890 resultados para Computer Graphics, 3D Studio Max, Unity 3D, PlayMaker, Progettazione, Sviluppo, Videogioco
The representation of business process models has been a continuing research topic for many years now. However, many process model representations have not developed beyond minimally interactive 2D icon-based representations of directed graphs and networks, with little or no annotation for information over- lays. With the rise of desktop computers and commodity mobile devices capable of supporting rich interactive 3D environments, we believe that much of the research performed in computer human interaction, virtual reality, games and interactive entertainment has much potential in areas of BPM; to engage, pro- vide insight, and to promote collaboration amongst analysts and stakeholders alike. This initial visualization workshop seeks to initiate the development of a high quality international forum to present and discuss research in this field. Via this workshop, we intend to create a community to unify and nurture the development of process visualization topics as a continuing research area.
Communication processes are vital in the lifecycle of BPM projects. With this in mind, much research has been performed into facilitating this key component between stakeholders. Amongst the methods used to support this process are personalized process visualisations. In this paper, we review the development of this visualization trend, then, we propose a theoretical analysis framework based upon communication theory. We use this framework to provide theoretical support to the conjecture that 3D virtual worlds are powerful tools for communicating personalised visualisations of processes within a workplace. Meta requirements are then derived and applied, via 3D virtual world functionalities, to generate example visualisations containing personalized aspects, which we believe enhance the process of communcation between analysts and stakeholders in BPM process (re)design activities.
The representation of business process models has been a continuing research topic for many years now. However, many process model representations have not developed beyond minimally interactive 2D icon-based representations of directed graphs and networks, with little or no annotation for information overlays. In addition, very few of these representations have undergone a thorough analysis or design process with reference to psychological theories on data and process visualization. This dearth of visualization research, we believe, has led to problems with BPM uptake in some organizations, as the representations can be difficult for stakeholders to understand, and thus remains an open research question for the BPM community. In addition, business analysts and process modeling experts themselves need visual representations that are able to assist with key BPM life cycle tasks in the process of generating optimal solutions. With the rise of desktop computers and commodity mobile devices capable of supporting rich interactive 3D environments, we believe that much of the research performed in computer human interaction, virtual reality, games and interactive entertainment have much potential in areas of BPM; to engage, provide insight, and to promote collaboration amongst analysts and stakeholders alike. We believe this is a timely topic, with research emerging in a number of places around the globe, relevant to this workshop. This is the second TAProViz workshop being run at BPM. The intention this year is to consolidate on the results of last year's successful workshop by further developing this important topic, identifying the key research topics of interest to the BPM visualization community.
Process models are often used to visualize and communicate workflows to involved stakeholders. Unfortunately, process modeling notations can be complex and need specific knowledge to be understood. Storyboards, as a visual language to illustrate workflows as sequences of images, provide natural visualization features that allow for better communication, to provide insight to people from non-process modelling expert domains. This paper proposes a visualization approach using a 3D virtual world environment to visualize storyboards for business process models. A prototype was built to present its applicability via generating output with examples of five major process model patterns and two non-trivial use cases. Illustrative results for the approach show the promise of using a 3D virtual world to visualize complex process models in an unambiguous and intuitive manner.
We have developed a virtual world environment for eliciting expert information from stakeholders. The intention is that the virtual world prompts the user to remember more about their work processes. Our example shows a sparse visualisation of the University of Vienna Department of Computer Science, our collaborators in this project.
Three dimensional clipping is a critical component of the 3D graphics pipeline. A new 3D clipping algorithm is presented in this paper. An efficient 2D clipping routine reported earlier has been used as a submodule. This algorithm uses a new classification scheme for lines of all possible orientations with respect to a rectangular parallelopiped view volume. The performance of this algorithm has been evaluated using exact arithmetic operation counts. It is shown that our algorithm requires less arithmetic operations than the Cyrus-Beck 3D clipping algorithm in all cases. It is also shown that for lines that intersect the clipping volume, our algorithm performs better than the Liang-Barsky 3D clipping algorithm.
[ES] Este proyecto se ha realizado a partir de los datos del siguiente proyecto de documentación geométrica, desde donde pueden encontrarse enlaces adicionales a otros documentos relacionados:
Contributed to: 4th International Conference, EuroMed 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2012.
