1000 resultados para festivales de cine
BACKGROUND: All patients with extensive resection of the anterolateral chest wall and the sternum followed by reconstruction with methylmethacrylate substitutes were assessed prospectively 6 months after the operation to delineate chest wall integrity with pulmonary function and cine-magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Twenty-six patients underwent chest wall reconstruction by use of methylmethacrylate between 1994 and 1998 due to primary tumors in 35%, metastases in 27%, T3 lung cancer in 19%, and debridement for radionecrosis and osteomyelitis in 19% of patients. Three to eight ribs were resected and additional sternum resection was performed in 39% of patients. RESULTS: There was no 30-day mortality. All patients were extubated after the operation without need for reintubation. Prosthesis dislocation occurred in 1 patient and infection in 2 patients during follow-up. Nineteen patients (73%) suffered no restrictions of daily activities. Clinical examination revealed normal shoulder girdle function in 77% of patients. There was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) measurements in patients with lobectomy or wedge resections. Cinemagnetic resonance imaging revealed concordant chest wall movements during respiration in 92% of patients without paradoxical movements or implant dislocations being observed. CONCLUSIONS: Large defects of the anterolateral chest wall and sternum can be reconstructed efficiently with methylmethacrylate substitutes with minimal morbidity and excellent cosmetic and functional outcome.
Memòria de creació d'un comerç online dedicat a la comercialització de components d'alta fidelitat i cinema a casa.
En aquest treball es realitzarà l'estudi dels Magatzems de dades amb un cas pràctic en l' àmbit de la industria cinematogràfica concretament estarà centrat en els premis atorgats per a diferents festivals. La informació dels premis s'ha lliurat en format Excel y representa diversos festivals.
Introduction: Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a medical imaging technique that involves collecting data from consecutive heartbeats, always at the same time in the cardiac cycle, in order to minimize heart motion artifacts. This technique relies on the assumption that coronary arteries always follow the same trajectory from heartbeat to heartbeat. Until now, choosing the acquisition window in the cardiac cycle was based exclusively on the position of minimal coronary motion. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that there are time intervals during the cardiac cycle when coronary beat-to-beat repositioning is optimal. The repositioning uncertainty values in these time intervals were then compared with the intervals of low coronary motion in order to propose an optimal acquisition window for coronary MRA. Methods: Cine breath-hold x-ray angiograms with synchronous ECG were collected from 11 patients who underwent elective routine diagnostic coronarography. Twenty-three bifurcations of the left coronary artery were selected as markers to evaluate repositioning uncertainty and velocity during cardiac cycle. Each bifurcation was tracked by two observers, with the help of a user-assisted algorithm implemented in Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) that compared the trajectories of the markers coming from consecutive heartbeats and computed the coronary repositioning uncertainty with steps of 50ms until 650ms after the R-wave. Repositioning uncertainty was defined as the diameter of the smallest circle encompassing the points to be compared at the same time after the R-wave. Student's t-tests with a false discovery rate (FDR, q=0.1) correction for multiple comparison were applied to see whether coronary repositioning and velocity vary statistically during cardiac cycle. Bland-Altman plots and linear regression were used to assess intra- and inter-observer agreement. Results: The analysis of left coronary artery beat-to-beat repositioning uncertainty shows a tendency to have better repositioning in mid systole (less than 0.84±0.58mm) and mid diastole (less than 0.89±0.6mm) than in the rest of the cardiac cycle (highest value at 50ms=1.35±0.64mm). According to Student's t-tests with FDR correction for multiple comparison (q=0.1), two intervals, in mid systole (150-200ms) and mid diastole (550-600ms), provide statistically better repositioning in comparison with the early systole and the early diastole. Coronary velocity analysis reveals that left coronary artery moves more slowly in end systole (14.35±11.35mm/s at 225ms) and mid diastole (11.78±11.62mm/s at 625ms) than in the rest of the cardiac cycle (highest value at 25ms: 55.96±22.34mm/s). This was confirmed by Student's t-tests with FDR correction for multiple comparison (q=0.1, FDR-corrected p-value=0.054): coronary velocity values at 225, 575 and 625ms are not much different between them but they are statistically inferior to all others. Bland-Altman plots and linear regression show that intra-observer agreement (y=0.97x+0.02 with R²=0.93 at 150ms) is better than inter-observer (y=0.8x+0.11 with R²=0.67 at 150ms). Discussion: The present study has demonstrated that there are two time intervals in the cardiac cycle, one in mid systole and one in mid diastole, where left coronary artery repositioning uncertainty reaches points of local minima. It has also been calculated that the velocity is the lowest in end systole and mid diastole. Since systole is less influenced by heart rate variability than diastole, it was finally proposed to test an acquisition window between 150 and 200ms after the R-wave.
