94 resultados para Bolema


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In the 1960s occurred great changes in the general education and, specially in the mathematical teaching, throughout Brazil. Besides the Law Diretrizes e Bases for Education (law 4024/1961), such changes also was occurred by opposite educational movements. In one side, those ones that valorized the popular education and culture and, for the other side, the international agreements between universities and government organs, like SUDENE and MEC, with United States Agency for International Development (USAID). These agreements purposed the cultural alignment. In this article we will expose some of these agreements and their interference in two courses for teachers' education. These teachers taught mathematics for the elementary school, in Rio Grande do Norte.


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The number of papers on History of Mathematics Education presented at EBRAPEM (Brazilian Meeting of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education) has increased significantly between 2003 and 2008. This article presents a study with the aim of identifying themes, periods in focus, and sources and theoretical and methodological references used by the authors of the papers on History of Mathematics Education published in the proceedings of VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII EBRAPEM. The study indicates that the approach of ongoing research in History of Mathematics Education in Brazil has been similar to the approach of research in History of Education in general. However, the institutional separation between these two areas of investigation is noted as a factor rendering communication between both groups of researchers difficult.


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Students' cultural diversity is an important factor to consider in a mathematics education concerned with equity. We argue that the significance of mathematics education is not only given by the understanding of mathematical concepts but also by students' foreground, that is, the students' perception of their future possibilities in life as made apparent to the individual by his/her social-political context. For students in a cultural borderline position, different reasons and intentions for engaging in mathematics learning may be related to the construction of meaning in mathematics. Through inter-viewing Brazilian Indian students' foreground, we illuminate the different types of significance given to mathematics education in their particular situation.


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This paper presents some outcomes from research based on classroom experiences. The main themes are the use of mirrors, kaleidoscopes, dynamic geometry software, and manipulative material considering their possibilities for the teaching and learning of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.


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The paper's aim is to justify the creation of the line of research Mathematics Education and Society in the Graduate Program of Mathematics Education (PPGEM), UNESP (Rio Claro, SP). In a brief history of the constitution of the mathematics education community, the categories culture and society were emphasized. A brief summary of sociology is presented, drawing on classical sociologists and contemporary authors. The group EMsociedade is presented, and its purpose, which is to be part of the PPGEM to establish a space for discussions between students and supervisors from the Graduate Program, elementary and middle school teachers, and others who have interest in the subject. One of the arguments defended by the group is presented: institutionalized mathematical knowledge in the Twentieth Century is a commodity. Finally, some future considerations are outlined, including the expectation that the line of research Mathematics Education and Society will be included in the PPGEM.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents an alternative way of working with the theme of symmetry in the elementary school classroom. The proposal is based on qualitative research developed in the Professional Masters degree program in Science and Mathematics Teaching. We conducted field-work consisting of applying a sequence of activities for students in the seventh grade. The sequence was developed from the perspective of mathematics teaching using problem solving, taking into consideration aspects relevant to the study of geometry, such as intuition and visualization. In carrying out the activities, the dialogues between students and teacher were recorded and later transcribed. For data analysis we used the procedures of phenomenology. When interpreting the data, we observed that the teaching of symmetry using problem-solving enhances learning. We also found that, in an investigative environment, students are able to identify properties, argue about the geometric characteristics, and justify their opinions.


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Desde as primeiras décadas do século XX, foi constatada nos currículos dos cursos de formação de professores a existência de uma disciplina cuja constituição, funcionamento e objetivos têm como pressuposto ensinar a ensinar a matemática. Historicamente, a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática tem aparecido nos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática com distintas denominações. Ao longo dessas mudanças, os pressupostos e as características dessa disciplina foram se modificando. Tomando como metodologia de pesquisa a análise documental e a história oral, e como referencial teórico os estudos de André Chervel (1990), este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o processo histórico de disciplinarização da Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática em cursos de licenciatura em Matemática de instituições públicas de ensino superior do estado de São Paulo (USP, UNICAMP e UNESP-Rio Claro), buscando conhecer a gênese e o desenvolvimento histórico da disciplina, identificando conteúdos e métodos propostos bem como as mudanças pelas quais passou a disciplina.


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In this paper we focus on the application of two mathematical alternative tasks to the teaching and learning of functions with high school students. The tasks were elaborated according to the following methodological approach: (i) Problem Solving and/or mathematics investigation and (ii) a pedagogical proposal, which defends that mathematical knowledge is developed by means of a balance between logic and intuition. We employed a qualitative research approach (characterized as a case study) aimed at analyzing the didactic pedagogical potential of this type of methodology in high school. We found that tasks such as those presented and discussed in this paper provide a more significant learning for the students, allowing a better conceptual understanding, becoming still more powerful when one considers the social-cultural context of the students.


