939 resultados para Term of protection
L’effettività della tutela cautelare, intesa come tutela tempestiva, adeguata e piena, è stata la linea cardine dell’evoluzione della giustizia amministrativa, che, nel corso di un periodo durato più di un secolo, grazie all’opera della giurisprudenza e della dottrina, si è strutturata oggi su un vero processo. Approdo recente, e allo stesso tempo, simbolo di questa evoluzione, è sicuramente il Codice del processo amministrativo emanato con il d. lgs. 2 luglio 2010, n. 104. La ricerca, di cui questo contributo costituisce un resoconto, è iniziata contestualmente all’entrata in vigore del nuovo testo, e quindi è stata anche l’occasione per vederne le prime applicazioni giurisprudenziali. In particolare la lettura del Codice, prescindendo da una mera ricognizione di tutto il suo lungo articolato, è stata fatta alla luce di una ponderazione, nell’attualità, non solo del principio di effettività, ma anche del principio di strumentalità che lega tradizionalmente la fase cautelare con la fase di merito. I risultati della ricerca manifestano la volontà del legislatore di confermare questo rapporto strumentale, per fronteggiare una deriva incontrollata verso una cautela dagli effetti alle volte irreversibili, quale verificatasi nell’applicazione giurisprudenziale, ma contestualmente evidenziano la volontà di estendere la portata della tutela cautelare. Guardando a cosa sia diventata oggi la tutela cautelare, si è assistito ad un rafforzamento degli effetti conformativi, tipici delle sentenze di merito ma che si sono estesi alla fase cautelare. I giudici, pur consapevoli che la tutela cautelare non sia una risposta a cognizione piena, bensì sommaria, intendono comunque garantire una tutela tempestiva ed effettiva, anche per il tramite di tecniche processuali particolari, come quella del remand, cui, all’interno della ricerca, viene dedicato ampio spazio. Nella sua ultima parte la ricerca si è focalizzata, sempre volendo guardare in maniera globale agli effetti della tutela cautelare, sul momento dell’esecuzione e quindi sul giudizio di ottemperanza.
En este estudio se analizó la Administración Pública que tiene el encargo de la tutela y revalorización del Patrimonio Cultural, en una perspectiva comparativa entre los dos países. La investigación se dividió en dos partes. Una primera en la que se analizan las soluciones legales adoptadas por los diversos regímenes durante los siglos. Se busca analizar la respuesta legal dada históricamente a los problemática social de la conservación del Patrimonio Cultural y entender las políticas que la Administración había adoptado finalmente. Este histórico viaje terminará con la legislación vigente, y con el análisis de la Legislación inminentemente anterior, que ha sentado las bases de la actual estructura de la Administración Pública, que ejercerá las competencias relativas a la protección del patrimonio cultural. El estudio continúa con una segunda parte en la que, con dos capítulos, se procede a examinar la legislación que regula la organización de la Administración Pública tanto de Italia como de España. En cada uno de los países se analizan todos los niveles territoriales, así como los organismos o instituciones autónomas creadas dentro de los Organismos Públicos de cada Estado. El tercer capítulo supone una comparación y una crítica de ambas organizaciones. Ambas estructuras en ocasiones han surgido a partir de un punto en común, incluso, a pesar de haber tenido evoluciones distintas de conformidad a la especificidad del país, todavía presentan similitudes. Por otra parte, ambos países se han visto perjudicadas recientemente por las políticas relacionadas con los recortes en el gasto público, lo que llevó a la reducción de la Administración Pública, aunque no de un modo tan satisfactorio, como esperábamos. El estudio finaliza con las conclusiones obtenidas tras el análisis concienzudo de ambas administraciones.
