84 resultados para Carcinogenicity


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Pursuant to Section 301(b) (4) of the Public Health Service act as amended by Section 262, PL 95-622.


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Arsenic has been classified as a human carcinogen based on epidemiological data however the mechanism of its carcinogenicity is still unclear. Urinary biomarkers for chronic arsenic exposure would be valuable as an early warning indicator for timely interventions. In this study, young female C57BI/6J mice were given drinking water containing 0, 100, 250 and 500 mug As-v/L as sodium arsenate ad libitum for 12 months. Urine was collected bimonthly for urinary arsenic methylation assay and porphyrin analysis. All detectable arsenic species showed strong linear correlation with administered dosage and the arsenic methylation patterns were similar in all three treatment groups. No significant changes of methylation patterns were observed over time for either the control or test groups. Urinary coproporphyrin III was significantly increased in the 8th month in 250 and 500 mug/L groups and remained significantly dose-related after 10 and 12 months. Coproporphyrin I also showed a significant dose-response relationship after 12 months. Our results confirm that urinary arsenic is a useful biomarker for internal dose. The alteration of porphyrin profile suggests that arsenic can affect the heme metabolism and this may occur prior to the onset of arsenic induced carcinogenesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modern toxicology investigates a wide array of both old and new health hazards. Priority setting is needed to select agents for research from the plethora of exposure circumstances. The changing societies and a growing fraction of the aged have to be taken into consideration. A precise exposure assessment is of importance for risk estimation and regulation. Toxicology contributes to the exploration of pathomechanisms to specify the exposure metrics for risk estimation. Combined effects of co-existing agents are not yet sufficiently understood. Animal experiments allow a separate administration of agents which can not be disentangled by epidemiological means, but their value is limited for low exposure levels in many of today's settings. As an experimental science, toxicology has to keep pace with the rapidly growing knowledge about the language of the genome and the changing paradigms in cancer development. During the pioneer era of assembling a working draft of the human genome, toxicogenomics has been developed. Gene and pathway complexity have to be considered when investigating gene-environment interactions. For a best conduct of studies, modem toxicology needs a close liaison with many other disciplines like epidemiology and bioinformatics. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the hypothesis that the chromosomal genotoxicity of inorganic mercury results from interaction(s) with cytoskeletal proteins. Effects of Hg2+ salts on functional activities of tubulin and kinesin were investigated by determining tubulin assembly and kinesin-driven motility in cell-free systems. Hg2+ inhibits microtubule assembly at concentrations above 1 muM, and inhibition is complete at about 10 muM. In this range, the tubulin assembly is fully ( up to 6 muM) or partially (similar to 6 - 10 muM) reversible. The inhibition of tubulin assembly by mercury is independent of the anion, chloride or nitrate. The no-observed-effect-concentration for inhibition of microtubule assembly in vitro was 1 muM Hg2+, the IC50 5.8 muM. Mercury(II) salts at the IC50 concentrations partly inhibiting tubulin assembly did not cause the formation of aberrant microtubule structures. Effects of mercury salts on the functionality of the microtubule motility apparatus were studied with the motor protein kinesin. By using a gliding assay'' mimicking intracellular movement and transport processes in vitro, HgCl2 affected the gliding velocity of paclitaxel-stabilised microtubules in a clear dose-dependent manner. An apparent effect is detected at a concentration of 0.1 muM and a complete inhibition is reached at 1 muM. Cytotoxicity of mercury chloride was studied in V79 cells using neutral red uptake, showing an influence above 17 muM HgCl2. Between 15 and 20 muM HgCl2 there was a steep increase in cell toxicity. Both mercury chloride and mercury nitrate induced micronuclei concentration-dependently, starting at concentrations above 0.01 muM. CREST analyses on micronuclei formation in V79 cells demonstrated both clastogenic (CREST-negative) and aneugenic effects of Hg2+, with some preponderance of aneugenicity. A morphological effect of high Hg2+ concentrations ( 100 muM HgCl2) on the microtubule cytoskeleton was verified in V79 cells by immuno-fluorescence staining. The overall data are consistent with the concept that the chromosomal genotoxicity could be due to interaction of Hg2+ with the motor protein kinesin mediating cellular transport processes. Interactions of Hg2+ with the tubulin shown by in vitro investigations could also partly influence intracellular microtubule functions leading, together with the effects on the kinesin, to an impaired chromosome distribution as shown by the micronucleus test.


