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For more than 60 years, Colombia has been suffering an internal conflict, full of a constant violence known today as terrorism. The actual government from President Alvaro Uribe Velez has been developing during his administration, strategies looking for better conditions for those who decide to give away the weapons over the process known as “Reinsercion” or “Reincorporacion” for all the terrorist groups in Colombia. During the investigation, specifically at the work field with the actors from the Reinsercion, through conversations during all the meetings done, where identified the internal and external variables from the surroundings that affected somehow the Reinsercion Process. 85% of the system variables are in the Zone of Conflict, where a big amount of them have some kind of influence over the others, but not all of them are in the zone of the strategic vari ables. This way, there are many front works, important decisions to be taken, awareness on the population to generate, so that all the steps that are to be done toward a solution, reach fruitful results. On the other hand, when analyzing the relation betwe en the actors, the terrorist groups have shown a strong level of convergence from the first moment on the investigation, it could be identify that through the strategic route, this actor confronts the objectives from the other actors of the system. Next, i t will be presented the 4 possible scenarios to happen in the process of Reinsercion in Colombia, and the one with more probability is describe. - Scenario 1: A new Horizon - Scenario 2: Unavoidable Renegotiations - Scenario 3: Everything keeps the same way As the group of experts expressed, this is the scenario with the mayor probability to happen, therefore, as people that have already given up the weapons, perceive the process as a strategy with a lots of difficulties because just a few of the promises that gave the government are really being accomplished. There hasn‟t been a real change in the political structure, and there may be 3 or 4 more governments more and the influence of the narcotrafic could maintain.


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El estudio pretende establecer los lineamientos establecidos por la Corte Constitucional, los fallos y conceptos de la Procuraduría, la sala disciplinaria del Consejo Superior de la Judicatura y la doctrina entre otros, frente a la ilicitud sustancial, como derrotero para endilgar la responsabilida disciplinaria.


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El fin primordial de la Policía es el mantenimiento de las condiciones, necesarias para el ejercicio de los derechos y libertades públicas, y para asegurar que los habitantes de Colombia convivan en paz


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Esta monografía estudia las transformaciones políticas y económicas de lacooperación internacional para Colombia, haciendo un énfasis especial en el periodopresidencial de Álvaro Uribe Vélez.


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El objeto del presente trabajo monográfico es analizar los recientes procesos constituyentes o de reforma electoral sucedidos en Colombia y Venezuela en la década de los noventa, los factores comunes, las circunstancias particulares


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Analizar el papel de la ONU a través de la UNIFEM en la protección de Derechos Humanos de la mujer desplazada colombiana frente a la gestión y efectividad en el cumplimiento de las políticas de gobierno del Presidente Uribe Vélez.


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El proyecto estudia el impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio firmado entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, está enfocado en el sector agropecuario y el efecto que éste pueda tener cuando los productos terminen su proceso de desgravación. La investigación fue descriptiva, documental y correlacional. El TLC fue firmado por Colombia con el fin de beneficiar a los productores y consumidores, reduciendo precios e incrementando la oferta de productos para el consumo interno. Otro argumento usado por Colombia es que un acuerdo de comercio bilateral incrementa los niveles de empleo e ingreso. Sin embargo, las diferencias de administración y estructura del sector agropecuario de los dos países son inmensas, y esto representa una desventaja y riesgo potencial para Colombia en términos de competitividad y desarrollo.


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Colombia suffers from one of the longest civil conflicts in the world, which is believed to have had several consequences on the country’s economic and development performance. This study uses measures of central government deterrence effort as instruments of conflict to estimate the impact of conflict on children’s time allocation to two different types of work: housework and work performed outside the household for poor families living in small municipalities in Colombia. I find that conflict significantly increases the amount of time children allocate to work. Both housework, for girls, and work outside the household, for boys, increase with Guerrilla attacks. However, the later effect is the opposite for Paramilitary attacks.


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In this chapter we provide a summary description of Colombian Competition Policy with an emphasis on the agricultural sector. Key developments and recent changes in institutional arrangements affecting competition policy, as it applies to the agricultural sector, are highlighted. Illustrative case studies are depicted to show the richness and complexity of policy developments and enforcement. Some general conclusions are drawn from this examination.


