161 resultados para Antidiabetic
Les kinases régulées par les signaux extracellulaires (ERK1/2) régulent une multitude de processus cellulaires, incluant la prolifération, la survie et la différenciation. Ces kinases représentent l’élément terminal de la voie ERK/MAPK, laquelle est activée dans près de 30% de tous les cancers humains et donc généralement perçue comme étant un effecteur critique de la progression tumorale. Cependant, une accumulation d’observations suggèrent que les kinases ERK pourraient également induire la suppression tumorale. Le but premier de cette thèse est de démontrer comment la signalisation par ERK peut contribuer à la suppression tumorale et de concilier les mécanismes impliqués avec son rôle dans la progression du cancer. Puisque nos travaux ont une incidence sur les bénéfices attendus de certaines thérapies actuellement en développement, le deuxième objectif de la thèse est de proposer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour combattre le cancer. Nous avons démontré qu’une hyperactivation des kinases ERK induit la sénescence cellulaire. Le mécanisme implique la dégradation sélective et dépendante du protéasome de nombreuses protéines, ce que nous avons nommé le SAPD (Senescence-Associated Protein Degradation). Ce processus cible des protéines requises pour différentes fonctions cellulaires, incluant la progression du cycle cellulaire, les fonctions mitochondriales et la biogenèse des ribosomes. Ensuite, nos résultats montrent qu’en plus d’inhiber l’établissement de la sénescence, une diminution de la signalisation par les kinases ERK favorise la reprogrammation cellulaire, laquelle permet aux cellules précancéreuses de développer leur tumorigénicité et aux cellules cancéreuses d’acquérir des propriétés attribuables aux cellules souches. Ces observations suggèrent que les mécanismes qui inhibent la voie ERK/MAPK pourraient favoriser l’initiation du cancer, la formation de métastases et la résistance à diverses thérapies. Enfin, nous avons démontré que la metformine, utilisée pour le traitement du diabète, inhibe le facteur de transcription NF-kB. Ce dernier joue un rôle central dans la reprogrammation cellulaire et dans la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires nocives par les cellules sénescentes. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que la metformine pourrait être utilisée en combinaison avec certaines thérapies afin d’éviter les effets secondaires tant d’une inhibition des kinases ERK que d’une hyperactivation. Globalement, les résultats présentés démontrent que l’effet de la voie ERK/MAPK dépend de la force de son activation. Alors qu’une activation modérée peut contribuer à la prolifération de la plupart des cellules, une forte activation induit la sénescence tandis qu’au contraire, une faible activation favorise la reprogrammation des cellules cancéreuses et donc une augmentation de l’agressivité de la tumeur. Cette polyvalence de la voie suggère une certaine prudence face à l’usage des inhibiteurs de la voie ERK/MAPK. Cependant, elle nous motive à travailler au développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, lesquelles pourraient inclure la metformine.
Alloxan induced animal model was used to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of A . marmelose leaf extract. The diabetic animals were given insulin injection and another group A . marmelose leaf extract orally. It maintained the weight of the animals near to the control rats but a significant decrease in weight was noted it diabetic animals without any treatment . The blood elucose level in 'treated animals were near to that of control ones. Also a significantly increased glucose tolerance was observed in animals orally given the leaf extract prior to the experiment . A significant decrease in liver glycogen ( 1.24 -.07 s!/ 100 g of wet tissue) was observed in diabetic rats which was brought to almost the normal level (I.84- . 14 g; 100 g) with Icaf extract treatment. Blood urea and serum cholesterol increased ( 62.66 - 3.50 and 192.67± 13.64 mg' dl) significantly in alloxxan diabetic rats . The leaf extract treatment decreased the blood urea and serum . cholesterol (37.83 - 3.97 and 99?0±8.43 mg/dl ) to that of control ones . A similar effect was seen with insulin treatment . The results indicate that the active principle in .4. marmelose leaf extract has similar hypoglycaemic activity to insulin treatment.
Alloxan induced diabetic animal model was used to evaluate the antidiabetic effect of alkaloids extracted from the leaves of Aegis marine/ose. The alkaloid extract maintained the weight of animals near to that of control ones - whereas there was a decrease in the body weight of diabetic animals. A significant increase in blood glucose (342. 14 -+- 14.89 mg/dl) was seen in diabetic animals but in alkaloid treated group the blood glucose was lowered (90: 12 +_5.81 mg/dl). There was no decrease in blood urea arid sreum cholesterol in the alkaloid treated group of diabetic animals. The liver glycogen decreased in diabetic animals (1.27+.12 g/100g of wet tissue) and the treatment brought the glycogen level to that of control ones (2.51 +.75 g/100 g of wet tissue). The result show that the alkaloid extract has hypoglycaemic activity.
