959 resultados para Asian Financial Crises
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira
Mestrado em Auditoria
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
A concretização do presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar se existe uma relação entre governação das sociedades e o desempenho da sociedade. Através de vários contributos teóricos e tendo por base inúmeros autores que escrevem sobre a matéria em questão, procedeu-se à revisão da literatura, onde foram abordados os conceitos, origens, marcos históricos e evolução em Portugal do tema governação das sociedades. Verificou - se o que vários autores escreveram sobre o relacionamento da governação das socidades e o desempenho da orgnização. Em termos de estudo, a amostra utilizada, foram as sociedades integrantes do PSI20, foram analisados os relatórios de gestão (que icluiam as demonstrações financeiras e relatórios de governo das sociedades) das sociedades integrantes da amostra, os setores de actividade onde as sociedades atuam, e os valores médios das demonstrações financeirase indicadores de sintese de cada sector de actividade. Por fim foram ainda verificados os relatórios anuais da CMVM sobre governo das sociedades cotadas para extrair os dados que necessitavamos para validar as asserções construidas. O horizonte temporal do estudo foi de 6 anos nomeadamente de 2007 a 2012 . O estudo pretendia verificar as asserções que construimos como modelo de análise seriam verdadeiras, e assim demonstrar que existia uma relação entre governação das sociedades e o desempenho alcançado pela sociedade. Esta relação foi validada em 40%. Sugerimos que no futuro se deveria tentar efectuar este estudo, recorrendo a métricas como o EVA ou Resultado Residual, num horizonte temporal diferente, pois os valores alcançados devem-se à grave crise financeira que se fazia sentir em Portugal no periodo em análise.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa
This paper evaluates the forward premium puzzle using the Euro exchange rate. Unlike previous studies, our analysis utilizes time-varying parameter methods and is based on two approaches for evaluation of the puzzle; the traditional approach analyzing the sensitivity of interest rate differentials to the forward premium, and the other looking into deviations from the covered interest rate parity (CIRP) condition. Then we provide evidence that the forward premium puzzle indeed became more prominent around the time of the recent crisis periods such as the Lehman Shock and the Euro crisis. This is also shown to be consistent with a deterioration in the CIRP.
We study the asymmetric and dynamic dependence between financial assets and demonstrate, from the perspective of risk management, the economic significance of dynamic copula models. First, we construct stock and currency portfolios sorted on different characteristics (ex ante beta, coskewness, cokurtosis and order flows), and find substantial evidence of dynamic evolution between the high beta (respectively, coskewness, cokurtosis and order flow) portfolios and the low beta (coskewness, cokurtosis and order flow) portfolios. Second, using three different dependence measures, we show the presence of asymmetric dependence between these characteristic-sorted portfolios. Third, we use a dynamic copula framework based on Creal et al. (2013) and Patton (2012) to forecast the portfolio Value-at-Risk of long-short (high minus low) equity and FX portfolios. We use several widely used univariate and multivariate VaR models for the purpose of comparison. Backtesting our methodology, we find that the asymmetric dynamic copula models provide more accurate forecasts, in general, and, in particular, perform much better during the recent financial crises, indicating the economic significance of incorporating dynamic and asymmetric dependence in risk management.
We develop a coordination game to model interactions betweenfundamentals and liquidity during unstable periods in financial markets.We then propose a flexible econometric framework for estimationof the model and analysis of its quantitative implications. The specificempirical application is carry trades in the yen dollar market, includingthe turmoil of 1998. We find a generally very deep market, withlow information disparities amongst agents. We observe occasionallyepisodes of market fragility, or turmoil with up by the escalator, downby the elevator patterns in prices. The key role of strategic behaviorin the econometric model is also confirmed.
One plausible mechanism through which financial market shocks may propagate across countriesis through the impact that past gains and losses may have on investors risk aversion and behavior. This paper presents a stylized model illustrating how heterogeneous changes in investors risk aversion affect portfolio allocation decisions and stock prices. Our empirical findings suggest that when funds returns are below average, they adjust their holdings toward the average (or benchmark) portfolio. In so doing, funds tend to sell the assets of countries in which they were overweight , increasing their exposure to countries in which they were underweight. Based on this insight, the paper constructs an index of financial interdependence which reflects the extent to which countries share overexposed funds. The index helps in explain the pattern of stock market comovement across countries. Moreover, a comparison of this interdependence measure to indices of trade or commercial bank linkages indicates that our index can improve predictions about which countries are more likely to be affected by contagion from crisis centers.