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The paper analyzes the effects of land reform on social development poverty and land distribution-at the local level. Land reform in Colombia, understood as the allocation of public land to peasant, has granted 23 million hectares which comprises around 20% of Colombian territory and about 50% of usable productive land. Theoretically, the net impact of land reform on development is the combination of a poverty effect and a land distribution effect. Our findings suggest that land reform from 1961 onwards has slightly reduced poverty and mildly improved land distribution. Nonetheless,municipalities with strong presence of latifundia prior to1961 have experienced both a slower drop in poverty and a weaker improvement of land distribution .This paper finds that prevalence of latifundia partially offset the positive effect of land reform in promoting social development.


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El estudio analiza los determinantes de uso y acceso a las tecnologías de información y comunicación en personas de bajos ingresos en pasases como Colombia, México y Perú. El punto central está en analizar las diferencias entre países de acuerdo a diferentes variables socioeconómicas. Se encuentra que la variable que más explica el nivel de acceso digital es la escolaridad. De otro lado no se encuentra una brecha por género sino en Perú. Los resultados también indican que cuando solo se tienen en cuenta las tecnologías más ‘avanzadas’, las diferencias entre la población son más notorias


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Despite a growing body of literature on how environmental degradation can fuel civil war, the reverse effect, namely that of conflict on environmental outcomes, is relatively understudied. From a theoretical point of view this effect is ambiguous, with some forces pointing to pressures for environmental degradation and some pointing in the opposite direction. Hence, the overall effect of conflict on the environment is an empirical question. We study this relationship in the case of Colombia. We combine a detailed satellite-based longitudinal dataset on forest cover across municipalities over the period 1990-2010 with a comprehensive panel of conflict-related violent actions by paramilitary militias. We first provide evidence that paramilitary activity significantly reduces the share of forest cover in a panel specification that includes municipal and time fixed effects. Then we confirm these findings by taking advantage of a quasi-experiment that provides us with an exogenous source of variation for the expansion of the paramilitary. Using the distance to the region of Urab´a, the epicenter of such expansion, we instrument paramilitary activity in each cross-section for which data on forest cover is available. As a falsification exercise, we show that the instrument ceases to be relevant after the paramilitaries largely demobilized following peace negotiations with the government. Further, after the demobilization the deforestation effect of the paramilitaries disappears. We explore a number of potential mechanisms that may explain the conflict-driven deforestation, and show evidence suggesting that paramilitary violence generates large outflows of people in order to secure areas for growing illegal crops, exploit mineral resources, and engage in extensive agriculture. In turn, these activities are associated with deforestation.


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This is a critical review of the empirical literature on the relationship between violence and economic growth in Colombia: an interesting case study for social scientists studying violence, conflict, crime and development. We argue that, despite the rapid development of this literature and the increasing use of new techniques, there is still much room for research. After assessing the contribution of the most influential papers on the subject, we suggest directions for future research.


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El artículo analiza los determinantes de la presencia de hijos no deseados en Colombia. Se utiliza la información de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud (ENDS, 2005), específicamente para las mujeres de 40 años o más. Dadas las características especiales de la variable que se analiza, se utilizan modelos de conteo para verificar si determinadas características socioeconómicas como la educación o el estrato económico explican la presencia de hijos no deseados. Se encuentra que la educación de la mujer y el área de residencia son determinantes significativos de los nacimientos no planeados. Además, la relación negativa entre el número de hijos no deseados y la educación de la mujer arroja implicaciones clave en materia de política social.


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Algunos cambios recientes en la política agrícola en Colombia se han orientado hacia la implementación de medidas de apoyo directo a los productores, con el fin de proteger su ingreso y fomentar una mayor competitividad del sector. No obstante, estimaciones acerca del impacto esperado de este tipo de instrumentos, medido en té rminos de cambios en el valor agregado, indican que este es reducido. Como quiera que la política emplea diferentes instrumentos para el logro de sus objetivos, surge la pregunta de cuál es el grado de dependencia que los resultados esperados presentan respecto a la forma como los recursos son asignados a dichos instrumentos. Este estudio utiliza un modelo de equilibrio general computable para explorar este problema, para un conjunto de tres de los principales instrumentos de política utilizados en la actualidad, en un contexto de corto plazo. Los resultados indican que, en presencia de rigideces de corto plazo y, en particular, de inmovilidad del capital entre actividades productivas, todos los instrumentos de política llevan a la obtención de resultados modestos y que, en un escenario de mediano y largo plazo, el comportamiento de la inversión parece ser crítico para la obtención de impactos más significativos y para el logro de los objetivos de política buscados.