950 resultados para ANSYS-CFX (R) software


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El Análisis en Componentes Principales (ACP) constituye la técnica base para el Análisis Multivariado de Datos. Su objetivo principal es reducir la cantidad de variables, manteniendo la máxima cantidad de información, presente en una tabla de datos de variables cuantitativas. En el presente artículo se expone un panorama general sobre la estructura que fundamenta un ACP y se implementa un caso concreto en el software estadístico R. Para ello es necesario un conocimiento básico de este software.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Background qtl.outbred is an extendible interface in the statistical environment, R, for combining quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping tools. It is built as an umbrella package that enables outbred genotype probabilities to be calculated and/or imported into the software package R/qtl. Findings Using qtl.outbred, the genotype probabilities from outbred line cross data can be calculated by interfacing with a new and efficient algorithm developed for analyzing arbitrarily large datasets (included in the package) or imported from other sources such as the web-based tool, GridQTL. Conclusion qtl.outbred will improve the speed for calculating probabilities and the ability to analyse large future datasets. This package enables the user to analyse outbred line cross data accurately, but with similar effort than inbred line cross data.


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Gli impianti di riscaldamento sono costituiti dalle seguenti parti: sistema di produzione (pompa di calore, caldaia, pannelli solari, gruppi frigoriferi, ecc), sistema di distribuzione (tubazioni necessarie a trasportare il fluido vettore ai terminali di utilizzo), sistema di erogazione (i radiatori, oppure i ventilconvettori, i pannelli radianti a pavimento, a parete, a soffitto, etc.), sistema di regolazione, sistema di accumulo. L’impianto da inserire deve bilanciare le dispersioni termiche dell’edificio, che dipendono essenzialmente dalla temperatura interna desiderata di 20°C, dalla temperatura esterna, dall’isolamento e dal volume da riscaldare. L’obiettivo della tesi è analizzare il risultato raggiunto dal punto di vista del benessere ambientale e del consumo energetico trascurando l’aspetto della fattibilità dell’impianto e del costo che quest’ultimo può avere.


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La tesi fornisce una panoramica delle principali metodologie di analisi dei dati utilizzando il software open source R e l’ambiente di sviluppo integrato (IDE) RStudio. Viene effettuata un’analisi descrittiva e quantitativa dei dati GICS, tassonomia industriale che cataloga le principali aziende per il processo di gestione e ricerca degli asset di investimento. Sono stati studiati i principali settori del mercato USA considerando il fatturato, le spese per il lobbying e tre indici che misurano il grado di collegamento fra industrie. Su questi dati si sono svolte delle analisi quantitative e si sono tentati alcuni modelli nell’ambito della regressione lineare semplice e multipla. Tale studio ha il compito di verificare eventuali interazioni fra le variabili o pattern di comportamento strategico societario durante il periodo 2007 - 2012, anni di rinnovo e miglioramento delle regolamentazioni in materia di lobbying negli Stati Uniti. Più nello specifico vengono presi in esame tre settori: IT, Health Care e Industrial dove viene studiato l’andamento del reddito medio e la spesa media in attività di lobbying dei settori. I risultati ottenuti mostrano l’utilità dei pacchetti di R per l’analisi dei dati: vengono individuati alcuni andamenti che, se confermati da ulteriori e necessarie analisi, potrebbero essere interessanti per capire non solo i meccanismi impliciti nell’attività di lobbying ma anche comportamenti anomali legati a questa attività.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es predecir los campos de velocidad, presión y temperatura en una cámara de combustión experimental, mediante la técnica de la simulación numérica de flujo de fluidos. Para ello se revisa el procedimiento de solución numérica de las ecuaciones de transporte, aplicadas a la cámara de combustión experimental. La simulación está basada en el software CFX 5.6, el cual fue adquirido por la universidad nacional experimental del Táchira por medio del Decanato de Post-grado y de Investigación. Se hace un estudio de la sensibilidad de malla para adecuar el criterio de convergencia que el software requiere. La cámara de combustión experimental empleada para éste estudio es una cámara de combustión diseñada por estudiantes de Pre-grado para determinar la temperatura de flama adiabática, aunque el diseño de esta cámara no es estándar, es útil para medir la temperatura en tiempo real. El combustible empleado para éste análisis es propano (C3H8) el cual es inyectado a la cámara de combustión por una tubería concéntrica al flujo de aire. En la solución de la simulación computacional se aprecia, a través del perfil de temperatura, la envolvente de la llama, formada por el contorno de temperatura máxima, la cual es similar a la observada en cualquier cámara de combustión.


