993 resultados para Chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a threatening postoperative complication especially in small infants. Regarding the advances in perinatal medicine, its incidence is unknown to date. We aimed to investigate the incidence, risk factors, laboratory findings and outcome of postoperative sepsis in infants younger than 6 months old. METHODS: We examined postoperative sepsis in babies below 6 months of age during a 4-year period at a tertiary pediatric institution. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative sepsis was 6.9%. Laparotomy with enterotomy, thoracotomy and diaphragmatic hernia repair (P<0.05, respectively) as well as low postnatal age and long operation time (P<0.001, respectively) were correlated with the incidence of sepsis. Significant independent predictors for the development of sepsis were the presence of a central venous catheter and perioperative antibiotic treatment (P<0.001, respectively). Coagulase negative Staphylococci were the major infecting organism associated with postoperative sepsis, accounting for 53% of monomicrobial infections. Complete blood counts with differential were not different between infants with sepsis and controls, who had undergone the same surgical procedures. Outcome was favorable in all cases; however, the length of hospital stay was significantly longer in sepsis patients (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative sepsis syndrome is a frequent complication in infants below 6 months of age and causes significant prolongation of hospital stay. Adequate prevention and therapeutic strategies warrant further prospective investigations.
BACKGROUND: Incidental appendectomy remains a controversial issue. We aimed to collect experience using a modified surgical technique that could be applied securely in infants. METHODS: We performed aseptic intussuscepted incidental appendectomy (AIIA) in three patients using a technique that is thought to assure appendix necrosis along with intact cecal wall. RESULTS: There was no perioperative morbidity due to AIIA in the three patients. In two infants the necrotic appendix was found in the diaper. One infant died secondary to diaphragmatic hernia. Autopsy with histological examination revealed that the cecum was intact along with appendix necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Modified AIIA could securely be performed in the 3 reported cases. We advocate prospective evaluation of the method.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Introduzione La pneumonectomia su modello animale potrebbe essere un’utile piattaforma di studio per approfondire i meccanismi della risposta compensatoria al danno polmonare. Scopo dello studio è determinare la presenza di variazioni morfologiche e di espressione del trascrittoma dopo pneumonectomia. Materiali e metodi Undici suini sono stati sottoposti a pneumonectomia sinistra. Sono stati eseguiti prelievi sito-specifici intraoperatori su polmone sinistro e successivamente confrontati con prelievi sito-specifici su polmone destro dopo eutanasia a 60 giorni. I prelievi degli animali con decorso regolare sono stati sottoposti a RNA-sequencing e successiva analisi computazionale per valutare il peso funzionale del singolo gene o di clusters di geni. Risultati Un animale è stato escluso per insorgenza di ernia diaframmatica. In 7/10 è stata riscontrata apertura della pleura mediastinica con parziale erniazione del polmone controlaterale e shift mediastinico. L’istologia ha mostrato dilatazione degli spazi aerei, rottura dei setti interalveolari, lieve infiammazione, assenza di fibrosi, stiramento radiale dei bronchi e riduzione del letto capillare. L’analisi di bulk RNA-sequencing ha identificato 553 geni espressi in modo differenziale (DEG)(P<0,001) tra pre e post-pneumonectomia. I primi 10 DEG up-regolati: Edn1, Areg, Havcr2, Gadd45g, Depp1, Cldn4, Atf3, Myc, Gadd45b, Socs3; i primi 10 geni down-regolati: Obscn, Cdkn2b, ENSSSCG00000015738, Prrt2, Amer1, Flrt3, Efnb2, Tox3, Znf793, Znf365. Tra i DEG è stata riscontrata una predominanza di geni specifici dei macrofagi. L’analisi di gene ontology basata su DAVID ha mostrato un significativo arricchimento della "via di segnalazione apoptotica estrinseca"(FDR q=7,60x10 -3), della via di “Risposta all’insulina”(FDR q=7,60x10 -3) ed un arricchimento di geni “Regolatori negativi del segnale DDX58/IFIH1”(FDR q=7.50x10 -4). Conclusioni Il presente studio conferma la presenza di variazioni macroscopiche e microscopiche fenotipiche dopo pneumonectomia. L’RNA sequencing e lo studio di genomica traslazionale hanno mostrato l’esistenza di geni singoli e di network di geni disregolati dopo pneumonectomia, prevalentemente in determinate popolazioni cellulari.