La tesi analizza il mutamento in atto nelle fonti del diritto del lavoro, attraverso uno studio dei casi di rinvio dalla legge al contratto collettivo. Nella Parte I della tesi è affrontato il tema dei rapporti tra legge e contratto collettivo. In una prospettiva statica, i rapporti tra legge e contratto collettivo sono caratterizzati dall’operare dei principii di gerarchia e del favor: la legge prevede il trattamento minimo di tutela e il contratto collettivo può modificare tale trattamento in senso più favorevole al lavoratore. In una prospettiva dinamica, i rapporti tra legge e contratto collettivo sono più complessi: nell’ordinamento italiano, infatti, la disciplina del rapporto e del mercato del lavoro è caratterizzata da una valorizzazione degli apporti dell’autonomia collettiva. In particolare, il contratto collettivo è destinatario di una serie di rinvii, che lo autorizzano a completare la disciplina legale e a modificarla anche in senso meno favorevole al lavoratore, al fine di creare un mercato del lavoro maggiormente dinamico. Nella Parte II della tesi l’analisi si concentra sull’art. 8 della l. n. 148/2011. Tale disposizione è stata introdotta durante la crisi economico-finanziaria che ha colpito l’Italia tra il 2011 e il 2012, a seguito di trattative tra il Governo italiano e le istituzioni dell’UE, al fine di attribuire alle imprese uno strumento per incrementare la loro competitività e produttività. L’art. 8 autorizza il contratto collettivo a derogare in peius alla legge con riferimento a un arco tematico di materie e istituti che comprende l’intero profilo della disciplina del rapporto di lavoro, con alcune eccezioni. L’art. 8 rappresenta il punto di arrivo di una lunga evoluzione legislativa e consente di mettere in discussione la ricostruzione tradizionale dei rapporti tra legge e contratto collettivo basata sui principii di gerarchia e di favore.
Scegliere di consumare in modo sostenibile significa passare ad un nuovo modello di consumo. Tale modello richiede una maggiore consapevolezza e responsabilità da parte dei consumatori, unite all'adozione di nuovi stili di vita e di scelte d’acquisto, che permettano il raggiungimento di elevati livelli di benessere nel rispetto dell'ambiente. Un notevole sforzo è stato compiuto recentemente dai policy maker per incoraggiare il consumo sostenibile quali implementazioni dello sviluppo sostenibile. Ancora lunga, tuttavia, è la strada da percorrere per raggiungere pienamente questo obiettivo. Tra i prodotti sostenibili, il biologico si è rivelato di gran lunga il più rappresentativo: le statistiche di questo mercato mostrano, infatti, tendenze positive, sebbene il consumo risulti ancora eterogeneo e contenuto rispetto al consumo di alimenti convenzionali. Ciò mostra che il comportamento dei consumatori non è ancora abbastanza reattivo alle suddette politiche. Il presente studio si propone di contribuire alla ricerca sul consumo sostenibile approfondendo i fattori che incoraggiano o impediscono il consumo di prodotti alimentari biologici in Italia. Adottando un nuovo approccio si cerca di capire come i diversi segmenti di diete alimentari affrontino gli alimenti biologici in termini di consumi e di atteggiamenti. Un'analisi multivariata a più fasi è stata condotta su un campione di 3.004 consumatori. Un’analisi delle componenti principali non lineare è stata applicata alle variabili ordinali che misurano il consumo di ventuno categorie di alimenti. Successivamente è stata applicata la cluster analysis che ha dato luogo a quattro segmenti di abitudini alimentari. I prodotti biologici sono diventati parte delle abitudini alimentari in Italia in quasi un terzo della popolazione. Il consumo sembra essersi affermato soprattutto nel segmento con abitudini alimentari sane. Una scarsa attenzione ad una dieta sana, gli stili di vita, il reddito, l'accessibilità, la mancanza di consapevolezza condizionano le abitudini alimentari a scapito di un consumo più sostenibile.