This paper presents a stylized model of international trade and asset price bubbles. Its central insight is that bubbles tend to appear and expand in countries where productivity is low relative to the rest of the world. These bubbles absorb local savings, eliminating inefficient investments and liberating resources that are in part used to invest in high productivity countries. Through this channel, bubbles act as a substitute for international capital flows, improving the international allocation of investment and reducing rate-of-return differentials across countries. This view of asset price bubbles could eventually provide a simple account of some real world phenomenae that have been difficult to model before, such as the recurrence and depth of financial crises or their puzzling tendency to propagate across countries.
The current crisis has swept aside not only the whole of the US investment banking industry butalso the consensual perception of banking risks, contagion and their implication for bankingregulation. As everyone agrees now, risks where mispriced, they accumulated in neuralgic pointsof the financial system, and where amplified by procyclical regulation as well as by the instabilityand fragility of financial institutions.The use of ratings as carved in stone and lack of adequate procedure to swiftly deal withsystemic institutions bankruptcy (whether too-big-to-fail, too complex to fail or too-many to fail).The current paper will not deal with the description and analysis of the crisis, already covered inother contributions to this issue will address the critical choice regulatory authorities will face. Inthe future regulation has to change, but it is not clear that it will change in the right direction. Thismay occur if regulatory authorities, possibly influenced by public opinion and political pressure,adopt an incorrect view of financial crisis prevention and management. Indeed, there are twoapproaches to post-crisis regulation. One is the rare event approach, whereby financial crises willoccur infrequently, but are inescapable.
L'increment del nombre de llocs de treball no pot estar només associat a fer-ne aparèixer de nous basant-nos en les noves empreses derivades dels resultats de la recerca. Crear petites empreses basades en productes de les TIC o de disseny de molècules, per citar-ne dos jaciments típics, està molt bé, però des de qualsevol punt de vista, no permetria una disminució substancial del nombre de desocupats. Amb prou feines servirien per donar sortida als joves que surten d'escoles i universitats, més ben formats que una gran proporció dels desocupats
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli analysoida Basel III -vakavaraisuuskehikon tuomia muutoksia ja niiden vaikutusta yksittäiseen investointipankkiin ja sen luottoriskin hallintaan. Tarkoituksena oli syventyä aiheeseen tarkastelemalla luottoriskin asemaa ja elementtejä, sekä pohtia Basel III -kehikon tuomia muutoksia Basel II -säännöstöön nähden. Empiirisessä osiossa tapaustutkimuksen aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua ja kohdeyrityksenä Evli Pankki Oyj:tä. Basel III -vakavaraisuuskehikon tarkoitus on vahvistaa pankkeja ja korjata sääntelyn puutteita, jotka tulivat esille finanssikriisissä 2007–2009. Luottoriski on pankkitoiminnan merkittävin riski ja sen hallinta on olennainen osa Basel III -kehikkoa. Basel III -säännöstön myötä pankeilla on oltava enemmän omia varoja suhteessa niiden riskipainotettuihin saamisiin. Lisäksi pankeille asetetaan uusia pääomapuskuri- ja maksuvalmiusvaatimuksia, sekä pankkien velkaantumista rajoitetaan uudella vähimmäisomavaraisuusasteella. Basel III -kehikon vaikutukset kohdeyritykseen jäävät vähäisiksi, koska kohdeyrityksen vakavaraisuus ja likviditeetti ovat erittäin hyvällä tasolla. Suurimmat vaikutukset kohdeyritykseen aiheutuvat maksuvalmiusvaatimuksesta (LCR) ja pysyvän varainhankinnan vaatimuksesta (NSFR).
Saharan eteläpuolinen Afrikka on kokenut monia talouskriisejä. Kuitenkin ne talouskriisit, jotka eivät lähde tai pääosin koske Saharan eteläpuolista Afrikkaa, voivat tarjota sille tilaisuuksia. SSA ei yleisen käsityksen mukaan osallistu täysipainoisesti maailmankauppaan, joten se ei välttämättä kykene tarttumaan kaikkiin tilaisuuksiinsa.
This article has the gold of summarize the institutional modifications of the US housing finance system between the 60's and the end of the 90's. Those changes narrowed the bonds between this segment of the credit market and the securitized financial markets, encouraging the foundation and diffusion of financial innovations that are in the core of the current financial crises.