976 resultados para BINARY-MIXTURES


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol (CHOL) are major constituents of mammalian cell membranes. DPPC/CHOL and DPPC/DMPC are well-known binary mixtures. POPC/CHOL, DOPC/CHOL, egg-SM/CHOL, egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC are less studied, but also important for the comprehension of the POPC/egg-SM/CHOL mixtures. These provide complex media for which polarity is hard to access. It is mainly determined by the water penetrating the bilayer (unevenly distributed creating a polarity gradient), though the influence of the dipoles from phospholipids (e.g. –PO, –CO, –OH) and the double bond in the steroid ring of CHOL cannot be neglected. CHOL derivatives are an interesting tool to verify the influence of the double bonds in the polarization of its surroundings. Pyrene fluorescence was used to access an equivalent polarity (associated to the dielectric constant) near the lipid/water interface of lipid bilayers. POPC/CHOL and DOPC/CHOL have similar thermal behavior and variation with CHOL content, though for lower CHOL content the equivalent polarity is higher for the DOPC/CHOL mixtures. The studies with DPPC and DMPC showed that pyrene does not seem to have a marked preference for either ordered or disordered phases. For DPPC/CHOL and egg-SM/CHOL the highlight goes to the behavior of the mixtures at higher CHOL amounts, where there is a substantial change in the thermal behavior and polarity values especially for the egg-SM/CHOL mixture. Egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC show different behavior depending on which phospholipid has a higher molar proportion. The ternary mixtures analyzed do not exhibit significant differences, though there is the indication of the existence of a more ordered environment at lower temperatures and a less ordered environment for higher temperatures. The presence of 7DHC or DCHOL in egg-SM bilayers showed a tendency for the same behavior detected upon mixing higher amounts of CHOL.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Tecnológica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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The structure and flow behaviour of binary mixtures of Pluronic block copolymers P85 and P123 is investigated by small-angle scattering, rheometry and mobility tests. Micelle dimensions are probed by dynamic light scattering. The micelle hydrodynamic radius for the 50/50 mixture is larger than that for either P85 or P123 alone, Clue to the formation of mixed micelles with a higher association number. The phase diagram for 50/50 mixtures contains regions Of Cubic and hexagonal phases similar to those for the parent homopolymers, however the region of stability of the cubic phase is enhanced at low temperature and concentrations above 40 wt%. This is ascribed to favourable packing of the mixed micelles containing core blocks with two different chain lengths, but similar corona chain lengths. The shear flow alignment of face-centred cubic and hexagonal phases is probed by in situ small-angle X-ray or neutron scattering with simultaneous rheology. The hexagonal phase can be aligned using steady shear in a Couette geometry, however the high modulus Cubic phase cannot be aligned well in this way. This requires the application of oscillatory shear or compression. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis, atomistic simulations are performed to investigate hydrophobic solvation and hydrophobic interactions in cosolvent/water binary mixtures. Many cosolvent/water binary mixtures exhibit non-ideal behavior caused by aggregation at the molecular scale level although they are stable and homogenous at the macroscopic scale. Force-field based atomistic simulations provide routes to relate atomistic-scale structure and interactions to thermodynamic solution properties. The predicted solution properties are however sensitive to the parameters used to describe the molecular interactions. In this thesis, a force field for tertiary butanol (TBA) and water mixtures is parameterized by making use of the Kirkwood-Buff theory of solution. The new force field is capable of describing the alcohol-alcohol, water-water and alcohol-water clustering in the solution as well as the solution components’ chemical potential derivatives in agreement with experimental data. With the new force field, the preferential solvation and the solvation thermodynamics of a hydrophobic solute in TBA/water mixtures have been studied. First, methane solvation at various TBA/water concentrations is discussed in terms of solvation free energy-, enthalpy- and entropy- changes, which have been compared to experimental data. We observed that the methane solvation free energy varies smoothly with the alcohol/water composition while the solvation enthalpies and entropies vary nonmonotonically. The latter occurs due to structural solvent reorganization contributions which are not present in the free energy change due to exact enthalpy-entropy compensation. It is therefore concluded that the enthalpy and entropy of solvation provide more detailed information on the reorganization of solvent molecules around the inserted solute. Hydrophobic interactions in binary urea/water mixtures are next discussed. This system is particularly relevant in biology (protein folding/unfolding), however, changes in the hydrophobic interaction induced by urea molecules are not well understood. In this thesis, this interaction has been studied by calculating the free energy (potential of mean force), enthalpy and entropy changes as a function of the solute-solute distance in water and in aqueous urea (6.9 M) solution. In chapter 5, the potential of mean force in both solution systems is analyzed in terms of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. In particular, contributions of solvent reorganization in the enthalpy and entropy changes are studied separately to better understand what are the changes in interactions in the system that contribute to the free energy of association of the nonpolar solutes. We observe that in aqueous urea the association between nonpolar solutes remains thermodynamically favorable (i.e., as it is the case in pure water). This observation contrasts a long-standing belief that clusters of nonpolar molecules dissolve completely in the presence of urea molecules. The consequences of our observations for the stability of proteins in concentrated urea solutions are discussed in the chapter 6 of the thesis.


