first, he refers to the Convention’s nature and method; second, he talks of the Convention’s aim and output; and, third, he evokes the Convention’s historic and symbolic significance. All three aspects have been amply discussed in the past two years by politicians and academics analysing whether the Convention’s purpose and instruments differ fundamentally from those of previous reform rounds; whether the input into and output of the Convention process qualitatively improves European Treaty revision; and whether the Convention as an institution lived up to its symbolic and normative load, reflected in comparisons with “Philadelphia” or references to a “constitutional moment”.2