Das humane Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) ist ein opportunistischer Krankheitserreger, der insbesondere bei Patienten mit unreifem oder geschwächtem Immunsystem schwere, teilweise lebensbedrohliche Erkrankungen verursacht. Aufgrund der klinischen Relevanz wird die Entwicklung einer Impfung gegen HCMV mit großem Nachdruck verfolgt. Subvirale Partikel des HCMV, sogenannte Dense Bodies (DB), stellen eine vielversprechende Impfstoff-Grundlage dar. Die innere Struktur der Partikel besteht aus viralen Proteinen, die als dominante Antigene der zellulären Immunantwort gegen HCMV identifiziert wurden. Die äußere Hülle der Partikel entspricht der Virushülle, sie enthält die viralen Oberflächenproteine als Zielantigene der neutralisierenden Antikörper (NTAk)-Antwort in ihrer natürlichen Konformation. Die für ein Totantigen außergewöhnlich hohe Immunogenität der Partikel wurde bereits in Vorarbeiten dokumentiert. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den molekularen Hintergrund für die herausragenden, immunogenen Eigenschaften von DB aufzuklären. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde daher die Hypothese geprüft, dass DB geeignet sind, die Ausreifung und Aktivierung von dendritischen Zellen (DC) zu vermitteln und damit deren Fähigkeit zur Antigenpräsentation zu stimulieren. Derart aktivierten DC kommt eine wichtige Rolle beim Priming der T-lymphozytären Immunantwort zu. In der Tat konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Behandlung von unreifen dendritischen Zellen (iDC) mit DB zu verstärkter Expression von solchen Molekülen auf der DC-Oberfläche führt, die mit Ausreifung der Zellen verknüpft sind. Der Nachweis der verstärkten Freisetzung proinflammatorischer Zytokine belegte die Aktivierung der Zellen im Sinne einer entzündlichen Reaktion. Die erfolgreiche Stimulation von CD4 und CD8 T-Lymphozyten durch DB-behandelte DC belegte schließlich die funktionelle Relevanz der Ergebnisse. Zusammengefasst konnten in diesem Abschnitt der Arbeit die molekularen Grundlagen der adjuvanten Wirkung von DB aufgeklärt werden. rnIn einem zweiten Abschnitt wurde die NTAk-Antwort nach DB-Immunisierung näher untersucht. Der humoralen Immunantwort kommt eine entscheidende Bedeutung bei der Prävention der HCMV-Übertragung zu. Hier galt es zu prüfen, welchen Einfluss stammspezifische Unterschiede in der Expression viraler Oberflächenproteine auf die Induktion der NTAk-Antwort nach DB-Immunisierung nehmen. Im Fokus stand dabei die variable Expression des pentameren Proteinkomplexes aus den viralen Proteinen gH/gL/pUL128-UL131A. Dieser Komplex wird nur von kliniknahen HCMV-Stämmen (HCMVKlin) exprimiert und ist für deren breiten Zelltropismus verantwortlich. Der pentamere Komplex fehlte in allen bisherigen Analysen der DB-Immunogenität, die auf der Grundlage von Laborstämmen des HCMV (HCMVLab) durchgeführt worden waren. Ein erster Versuchsansatz zeigte, dass die NTAk-Antwort, die durch DB von HCMVLab (DBLab) induziert wird, auch gegen die Infektion mit HCMVKlin einen gewissen Schutz vermittelt. Dies war ein überraschender Befund, da Antikörpern gegen den pentameren Komplex eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Neutralisation von HCMVKlin zugeschrieben wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten jedoch, dass Antikörper gegen andere Zielstrukturen zur Neutralisation von HCMVKlin beitragen. Hieraus resultierte unmittelbar die Frage, inwieweit eine Aufnahme des pentameren Komplexes in einen DB-basierten Impfstoff überhaupt notwendig war. Um dies zu beantworten war es notwendig, DB herzustellen, die den pentameren Komplex enthielten. Hierzu wurde ein HCMVLab durch Mutagenese des 235 kpb Genoms so modifiziert, dass von dem resultierenden Stamm der pentamere Komplex exprimiert wurde. In gereinigten DB dieses Stammes konnten die Komponenten des pentameren Komplexes nachgewiesen werden. Die Seren von Tieren, die mit DB dieses neuen Stammes immunisiert wurden, zeigten in der Tat eine deutlich gesteigerte Kapazität zur Neutralisation von HCMVKlin auf verschiedenen Zielzellen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen schlussendlich, dass die Expression des pentameren Komplexes einen Vorteil bei der Induktion der antiviralen NTAk-Antwort erbringt. Zusammengefasst liefern die Erkenntnisse aus dieser Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der immunogenen Wirkung von DB. Auf dieser Grundlage war es nunmehr möglich, ein Projekt zur Austestung der DB-Vakzine in einer ersten klinischen Studie zu initiieren.
We consider stochastic individual-based models for social behaviour of groups of animals. In these models the trajectory of each animal is given by a stochastic differential equation with interaction. The social interaction is contained in the drift term of the SDE. We consider a global aggregation force and a short-range repulsion force. The repulsion range and strength gets rescaled with the number of animals N. We show that for N tending to infinity stochastic fluctuations disappear and a smoothed version of the empirical process converges uniformly towards the solution of a nonlinear, nonlocal partial differential equation of advection-reaction-diffusion type. The rescaling of the repulsion in the individual-based model implies that the corresponding term in the limit equation is local while the aggregation term is non-local. Moreover, we discuss the effect of a predator on the system and derive an analogous convergence result. The predator acts as an repulsive force. Different laws of motion for the predator are considered.