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Lactose, in particular α-lactose monohydrate, is the most used carrier for inhalation. Its surface and solid-state properties are of paramount importance in determining drug aerosolization performance. However, these properties may be altered by processing, such as micronization, thus affecting the product performance and stability. The present research project focused on the study of the effect of lactose solid-state on the aerosolization performance of drug-carrier mixtures, giving particular attention to the impact of micronization on lactose physico-chemical properties. The formation of a fraction of hygroscopic anhydrous α-lactose, rather than amorphous lactose, as a consequence of the mechanical stress stemming from micronization was evidenced by 1H NMR, XRPD and DSC analyses performed on samples of micronized lactose. The development of a new DVS method capable to identify and quantify different forms of α-lactose (hygroscopic anhydrous, stable anhydrous and amorphous), even simultaneously present in the same sample, confirmed the results obtained with the above-mentioned techniques. The influence of lactose solid-state on drug respirability was then evaluated through the preparation and in vitro aerodynamic assessment of ternary and binary mixtures containing two different drugs. In particular, the use, as carriers, of anhydrous forms of α-lactose in place of the conventional α-lactose monohydrate resulted in significantly improved respirability in the case of salbutamol sulphate and poorer performance in the case of budesonide. In an attempt to rationalize the obtained results, IGC was selected as a tool to investigate possible variations in the surface energy of the studied lactose carriers and APIs. A direct correlation between the total surface free energy of lactose carriers and drug respirability was not found. However, salbutamol sulphate and budesonide exhibited different specific surface free energy, to which the difference in the aerosolization performance may be, at least in part, ascribed.


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The transitions and reactions involved in the thermal processing of binary mixtures of polyethylene and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers with different concentrations of a foaming agent (azodicarbonamide) were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The effect of ZnO as a kicker also was discussed. The temperature at the maximum rate and the heat evolved were measured for all the processes—melting, transitions, and reactions—all the mixtures prepared were measured and compared. Azodicarbonamide decomposed differently depending on the polymeric matrix. These data can be very useful for the plastic processing industry.