Memòria i presentació del TFC de l'area J2EE Projecte sobre venda d'entrades d'un Cinema a través d'Internet.
El present document és la memòria del Treball de Final de Carrera de la Enginyeria Tècnica de Gestió de l'àrea de Magatzem de Dades.Hi trobarem el resum del procés de creació complerta d'un magatzem de dades amb einesOracle, des de l'anàlisi preliminar del problema plantejat fins a la creació dels informes per a la explotació de les dades.La base de dades que s'ha utilitzat correspon a informació cinematogràfica referent a premis aconseguits.
En el treball es realitza una transcripció de dos programes de televisió, amb la idea de saber quin és el tipus de llenguatge que usen aquests mitjans per adreçar-se al seu públic. Però seria absurd ignorar altres canals per als quals la llengua és imprescindible. Em refereixo al cinema, sobretot. I malgrat que no es considera un mitjà de comunicació, també és un element importantíssim pel que fa al tractament i transmissió lingüístics. I molts productes del cinema acaben sortint per televisió. La premsa escrita i, com a cas especial, Internet, també hi tenen força a dir.
Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre les diferents perspectives i aproximacions a l'Holocaust nazi per part de la literatura i el cinema. La Xoà, forma que els jueus utilitzen per anomenar l'Holocaust, és un dels moments més importants de la història europea. Ens agradaria veure si aquest tema tan delicat és tractat des de diferents perspectives i aproximacions en la literatura i el cinema. També voldríem esbrinar quina pel·lícula és millor per ensenyar què va ser l'Holocaust a una persona adulta, a un grup d'adolescents, a uns infants, etc. i si hi ha alguna pel·lícula o novel·la que vagi més enllà, en el sentit que tracti l'Holocaust des d'un punt de vista més simbòlic que no pas realista, d'arrel kafkiana, com en el cas de "L'incinerador de cadàvers". Per trobar aquestes diferents perspectives (més realistes i veristes o bé més simbòliques) caldrà observar diversos tipus de literatura (biogràfica, semibiogràfica i de ficció), pel·lícules (bèl·liques, drames, biogràfiques, etc.), articles... Analitzarem al mateix temps què diuen diferents autors sobre l'holocaust com un fet inenarrable. Compararem els dos o tres punts de vista (torturats, torturadors i testimonis).
Introduction: Residual pulmonary artery (PA) anomalies are a major concern after surgery for cono-truncal malformations. This study sought to assess residual PA anomalies using MRI/MRA. Methods: 43 MRI/MRA studies were performed in 37 patients after corrective surgery for cono-truncal malformations. MRI/MRA studies comprised spin-echo, cine, velocity-encoded and 3D Gadolinium-enhanced MRA sequences. Residual PA anomalies were searched in ail patients; angiographie data were available in 13 patients and a comparison with MRI/MRA was made. Results: 32/37 patients had postoperative anomalies of the pulmonary arterial tree. Left pulmonary artery stenosis was the most common finding (14/32), followed by stenosis at multiple sites (11/32). Isolated right pulmonary artery stenosis was rare (2/32). The median time interval between MRI/MRA and angiography in the 13 patients undergoing both types of studies was 54 days. The findings between the two examinations were identical regarding stenoses and collateral vessels. In 4 patients, the MRI/MRA study allowed to plan interventional catheterization with balloon dilatation and/or stenting of the obstructed arteries or co il-occlusion of systemic collaterals. Eleven patients had additional surgery based on MRI/MRA findings. Conclusions: Post-operative anomalies of the PA in cono-truncal malformations can reliably be detected with MRI/MRA. This technique allows planning of the intervention al or surgical procedure to correct the residual anomalies and may th us replace or precede catheterization during the follow-up of surgically corrected cono-truncal malformations.