Diese Dissertation zeigt zum ersten Mal den Ansatz gesättigte und ungesättigte Poly(Phosphorester) herzustellen, deren Polymergerüst und Seitenketten durch präzises Anbring-en von funktionellen und/oder solubilisierenden Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Durch Kombinieren der Vorteile der Olefinmetathese mit der Vielseitigkeit der Phos-phorchemie, eröffnet dieser variable Ansatz den Zugang zu einer neuen Klasse ungesättigter Poly-phosphate. Die zu Grunde liegende Idee ist das maßgeschneiderte Anpassen der Architektur und der Mikrostruktur dieser Polymere. Lineare, verzweigte, markierte und telechele Poly(Phosphorester) können in großem Maßstab mit hohen Funktionalisierungsgrad hergestellt werden.rnEiner der größten Vorteile dieses Ansatzes ist es, das Polymerrückrat modifizieren zu können, was weder bei der Ringöffnungs- noch bei klassischen Polymerisationen möglich ist, bei denen nur eine limitierte Anzahl an Monomeren existieren.rnDie Eigenschaften des Phosphors werden in neue Polymerarchitekturen übertragen, was von Nutzen für flammenhemmenden Materialen und Anwendung bei Gewebetherapeutika ist. Diese Doktorarbeit führt auch einzigartige Poly(Phosphorester) ein, welche im Feld der Op-toelektronik als Sauerstofffänger eingesetzten werden können. Die beschriebenen Synthese-vorschriften können einfach in größeren Maßstab durchgeführt werden und sind vielversprechend für industrielle Anwendungen, da ungesättigte Polyester einen sehr wichtigen Markt repräsentieren.
Since 1991, 6 years after the recommendation of universal childhood vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR triple vaccine), Switzerland is confronted with a large number of mumps cases affecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Up to 80% of the children suffering from mumps between 1991 and 1995 had previously been vaccinated, the majority with the Rubini vaccine strain. On the basis of a case-control study including 102 patients and 92 controls from the same pediatric population, a study of the humoral immune-response following vaccination with the Rubini vaccine in 6 young adult volunteers, and two different genetic studies, we investigated the complex problem of large scale vaccine failure in Switzerland. We conclude that the recently reported large number of Swiss mumps cases was caused by at least four interacting factors: 1. A vaccine coverage of 90-95% at the age of 2 years is necessary to interrupt mumps wild virus circulation. The nationwide vaccine coverage in Switzerland of some 80% in 27-36 month-old children is too low. 2. Primary vaccine failures (absence of seroconversion or unprotective low levels of neutralizing antibodies), as well as secondary vaccine failures due to the rapid decline of antibodies to mumps virus in our volunteers and controls, seem to be frequent after vaccination with the Rubini strain. 3. Despite its reported Swiss origin, the Rubini strain does not belong to the mumps virus lineages recently circulating in this area but is closely related to American mumps virus strains. 4. Differences in protein structure between the vaccine strain and the circulating wild type strains, and in particular a different neutralization epitope in the hemagglutinin neuraminidase protein, may additionally contribute to the lack of protection in vaccinated individuals.
The welfare state concepts in Eastern Europe under state socialism (1945-1990) were based on the conviction that only the state was responsible for solving all social problems. The 'bourgeois' manners of individual care were substituted by general measures in the field of labour- and family politics, as well as urban development. The experience showed however that this way of substitution was an illusion, because certain target groups were still in need of help (for example ill or handicapped children and adults, elderly people etc). Nevertheless, most of the Eastern European countries - with the exception of Yugoslavia - decided to abolish the existing forms of professional social work and the training for social workers. Instead, they invented 'surrogate structures' to manage the care for the 'needy': Various institutions and occupational groups (schools, hospitals and ambulances, employees groups etc.) took over the tasks of social workers and were trained to fulfil this as a kind of 'social practice'. Therefore, it is wrong to claim that social work was completely abolished under state socialism, But: as social work 'as such' did not exist any longer, it is more reasonable to speak of welfare state concepts, including social policy on one hand, and non- or paraprofessional social practice on the other. To characterize the effect of these welfare state concepts three parameter of interpretation seem to be useful: 'traditions', 'visions', and 'deconstructions' - embedded in a system of repression as well as incentives. Traditions: The huge 'social laboratory' that was installed was not a totally new one - it still carried on the heritage of the bygone: some bourgeois traces as well as elements out of the fascist heritage and -last but not least - the traditions of their own socialist movement. Visions: The socialist traditions included visions of social justice, the creation of a 'new mankind', a classless society, the end of exploitation and a peaceful living together of all people. Although the 'real existing socialism' has destroyed most of these visions, the power of these utopian ideas has outshined a lot of the every day’s misfortune and injustice for quite a long time. Deconstructions: The term of 'deconstruction' has a threefold meaning: the deconstruction of professional welfare, the deconstruction - in the sense of reinterpretation - of the socialist ideals such as social justice and social security, making an instrument of inclusion and exclusion out of it. And the deconstruction that is necessary to free the history of social work under state socialism from the prejudices and distorting practices, from both sides, the east and the west. In the contribution these three parameter of interpretation are applied on the following issues: The gaps in the 'overall system' of social security; working morale and education for work; mass organisations as an instrument of egalitarianism and general prevention; de-professionalisation by 'surrogating' social work; the 'transparent client'; church as refuge or 'state organ'; women’s politics as bio-politics.