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Computer modelling promises to. be an important tool for analysing and predicting interactions between trees within mixed species forest plantations. This study explored the use of an individual-based mechanistic model as a predictive tool for designing mixed species plantations of Australian tropical trees. The 'spatially explicit individually based-forest simulator' (SeXI-FS) modelling system was used to describe the spatial interaction of individual tree crowns within a binary mixed-species experiment. The three-dimensional model was developed and verified with field data from three forest tree species grown in tropical Australia. The model predicted the interactions within monocultures and binary mixtures of Flindersia brayleyana, Eucalyptus pellita and Elaeocarpus grandis, accounting for an average of 42% of the growth variation exhibited by species in different treatments. The model requires only structural dimensions and shade tolerance as species parameters. By modelling interactions in existing tree mixtures, the model predicted both increases and reductions in the growth of mixtures (up to +/- 50% of stem volume at 7 years) compared to monocultures. This modelling approach may be useful for designing mixed tree plantations. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Knowledge of the adsorption behavior of coal-bed gases, mainly under supercritical high-pressure conditions, is important for optimum design of production processes to recover coal-bed methane and to sequester CO2 in coal-beds. Here, we compare the two most rigorous adsorption methods based on the statistical mechanics approach, which are Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, for single and binary mixtures of methane and carbon dioxide in slit-shaped pores ranging from around 0.75 to 7.5 nm in width, for pressure up to 300 bar, and temperature range of 308-348 K, as a preliminary study for the CO2 sequestration problem. For single component adsorption, the isotherms generated by DFT, especially for CO2, do not match well with GCMC calculation, and simulation is subsequently pursued here to investigate the binary mixture adsorption. For binary adsorption, upon increase of pressure, the selectivity of carbon dioxide relative to methane in a binary mixture initially increases to a maximum value, and subsequently drops before attaining a constant value at pressures higher than 300 bar. While the selectivity increases with temperature in the initial pressure-sensitive region, the constant high-pressure value is also temperature independent. Optimum selectivity at any temperature is attained at a pressure of 90-100 bar at low bulk mole fraction of CO2, decreasing to approximately 35 bar at high bulk mole fractions. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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Oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) decorated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have potential applications in bionanotechnology due to their unique property of preventing the nonspecific absorption of protein on the colloidal surface. For colloid-protein mixtures, a previous study (Zhang et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 12229) has shown that the OEG SAM-coated AuNPs become unstable upon addition of proteins (BSA) above a critical concentration, c*. This has been explained as a depletion effect in the two-component system. Adding salt (NaCl) can reduce the value of c*; that is, reduce the stability of the mixture. In the present work, we study the influence of the nature of the added salt on the stability of this two-component colloid-protein system. It is shown that the addition of various salts does not change the stability of either protein or colloid in solution in the experimental conditions of this work, except that sodium sulfate can destabilize the colloidal solutions. In the binary mixtures, however, the stability of colloid-protein mixtures shows significant dependence on the nature of the salt: chaotropic salts (NaSCN, NaClO4, NaNO3, MgCl2) stabilize the system with increasing salt concentration, while kosmotropic salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, NH4Cl) lead to the aggregation of colloids with increasing salt concentration. These observations indicate that the Hofmeister effect can be enhanced in two-component systems; that is, the modification of the colloidal interface by ions changes significantly the effective depletive interaction via proteins. Real time SAXS measurements confirm in all cases that the aggregates are in an amorphous state.


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A modified UNIFAC–VISCO group contribution method was developed for the correlation and prediction of viscosity of ionic liquids as a function of temperature at 0.1 MPa. In this original approach, cations and anions were regarded as peculiar molecular groups. The significance of this approach comes from the ability to calculate the viscosity of mixtures of ionic liquids as well as pure ionic liquids. Binary interaction parameters for selected cations and anions were determined by fitting the experimental viscosity data available in literature for selected ionic liquids. The temperature dependence on the viscosity of the cations and anions were fitted to a Vogel–Fulcher–Tamman behavior. Binary interaction parameters and VFT type fitting parameters were then used to determine the viscosity of pure and mixtures of ionic liquids with different combinations of cations and anions to ensure the validity of the prediction method. Consequently, the viscosities of binary ionic liquid mixtures were then calculated by using this prediction method. In this work, the viscosity data of pure ionic liquids and of binary mixtures of ionic liquids are successfully calculated from 293.15 K to 363.15 K at 0.1 MPa. All calculated viscosity data showed excellent agreement with experimental data with a relative absolute average deviation lower than 1.7%.


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An important aspect of constructing discrete velocity models (DVMs) for the Boltzmann equation is to obtain the right number of collision invariants. It is a well-known fact that DVMs can also have extra collision invariants, so called spurious collision invariants, in plus to the physical ones. A DVM with only physical collision invariants, and so without spurious ones, is called normal. For binary mixtures also the concept of supernormal DVMs was introduced, meaning that in addition to the DVM being normal, the restriction of the DVM to any single species also is normal. Here we introduce generalizations of this concept to DVMs for multicomponent mixtures. We also present some general algorithms for constructing such models and give some concrete examples of such constructions. One of our main results is that for any given number of species, and any given rational mass ratios we can construct a supernormal DVM. The DVMs are constructed in such a way that for half-space problems, as the Milne and Kramers problems, but also nonlinear ones, we obtain similar structures as for the classical discrete Boltzmann equation for one species, and therefore we can apply obtained results for the classical Boltzmann equation.


