922 resultados para Assessment scale
This study aimed to validate the technology at Bed Bath System, in view of bedridden elderly and their caregivers, with a view to transforming the conventional paradigm regarding the practice of bodily hygiene held in bath chairs adapted in long-stay institutions for the elderly. This is an experimental study involving 51 (fifty one) elderly and 17 (seventeen) caregivers of three long-stay institutions for the elderly of the city of João Pessoa. For data collection, applied initially to cognitive assessment scale Mini Mental State Examination, with the aim of tracking the subject group of elderly cognitively able to participate in the study. In the second phase, to measure the percentage of agreement and disagreement about the attributes of the subjects of the shower chair and adapted the system for bed bath, used a questionnaire with closed questions, Likert scale model of four (4) points, with a good reliability index (0.728), estimated by alpha conbrach, evidenced by the Wilcoxon test a significant difference (P<0.05) between the responses of seniors and caregivers about the attributes involving technology system in bath bed and bath chair adapted, confirming the perspective of the subjects that the two systems differ significantly. However, the system bed bath got greater degree of agreement for their use, characterizing this system is a technology that makes the differential bed bath pleasurable action, quality and humanized
In recent years, much has been discussed about global climate changes (GCCs), popularly known as global warming. The scientific evidences point out to the influence of human actions for its drastic intensification. Therefore, studies of the psychological aspects involved become relevant. This study aimed at the investigation of the views of adolescents concerning GCCs, and the possible relations between those views and their pro-ecological commitment. Such commitment is measured by willingness for engagement in pro-environmental behaviors; environmentalism attitudes, like ecocentric and anthropocentric; consideration of future consequences; and ecological worldviews. Participants were 348 adolescents who answered a questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic data, open questions about the practice of environmental care, and about GCCs, and the scales of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, the Consideration of Future Consequences and the Ecological Worldviews assessment scale. From the inter-relationships between variables, procedures carried out by means of descriptive and correlacional statistics, it was observed that 55% of teenagers said that they did not engage in actions of environmental care, which was associated with apathyanthropocentric, immediatism, and individualism. The consideration of future consequences joined the practice of environmental care, corroborating evidence from the literature. It was evident that views concerning GCCs were superficial; adolescents perceive it as a generic environmental problem, and are confused with other problems such as pollution. This study found no association between views about GCCs and the indicators of pro-ecological commitment, perhaps due to the conceptual confusion about the subject. However, the lack of environmental care actions and other indicators of non-commitment (apathy-anthropocentric, individualism and immediatism) were associated with conceptually poor or incomplete responses (with no indication of cause, consequence or responsibility for the problem), demonstrating diminished knowledge and the failure to consider these issues
Learning strategies can be understood as a planned sequence of procedures or activities, selected in order to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of information. Although important to the learning process, the knowledge on these strategies is still insufficient, especially with regard to students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize learning strategies used by blind and sighted students, registered in elementary education in schools and special institutions. Were participants 23 teachers, male and female, aged between 26 and 51 years, and 102 students, of whom 25 were blind and 77 seers, of both genders, registered on the 3rd to the 9th grade of elementary school, aged 7 to 16 years old. The instruments used were: field diary (students and teachers); structured questionnaire (teachers); sociodemographic questionnaire, interview and Assessment Scale of Learning Strategies for Elementary School (students). Initially were made observations in the classroom and the teachers received the questionnaires, with instructions for completion. Then were made the interviews with blind students and the scale was administered with these and with the seers. All instruments were administered individually. We conducted content analysis of the questionnaires with teachers and the interviews with blind students. The scale of strategies and sociodemographic questionnaire were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was noticed that the blind students use few learning strategies in the classroom, regardless of city, series, sex or age. It was found that teachers didn t receive training to deal with blind students, either during graduation or after have completed it, in such a way that few of them were able to inform about the learning strategies the students use, and demonstrated low ability to deal with these inefficiencies. It was also found that the blind and the sighted use cognitive and metacognitive strategies during learning, but those used by the blind seem to be more basic, low complexity, given that the seers have achieved higher scores on all subscales. We conclude that the repertoire of learning strategies for blind students is inflexible, requiring increments so that they can achieve significant results. It is important that teachers receive training to understand the learning strategies and how they positively influence learning