Alloxan induced diabetic animal model was sed to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of ie aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelose. Insuinjection and oral treatment of Aegle marmelose of extract to the alloxan induced rats maintained ;e animal weight near to the control rats whereas ,,ere was a significant decrease in weight in alloxan •duced rats. Insulin injection and oral treatment the leaf extract reversed the decrease of protein )ntent in all the organs studied except the pancas. Glucose level was maintained near to the co- :rol levels in the insulin injected and leaf extract Bated alloxan diabetic rats. A significant increased ucose tolerance was observed in animals orally ven the leaf extract prior to the experiment. The suits indicate that there is an increased utilization glucose in the Aegle marmelose leaf extract treed rats.
The oceans have proved to be an interminable source of new and effective drugs. Innumerable studies have proved that specific compounds isolated from marine organisms have great nutritional and pharmaceutical value. Polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFA) in general are known for their dietary benefits in preventing and curing several critical ailments including Coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancers of various kinds. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are two PUFA which are entirely marine in origin – and small Clupeoid fishes like sardines are known to be excellent sources of these two compounds. In this study, we selected two widely available Sardine species in the west coast, Sardinella longiceps and Sardinella fimbriata, for a comparative analysis of their bioactive properties. Both these sardines are known to be rich in EPA and DHA, however considerable seasonal variation in its PUFA content was expected and these variations studied. An extraction procedure to isolate PUFA at high purity levels was identified and the extracts obtained thus were studied for anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic and anti-cancerous properties.Samples of both the sardines were collected from landing centre, measured and their gut content analysed in four different months of the year – viz. June, September, December and March. The fish samples were analyzed for fattyacid using FAME method using gas chromatography to identify the full range of fattyacids and their respective concentration in each of the samples. The fattyacids were expressed in mg/g meat and later converted to percentage values against total fatty acids and total PUFA content. Fattyacids during winter season (Dec-Mar) were found to be generally higher than spawning season (June-Sept). PUFA dominated the profiles of both species and average PUFA content was also higher during winter. However, it was found that S. longiceps had proportionately higher EPA as compared to S. fimbriata which was DHA rich. Percentage of EPA and DHA also varied across months for both species – the spawning season seemed to show higher EPA content in S. longiceps and higher DHA content in S. fimbriata. Gut content analysis indicate that adult S. fimbriata is partial to zooplanktons which are DHA rich while adult S. longiceps feed mainly on EPA rich phytoplankton. Juveniles of both species, found mainly in winter, had a gut content showing more mixed diet. This difference in the feeding pattern reflect clearly in their PUFA profile – adult S. longiceps, which dominate the catch during the spawn season, feeding mostly on phytoplankton is concentrated with EPA while the juveniles which are found mostly in the winter season has slightly less EPA proportion as compared to adults. The same is true for S. fimbriata adults that are caught mostly in the spawning season; being rich in DHA as they feed mainly on zooplankton while the juveniles caught during winter season has a relatively lower concentration of DHA in their total PUFA.Various extraction procedures are known to obtain PUFA from fish oil. However, most of them do not give high purity and do not use materials indicated as safe. PUFA extracts have to be edible and should not have harmful substances for applying on mice and human subjects. Some PUFA extraction procedures, though pure and non-toxic, might induce cis-trans conversions during the extraction process. This conversion destroys the benefits of PUFA and at times is harmful to human body. A method free from these limitations has been standardized for this study. Gas Chromatography was performed on the extracts thus made to ensure that it is substantially pure. EPA: DHA ratios for both samples were derived - for S. longiceps this ratio was 3:2, while it was 3:8 for S. fimbriata.Eight common strains of gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains were subjected to the PUFA extracts from both species dissolved in acetone solution using Agar Well Diffusion method. The activity was studied against an acetone control. At the end of incubation period, zones of inhibition were measured to estimate the activity. Minimum inhibitory concentration for each of the active combinations was calculated by keeping p < 0.01 as significant. Four of the bacteria including multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were shown to be inhibited by the fish extracts. It was also found that the extracts from S. fimbriata were better than the one from S. longiceps in annihilating harmful bacteria.Four groups of mice subjects were studied to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of the PUFA extracts. Three groups were induced diabetes by administration of alloxan tetra hydrate. One group without diabetes was kept as control and another with diabetes was kept as diabetic control. For two diabetic groups, a prescribed amount of fish extracts were fed from each of the extracts. The biochemical parameters like serum glucose, total cholesterol, LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and creatinine were sampled from all four groups at regular intervals of 7 days for a period of 28 days. It was found that groups fed with fish extracts had marked improvement in the levels of total LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine. Groups fed with extracts from S. fimbriata seem to have fared better as compared to S. longiceps. However, both groups did not show any marked improvement in blood glucose levels or levels of urea.Cell lines of MCF-7 (Breast Cancer) and DU-145 (Prostate Cancer) were used to analyse the cytotoxicity of the PUFA extracts. Both cell lines were subjected to MTT Assay and later the plates were read using an ELISA reader at a wavelength of 570nm. It was found that both extracts had significant cytotoxic effects against both cell lines and a peak cytotoxicity of 85-90% was apparent. IC50 values were calculated from the graphs and it was found that S. longiceps extracts had a slightly lower IC50 value indicating that it is toxic even at a lower concentration as compared to extracts from S. fimbriata.This study summarizes the bioactivity profile of PUFA extracts and provides recommendation for dietary intake; fish based nutritional industry and indigenous pharmaceutical industry. Possible future directions of this study are also elaborated.