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Inorganic arsenic compounds are known carcinogens. The human epidemiologic evidence of arsenic-induced skin, lung, and bladder cancers is strong. However, the evidence of arsenic carcinogenicity in animals is very limited. Lack of a suitable animal model until recent years has inhibited studies of the mechanism of arsenic carcinogenesis. The toxicity and bioavailability of arsenic depend on its solubility and chemical forms. Therefore, it is critical to be able to measure arsenic speciation accurately and reliably. However, speciation of arsenic in more complex matrices remains a real challenge. There are tens of millions of people who are being exposed to excessive levels of arsenic in the drinking water alone. The source of contamination is mainly of natural origin and the mass poisoning is occurring worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Chronic arsenicosis resulting in cancer and non-cancer diseases will impact significantly on the public health systems in their respective countries. Effective watershed management and remediation technologies in addition to medical treatment are urgently needed in order to avoid what has been regarded as the largest calamity of chemical poisoning in the world.


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Hydrophobicity as measured by Log P is an important molecular property related to toxicity and carcinogenicity. With increasing public health concerns for the effects of Disinfection By-Products (DBPs), there are considerable benefits in developing Quantitative Structure and Activity Relationship (QSAR) models capable of accurately predicting Log P. In this research, Log P values of 173 DBP compounds in 6 functional classes were used to develop QSAR models, by applying 3 molecular descriptors, namely, Energy of the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (ELUMO), Number of Chlorine (NCl) and Number of Carbon (NC) by Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis. The QSAR models developed were validated based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) principles. The model Applicability Domain (AD) and mechanistic interpretation were explored. Considering the very complex nature of DBPs, the established QSAR models performed very well with respect to goodness-of-fit, robustness and predictability. The predicted values of Log P of DBPs by the QSAR models were found to be significant with a correlation coefficient R2 from 81% to 98%. The Leverage Approach by Williams Plot was applied to detect and remove outliers, consequently increasing R 2 by approximately 2% to 13% for different DBP classes. The developed QSAR models were statistically validated for their predictive power by the Leave-One-Out (LOO) and Leave-Many-Out (LMO) cross validation methods. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess the variations and inherent uncertainties in the QSAR models of Log P and determine the most influential parameters in connection with Log P prediction. The developed QSAR models in this dissertation will have a broad applicability domain because the research data set covered six out of eight common DBP classes, including halogenated alkane, halogenated alkene, halogenated aromatic, halogenated aldehyde, halogenated ketone, and halogenated carboxylic acid, which have been brought to the attention of regulatory agencies in recent years. Furthermore, the QSAR models are suitable to be used for prediction of similar DBP compounds within the same applicability domain. The selection and integration of various methodologies developed in this research may also benefit future research in similar fields.


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Introduction - Milk is considered a complete food from the nutritional point of view. Milk can be exposed to various types of contamination, such as mycotoxins. These metabolites are naturally occurring toxic compounds produced by fungi. Several studies on milk samples have reported the presence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and M1 (AFM1), due to the high incidence in samples intended for human consumption, carcinogenicity proven AFB1 and resistance of the contaminants to the process of digestion, making those available for intestinal absorption. Considering these aspects, the objective of this study was to evaluate the genotoxicity of milk samples contaminated by AFB1 and AFM1 before and after the action of lactic acid bacteria using Caco-2 intestinal human cells.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.


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Acrylamide (AA) is an undesirable food toxic compound, classified as 'probably carcinogenic to humans' by the International Agency for Research on Cancer due to its toxic effects, including neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity. AA is mainly formed during the heat treatment of foods (> 120 °C) by the Maillard reaction, an essential reaction that also allows the desired levels of shelf-life and sensory properties of various food products to be achieved. Over the years, authorities and regulations have become more restrictive regarding the maximum levels of AA permitted in foods and beverages. The latest Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 contains reference levels and measures to reduce AA in several food groups that contribute to the highest dietary intake, making necessary the study of promising AA mitigation strategies. The aim of this PhD research project was to identify, characterise and optimise some AA mitigation strategies in the most at-risk widely consumed foods such as potato, coffee and bakery products. Some AA control strategies were selected and investigated for each food category, also considering the main quality characteristics of the final products. The comprehensive results obtained during the three years of research activity have allowed a deeper knowledge of the traditional and innovative AA mitigation strategies, which can be extremely useful for both the food industry and international authorities. The most promising strategies studied in terms of reduction of AA while maintaining the main quality characteristics of the examined foods were: the application of pulsed electric fields and yeast immersion as pre-treatments of chips for frying; the selection of high roasting degrees for coffee products; the selection of static baking conditions for biscuits; the optimisation of alternative biscuit’ formulations by both the use of chickpea legume flour and of flour from bean with intact cotyledon cell walls.