El medioambiente ha ganado en las últimas décadas más atención por parte las organizaciones internacionales y de los gobiernos. El abuso o mal uso de los recursos del planeta lo están poniendo en peligro. El aire y el agua se agotan, los bosques se reducen y muchas especies animales se están extinguiendo por la caza, la pesca y la destrucción de hábitat naturales. Además de organismos oficiales, la población también está preocupada y son muchos los que levantan la voz y aportan su grano de arena para luchar contra el cambio climático y los problemas medioambientales. Hayao Miyazaki, director de cine y dibujante japonés, incluye en la mayoría de sus películas el reflejo de lo que ocurre y su postura ante este problema. Es uno de los pocos japoneses que ha ganado un Oscar de la Academia de Cine Norteamericana y el Oso de Oro en el Festival de Berlín. En su país es mucho más conocido que en Occidente, pero su obra es apreciada y, debido a la difusión que tiene, llega a muchos espectadores de todas las edades. Consciente o inconscientemente, su obra transmite respeto por la Naturaleza, cuidado para mantener el equilibrio entre los hombres y su entorno y otros muchos temas medioambientales.La cuestión que nos planteamos es la siguiente: Si Miyazaki refleja problemas medioambientales en su obra y vive en un país en concreto ¿se reflejan los problemas medioambientales de ese país, Japón, en sus películas?
Hoy en día existen numerosas técnicas para aplicar texturas sobre objetos 3D genéricos, pero los mecanismos para su creación son, en general, o bien complejos y poco intuitivos para el artista, o bien poco eficientes en aspectos como obtener un texturado global sin costuras. Recientemente, la invención de los policubos ha abierto un nuevo espectro de posibilidades a la hora de realizar estas tareas, e incluso otras como animación y subdivisión, de crucial importancia para industrias como el cine o los videojuegos. Desafortunadamente, no existen herramientas automáticas y editables que permitan generar el modelo de policubos base. Un policubo es una agregación de cubos idénticos de forma que cada cubo tiene como mínimo en común una cara con otro cubo. Con la agrupación de estos cubos se pueden generar diferentes figuras espaciales. El objetivo es desarrollar una herramienta para la creación y edición interactiva de un modelo de policubos a partir de un objeto tridimensional, la cual proporcionara una libertad y control al usuario no existente en las herramientas actualmente disponibles
BACKGROUND: We sought to investigate the relationship between infarct and dyssynchrony post- myocardial infarct (MI), in a porcine model. Mechanical dyssynchrony post-MI is associated with left ventricular (LV) remodeling and increased mortality. METHODS: Cine, gadolinium-contrast, and tagged cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) were performed pre-MI, 9 ± 2 days (early post-MI), and 33 ± 10 days (late post-MI) post-MI in 6 pigs to characterize cardiac morphology, location and extent of MI, and regional mechanics. LV mechanics were assessed by circumferential strain (eC). Electro-anatomic mapping (EAM) was performed within 24 hrs of CMR and prior to sacrifice. RESULTS: Mean infarct size was 21 ± 4% of LV volume with evidence of post-MI remodeling. Global eC significantly decreased post MI (-27 ± 1.6% vs. -18 ± 2.5% (early) and -17 ± 2.7% (late), p < 0.0001) with no significant change in peri-MI and MI segments between early and late time-points. Time to peak strain (TTP) was significantly longer in MI, compared to normal and peri-MI segments, both early (440 ± 40 ms vs. 329 ± 40 ms and 332 ± 36 ms, respectively; p = 0.0002) and late post-MI (442 ± 63 ms vs. 321 ± 40 ms and 355 ± 61 ms, respectively; p = 0.012). The standard deviation of TTP in 16 segments (SD16) significantly increased post-MI: 28 ± 7 ms to 50 ± 10 ms (early, p = 0.012) to 54 ± 19 ms (late, p = 0.004), with no change between early and late post-MI time-points (p = 0.56). TTP was not related to reduction of segmental contractility. EAM revealed late electrical activation and greatly diminished conduction velocity in the infarct (5.7 ± 2.4 cm/s), when compared to peri-infarct (18.7 ± 10.3 cm/s) and remote myocardium (39 ± 20.5 cm/s). CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical dyssynchrony occurs early after MI and is the result of delayed electrical and mechanical activation in the infarct.
