1000 resultados para Abertura de crédito


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In, Direito Bancário [Em linha]. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2015. (Colecção de Formação Contínua)


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The aim of the present dissertation is the analysis of the regime established by Decree-Law No. 227/2012 of 25 October. Reflecting on the referred regime, as a measure to prevent and manage situations of failure to meet the obligations assumed by consumers, the study focuses on the plan of action for debt risk and the extrajudicial procedure to regularize situations of default. The main point is to analyze the purpose and the scope of the regime, and to discuss some key-concepts relevant to its application. In addition, another two figures presented in the regime of Decree-Law No. 227/2012 are considered, namely: the Credit Mediator and the Extrajudicial Network for Bank Clients Support, making reference to their role and the scope of their intervention. Finally, along the work on the present Decree-Law, the some international practices are also analyzed, making reference to the problem of financial illiteracy, and mentioning three foreign examples regarding the adopted solutions to the problem of different legal systems, with reference to consumers’ over-indebtedness.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa


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Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais


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Los mercados financieros en economías emergentes como la mexicana se caracterizan por importantes asimetrías de información que dificultan el acceso de las PYMEs al crédito bancario. En este artículo se analiza el problema de la restricción de crédito a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales obtenida en el entorno industrial de Guadalajara (México). Nuestro propósito se centra en identificar qué elementos caracterizan a las empresas que sufren esta restricción, cuestión de gran interés desde la perspectiva de política económica, en el sentido de orientar los esfuerzos de las instituciones gubernamentales(banca de desarrollo) hacia las empresas con mayores problemas de financiación.


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En esta investigación se analizan los factores que influyen en la revelación de información tanto obligatoria como voluntaria (activos intangibles) en las entidades de crédito españolas en sus informes anuales, contrastando si son diferentes los factores que influyen en la revelación de una u otra información.


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En las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX en España el cooperativismo de crédito orientado hacia los pequeños productores agrícolas estuvo bastante ligado a las corrientes del “Regeneracionismo conservador” y el catolicismo social. Hemos estudiado las aportaciones de dos autores: Joaquín Díaz de Rábago y Nicolás Fontes. Díaz de Rábago contó con una fuerte formación teórica y colaboró en la redacción de un proyecto de ley sobre cooperativas, pero a pesar de su influencia no consiguió potenciar ninguna actividad concreta. Nicolás Fontes representa al hombre “práctico”. Sus circunstancias personales, era un importante terrateniente, lo animaron a poner en práctica un sistema de crédito destinado a ayudar a los pequeños arrendatarios. El modelo que puso en práctica se inspiraba en el Raiffeisen System, el mismo que defendía por Rábago. El desconocimiento mutuo de sus actuaciones invita a reflexionar sobre las limitaciones en la difusión del cooperativismo agrícola de crédito en España.


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La difusión del cooperativismo agrario de crédito en España (1890-1934) se realizó bajo distintas orientaciones ideológicas y económicas. El trabajo se centra en reconstruir la información estadística dispinible para ofrecer una imagen económica de las principales variables que permitan describir la evolución del fenómeno a lo largo de la cronología seleccionada. Se realiza un considerable esfuerzo en el análisis de funcionamiento financiero de las cajas rurales ligado a otros aspectos sociopolíticos que influyeron en su desenvolvimiento, para analizar el éxito relativo de un proceso de adaptación de los modelos cooperativistas de crédito alemanes a la realidad agraria española, como sucedió en otras periferias europeas.


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Com o descompasso existente entre o período de elaboração do orçamento, sua efetiva execução e a necessidade de ajustes na programação financeira, podem ocorrer situações que não foram previstas na elaboração da proposta orçamentária, mas que devem ser absorvidas no orçamento do exercício. Tais situações são corrigidas, segundo a legislação brasileira, por meio dos créditos adicionais. Dentre eles, vem crescendo a utilização do crédito extraordinário. Na pesquisa aqui relatada, buscou-se identificar e analisar as razões e os principais fatores que levam o Governo Federal a utilizar sistematicamente o crédito extraordinário, bem como levantar o entendimento existente quanto ao significado dos pressupostos constitucionais da imprevisibilidade e da urgência, além de avaliar a aderência dos créditos extraordinários abertos a esses pressupostos. Foram utilizadas as seguintes estratégias de pesquisa: pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo, com a coleta de entrevistas não estruturadas com especialistas da área orçamentária. As análises realizadas sugerem que os créditos extraordinários abertos nos últimos 16 anos não obedecem aos pressupostos constitucionais e que há flagrante desvirtuamento do processo orçamentário em decorrência da utilização generalizada desse tipo de crédito.