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This article reports a combined thermodynamic, spectroscopic, and computational study on the interactions and structure of binary mixtures of hydrogenated and fluorinated substances that simultaneously interact through strong hydrogen bonding. Four binary mixtures of hydrogenated and fluorinated alcohols have been studied, namely, (ethanol + 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE)), (ethanol + 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro-1-butanol), (1-butanol (BuOH) + TFE), and (BuOH + 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro-1-butanol). Excess molar volumes and vibrational spectra of all four binary mixtures have been measured as a function of composition at 298 K, and molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The systems display a complex behavior when compared with mixtures of hydrogenated alcohols and mixtures of alkanes and perfluoroalkanes. The combined analysis of the results from different approaches indicates that this results from a balance between preferential hydrogen bonding between the hydrogenated and fluorinated alcohols and the unfavorable dispersion forces between the hydrogenated and fluorinated chains. As the chain length increases, the contribution of dispersion increases and overcomes the contribution of H-bonds. In terms of the liquid structure, the simulations suggest the possibility of segregation between the hydrogenated and fluorinated segments, a hypothesis corroborated by the spectroscopic results. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the infrared spectra reveals that the presence of fluorinated groups induces conformational changes in the hydrogenated chains from the usually preferred all-trans to more globular arrangements involving gauche conformations. Conformational rearrangements at the CCOH dihedral angle upon mixing are also disclosed by the spectra.


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Diatomite, a porous non-metal mineral, was used as support to prepare TiO2/diatomite composites by a modified sol–gel method. The as-prepared composites were calcined at temperatures ranging from 450 to 950 _C. The characterization tests included X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements. The XRD analysis indicated that the binary mixtures of anatase and rutile exist in the composites. The morphology analysis confirmed the TiO2 particles were uniformly immobilized on the surface of diatom with a strong interfacial anchoring strength, which leads to few drain of photocatalytic components during practical applications. In further XPS studies of hybrid catalyst, we found the evidence of the presence of Ti–O–Si bond and increased percentage of surface hydroxyl. In addition, the adsorption capacity and photocatalytic activity of synthesized TiO2/diatomite composites were evaluated by studying the degradation kinetics of aqueous Rhodamine B under UV-light irradiation. The photocatalytic degradation was found to follow pseudo-first order kinetics according to the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model. The preferable removal efficiency was observed in composites by 750 _C calcination, which is attributed to a relatively appropriate anatase/rutile mixing ratio of 90/10.


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The male attractant pheromone of the scarab beetle Holotrichia reynaudi, an agricultural pest native to southern India, was extracted from abdominal glands of females with hexane and analyzed by gas chromatography– mass spectrometry. Field testing of the candidate chemicals, indole, phenol, and anisole, both alone and as binary mixtures, led us to conclude that anisole was the major component of the sex pheromone. Neither male nor female beetles were attracted to indole or phenol on their own. Similarly, when indole and anisole were combined, the attractiveness of the solution did not increase over that obtained with anisole alone. However, combination of phenol and anisole did alter the attractiveness of anisole, with fewer male beetles attracted to the binary mixture than to anisole on its own. The behavior of female beetles was not altered by any of the chemicals tested. Anisole is also the sex pheromone of H. consanguinea, making this the first known example of two melolonthine scarabs sharing the same pheromone.


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Enthalpy changes of the crystal-plastic and plastic-liquid transitions are related to the temperature range of stability of the plastic phase. Thermodynamics of the plastic state of binary mixtures have been examined. Infrared correlation times, τc, and activation energies have been measured for a few molecules in the plastic state. Molecular tumbling times, τt, have also been measured employing ESR spectra of a spin-probe. Plots of log τc(τt) 1/T are continuous through the plastic-liquid transition. Activation energies for molecular motion seem to vary in the same direction as the ΔH of the plastic-crystal transition. Infrared correlation times of solute molecules in binary solutions in the plastic and the liquid states show interesting variations with solute concentration.