The Psychiatric Reform has brought profound changes in assistance to people affected by mental disorders and behavior. In this context, mental health workers have played decisive roles of great impact, acting driving the process. Objective: To evaluate the impact felt by working professionals, because of the daily work with people who have psychiatric disorders. Methodology: This is a search field, a quantitative approach, sectional, descriptive and applied. Data collection occurred through the Assessment Scale Impact of Working in Mental Health Services (IMPACT-BR) applied to mental health researchers city Mossoró - RN. Results: Participants in this study 87 professionals, mostly female married, which took charge of higher education, working on a single service, working in the area for more than six years, aged between 25 and 64 years. There were a low effect of overloading the professionals surveyed. Discussion: Our results corroborate findings in other surveys conducted previously, not identifying large impact load at work among professionals of mental health teams studied. Subscales studied the highest score was observed in measuring the impact of work on team functioning. It was observed that the greater age and duration of action, reduced the emotional impact at work, suggesting that the experience enhances safety in decisions made and the possibility of greater control over the demands of work. Final Thoughts: The work presented showed that the interactive relationships between professionals and users are not the causes of greatest impact in the workplace, although it revealed overload in relation to specific aspects such as: fear of being assaulted by a patient and the feeling of physical exhaustion the end of the workday. Further investigations should be conducted on this topic in order to contribute to the implementation of psychiatric reform proposed by advances both in terms of assistance to individuals and the quality of life in the work of the professionals involved
OBJETIVO: avaliar as medidas de atividade e critérios de melhora clínica para o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) e dermatomiosite juvenil (DMJ), desenvolvidos por meio de consenso entre especialistas. MÉTODOS E RESULTADOS: para o LESJ, as medidas essenciais em cinco domínios e as respectivas variáveis foram: 1) avaliação global pelo médico por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 2) avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (índice Físico - CHQ-PF50); 3) avaliação da atividade pelos pais/paciente por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 4) avaliação renal (proteinúria 24 h); e 5) avaliação global da atividade por instrumento específico (SLEDAI ou ECLAM). A definição preliminar de melhora clínica para o JSLE foi: melhora > 50% em pelo menos 2 das 5 variáveis e não mais que uma com piora > 30%, a qual não pode ser a proteinúria de 24h em casos com envolvimento renal. Os seis domínios e as respectivas variáveis selecionadas para a atividade na DMJ foram: 1) avaliação global pelo médico por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 2) avaliação da força muscular proximal por meio de teste específico - CMAS-Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale 0-52; 3) avaliação da capacidade funcional (CHAQ); 4) avaliação da atividade pelos pais/paciente por escala analógica visual de 0-10 cm; 5) avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (Índice Físico - CHQ-PF50); 6) avaliação global da atividade por meio de instrumento específico (DAS - Disease Activity Score). A definição preliminar de melhora clínica para a DMJ foi: pelo menos 3 de quaisquer das 6 variáveis com melhora > 20% e não mais que uma com piora > 30%, a qual não pode ser o CMAS. CONCLUSÕES: estas variáveis foram testadas em uma casuística representativa e mostraram propriedades estatísticas adequadas de responsividade e validade discriminativa, podendo ser estudadas em ensaios terapêuticos.
Os procedimentos invasivos recorrentes no tratamento do câncer na criança têm-se mostrado o momento de maior sofrimento tanto para o paciente quanto para o cuidador. Durante estes procedimentos, como no caso da punção venosa, grande parte das crianças apresenta reações caracterizadas como distresse comportamental. Intervenções comportamentais têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de diminuir este distresse, podendo utilizar como agentes os próprios cuidadores das crianças. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos de instrução e de treino parental sobre comportamentos observados em cuidadores e em crianças com diagnóstico de câncer durante procedimento de punção venosa em ambulatório. Foram selecionados nove cuidadores de crianças em tratamento quimioterápico em um hospital especializado em Belém-PA. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados: Roteiro de entrevista, Questionário Sociodemográfico, Instrumento de Avaliação das Relações Familiares (Parental Bonding Instrument [PBI]), Child Behavior Checklist (CBLC), Protocolo de observação direta dos comportamentos da criança e do cuidador, Escala de Avaliação Comportamental, Manual de orientação para cuidadores sobre punção venosa em crianças e Protocolo de treino parental. Os participantes foram submetidos a uma dentre três condições: (1) Rotina, (2) Manual de Orientação ou (3) Treino Parental. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista e de quatro sessões de observação direta do comportamento. Os comportamentos das crianças foram classificados como concorrentes e não concorrentes. Os comportamentos dos cuidadores foram classificados como monitoria positiva, monitoria negativa e negligência. Os resultados sugerem que, na Condição Rotina, os participantes (cuidadores) não variaram seus comportamentos ao longo das sessões, com dois participantes mantendo alta frequência de comportamentos negligentes e um participante mantendo monitoria positiva. Na Condição Manual, observou-se mudança de comportamento em dois cuidadores como efeito imediato à utilização do manual, mas não em longo prazo. Na Condição 3, na qual os cuidadores foram submetidos ao Protocolo de treino parental, observou-se aumento na frequência de monitoria positiva em curto e longo prazo. Com relação às crianças, os resultados indicaram maior frequência de comportamentos não concorrentes, independente da condição a que o cuidador foi submetido. A maioria dos cuidadores foi classificada no PBI com estilo parental permissivo, confirmando a literatura sobre cuidadores de crianças com doenças crônicas. Ocorreram relatos de generalização das habilidades treinadas para contextos fora do hospital. Conclui-se que o uso do manual aumentou a aquisição de conhecimentos sobre punção venosa mas não foi suficiente para a manutenção de mudança de comportamentos. Por outro lado, o uso de treino parental mostrou-se eficaz na mudança de comportamentos (a longo prazo), assim como no desenvolvimento de novas habilidades sociais. Discute-se a importância do estilo parental como fator de proteção à criança com câncer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study evaluated the impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on clinical, cognitive, and social performance in women suffering with postpartum depression. Methods: Fourteen patients were randomized to receive 20 sessions of sham rTMS or active 5 Hz rTMS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Psychiatric clinical scales and a neuropsychological battery were applied at baseline (pretreatment), week 4 (end of treatment), and week 6 (follow-up, posttreatment week 2). Results: The active rTMS group showed significant improvement 2 weeks after the end of rTMS treatment (week 6) in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (P = 0.020), Global Assessment Scale (P = 0.037), Clinical Global Impression (P = 0.047), and Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report-Work at Home (P = 0.020). Conclusion: This study suggests that rTMS has the potential to improve the clinical condition in postpartum depression, while producing marginal gains in social and cognitive function.
Objective. To investigate the effects of a supervised exercise training program on health parameters, physical capacity, and health-related quality of life in patients with mild and chronic juvenile dermatomyositis (DM). Methods. This was a prospective longitudinal study following 10 children with mild and chronic juvenile DM (disease duration >1 year). The exercise program consisted of twice-a-week aerobic and resistance training. At baseline and after the 12-week intervention, we assessed muscle strength and function, aerobic conditioning, body composition, juvenile DM scores, and health-related quality of life. Results. Child self-report and parent proxy-report Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory scores were improved after the intervention (-40.3%; P = 0.001 and -48.2%; P = 0.049, respectively). Importantly, after exercise, the Disease Activity Score was reduced (-26.9%; P = 0.026) and the Childhood Muscle Assessment Scale was improved (+2.5%; P = 0.009), whereas the Manual Muscle Test presented a trend toward statistical significance (+2.2%; P = 0.081). The peak oxygen consumption and time-to-exhaustion were increased by 13.3% (P = 0.001) and 18.2% (P = 0.003), respectively, whereas resting heart rate was decreased by 14.7% (P = 0.006), indicating important cardiovascular adaptations to the exercise program. Upper and lower extremity muscle strength and muscle function were also significantly improved after the exercise training (P < 0.05). Both the whole-body and the lumbar spine bone mineral apparent density were significantly increased after training (1.44%; P = 0.044 and 2.85%; P = 0.008, respectively). Conclusion. We showed for the first time that a 12-week supervised exercise program is safe and can improve muscle strength and function, aerobic conditioning, bone mass, disease activity, and health-related quality of life in patients with active and nonactive mild and chronic juvenile DM with near normal physical function and quality of life.
In published studies, it has been suggested that dental wear is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This systematic review was carried out to evaluate the association of GERD, dental erosion, and halitosis and to compare the indices adopted in epidemiological surveys. The Medline database (until October, 2011) was searched systematically to identify studies evaluating the prevalence of oral alterations, such as dental erosion and halitosis, in patients with GERD symptoms. Two reviewers analyzed all reports and the selected studies were evaluated according to the quality of evidence, using the validated Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. Full-text copies of a total of 32 publications were obtained in duplicate. Sixteen publications were identified among the citations in the Bibliographic lists of studies that fulfilled the exclusion/inclusion criteria and quality of evidence. The relationship between dental erosion and GERD patients was significant in only seven studies. According to three studies, halitosis could be one of several extraesophageal symptoms or manifestations in GERD patients. In one study, it was found that the mucosa of GERD patients was significantly more acidic in comparison with that of the control group. This systematic review showed that there is a relationship between GERD and oral diseases (dental erosion and halitosis). The epidemiological surveys used different indices to analyze GERD and dental erosion. Further research could investigate the best method for assessing the two diseases.
