932 resultados para distributed computing projects


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Leveraging cloud services, companies and organizations can significantly improve their efficiency, as well as building novel business opportunities. Cloud computing offers various advantages to companies while having some risks for them too. Advantages offered by service providers are mostly about efficiency and reliability while risks of cloud computing are mostly about security problems. Problems with security of the cloud still demand significant attention in order to tackle the potential problems. Security problems in the cloud as security problems in any area of computing, can not be fully tackled. However creating novel and new solutions can be used by service providers to mitigate the potential threats to a large extent. Looking at the security problem from a very high perspective, there are two focus directions. Security problems that threaten service user’s security and privacy are at one side. On the other hand, security problems that threaten service provider’s security and privacy are on the other side. Both kinds of threats should mostly be detected and mitigated by service providers. Looking a bit closer to the problem, mitigating security problems that target providers can protect both service provider and the user. However, the focus of research community mostly is to provide solutions to protect cloud users. A significant research effort has been put in protecting cloud tenants against external attacks. However, attacks that are originated from elastic, on-demand and legitimate cloud resources should still be considered seriously. The cloud-based botnet or botcloud is one of the prevalent cases of cloud resource misuses. Unfortunately, some of the cloud’s essential characteristics enable criminals to form reliable and low cost botclouds in a short time. In this paper, we present a system that helps to detect distributed infected Virtual Machines (VMs) acting as elements of botclouds. Based on a set of botnet related system level symptoms, our system groups VMs. Grouping VMs helps to separate infected VMs from others and narrows down the target group under inspection. Our system takes advantages of Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) and data mining techniques.


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This research studied the project performance measurement from the perspective of strategic management. The objective was to find a generic model for project performance measurement that emphasizes strategy and decision making. Research followed the guidelines of a constructive research methodology. As a result, the study suggests a model that measures projects with multiple meters during and after projects. Measurement after the project is suggested to be linked to the strategic performance measures of a company. The measurement should be conducted with centralized project portfolio management e.g. using the project management office in the organization. Metrics, after the project, measure the project’s actual benefit realization. During the project, the metrics are universal and they measure the accomplished objectives relation to costs, schedule and internal resource usage. Outcomes of these measures should be forecasted by using qualitative or stochastic methods. Solid theoretical background for the model was found from the literature that covers the subjects of performance measurement, projects and uncertainty. The study states that the model can be implemented in companies. This statement is supported by empirical evidence from a single case study. The gathering of empiric evidence about the actual usefulness of the model in companies is left to be done by the evaluative research in the future.


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The goal of this thesis is to define and validate a software engineering approach for the development of a distributed system for the modeling of composite materials, based on the analysis of various existing software development methods. We reviewed the main features of: (1) software engineering methodologies; (2) distributed system characteristics and their effect on software development; (3) composite materials modeling activities and the requirements for the software development. Using the design science as a research methodology, the distributed system for creating models of composite materials is created and evaluated. Empirical experiments which we conducted showed good convergence of modeled and real processes. During the study, we paid attention to the matter of complexity and importance of distributed system and a deep understanding of modern software engineering methods and tools.


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The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to develop project logistics functions in large scale en-gineering, procurement and construction projects. The background of the research topic is compounded from two separate subjects; OPAL Program and case study of an actual EPC project. The purpose is to examine Project Logistics process in accordance with OPAL Program as well as logistics process in focus EPC project. Both entities are researched by using the case study research methodology. Logistics process of the focus EPC project is described as well as presented and in addi-tion, logistics related findings and observations are introduced. Significant findings and observations are found from logistics costs as well as shipment volume estimations in the early phase of the focus ECP project. A notable finding is also that because goods were transported as readily assembled as possible it caused expensive oversized cargo deliveries. From findings and observation of the focus EPC project it can be derived that logistics has to be involved in the early sales phase in order to receive more accurate logistics cost esti-mations for project deliveries. It is also noticed that in order to obtain savings in logistics costs, oversized deliveries must be avoided.


