922 resultados para Comunicação e cultura - Prticipação popular


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The intent of this paper is to provide a practitioners insight into the present and foreseeable future of problem of transaction cost economics related to culture and business etiquette that may increase the of complexity of business communication. We will also explore whether it impacts participant's mindsets regarding opportunistic or passive aggressive behavior. We will study the role of culture, ethics, information asymmetry, and legal systems regarding their importance towards the business contracts and lack of knowledge in local environments. We will make connections to contract theory strategies and objectives and recommend business practices. Furthermore, economic theory explores the role of the impossibility of the perfect contract. Historical and present day operational factors are examined for the determination of forward-looking contract law indications worldwide. This paper is intended provide a practitioners view with a global perspective of a multinational, mid-sized and small corporations giving consideration in a non-partisan and non-nationalistic view, yet examines the individual characteristics of the operational necessities and obligations of any corporation. The study will be general, yet cite specific articles to each argument and give adequate consideration to the intricacies of the global asymmetry of information. This paper defends that corporations of any kind and size should be aware of the risk of international business etiquette and cultural barriers that might jeopardize the savings you could obtain from engaging international suppliers.


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This study aims to examine the contemporary viewer and also propose a review of the literature surrounding the spanish researcher Jésus Martín-Barbero. The proposed review, based on Martín-Barbero observations and the Latin American Cultural Studies analysis, observes the individual as part of the processes of communication and research on the concept of cultural mediation, the viewer as component/agent/object of the production of meaning. The study will perceive it as an element of inaccuracy/inadequacy and understand it as a subject of these reactive processes that contain complex and involve communication and culture, in contrast the impressions that resulted from a discussion between a television professional and a communication researcher and of these findings on the same viewer. The work also aims to point the viewer as a component of the possible mapping desired by Martín-Barbero to massive contemporary interpretation of the processes and its concept of night map


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Este estudo é o resultado de uma pesquisa que analisou a relação entre teoria e prática das ações propostas pela Organização Não Governamental Projeto Saúde e Alegria (ONG-PSA), na localidade de Suruacá, no rio Tapajós, no município de Santarém, oeste paraense. A problemática de investigação foi conduzida a partir de dois questionamentos centrais: Como se dá a relação entre teoria e prática no que se refere ao trabalho desenvolvido pelo Projeto Saúde e Alegria no Telecentro Comunitário de Suruacá? E qual o impacto que o uso de novos meios comunicacionais causou na vivência cultural na área pesquisada? A análise dos dados foi produzida, a partir do levantamento bibliográfico e documental sobre as ações da ONG, de dados disponibilizados no site oficial do PSA, do vídeo institucional da ONG, do que se viu e ouviu na localidade Suruacá e da visão de pesquisadores e agentes das áreas de Comunicação, Cultura e Educação que atuam fora do PSA. Entre os resultados da pesquisa, constatou-se que a proposta publicizada pelo Projeto corresponde com a descrição da entrevista realizada com os moradores do local que nos últimos 25 anos têm acompanhado, trabalhado e recebido as ações do PSA. Percebeu-se que há uma práxis convergente presente na relação comunicacional e educacional entre o PSA e Suruacá, não de natureza exclusivamente dialética, mas também dialógica, no sentido de complexidade entendida no pensamento de Morin (1991), das mediações do pensamento de Martín-Barbero (1997) e da dialogicidade profunda no pensamento de Freire (1996), em processos envolvendo Comunicação, Cultura e Educação em Suruacá, mas pondera-se que a presença desta ONG no interior da Amazônia brasileira não dispensa a ação do estado na efetivação de políticas públicas nas áreas de comunicação, cultura, educação e saúde.


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Este ensaio parte do reconhecimento de uma conjuntura de crise institucional, para analisar o contexto da formação dos direitos civis dos jovens e suas fragilidades ,com vista a alcançar, por meio dessa reflexão, uma exposição dos aspectos da insegurança urbana presentes na sociedade brasileira.


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Não disponível


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In addition to understanding the distribution of the populations’ health-disease process, epidemiology has sought to study the causality associated with this process, which humanity developed over time, and to interpret the narrative of this field of knowledge. A solid review of the literature was done to emphasize the importance of using popular knowledge as a qualitative health-related investigation strategy and to demystify the use of social representations in the field of dentistry. By initiating the design of a new paradigm for understanding the oral health-disease process, which favors the idea that it is also the result of a sociocultural production, knowledge of the circumstances and context in which it is inserted becomes critical for health assessment actions. Although scientific dentistry has advanced the understanding of oral diseases, communication with popular knowledge leaves much to be desired, since most professionals find themselves trapped in a fragmented model of care. Reconstruction of the logic by which the representations of oral health were produced and socialized over time can be considered a relevant and productive purpose of the representations in the dental area.


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Comment of cyclic use, made by the Spanish filmmaker of self-citations in his movies of mature works. Since 1995, besides the well-known quotations from films from other authors, he begins to incorporate and develop ideas, scenes, characters present in his previous films. Here stands the relationship between La flor de mi secreto e Volver and also between Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios e Los abrazos rotos.


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From 2002 on, when the curricular flexibility was ruled by the Education Ministry, the courses of Journalism in Brazil, more dedicated to improve teaching quality, have tried to adapt its curricular program schedules to regional realities. In this article, they aim to show how Journalism teaching is being provided in the Country and, at the same time, what students think of the disciplines and what do specialists and the press expect from them.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article aims to analyze the content expressed in the weekly Bundas and show how this addressed the economic issues in Brazil in the period 1999-2001. Through this study, we will seek to understand how the printed addressed the economic issues and the language employed by evidence how the vehicle was differed from the others in the category accessibility. The economic journalism has a way of approach often incomprehensible by readers, so the analysis of Bundas show the role of that journalism to the society and the importance of it becoming available to the reading public.


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O propósito deste artigo é compartilhar com o leitor algumas noções conceituais de publicidade contra-intuitiva e observar seus possíveis efeitos na reavaliação, desconstrução de crenças e estereótipos sociais, na estrutura cognitiva do indivíduo receptor. Destaca-se entre os reflexos provavelmente gerados o irônico efeito ricochete, segundo a teoria desenvolvida por Daniel M. Wegner. A aplicação para se discutir o cruzamento da narrativa contra-intuitiva e o efeito ricochete será, neste primeiro momento, pela exemplificação do filme Motorista, peça integrante da campanha publicitária da Fiat do Brasil “Reveja seus conceitos”, para o lançamento do automóvel Palio 2002. Um experimento laboratorial está sendo desenvolvido pelos autores para se mensurar de maneira consistente a apresentação teórico-conceitual exposta