CONTEXTO: O falar em público é o medo mais prevalente na população geral e no Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS). Assim sendo, estudos que dimensionem essa situação específica são necessários. OBJETIVOS: Validar a Self Statements during Public Speaking (SSPS) em amostra da população geral de estudantes universitários (PG - n = 2.314), casos (C - n = 88) e não casos de TAS (NC - n = 90) do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Conduziu-se o estudo em duas fases: a) preenchimento dos questionários autoaplicados em sala de aula; b) participação em entrevista telefônica e ao vivo. RESULTADOS: Evidenciaram-se correlações baixas/moderadas entre SSPS e Inventário de Fobia Social (PG = 0,22-0,65; C = 0,28-0,32; NC = 0,21-0,30), Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (PG = 0,18-0,53; C = 0,25-0,33; NC = 0,22-0,25) e Escala Breve de Fobia Social (C = não significativa, NC = 0,23-0,31) nas diferentes amostras, especialmente para a PG. A análise fatorial apontou a presença de dois fatores, associados à autoavaliação positiva e negativa. O estudo da validade discriminativa evidenciou a capacidade da SSPS de discriminar os casos dos não casos de TAS. CONCLUSÃO: A SSPS é adequada para uso no contexto brasileiro, sendo que a subescala autoavaliação positiva parece ser mais efetiva para a avaliação de amostras identificadas ou suspeitas de TAS e a subescala autoavaliação negativa ter uma característica mais rastreadora quando aplicada em amostras da população geral.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the biochemical properties, histological and immunohistochemical appearance, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of reparative cartilage after autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). METHODS: Six patients (mean age 20.2 +/- 8.8 years; 13-35 years) who underwent ACI for full-thickness cartilage defects of the femoral condyle were studied. One year after the procedure, a second-look arthroscopic operation was performed with biopsy of reparative tissue. The International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) visual histological assessment scale was used for histological assessment. Biopsied tissue was immunohistochemically analyzed with the use of monoclonal antihuman collagen type I and monoclonal antihuman collagen type II primary antibodies. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentrations in biopsied reparative cartilage samples were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). MR imaging was performed with T1- and T2-weighted imaging and three-dimensional spoiled gradient-recalled (3D-SPGR) MR imaging. RESULTS: Four tissue samples were graded as having a mixed morphology of hyaline and fibrocartilage while the other two were graded as fibrocartilage. Average ICRS scores for each criterion were (I) 1.0 +/- 1.5; (II) 1.7 +/- 0.5; (III) 0.6 +/- 1.0; (IV) 3.0 +/- 0.0; (V) 1.8 +/- 1.5; and (VI) 2.5 +/- 1.2. Average total score was 10.7 +/- 2.8. On immunohistochemical analysis, the matrix from deep and middle layers of reparative cartilage stained positive for type II collagen; however, the surface layer did not stain well. The average GAG concentration in reparative cartilage was 76.6 +/- 4.2 microg/mg whereas that in normal cartilage was 108 +/- 11.2 microg/mg. Common complications observed on 3D-SPGR MR imaging were hypertrophy of grafted periosteum, edema-like signal in bone marrow, and incomplete repair of subchondral bone at the surgical site. Clinically, patients had significant improvements in Lysholm scores. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of a good clinical course, reparative cartilage after ACI had less GAG concentration and was inferior to healthy hyaline cartilage in histological and immunohistochemical appearance and on MRI findings.
Fluctuations in consciousness and visual hallucinations are common neuropsychiatric features of dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease dementia. To investigate potential neural correlates, we compared how changes in brain perfusion over a 1-year period were related to changes in the severity of these key clinical features. We recruited 29 subjects with either Parkinson's disease with dementia (15 subjects) or dementia with Lewy bodies (14 subjects). Cerebral perfusion was measured using HMPAO SPECT at baseline, and repeated 1 year later. The presence of hallucinations (Neuropsychiatric Inventory), severity of fluctuations in consciousness (fluctuation assessment scale) and cognitive ability (CAMCOG) were assessed at both time points. After controlling for changes in cognitive ability and effect of cholinesterase medication, we found a significant correlation between an increase in perfusion in midline posterior cingulate and decrease in hallucination severity. There was also a significant correlation between increased fluctuations of consciousness and increased thalamic and decreased inferior occipital perfusion. We have identified important neural correlates of key clinical features in Lewy body dementia and postulate that the associations can be understood through the influence of the cholinergic system on attention.