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Liberalization of electricity markets has resulted in a competed Nordic electricity market, in which electricity retailers play a key role as electricity suppliers, market intermediaries, and service providers. Although these roles may remain unchanged in the near future, the retailers’ operation may change fundamentally as a result of the emerging smart grid environment. Especially the increasing amount of distributed energy resources (DER), and improving opportunities for their control, are reshaping the operating environment of the retailers. This requires that the retailers’ operation models are developed to match the operating environment, in which the active use of DER plays a major role. Electricity retailers have a clientele, and they operate actively in the electricity markets, which makes them a natural market party to offer new services for end-users aiming at an efficient and market-based use of DER. From the retailer’s point of view, the active use of DER can provide means to adapt the operation to meet the challenges posed by the smart grid environment, and to pursue the ultimate objective of the retailer, which is to maximize the profit of operation. This doctoral dissertation introduces a methodology for the comprehensive use of DER in an electricity retailer’s short-term profit optimization that covers operation in a variety of marketplaces including day-ahead, intra-day, and reserve markets. The analysis results provide data of the key profit-making opportunities and the risks associated with different types of DER use. Therefore, the methodology may serve as an efficient tool for an experienced operator in the planning of the optimal market-based DER use. The key contributions of this doctoral dissertation lie in the analysis and development of the model that allows the retailer to benefit from profit-making opportunities brought by the use of DER in different marketplaces, but also to manage the major risks involved in the active use of DER. In addition, the dissertation introduces an analysis of the economic potential of DER control actions in different marketplaces including the day-ahead Elspot market, balancing power market, and the hourly market of Frequency Containment Reserve for Disturbances (FCR-D).


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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The importance of Technology Transfer activities of companies is underpinned by the changes in technological and economic environments. However, there is still a significant gap in defining possible ways for Technology Transfer projects effectiveness improvement. The Master’s Thesis overviews common problems faced by the companies in implementation of Technology Transfer projects and examines Lean management principles as possible way to improve its effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the relevant scientific literature and results of the survey, conducted among the firms of different types, the approach to Technology Transfer projects implementation with the use of Lean management principles is proposed. The approach serves to solve some of the important problems faced by the managers of Technology Transfer projects. It is envisaged that this approach can help to increase overall Technology Transfer projects’ effectiveness.


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This paper discusses the long-run history of education policies in Brazil. It is suggested that the main reason for the educational backwardness was the existence of strong political interests over education. It is also defended that these interests can be empirically observed in the allocation of public resources between the different levels of education, with political choices favouring specific groups in society. It was not a matter of lack of investment in education, but of inadequate allocation of resources. This pattern of political-based policies created a strong negative path dependence of misallocation of resources in education in Brazil, particularly with significant underinvestment in secondary education.


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Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a well-recognized approach to the design of interactive computing systems that supports everyday and professional lives of people. To that end, the HCD approach put central emphasis on the explicit understanding of users and context of use by involving users throughout the entire design and development process. With mobile computing, the diversity of users as well as the variety in the spatial, temporal, and social settings of the context of use has notably expanded, which affect the effort of interaction designers to understand users and context of use. The emergence of the mobile apps era in 2008 as a result of structural changes in the mobile industry and the profound enhanced capabilities of mobile devices, further intensify the embeddedness of technology in the daily life of people and the challenges that interaction designers face to cost-efficiently understand users and context of use. Supporting interaction designers in this challenge requires understanding of their existing practice, rationality, and work environment. The main objective of this dissertation is to contribute to interaction design theories by generating understanding on the HCD practice of mobile systems in the mobile apps era, as well as to explain the rationality of interaction designers in attending to users and context of use. To achieve that, a literature study is carried out, followed by a mixed-methods research that combines multiple qualitative interview studies and a quantitative questionnaire study. The dissertation contributes new insights regarding the evolving HCD practice at an important time of transition from stationary computing to mobile computing. Firstly, a gap is identified between interaction design as practiced in research and in the industry regarding the involvement of users in context; whereas the utilization of field evaluations, i.e. in real-life environments, has become more common in academic projects, interaction designers in the industry still rely, by large, on lab evaluations. Secondly, the findings indicate on new aspects that can explain this gap and the rationality of interaction designers in the industry in attending to users and context; essentially, the professional-client relationship was found to inhibit the involvement of users, while the mental distance between practitioners and users as well as the perceived innovativeness of the designed system are suggested in explaining the inclination to study users in situ. Thirdly, the research contributes the first explanatory model on the relation between the organizational context and HCD; essentially, innovation-focused organizational strategies greatly affect the cost-effective usage of data on users and context of use. Last, the findings suggest a change in the nature of HCD in the mobile apps era, at least with universal consumer systems; evidently, the central attention on the explicit understanding of users and context of use shifts from an early requirements phase and continual activities during design and development to follow-up activities. That is, the main effort to understand users is by collecting data on their actual usage of the system, either before or after the system is deployed. The findings inform both researchers and practitioners in interaction design. In particular, the dissertation suggest on action research as a useful approach to support interaction designers and further inform theories on interaction design. With regard to the interaction design practice, the dissertation highlights strategies that encourage a more cost-effective user- and context-informed interaction design process. With the continual embeddedness of computing into people’s life, e.g. with wearable devices and connected car systems, the dissertation provides a timely and valuable view on the evolving humancentered design.