Traumatic hernia of the abdominal wall is a rare and easily missed injury in the presence of major pelvic and abdominal lesions. We present a radiographically documented case of combined pelvic and acetabular fracture with a major contralateral traumatic hernia with avulsion of the internal oblique, the external oblique and the transverse abdominal muscles diagnosed four months after the initial trauma. To our knowledge no similar case has been described in the current literature.
OBJECTIVE: The standard therapy for patients with high-level spinal cord injury is long-term mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy. However, in some cases, this approach results in death or disability. The aim of this study is to highlight the anesthetics and perioperative aspects of patients undergoing insertion of a diaphragmatic pacemaker. METHODS: Five patients with quadriplegia following high cervical traumatic spinal cord injury and ventilator-dependent chronic respiratory failure were implanted with a laparoscopic diaphragmatic pacemaker after preoperative assessments of their phrenic nerve function and diaphragm contractility through transcutaneous nerve stimulation. ClinicalTrials.gov:NCT01385384. RESULTS: The diaphragmatic pacemaker placement was successful in all of the patients. Two patients presented with capnothorax during the perioperative period, which resolved without consequences. After six months, three patients achieved continuous use of the diaphragm pacing system, and one patient could be removed from mechanical ventilation for more than 4 hours per day. CONCLUSIONS: The implantation of a diaphragmatic phrenic system is a new and safe technique with potential to improve the quality of life of patients who are dependent on mechanical ventilation because of spinal cord injuries. Appropriate indication and adequate perioperative care are fundamental to achieving better results.
Yamaguti WP, Claudino RC, Neto AP, Chammas MC, Gomes AC, Salge TM, Moriya HT, Cukier A, Carvalho CR. Diaphragmatic breathing training program improves abdominal motion during natural breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93:571-7. Objective: To investigate the effects of a diaphragmatic breathing training program (DBTP) on thoracoabdominal motion and functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Design: A prospective, randomized controlled trial. Setting: Academic medical center. Participants: Subjects (N=30; forced expiratory volume in Is, 4270 +/- 13% predicted) were randomly allocated to either a training group (TG) or a control group (CG). Interventions: Subjects in the TG completed a 4-week supervised DBTP (3 individualized weekly sessions), while those in the CG received their usual care. Main Outcome Measures: Effectiveness was assessed by amplitude of the rib cage to abdominal motion ratio (RC/ABD ratio) (primary outcome) and diaphragmatic mobility (secondary outcome). The RC/ABD ratio was measured using respiratory inductive plethysmography during voluntary diaphragmatic breathing and natural breathing. Diaphragmatic mobility was measured by ultrasonography. A 6-minute walk test and health-related quality of life were also evaluated. Results: Immediately after the 4-week DBTP, the TG showed a greater abdominal motion during natural breathing quantified by a reduction in the RC/ABD ratio when compared with the CG (F=8.66; P<.001). Abdominal motion during voluntary diaphragmatic breathing after the intervention was also greater in the TG than in the CG (F=4.11; P<.05). The TG showed greater diaphragmatic mobility after the 4-week DBTP than did the CG (F=15.08; P<.001). An improvement in the 6-minute walk test and in health-related quality of life was also observed in the TG. Conclusions: DBTP for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease induced increased diaphragm participation during natural breathing, resulting in an improvement in functional capacity.
INTRODUCTION: Cognitive complaints, such as poor concentration and memory deficits, are frequent after whiplash injury and play an important role in disability. The origin of these complaints is discussed controversially. Some authors postulate brain lesions as a consequence of whiplash injuries. Potential diffuse axonal injury (DAI) with subsequent atrophy of the brain and ventricular expansion is of particular interest as focal brain lesions have not been documented so far in whiplash injury. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether traumatic brain injury can be identified using a magnetic resonance (MR)-based quantitative analysis of normalized ventricle-brain ratios (VBR) in chronic whiplash patients with subjective cognitive impairment that cannot be objectively confirmed by neuropsychological testing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR examination was performed in 21 patients with whiplash injury and symptom persistence for 9 months on average and in 18 matched healthy controls. Conventional MR imaging (MRI) was used to assess the volumes of grey and white matter and of ventricles. The normalized VBR was calculated. RESULTS: The values of normalized VBR did not differ in whiplash patients when compared with that in healthy controls (F = 0.216, P = 0.645). CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support loss of brain tissue following whiplash injury as measured by VBR. On this basis, traumatic brain injury with subsequent DAI does not seem to be the underlying mechanism for persistent concentration and memory deficits that are subjectively reported but not objectively verifiable as neuropsychological deficits.
