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Buildings have a significant impact on the environment due to the energy required for the manufacture of construction materials. The method of assessing the energy embodied in a product is known as energy analysis. Detailed office building embodied energy case studies are very rare. However, there is evidence to suggest that the energy requirements for the construction phase of commercial buildings, including the energy embodied in materials, is a significant component of the life cycle energy requirements. This thesis sets out to examine the current state of energy analysis, determine the national average energy intensities < i.e. embodied energy rates < for building materials and assess the significance of using national average energy intensities for the energy analysis of a case study office building. Likely ranges of variation in the building material embodied energy rates from the national averages are estimated and the resulting distribution for total embodied energy in the case study building simulated. Strategies for improving the energy analysis methods and data are suggested. Detailed energy analysis is shown to be a useful indicative method of quantifying the energy required for the construction of buildings.


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Soluble fibres, such as guar gum, promote and wheat bran or methylcellulose protect from chemically induced colon carcinogenesis, relative to the effect of a fibre-free diet in rats. Mechanisms are poorly understood. Whereas all fibres are trophic to the colonic epithelium, the heterogeneity of effects on carcinogenesis may reflect different effects on the total number of crypts and, therefore, the size of the stem cell population. This study aimed to assess this hypothesis. Sprague–Dawley rats were fed one of fibre-free diets with or without 10% wheat bran, methylcellulose or guar gum for 4 weeks. The distal colons were stained with methylene blue and quantified for the number and density of crypts using an image analysis system. Epithelial proliferative kinetics was measured stathmokinetically. Methodology for quantifying crypts was valid and reproducible. Rats fed a fibre-free diet had atrophic distal colon, as shown by a decrease in crypt column height and a lower mitotic index. Fibre supplementation prevented the atrophy and was associated with crypt mouth areas that were 30–60% larger than those in the fibre-free group (P < 0.001, ANOVA), with the methylcellulose group being the largest (1.16 µm2). The crypt density of the fibre-free group was 16–19% greater than those in fibre fed groups (P + 0.006), due to the smaller size of the crypts. However, there was no difference in the total number of crypts across the four dietary groups (P > 0.1). Distal colons in all of the dietary groups contained ~105 crypts. In conclusion, although variation in the amount or type of dietary fibre exerts heterogeneous effects on the growth of the colonic epithelium and on colon carcinogenesis, the total number of crypts in the distal colon remains constant. It is, therefore, unlikely that fibres influence carcinogenic events by altering the size of the stem cell population.


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This study assessed the utility of measures of Self-efficacy (SelfEfficacy) and Perceived VE efficacy (PVEefficacy) for quantifying how effective VEs are in procedural task training. SelfEfficacy and PVEefficacy have been identified as affective construct potentially underlying VE efficacy that is not evident from user task performance. The motivation for this study is to establish subjective measures of VE efficacy and investigate the relationship between PVEefficacy, SelfEfficacy and User task performance. Results demonstrated different levels of prior experience in manipulating 3D objects in gaming or computer environment (LOE3D) effects on task performance and user perception of VE efficacy. Regression analysis revealed LOE3D, SelfEfficacy,
PVEefficacy explain significant portions of the variance in VE efficacy. Results of the study provide further evidence that task performance may share relationships with PVEefficacy and SelfEfficacy, and that affective constructs, such as PVEefficacy, and SelfEfficacy may serve as alternative, subjective measures of task performance that account for VE efficacy.


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This paper explores the application of three constructs that deemed to be essential to quantify virtual environments (VE) efficacy: cognitive, skill-based, and affective learning outcomes. The authors discuss the implementation of these constructs in a user-centered evaluation of a VE training system. By transforming both the conceptual and operational cohorts for training evaluation the authors illustrate the benefits of the development of a Multi-dimensional User-centered Systematic Training Evaluation (MUSTe) method for quantifying VEs efficacy. Importantly, MUSTe acknowledges the importance of combining holistic and analytical approaches in conducting systematic user-based evaluation. Furthermore, it also emphasizes that quantifying VEs efficacy must reflect the perception and preferences of the users rather than the imposition of efficacy on single measures of task outcome. An empirical study that applied MUSTe evaluation method in quantifying a VE training system efficacy provided valuable evidence of the theoretical construct and content validity of the method.


