985 resultados para Androgen Receptor


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Kennedy's disease (spinobulbar muscular atrophy) is an X-linked form of motor neuron disease affecting adult males carrying a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion within the androgen receptor gene. While expression of Kennedy's disease is thought to be confined to males carrying the causative mutation, subclinical manifestations have been reported in a few female carriers of the disease. The reasons that females are protected from the disease are not clear, especially given that all other diseases caused by CAG expansions display dominant expression. In the current study, we report the identification of a heterozygote female carrying the Kennedy's disease mutation who was clinically diagnosed with motor neuron disease. We describe analysis of CAG repeat number in this individual as well as 33 relatives within the pedigree, including two male carriers of the Kennedy's mutation. The female heterozygote carried one expanded allele of the androgen receptor gene with CAG repeats numbering in the Kennedy's disease range (44 CAGs), with the normal allele numbering in the upper-normal range (28 CAGs). The subject has two sons, one of whom carries the mutant allele of the gene and has been clinically diagnosed with Kennedy's disease, whilst the other son carries the second allele of the gene with CAGs numbering in the upper normal range and displays a normal phenotype. This coexistence of motor neuron disease and the presence of one expanded allele and one allele at the upper limit of the normal range may be a coincidence. However, we hypothesize that the expression of the Kennedy's disease mutation combined with a second allele with a large but normal CAG repeat sequence may have contributed to the motor neuron degeneration displayed in the heterozygote female and discuss the possible reasons for phenotypic expression in particular individuals.


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Prenatal exposure to testosterone has been hypothesised to effect lateralization by influencing cell death in the foetal brain. Testosterone binds to the X chromosome linked androgen receptor, which contains a polymorphic polyglutamine CAG repeat, the length of which is positively correlated with testosterone levels in males, and negatively correlated in females. To determine whether the length of the androgen receptor mediates the effects of testosterone on laterality, we examined the association between the number of CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene and handedness for writing. Association was tested by adding regression terms for the length of the androgen receptor alleles to a multi-factorial-threshold model of liability to left-handedness. In females we found the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with a greater number of repeats (p=0.04), this finding was replicated in a second independent sample of female twins (p=0.014). The length of the androgen receptor explained 6% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance in females. In males the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with fewer repeats (p=0.02), with variation in receptor length explaining 10% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance. Thus, consistent with Witelson's theory of testosterone action, in all three samples the likelihood of left handedness increased in those individuals with variants of the androgen receptor associated with lower testosterone levels.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is commonly expressed in both the epithelium of normal mammary glands and in breast cancers. AR expression in breast cancers is independent of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) status and is frequently associated with overexpression of the ERBB2 oncogene. AR signaling effects on breast cancer progression may depend on ERα and ERBB2 status. Up to 30% of human breast cancers are driven by overactive ERBB2 signaling and it is not clear whether AR expression affects any steps of tumor progression in this cohort of patients. To test this, we generated mammary specific Ar depleted mice (MARKO) by combining the floxed allele of Ar with the MMTV-cre transgene on an MMTV-NeuNT background and compared them to littermate MMTV-NeuNT, Arfl/+ control females. Heterozygous MARKO females displayed reduced levels of AR in mammary glands with mosaic AR expression in ductal epithelium. The loss of AR dramatically accelerated the onset of MMTV-NeuNT tumors in female MARKO mice. In this report we show that accelerated MMTV-NeuNT-dependent tumorigenesis is due specifically to the loss of AR, as hormonal levels, estrogen and progesterone receptors expression, and MMTV-NeuNT expression were similar between MARKO and control groups. MMTV-NeuNT induced tumors in both cohorts displayed distinct loss of AR in addition to ERα, PR, and the pioneer factor FOXA1. Erbb3 mRNA levels were significantly elevated in tumors in comparison to normal mammary glands. Thus the loss of AR in mouse mammary epithelium accelerates malignant transformation rather than the rate of tumorigenesis.


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AEM was supported by a BBSRC-CASE studentship award. Research in the IJM laboratory is currently supported by the Chief Scientist's Office of the Scottish Government and the charity Friends of Anchor.


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Financial support: This research was supported by grants to MDS from the NCI (2R01CA105304), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP79308) and the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Prostate Cancer Research Program (E81XWH-11-1-0551). Research by IJM’s group was supported by the Chief Scientist’s Office of the Scottish Government (ETM-258 and -382). We are grateful to Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Charity Classic for financial support of this research.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank J. M. Valverde (IRB) as well as the NMR facilities of the University of Barcelona (CCiT UB) and the Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano (IQFR, CSIC) for their assistance in, respectively, protein production and NMR. This work was supported by IRB, ICREA (X.S.), Obra Social “la Caixa” (Fellowship to E.D.M. and CancerTec grants to X.S.) MICINN (CTQ2009-08850 to X.S.), MINECO (BIO2012-31043 to X.S.; CTQ2014-56361-P to A.R), Marató de TV3 (102030 to X.S. and 102031 to E.E.P) the COFUND programme of the European Commission (C.T.W.P., A. R. and X.S.), the European Research Council (CONCERT, contract number 648201, to X.S.), the Ramón y Cajal program of MICINN (RYC-2011-07873 to C.W.B.) the Serra Hunter Programme (E.E.P.) and AGAUR (SGR-2014-56RR14 to E.E.P). IRB Barcelona is the recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from MINECO (Government of Spain)