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The purpose of this thesis was the screening of power to gas projects worldwide and reviewing the technologies used and applications for the end products. This study focuses solely on technical solutions and feasibility, economical profitability is excluded. With power grids having larger penetrations of intermittent sources such as solar and wind power, the demand and production cannot be balanced in conventional methods. Technologies for storing electric power in times of surplus production are needed, and the concept called power to gas is a solution for this problem. A total of 57 projects mostly located in Europe were reviewed by going through publications, presentations and project web pages. Hydrogen is the more popular end product over methane. Power to gas is a viable concept when power production from intermittent sources needs to be smoothed and time shifted, when carbon free fuels are produced for vehicles and when chemical industry needs carbon neutral raw materials.


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The study focuses on five lower secondary school pupils’ daily use of their one-toone computers, the overall aim being to investigate literacy in this form of computing. Theoretically, the study is rooted in the New Literacy tradition with an ecological perspective, in combination with socio-semiotic theory in a multimodal perspective. New Literacy in the ecological perspective focuses on literacy practices and place/space and on the links between them. Literacy is viewed as socially based, in specific situations and in recurring social practices. Socio-semiotic theory embodying the multimodal perspective is used for the text analysis. The methodology is known as socio-semiotic ethnography. The ethnographic methods encompass just over two years of fieldwork with participating observations of the five participants’ computing activities at home, at school and elsewhere. The participants, one boy and two girls from the Blue (Anemone) School and two girls from the White (Anemone) School, were chosen to reflect a broad spectrum in terms of sociocultural and socioeconomic background. The study shows the existence of a both broad and deep variation in the way digital literacy features in the participants’ one-to-one computing. These variations are associated with experience in relation to the home, the living environment, place, personal qualities and school. The more varied computer usage of the Blue School participants is connected with the interests they developed in their homes and living environments and in the computing practices undertaken in school. Their more varied usage of the computer is reflected in their broader digital literacy repertoires and their greater number and variety of digital literacy abilities. The Blue School participants’ text production is more multifaceted, covers a wider range of subjects and displays a broader palette of semiotic resources. It also combines more text types and the texts are generally longer than those of the White School participants. The Blue School girls have developed a text culture that is close to that of the school. In their case, there is clear linkage between school-initiated and self-initiated computing activities, while other participants do not have the same opportunities to link and integrate self-initiated computing activities into the school context. It also becomes clear that the Blue School girls can relate and adapt their texts to different communicative practices and recipients. In addition, the study shows that the Blue School girls have some degree of scope in their school practice as a result of incorporating into it certain communicative practices that they have developed in nonschool contexts. Quite contrary to the hopes expressed that one-to-one computing would reduce digital inequality, it has increased between these participants. Whether the same or similar results apply in a larger perspective, on a more structural level, is a question that this study cannot answer. It can only draw attention to the need to investigate the matter. The study shows in a variety of ways that the White School participants do not have the same opportunity to develop their digital literacy as the Blue School participants. In an equivalence perspective, schools have a compensational task to perform. It is abundantly clear from the study that investing in one-to-one projects is not enough to combat digital inequality and achieve the digitisation goals established for school education. Alongside their investments in technology, schools need to develop a didactic that legitimises and compensates for the different circumstances of different pupils. The compensational role of schools in this connection is important not only for the present participants but also for the community at large, in that it can help to secure a cohesive, open and democratic society.