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Commercial off-the-shelf microprocessors are the core of low-cost embedded systems due to their programmability and cost-effectiveness. Recent advances in electronic technologies have allowed remarkable improvements in their performance. However, they have also made microprocessors more susceptible to transient faults induced by radiation. These non-destructive events (soft errors), may cause a microprocessor to produce a wrong computation result or lose control of a system with catastrophic consequences. Therefore, soft error mitigation has become a compulsory requirement for an increasing number of applications, which operate from the space to the ground level. In this context, this paper uses the concept of selective hardening, which is aimed to design reduced-overhead and flexible mitigation techniques. Following this concept, a novel flexible version of the software-based fault recovery technique known as SWIFT-R is proposed. Our approach makes possible to select different registers subsets from the microprocessor register file to be protected on software. Thus, design space is enriched with a wide spectrum of new partially protected versions, which offer more flexibility to designers. This permits to find the best trade-offs between performance, code size, and fault coverage. Three case studies have been developed to show the applicability and flexibility of the proposal.


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Objetivos da apresentação • Introduzir o R como um software para análise de dados, estatística, armazenamento e criação de gráficos, que é também uma linguagem de programação • Introduzir a operação básica do software R e apresentar algumas das suas funcionalidades e potencialidades • Partilhar um conjunto de recursos que facilitem a aprendizagem e exploração do R • Apresentar alguns exemplos do uso de R • Propor uma comunidade de uso local, para explorar o R


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Increasingly, software is no longer developed as a single system, but rather as a smart combination of so-called software services. Each of these provides an independent, specific and relatively small piece of functionality, which is typically accessible through the Internet from internal or external service providers. To the best of our knowledge, there are no standards or models that describe the sourcing process of these software based services (SBS). We identify the sourcing requirements for SBS and associate the key characteristics of SBS (with the sourcing requirements introduced). Furthermore, we investigate the sourcing of SBS with the related works in the field of classical procurement, business process outsourcing, and information systems sourcing. Based on the analysis, we conclude that the direct adoption of these approaches for SBS is not feasible and new approaches are required for sourcing SBS.


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Increasingly, software is no longer developed as a single system, but rather as a smart combination of so-called software services. Each of these provides an independent, specific and relatively small piece of functionality, which is typically accessible through the Internet from internal or external service providers. There are no standards or models that describe the sourcing process of these software based services (SBS). The authors identify the sourcing requirements for SBS and associate the key characteristics of SBS (with the sourcing requirements introduced). Furthermore, this paper investigates the sourcing of SBS with the related works in the field of classical procurement, business process outsourcing, and information systems sourcing. Based on the analysis, the authors conclude that the direct adoption of these approaches for SBS is not feasible and new approaches are required for sourcing SBS.


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This paper examines the integration of computing technologies into music education research in a way informed by constructivism. In particular, this paper focuses on an approach established by Jeanne Bamberger, which the author also employs, that integrates software design, pedagogical exploration, and the building of music education theory. In this tradition, researchers design software and associated activities to facilitate the interactive manipulation of musical structures and ideas. In short, this approach focuses on designing experiences and tools that support musical thinking and doing. In comparing the work of Jean Bamberger with that of the author, this paper highlights and discusses issues of significance and identifies lessons for future research.


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Currently, finite element analyses are usually done by means of commercial software tools. Accuracy of analysis and computational time are two important factors in efficiency of these tools. This paper studies the effective parameters in computational time and accuracy of finite element analyses performed by ANSYS and provides the guidelines for the users of this software whenever they us this software for study on deformation of orthopedic bone plates or study on similar cases. It is not a fundamental scientific study and only shares the findings of the authors about structural analysis by means of ANSYS workbench. It gives an idea to the readers about improving the performance of the software and avoiding the traps. The solutions provided in this paper are not the only possible solutions of the problems and in similar cases there are other solutions which are not given in this paper. The parameters of solution method, material model, geometric model, mesh configuration, number of the analysis steps, program controlled parameters and computer settings are discussed through thoroughly in this paper.