Aquest document és un esborrany. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el procés d'institucionalització, vam dissenyar una investigació empírica que permetés visualitzar les tendències discursives i àmbits d'activitats de les pràctiques relacionades amb les interseccions entre l'art, la ciència i la tecnologia. La metodologia va consistir en la implementació de tres bases de dades que recullen l'activitat dels últims anys en relació a: 1) els congressos (i festivals associats) realitzats a nivell internacional 2) les publicacions acadèmiques i divulgatives centrades en aquest àmbit interdisciplinar 3) els programes acadèmics.
PURPOSE: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become a robust and important diagnostic imaging modality in cardiovascular medicine. However,insufficient image quality may compromise its diagnostic accuracy. No standardized criteria are available to assess the quality of CMR studies. We aimed todescribe and validate standardized criteria to evaluate the quality of CMR studies including: a) cine steady-state free precession, b) delayed gadoliniumenhancement, and c) adenosine stress first-pass perfusion. These criteria will serve for the assessment of the image quality in the setting of the Euro-CMR registry.METHOD AND MATERIALS: First, a total of 45 quality criteria were defined (35 qualitative criteria with a score from 0-3, and 10 quantitative criteria). Thequalitative score ranged from 0 to 105. The lower the qualitative score, the better the quality. The quantitative criteria were based on the absolute signal intensity (delayed enhancement) and on the signal increase (perfusion) of the anterior/posterior left ventricular wall after gadolinium injection. These criteria were then applied in 30 patients scanned with a 1.5T system and in 15 patients scanned with a 3.0T system. The examinations were jointly interpreted by 3 CMR experts and 1 study nurse. In these 45 patients the correlation between the results of the quality assessment obtained by the different readers was calculated.RESULTS: On the 1.5T machine, the mean quality score was 3.5. The mean difference between each pair of observers was 0.2 (5.7%) with a mean standarddeviation of 1.4. On the 3.0T machine, the mean quality score was 4.4. The mean difference between each pair of onservers was 0.3 (6.4%) with a meanstandard deviation of 1.6. The quantitative quality assessments between observers were well correlated for the 1.5T machine: R was between 0.78 and 0.99 (pCONCLUSION: The described criteria for the assessment of CMR image quality are robust and have a low inter-observer variability, especially on 1.5T systems.CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION: These criteria will allow the standardization of CMR examinations. They will help to improve the overall quality ofexaminations and the comparison between clinical studies.
La línea que une la publicación de Walden de Henry David Thoreau con la primeraproyección, ciento quince años después, de Diaries Notes and Sketches also known asWalden de Jonas Mekas marca una nueva forma de entender la subjetividad como armapolítica y vehículo para la transmisión de ideas partiendo de la vida cotidiana; desde la perspectiva que surge de esta línea se estudiará también el cine de Robert Kramer y de Jacques Rozier.