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Statistics is a required course in virtually all undergraduate programs in Brazilian universities. In addition, undergraduate programs in Statistics are offered in many public universities. However, despite the importance of this science, there are no systematic studies in the national literature regarding the characterization of the faculty staff, which is responsible for the teaching of statistics in the country. In this context, this paper presents a description of the faculty members of undergraduate courses in Statistics. This description was based on a descriptive sample, related to aspects of their education and scientific production. A prediction of future demand for PhDs in Statistics to fill the vacancies is also provided based on the retirement of faculty members in undergraduate courses in Statistics in the country.


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O ensino da ciência estatística é obrigatório em praticamente todos os cursos de graduação das universidades brasileiras. Além disso, vários são cursos de Graduação em Estatística, distribuídos pelas várias universidades nacionais. Entretanto, apesar da importância desta ciência, não existem, na literatura nacional, estudos sistemáticos direcionados à caracterização dos docentes responsáveis pelo ensino da ciência estatística no país. Neste contexto, apresentamos, neste artigo, uma descrição de tais docentes, particularmente, no que tange aos cursos de Graduação em Estatística Esta descrição foi realizada por meio de um levantamento amostral descritivo, relacionado aos aspectos de sua formação e produção científica, sendo finalizada com a apresentação da previsão de demanda de Doutores em Estatística necessários para suprir as vagas em aberto a partir das ocorrências das aposentadorias dos docentes das Graduações em Estatística no país.


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Neste artigo focalizamos a aplicação de duas tarefas matemáticas alternativas para o ensino e a aprendizagem de funções, junto a alunos do Ensino Médio. Tais tarefas foram elaboradas levando-se em consideração a seguinte abordagem metodológica: (i) resolução de problemas e/ou investigação matemática e (ii) uma proposta pedagógica que defende o desenvolvimento do conhecimento matemático mediante um equilíbrio entre lógica e intuição. Utilizamos uma abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa (caracterizada como estudo de caso) para analisar o potencial didático-pedagógico deste tipo de metodologia no Ensino Médio. Verificamos que tarefas, tais como as que serão apresentadas e discutidas neste artigo, favorecem uma aprendizagem mais significativa aos alunos, permitindo-lhes maior compreensão conceitual, e tornam-se ainda mais potentes quando se considera o contexto sócio-cultural dos alunos.


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La finalidad de este artículo es precisar algunos de los elementos que organizan un espacio de trabajo efectivo para problemas de lugares geométricos en entornos tecnológicos. Se explora como 52 futuros profesores de matemáticas progresan en su concepción de lugares geométricos a través de la apropiación de las funcionalidades específicas de cada entorno (herramienta), en relación con su propia práctica como estudiantes y su futuro ejercicio profesional. Con base en sistemas de geometría dinámica se comparan tres herramientas, las diferentes representaciones matemáticas de los lugares geométricos generadas por ellas, tanto desde la perspectiva de su dinámica matemática como de sus funcionalidades didácticas. Las funcionalidades didácticas proporcionadas desde el diseñador se han estudiado desde el modelo Espacio de Trabajo Matemático (ETM). Este modelo pone de relieve la necesidad de articular para el trabajo geométrico los niveles epistemológico y cognitivo a través de diferentes génesis de razonamiento (visual-discursiva, instrumental y discursiva).


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La finalidad de este artículo es precisar algunos de los elementos que organizan un espacio de trabajo efectivo para problemas de lugares geométricos en entornos tecnológicos. Se explora como 52 futuros profesores de matemáticas progresan en su concepción de lugares geométricos a través de la apropiación de las funcionalidades específicas de cada entorno (herramienta), en relación con su propia práctica como estudiantes y su futuro ejercicio profesional. Con base en sistemas de geometría dinámica se comparan tres herramientas, las diferentes representaciones matemáticas de los lugares geométricos generadas por ellas, tanto desde la perspectiva de su dinámica matemática como de sus funcionalidades didácticas. Las funcionalidades didácticas proporcionadas desde el diseñador se han estudiado desde el modelo Espacio de Trabajo Matemático (ETM). Este modelo pone de relieve la necesidad de articular para el trabajo geométrico los niveles epistemológico y cognitivo a través de diferentes génesis de razonamiento (visual-discursiva, instrumental y discursiva).