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Previous studies in our laboratory have shown association of nuclear receptor expression and histological breast cancer grade. To further investigate these findings, it was the objective of this study to determine if expression levels of the estrogen alpha, estrogen beta and androgen nuclear receptor genes varied in different breast cancer grades. RNA extracted from paraffin embedded archival breast tumour tissue was converted into cDNA and cDNA underwent PCR to enable quantitation of mRNA expression. Expression data was normalised against the 18S ribosomal gene multiplex and analysed using ANOVA. Analysis indicated a significant alteration of expression for the androgen receptor in different cancer grades (P=0.014), as well as in tissues that no longer possess estrogen receptor alpha proteins (P=0.025). However, expression of estrogen receptors alpha and beta did not vary significantly with cancer grade (P=0.057 and 0.622, respectively). Also, the expression of estrogen receptor alpha or beta did not change, regardless of the presence of estrogen receptor alpha protein in the tissue (P=0.794 and 0.716, respectively). Post-hoc tests indicate that the expression of the androgen receptor is increased in estrogen receptor negative tissue as well as in grade 2 and grade 3 tumours, compared to control tissue. This increased expression in late stage breast tumours may have implications to the treatment of breast tumours, particularly those lacking expression of other nuclear receptor genes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Exposure to environmental chemicals may contribute to reproductive disorders, especially when it occurs in critical periods of development. The female reproductive system can be a target for androgens derived from environmental contaminants or pathological conditions. The purpose of this study was to assess the long-term effects of androgens on uterine tissue after maternal exposure limited to the time of gestation and lactation. Pregnant Wistar rats were treated with testosterone propionate (TP) at 0.05. mg/kg, 0.1. mg/kg, 0.2. mg/kg or corn oil (vehicle), s.c., from gestational day 12 until the end of lactation. The results show changes in the pattern of expression of receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and androgen at all doses tested, and decreases in both apoptosis and cell proliferation indices at 0.1 and 0.2. mg/kg. We conclude that early TP exposure, under these experimental conditions, causes changes in cellular and molecular parameters that are essential for normal uterine function in the adult. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Although systemic androgen deprivation prolongs life in advanced prostate cancer, remissions are temporary because patients almost uniformly progress to a state of a castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) as indicated by recurring PSA. This complex process of progression does not seem to be stochastic as the timing and phenotype are highly predictable, including the observation that most androgen-regulated genes are reactivated despite castrate levels of serum androgens. Recent evidence indicates that intraprostatic levels of androgens remain moderately high following systemic androgen deprivation therapy, whereas the androgen receptor (AR) remains functional, and silencing the AR expression following castration suppresses tumor growth and blocks the expression of genes known to be regulated by androgens. From these observations, we hypothesized that CRPC progression is not independent of androgen-driven activity and that androgens may be synthesized de novo in CRPC tumors leading to AR activation. Using the LNCaP xenograft model, we showed that tumor androgens increase during CRPC progression in correlation to PSA up-regulation. We show here that all enzymes necessary for androgen synthesis are expressed in prostate cancer tumors and some seem to be up-regulated during CRPC progression. Using an ex vivo radiotracing assays coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography-radiometric/mass spectrometry detection, we show that tumor explants isolated from CRPC progression are capable of de novo conversion of [(14)C]acetic acid to dihydrotestosterone and uptake of [(3)H]progesterone allows detection of the production of six other steroids upstream of dihydrotestosterone. This evidence suggests that de novo androgen synthesis may be a driving mechanism leading to CRPC progression following castration.


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Defining the precise promoter DNA sequence motifs where nuclear receptors and other transcription factors bind is an essential prerequisite for understanding how these proteins modulate the expression of their specific target genes. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with a detailed guide with respect to the materials and the key methods required to perform this type of DNA-binding analysis. Irrespective of whether starting with purified DNA-binding proteins or somewhat crude cellular extracts, the tried-and-true procedures described here will enable one to accurately access the capacity of specific proteins to bind to DNA as well as to determine the exact sequences and DNA contact nucleotides involved. For illustrative purposes, we primarily have used the interaction of the androgen receptor with the rat probasin proximal promoter as our model system.


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Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a persistent environmental contaminant that has the potential to interfere with steroid hormone regulation. The prostate requires precise control by androgens to regulate its growth and function. To determine if HCB impacts androgen action in the prostate, we used a number of methods. Our in vitro cell-culture-based assay used a firefly luciferase reporter gene driven by an androgen-responsive promoter. In the presence of dihydrotestosterone, low concentrations (0.5-5 nM) of HCB increased the androgen-responsive production of firefly luciferase and high concentrations of HCB (> 10 microM) suppressed this transcriptional activity. Results from a binding assay showed no evidence of affinity between HCB and the androgen receptor. We also tested HCB for in vivo effects using transgenic mice in which the transgene was a prostate-specific, androgen-responsive promoter upstream of a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene. In 4-week-old mice, the proportion of dilated prostate acini, a marker of sexual maturity, increased in the low HCB dose group and decreased in the high HCB dose mice. In the 8-week-old mice, there was a significant decrease in both CAT activity and prostate weight upon exposure to 20 mg/kg/day HCB. Therefore, in vitro and in vivo data suggest that HCB weakly agonizes androgen action, and consequently, low levels of HCB enhanced androgen action but high levels of HCB interfered. Environmental contaminants have been implicated in the rising incidence of prostate cancer, and insight into the mechanisms of endocrine disruption will help to clarify their role.