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Ionic liquids are liquids comprised totally of ions. However, not all of the ions present appear to be available to participate in conduction processes, to a degree that is dependent on the nature of the ionic liquid and its structure. There is much interest in quantifying and understanding this ‘degree of ionicity’ phenomenon. In this paper we present transport data for a range of ionic liquids and evaluate the data firstly in terms of the Walden plot as an approximate and readily accessible approach to estimating ionicity. An adjusted Walden plot that makes explicit allowance for differences in ion sizes is shown to be an improvement to this approach for the series of ionic liquids described. In some cases, where diffusion measurements are possible, it is feasible to directly quantify ionicity via the Nernst–Einstein equation, confirming the validity of the adjusted Walden plot approach. Some of the ionic liquids studied exhibit ionicity values very close to ideal; this is discussed in terms of a model of a highly associated liquid in which the ion correlations have similar impact on both the diffusive and conductive motions. Ionicity, as defined, is thus a useful measure of adherence to the Nernst–Einstein equation, but is not necessarily a measure of ion availability in the chemical sense.


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Inter-day training reliability and variability in artistic gymnastics vaulting was determined using a customised infra-red timing gate and contact mat timing system. Thirteen Australian high performance gymnasts (eight males and five females) aged 11-23 years were assessed during two consecutive days of normal training. Each gymnast completed a number of vault repetitions per daily session. Inter-day variability of vault run-up velocities (at -18 to -12 m, -12 to -6 m, -6 to -2 m, and -2 to 0 m from the nearest edge of the beat board), and board contact, pre-flight, and table contact times were determined using mixed modelling statistics to account for random (within-subject variability) and fixed effects (gender, number of subjects, number of trials). The difference in the mean (Mdiff) and Cohen's effect sizes for reliability assessment and intra-class correlation coefficients, and the coefficient of variation percentage (CV%) were calculated for variability assessment. Approach velocity (-18 to -2 m, CV = 2.4-7.8%) and board contact time (CV = 3.5%) were less variable measures when accounting for day-to-day performance differences, than pre-flight time (CV = 17.7%) and table contact time (CV = 20.5%). While pre-flight and table contact times are relevant training measures, approach velocity and board contact time are more reliable when quantifying vaulting performance.


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It is explored that methylene blue interacts with the guanine bases specifically, rather than the bases of ss-DNA in general. This interaction can be used as a method of quantifying the amount of oligonucleotide that is immobilized onto an electrode surface.


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The majority of bird species studied to date have molt schedules that are not concurrent with other energy demanding life history stages, an outcome assumed to arise from energetic trade-offs. Empirical studies reveal that molt is one of the most energetically demanding and perplexingly inefficient growth processes measured. Furthermore, small birds, which have the highest mass-specific basal metabolic rates (BMRm), have the highest costs of molt per gram of feathers produced. However, many small passerines, including white-plumed honeyeaters (WPHE; Lichenostomus penicillatus), breed in response to resource availability at any time of year, and do so without interrupting their annual molt. We examined the energetic cost of molt in WPHE by quantifying weekly changes in minimum resting metabolic rate (RMRmin) during a natural-molt period in 7 wild-caught birds. We also measured the energetic cost of feather replacement in a second group of WPHEs that we forced to replace an additional 25% of their plumage at the start of their natural molt period. Energy expenditure during natural molt revealed an energy conversion efficiency of just 6.9% (±0.57) close to values reported for similar-sized birds from more predictable north-temperate environments. Maximum increases in RMRmin during the molt of WPHE, at 82% (±5.59) above individual pre-molt levels, were some of the highest yet reported. Yet RMRmin maxima during molt were not coincident with the peak period of feather replacement in naturally molting or plucked birds. Given the tight relationship between molt efficiency and mass-specific metabolic rate in all species studied to date, regardless of life-history pattern (Efficiency (%) = 35.720•10-0.494BMRm; r2 = 0.944; p =<0.0001), there appears to be concomitant physiological costs entrained in the molt period that is not directly due to feather replacement. Despite these high total expenditures, the protracted molt period of WPHE significantly reduces these added costs on a daily basis.


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The supply of new housing in Australia has been experiencing a low increase rate since the 1990s in conjunction with an increasingly strong housing demand. On the contrary, residential construction costs across Australia?s states maintained dramatic increases simultaneously. Economic theory suggests that new housing supply is correlated to the costs of residential constructions. However, few empirical studies have focused on examining this relationship for Australian housing markets. To comprehensively investigate the relationship between the supply of new housing and residential construction costs a function for new housing supply considering the effects of regional heterogeneities is introduced in this study. By estimating a panel error correction model (ECM) applicable for quantifying the correlation with regional heterogeneities, this research identifies that a causal link and a strong correlation exist in between new housing supply and residential construction costs in Australia.