[EN] This paper is based in the following project:
外科手术计算机辅助导航即利用计算机图形图像技术对放射影像学资料进行处理 ,重建二维或三维的医学图像模型 ,同时结合各种空间定位技术 ,在医师的双眼、手术工具及患者的头部之间建立一个实时的环路 ,实现手术过程中器械位置的实时或准实时显示。我们综述了外科手术计算机辅助导航系统的发展历史和研究现状 (重点阐述了其系统结构和关键技术 ,包括空间定位技术、图像处理与显示技术、系统配准技术、头部定位技术等 (最后给出了手术导航系统的发展趋势
Cut-and-filling stoping becomes more and more important in mining industry for the advantage in protecting environment and its adaptability. However, there is less research in the movement of rock mass and the ground displacement caused by the mining method. In this paper, based on relevant geological and geotechnical test data, the strata movement and the ground displacement of Jinchuan nickel mine are studied comprehensively. The main achievement in this paper can be drawn as follows. Geologic conditions of mining area No.2 of Jinchuan Nickel mine are summed up and influential factors of the movement of rock mass and the surface displacement are analyzed. For recognized the shape of orebody No.l, three-dimensional model is established with 3D Studio MAX software. Based on reconnaissance trip, the monitoring data of GPS and ground fissures in mining area No.2 of Jinchuan Nickel mine are discussed. Then, the rule of the surface displacement and the reason of ground fissures generation are preliminary analyzed. The characteristic of ground movement, surrounding stress and strain in the process of excavation and backfilled is research and analyzed with the method of numerical simulation. The rule of the movement of rock mass and the surface displacement in mining area No.2 of Jinchuan Nickel mine is summed up. The influence of the movement of rock mass and the surface displacement by the dip angle of orebody No.l in mining area No.2 is examined and then the strata movement and the ground displacement is predicted.
In this paper, a novel framework for dense pixel matching based on dynamic programming is introduced. Unlike most techniques proposed in the literature, our approach assumes neither known camera geometry nor the availability of rectified images. Under such conditions, the matching task cannot be reduced to finding correspondences between a pair of scanlines. We propose to extend existing dynamic programming methodologies to a larger dimensional space by using a 3D scoring matrix so that correspondences between a line and a whole image can be calculated. After assessing our framework on a standard evaluation dataset of rectified stereo images, experiments are conducted on unrectified and non-linearly distorted images. Results validate our new approach and reveal the versatility of our algorithm.
Lines and edges provide important information for object categorization and recognition. In addition, one brightness model is based on a symbolic interpretation of the cortical multi-scale line/edge representation. In this paper we present an improved scheme for line/edge extraction from simple and complex cells and we illustrate the multi-scale representation. This representation can be used for visual reconstruction, but also for nonphotorealistic rendering. Together with keypoints and a new model of disparity estimation, a 3D wireframe representation of e.g. faces can be obtained in the future.
Demonstration videos can be found on fr.linkedin.com/in/doriangomez/
Simuler efficacement l'éclairage global est l'un des problèmes ouverts les plus importants en infographie. Calculer avec précision les effets de l'éclairage indirect, causés par des rebonds secondaires de la lumière sur des surfaces d'une scène 3D, est généralement un processus coûteux et souvent résolu en utilisant des algorithmes tels que le path tracing ou photon mapping. Ces techniquesrésolvent numériquement l'équation du rendu en utilisant un lancer de rayons Monte Carlo. Ward et al. ont proposé une technique nommée irradiance caching afin d'accélérer les techniques précédentes lors du calcul de la composante indirecte de l'éclairage global sur les surfaces diffuses. Krivanek a étendu l'approche de Ward et Heckbert pour traiter le cas plus complexe des surfaces spéculaires, en introduisant une approche nommée radiance caching. Jarosz et al. et Schwarzhaupt et al. ont proposé un modèle utilisant le hessien et l'information de visibilité pour raffiner le positionnement des points de la cache dans la scène, raffiner de manière significative la qualité et la performance des approches précédentes. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons étendu les approches introduites dans les travaux précédents au problème du radiance caching pour améliorer le positionnement des éléments de la cache. Nous avons aussi découvert un problème important négligé dans les travaux précédents en raison du choix des scènes de test. Nous avons fait une étude préliminaire sur ce problème et nous avons trouvé deux solutions potentielles qui méritent une recherche plus approfondie.