The rare condition of chronic instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint can be of traumatic or idiopathic origin and can lead to secondary arthritis. After conservative treatment for 6 months and persistent pain, operative treatment should be considered. We present a case of traumatic instability, ligament reconstruction with a part of the biceps femoris tendon, and postoperative return to full and painless sport activities.
AIMS Device-based pacing-induced diaphragmatic stimulation (PIDS) may have therapeutic potential for chronic heart failure (HF) patients. We studied the effects of PIDS on cardiac function and functional outcomes. METHODS AND RESULTS In 24 chronic HF patients with CRT, an additional electrode was attached to the left diaphragm. Randomized into two groups, patients received the following PIDS modes for 3 weeks in a different sequence: (i) PIDS off (control group); (ii) PIDS 0 ms mode (PIDS simultaneously with ventricular CRT pulse); or (iii) PIDS optimized mode (PIDS with optimized delay to ventricular CRT pulse). For PIDS optimization, acoustic cardiography was used. Effects of each PIDS mode on dyspnoea, power during exercise testing, and LVEF were assessed. Dyspnoea improved with the PIDS 0 ms mode (P = 0.057) and the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.034) as compared with the control group. Maximal power increased from median 100.5 W in the control group to 104.0 W in the PIDS 0 ms mode (P = 0.092) and 109.5 W in the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.022). Median LVEF was 33.5% in the control group, 33.0% in the PIDS 0 ms mode, and 37.0% in the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.763 and P = 0.009 as compared with the control group, respectively). PIDS was asymptomatic in all patients. CONCLUSION PIDS improves dyspnoea, working capacity, and LVEF in chronic HF patients over a 3 week period in addition to CRT. This pilot study demonstrates proof of principle of an innovative technology which should be confirmed in a larger sample. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT00769678.
A significant proportion of patients experience chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) following inguinal hernia surgery. Psychological models are useful in predicting acute pain after surgery, and in predicting the transition from acute to chronic pain in non-surgical contexts. This is a prospective cohort study to investigate psychological (cognitive and emotional) risk factors for CPSP after inguinal hernia surgery. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires before surgery and 1 week and 4 months after surgery. Data collected before surgery and 1 week after surgery were used to predict pain at 4 months. Psychological risk factors assessed included anxiety, depression, fear-avoidance, activity avoidance, catastrophizing, worry about the operation, activity expectations, perceived pain control and optimism. The study included 135 participants; follow-up questionnaires were returned by 119 (88.1%) and 115 (85.2%) participants at 1 week and 4 months after surgery respectively. The incidence of CPSP (pain at 4 months) was 39.5%. After controlling for age, body mass index and surgical variables (e.g. anaesthetic, type of surgery and mesh type used), lower pre-operative optimism was an independent risk factor for CPSP at 4 months; lower pre-operative optimism and lower perceived control over pain at 1 week after surgery predicted higher pain intensity at 4 months. No emotional variables were independently predictive of CPSP. Further research should target these cognitive variables in pre-operative psychological preparation for surgery. © 2011 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters.
Despite the high incidence of abdominal traumas, traumatic abdominal wall hernias (TAWHs) remain rare probably because of elasticity of the abdominal wall. The TAWH is due to blunt abdominal trauma with disruption of the abdominal wall muscles and fascia with intact overlying skin. TAWH can be classified into high energy injures (generally motor vehicle accidents) and low energy injures (impact on a small blunt object). Common example of the latter type is a fall onto a bicycle handlebar. The mechanism of the trauma includes sudden increase of intra-abdominal pressure and extensive shear forces applied to the abdominal wall. The diagnosis of TAWH is difficult in the Emergency Room because during the primary diagnostic process most attention is directed toward the detection of internal injures and TAWH can be missed. In this article we report a case of TAWH caused by a work accident (an heavy steel tube fallen onto the abdominal wall of the patient from a height of five meters) with delayed diagnosis.
Saprophytic fungi are being increasingly recognized as etiologic agents of mycoses in immunosuppressed patients. We report a case of subcutaneous infiltration by Aureobasidium pullulans, likely due to traumatic inoculation, in a neutropenic patient during chemotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The patient was treated with amphotericin B deoxycholate but was subsequently switched to itraconazole, which improved the lesion. This case highlights the importance of considering unusual fungal infections in critically ill patients such as those who are immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy. Diagnostic techniques and effective antifungal therapy have improved the prognosis of these cases.