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We classify all the different kinds of errors that can occur in edge detection and then develop measures for quantifying these errors. It is shown that these sets of measures are complete and independent and form necessary components of an edge-evaluation scheme. The principle that an edge-evaluation measure should have certain qualitative properties is used to develop a method for combining these error components into a single combined measure.


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Aims/hypothesis Supraphysiological levels of the amyloidogenic peptide human islet amyloid polypeptide have been associated with beta cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. However, in human type 2 diabetes, levels of human IAPP are equivalent or decreased relative to matched controls. Thus, we sought to investigate whether ER stress is induced during amyloidogenesis at physiological levels of human IAPP.

Methods Islets from human IAPP transgenic mice that develop amyloid, and non-transgenic mice that do not, were cultured for up to 7 days in 11.1, 16.7 and 33.3 mmol/l glucose. Pancreases from human IAPP transgenic and non-transgenic mice and humans with or without type 2 diabetes were also evaluated. Amyloid formation was determined histologically. ER stress was determined in islets by quantifying mRNA levels of Bip, Atf4 and Chop (also known as Ddit3) and alternate splicing of Xbp1 mRNA, or in pancreases by immunostaining for immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein (BIP), C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) and X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1).

Results Amyloid formation in human IAPP transgenic islets was associated with reduced beta cell area in a glucose- and time-dependent manner. However, amyloid formation was not associated with significant increases in expression of ER stress markers under any culture condition. Thapsigargin treatment, a positive control, did result in significant ER stress. Amyloid formation in vivo in pancreas samples from human IAPP transgenic mice or humans was not associated with upregulation of ER stress markers.

Conclusions/interpretation Our data suggest that ER stress is not an obligatory pathway mediating the toxic effects of amyloid formation at physiological levels of human IAPP.


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To assess the costs and benefits of young fish adopting different behavioural tactics, field studies of juvenile salmonines have assumed that (but did not test whether) the rate of foraging attempts predicts ingestion rate. We tested this assumption by quantifying capture, ingestion, and rejection rates of potential prey items for individual young-of-the-year brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a lake. Overall, capture rate (a conservative estimate of the rate of foraging attempts) was only a fair predictor of overall ingestion rate (Kendall's 1 = 0.54) and only 46% of captured items (number/minute) were ingested. Surface capture rate was a poor predictor of surface ingestion rate (T = 0.27) and only 1% of captured items were ingested. In contrast, subsurface capture rate was an excellent predictor of subsurface ingestion rate (T = 0.75) and 93% of captured items were ingested. No benthic prey captures were observed. Fish that ingested a low proportion of captured items spent a greater proportion of time moving, moved faster, and pursued prey further than fish that ingested a higher proportion of captured items. Rejection of captured items can represent a significant and little appreciated component of the foraging cycle for young salmonid fishes.


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Population genetic tools have the potential to answer key questions in pest management including quantifying the number of genetically distinct populations represented in an invasion, the number of individuals present, whether populations are expanding or contracting, identifying the origin of invasive individuals, the number of separate introduction events that have occurred and in which order, and the rate that individuals are moving between populations. Genetic methods have only recently gained sufficient resolution to address these questions due to advances in laboratory techniques coupled with an increase in computational power. In combination, these methods may lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of invasions. The expansion of the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) into Western Australia is used as an applied example of how genetic methods can be integrated to provide vital information to improve pest-management strategies. Invasion events also may provide a unique opportunity to test some of these methodologies.


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Accurate forecasting of wind farm power generation is essential for successful operation and management of wind farms and to minimize risks associated with their integration into energy systems. However, due to the inherent wind intermittency, wind power forecasts are highly prone to error and often far from being perfect. The purpose of this paper is to develop statistical methods for quantifying uncertainties associated with wind power generation forecasts. Prediction intervals (PIs) with a prescribed confidence level are constructed using the delta and bootstrap methods for neural network forecasts. The moving block bootstrap method is applied to preserve the correlation structure in wind power observations. The effectiveness and efficiency of these two methods for uncertainty quantification is examined using two month datasets taken from a wind farm in Australia. It is demonstrated that while all constructed PIs are theoretically valid, bootstrap PIs are more informative than delta PIs, and are therefore more useful for decision-making.


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Public accounting firms provide a necessary and important service for rural and regional areas. However, the provision of high-quality services is hindered by a number of factors. This paper reports the findings from a large-scale survey of professional accounting firm practitioners located in rural and regional Australia, identifying factors causing concerns and tensions and quantifying their scope and importance. Prominent concerns and tensions identified include adverse effects arising from the employment market, communications technology developments and legislation such as the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 and the Financial Services Reform Act 2001.