In the present study a detailed investigation on the alterations of dopamine and its receptors in the brain regions of streptozotocin induced diabetic and insulin induced hypoglycaemic rats were carried out. Glutamate receptor, NMDARI gene expression in the hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic brain was also studied. EEG recording in hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic will be carried out to measure brain activity. in vitro studies on glucose uptake and insulin secretion, with and without specific antagonists were carried out to confirm the specific receptor subtypes - DA D1, DA D2 and NMDA involved in the functional regulation during hyperglycaemic and hypoglycaemic brain damage. The molecular studies on the brain damage through dopaminergic and glutamergic receptors will elucidate the therapeutic role in the corrective measures of the damage to the brain during hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia. This has importance in the management of diabetes and antidiabetic treatment for better intellectual functioning of the individual.
Plants and microorganisms provide the pharmaceutical industry with some of the most important sources of components for the research of new medications This thesis involves the study of three medicinal plants belonging to three different important families viz, Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), Stereospermum colais (Bignoniaceae) as well as the well known medicinal plant Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae) as the third. The first chapter gives an overview of biologically active natural products with special reference to antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial molecules from terrestrial sources. Chapter 2 of the thesis deals with the isolation of phytochemical constituents of the medicinal plant Cyperus rotundus and its antioxidant and radical scavenging potential. Chapter 3 of the thesis describes the studies on the roots of Stereospermum colais, A Bignoniaceae plant belonging to the genus Stereospermum which is used extensively. Chapter 3 of the thesis describes the studies on the roots of Stereospermum colais, a Bignoniaceae plant belonging to the genus Stereospermum which is used extensively in Ayurveda. Chapter 4 describes the biological potential of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale. Ethyl acetate extract of ginger (EAG) possessed antioxidant activity as is evident from the results of various in vitro assays compared to other extracts .In conclusion, medicinal plants Cyperus rotundus and Stereospermum colais have been analysed for their phytochemical constituents. Also, the positive results obtained from biological activity studies such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity on the isolated compounds/extracts add on to the medicinal properties of these plants. Apart from that, ethyl acetate extract of Zingiber officinale (ginger) rhizomes has been shown to have very good biological potential including glucose lowering and adipocyte differentiation inhibitory effect.
The reaction of VO(acac)(2) with the ONO-chelator obtained by the condensation of salicylaldehyde with 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazine (H2L) in a monohydric alcohol. (ROH) medium produces VO(OR)L]-type oxidoalkoxido complexes (1-7) where R = Me, Pr-n, Pr-i, Bu-n, Bu-i, Bu-t and (n)Pen. All the complexes show the metal atom to have a five-coordinate square pyramidal environment, although in some complexes there is an additional weak V center dot center dot center dot O interaction in the sixth axial position. In acetonitrile medium and in the presence of a cis-diol (ethylene glycol), H2L reacts with VO(acac)(2) to form a six-coordinate complex, [VO(OCH2CH2OH)L] (8). When the reaction is carried out in acetonitrile medium in the presence of 2-amino ethanol, a completely different type of product containing the square pyramidal complex anion [VO2L](-) associated with the cation [NH3CH2CH2OH](+) is obtained. It was noted previously that on being reacted with monodentate nitrogen donor bases B (which are stronger than pyridine), the [VO(OR)L] complexes react to form the same complex anion [VO2L](-) associated with the corresponding cation [BH](+). The coordination environment around the V(V) acceptor center of the water soluble [BH](+)[VO2L](-)satisfies one of the several requirements for an efficient antidiabetic vanadium species such as water solubility, nature of donor atoms of the ligand and their disposition around the VO2+ acceptor center.