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This thesis undertakes an exploration of the nature of alternative food projects in Niagara. A review of various theoretical approaches to the study of food and agriculture, suggests that actor-network theory offers the most useful lens through which to understand these projects. In particular, actor-network theory facilitates non-dualistic theorisations of power and scale and a commitment to the inclusion of non-humans in the 'social' sciences. The research is based on 19 in-depth interviews with actors involved in various urban and rural projects including community supported agriculture, community gardens, chefs using local seasonal food, a winery that grows organically, the good food box, a value-added small business, and organic producers. The analysis consists of four themes. The first analytical section pays special attention to the prominence of agri-tourism in Niagara, and examines the ways in which the projects in the sample interact with agri-tourist networks. In the second section the discussion focuses on the discourses and practices of resistance among Niagara alternative food actors. The participants' interviews suggest there are more discourses of resistance toward agri-tourist than toward dominant food networks. The third section questions commodity chain theorisations of alternative food projects. In particular, this section shows how the inclusion of non-human actors in an analysis confounds conceptualisations of 'short' and 'local' chains. The final analytical section assesses relations of power in Niagara alternative food projects. Three important conclusions arise from this research. First, Niagara alternative food projects cannot be conceptualised as operating at the 'local' scale. Broadening the scope of analysis to include non-human actors, it becomes apparent that these projects actually draw on a variety of extra-local actors. They are at once local and global. Second, the projects in this sample are simultaneously part of alternative, dominant and agri-tourist networks. While Niagara alternative food projects do perform many of the roles characteristic of alternative food systems, they are also involved in practices of development, business, and class distinction. Thus, alternative food networks should not be understood as separate from and in direct opposition to dominant food networks. Despite the second conclusion, this research determines that Niagara alternative food projects have made significant strides in the reworking of power. The projects represented in this thesis do engage in resistant practices and are associated with increased levels ofjustice.


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This dissertation investigates the practice of leadership in collaboratively designed and funded research in a university setting. More specifically, this research explores the meaning of leadership as experienced by researchers who were, or still are, engaged on Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded collaborative research projects in a university setting. This qualitative study (Gay & Airasian, 2003) is situated within a social constructivist paradigm (Kezar, Carducci, & Contreras-McGavin, 2006) and involves an analysis of the responses from 12 researchers who answered 11questions related to my overarching research question: What is the impact of leadership on university based collaborative research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council based on the experiences of researchers involved? The data that emerged supported and enhanced the existing literature related to leadership and collaborative groups in academia. The type of preferred leadership that emerged as a result of this research seemed to indicate that the type of leader that appeared to be optimal in this context might be described as a functional collaborative expert.


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Variations in different types of genomes have been found to be responsible for a large degree of physical diversity such as appearance and susceptibility to disease. Identification of genomic variations is difficult and can be facilitated through computational analysis of DNA sequences. Newly available technologies are able to sequence billions of DNA base pairs relatively quickly. These sequences can be used to identify variations within their specific genome but must be mapped to a reference sequence first. In order to align these sequences to a reference sequence, we require mapping algorithms that make use of approximate string matching and string indexing methods. To date, few mapping algorithms have been tailored to handle the massive amounts of output generated by newly available sequencing technologies. In otrder to handle this large amount of data, we modified the popular mapping software BWA to run in parallel using OpenMPI. Parallel BWA matches the efficiency of multithreaded BWA functions while providing efficient parallelism for BWA functions that do not currently support multithreading. Parallel BWA shows significant wall time speedup in comparison to multithreaded BWA on high-performance computing clusters, and will thus facilitate the analysis of genome sequencing data.