BACKGROUND This review is an update of the first Cochrane publication on selenium for preventing cancer (Dennert 2011).Selenium is a metalloid with both nutritional and toxicological properties. Higher selenium exposure and selenium supplements have been suggested to protect against several types of cancers. OBJECTIVES Two research questions were addressed in this review: What is the evidence for:1. an aetiological relation between selenium exposure and cancer risk in humans? and2. the efficacy of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in humans? SEARCH METHODS We conducted electronic searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, 2013, Issue 1), MEDLINE (Ovid, 1966 to February 2013 week 1), EMBASE (1980 to 2013 week 6), CancerLit (February 2004) and CCMed (February 2011). As MEDLINE now includes the journals indexed in CancerLit, no further searches were conducted in this database after 2004. SELECTION CRITERIA We included prospective observational studies (cohort studies including sub-cohort controlled studies and nested case-control studies) and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with healthy adult participants (18 years of age and older). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS For observational studies, we conducted random effects meta-analyses when five or more studies were retrieved for a specific outcome. For RCTs, we performed random effects meta-analyses when two or more studies were available. The risk of bias in observational studies was assessed using forms adapted from the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale for cohort and case-control studies; the criteria specified in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions were used to evaluate the risk of bias in RCTs. MAIN RESULTS We included 55 prospective observational studies (including more than 1,100,000 participants) and eight RCTs (with a total of 44,743 participants). For the observational studies, we found lower cancer incidence (summary odds ratio (OR) 0.69, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.53 to 0.91, N = 8) and cancer mortality (OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.93, N = 6) associated with higher selenium exposure. Gender-specific subgroup analysis provided no clear evidence of different effects in men and women (P value 0.47), although cancer incidence was lower in men (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.05, N = 6) than in women (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.45 to 1.77, N = 2). The most pronounced decreases in risk of site-specific cancers were seen for stomach, bladder and prostate cancers. However, these findings have limitations due to study design, quality and heterogeneity that complicate interpretation of the summary statistics. Some studies suggested that genetic factors may modify the relation between selenium and cancer risk-a hypothesis that deserves further investigation.In RCTs, we found no clear evidence that selenium supplementation reduced the risk of any cancer (risk ratio (RR) 0.90, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.17, two studies, N = 4765) or cancer-related mortality (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.32, two studies, N = 18,698), and this finding was confirmed when the analysis was restricted to studies with low risk of bias. The effect on prostate cancer was imprecise (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.14, four studies, N = 19,110), and when the analysis was limited to trials with low risk of bias, the interventions showed no effect (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.14, three studies, N = 18,183). The risk of non-melanoma skin cancer was increased (RR 1.44, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.17, three studies, N = 1900). Results of two trials-the Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Trial (NPCT) and the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Trial (SELECT)-also raised concerns about possible increased risk of type 2 diabetes, alopecia and dermatitis due to selenium supplements. An early hypothesis generated by NPCT that individuals with the lowest blood selenium levels at baseline could reduce their risk of cancer, particularly of prostate cancer, by increasing selenium intake has not been confirmed by subsequent trials. As the RCT participants were overwhelmingly male (94%), gender differences could not be systematically assessed. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS Although an inverse association between selenium exposure and the risk of some types of cancer was found in some observational studies, this cannot be taken as evidence of a causal relation, and these results should be interpreted with caution. These studies have many limitations, including issues with assessment of exposure to selenium and to its various chemical forms, heterogeneity, confounding and other biases. Conflicting results including inverse, null and direct associations have been reported for some cancer types.RCTs assessing the effects of selenium supplementation on cancer risk have yielded inconsistent results, although the most recent studies, characterised by a low risk of bias, found no beneficial effect on cancer risk, more specifically on risk of prostate cancer, as well as little evidence of any influence of baseline selenium status. Rather, some trials suggest harmful effects of selenium exposure. To date, no convincing evidence suggests that selenium supplements can prevent cancer in humans.