Several bis-malonatooxidovanadium(IV) complexes of the general type [M(2)(H2(O))(n)][VO(mal)(2)(H(2)O)] (where M = Li(1), Na(2), K(3), Cs(4) and NH4(5); n = 3.5, 1, 3, 1 and 1, respectively) were isolated in good yield and high purity. These complexes were fully characterized by various physicochemical techniques (elemental analysis, UV- Vis, IR, EPR, CV, etc.) complexes 1, 2 and 3 were structurally characterized by single crystal X- ray diffraction technique. In vivo antidiabetic properties of bis- malonato complexes 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been studied using Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Significant lowering of blood sugar level has been noticed. At the same time these complexes were found to regulate secondary pathophysiological complications like liver damage and lowering of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in diabetic rats. Results of these study are expected to a expand the possibility of designing new oxidovanadium(IV) complexes of O, O chelating ligands with significant antidiabetic properties
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n = 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n = 10), nondiabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10), diabetic control (DC, n = 11), and diabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate extract in a 1 g extract/kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba mate extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba mate both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba mate might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression.
Obesity and insulin resistance are highly correlated with metabolic disturbances. Both the excess and lack of adipose tissue can lead to severe insulin resistance and diabetes. Adipose tissue plays an active role in energy homeostasis, hormone secretion, and other proteins that affect insulin sensitivity, appetite, energy balance, and lipid metabolism. Rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes during the neonatal period develop the classic diabetic picture of hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in adulthood. Low body weight and reduced epididymal (EP) fit mass were also seen in this model. The am) of this study was to investigate the glucose homeostasis and metabolic repercussions on the adipose tissue following chronic treatment with antidiabetic drugs in these animals. In the 4th week post birth, diabetic animals started an 8-week treatment with pioglitazone, metformin, or insulin.
Several studies have shown the antidiabetic properties of sodium tungstate. In this study, we evaluated some biochemical parameters of the parotid salivary gland of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with sodium tungstate solution (2 mg/ml). The studied groups were: untreated control (UC), treated control (TC), untreated diabetic (UD), and treated diabetic (TD). After 2 and 6 weeks of treatment, parotid gland was removed and total protein and sialic acid (free and total) concentration and amylase and peroxidase activities were determined. Data were compared by variance analysis and Tukey test (p < 0.05). The sodium tungstate treatment modestly decreased the glycemia of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. At week 2 of the study, parotid gland of diabetic rats presented a reduction of total protein concentration (55%) and an increase of amylase (120%) and peroxidase (160%) activities, free (150%) and total (170%) sialic acid concentration. No alteration in the evaluated parameters at week 6 of the study was observed. Sodium tungstate presented no significant effect in parotid gland. Our results suggest that diabetes causes initial modification in biochemical composition of parotid. However, this gland showed a recovery capacity after 6 week of the experimental time. Sodium tungstate has no effect in peripheral tissues, such as salivary glands.
Artemisia vulgaris (AV) is an antihelmintic and antimalarial drug; Aloe vera(babosa) acts as antidiabetic, laxative and anti-inflammatory; Benznidazole (BZ) is a trypanocidal of Trypanosoma cruzi (TC). Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used in nuclear medicine to obtain diagnostic images. This study evaluated the plant effects in TC parasitemia and in the biodistribution of 99mTc in mice. Twenty mice were infected by TC. At the peak of parasitemia, 5 mice received babosa; 5 received AV and 5 received BZ. The parasitemia was determined in 0, 2, 4 and 6 h of drugs administration. Five infected mice without drugs, 5 mice without TC and the group treated with AV, received 99mTc. The radioactivity was calculated. Infected mice that received babosa reduced significantly (p<0.05) the parasitemia. The percentage of activity (%ATI) decreased significantly in the AV group. These results indicate that babosa possibly is an anti-TC drug and AV reduces the %ATI probably due to its biological effects
Leaf decoctions of Cissus sicyoides (princess vine) are taken widely as a popular remedy for diabetes mellitus in Brazil, where its common name is 'vegetal insulin'. However, there have been practically no attempts so far to determine scientifically whether it has antidiabetic effects and we decided to administer leaf decoctions, over extended periods, to normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats, and investigate the effects of this treatment on the physiological and metabolic parameters that are altered in diabetic animals. The experimental model adopted was shown to be appropriate by running a parallel treatment with insulin, which led to expected improvements in several abnormal parameter values. The decoction treatment significantly reduced the intake of both food and fluid and the volume of urine excreted, as well as the levels of blood glucose, urinary glucose and urinary urea, in comparison with controls. Lipid metabolism was not affected by the treatment; nor was the level of hepatic glycogen in diabetic animals, which indicated that the mechanism responsible for the improvement in carbohydrate metabolism, observed in animals treated with the decoction, could not involve inhibition of glycogenolysis and/or stimulation of glycogenesis. The fact that normal animals treated with C. sicyoides exhibited no changes in any of the measured parameters suggests that its mode of action in diabetic animals does not resemble those of sulphonylurea or insulin. It may, however, act in a similar way to biguanide, via inhibition of gluconeogenesis.