As contentions continue to engulf the evidence-based practice (EBP) debate within social care, consensus seems to be gravitating towards the softer term of ‘evidence-aware’ practice, although there is as yet no definitive concept on the horizon. Set against a back-drop of competing ideologies, heavily influenced by the natural sciences, what is at stake is the essence of social work: there is a real danger that social work practice be reduced to mere base elements, which seek to eliminate all notions of uncertainly, so essential and endemic to our social world
After 20 years of silence, two recent references from the Czech Republic (Bezpečnostní softwarová asociace, Case C-393/09) and from the English High Court (SAS Institute, Case C-406/10) touch upon several questions that are fundamental for the extent of copyright protection for software under the Computer Program Directive 91/25 (now 2009/24) and the Information Society Directive 2001/29. In Case C-393/09, the European Court of Justice held that “the object of the protection conferred by that directive is the expression in any form of a computer program which permits reproduction in different computer languages, such as the source code and the object code.” As “any form of expression of a computer program must be protected from the moment when its reproduction would engender the reproduction of the computer program itself, thus enabling the computer to perform its task,” a graphical user interface (GUI) is not protected under the Computer Program Directive, as it does “not enable the reproduction of that computer program, but merely constitutes one element of that program by means of which users make use of the features of that program.” While the definition of computer program and the exclusion of GUIs mirror earlier jurisprudence in the Member States and therefore do not come as a surprise, the main significance of Case C-393/09 lies in its interpretation of the Information Society Directive. In confirming that a GUI “can, as a work, be protected by copyright if it is its author’s own intellectual creation,” the ECJ continues the Europeanization of the definition of “work” which began in Infopaq (Case C-5/08). Moreover, the Court elaborated this concept further by excluding expressions from copyright protection which are dictated by their technical function. Even more importantly, the ECJ held that a television broadcasting of a GUI does not constitute a communication to the public, as the individuals cannot have access to the “essential element characterising the interface,” i.e., the interaction with the user. The exclusion of elements dictated by technical functions from copyright protection and the interpretation of the right of communication to the public with reference to the “essential element characterising” the work may be seen as welcome limitations of copyright protection in the interest of a free public domain which were not yet apparent in Infopaq. While Case C-393/09 has given a first definition of the computer program, the pending reference in Case C-406/10 is likely to clarify the scope of protection against nonliteral copying, namely in how far the protection extends beyond the text of the source code to the design of a computer program and where the limits of protection lie as regards the functionality of a program and mere “principles and ideas.” In light of the travaux préparatoires, it is submitted that the ECJ is also likely to grant protection for the design of a computer program, while excluding both the functionality and underlying principles and ideas from protection under the European copyright directives.
There are close links between emotions and values, or at least this is what our ordinary ways of talking suggest. For many, if not all, types of emotion it is thus possible to find a corresponding evaluative term, one often derived from the name of the emotion in question. These are for example evaluative terms such as ‘shameful’, ‘offensive, ‘annoying’, ‘dangerous’, ‘contemptible’, ‘admirable’, ‘amusing’, ‘exciting’, ‘boring’, and the like. Starting perhaps from these linguistic observations, the philosophical task is of course to elucidate the nature of the links between emotions and values, and attempts at doing so have traditionally revolved around the following three questions: first, what is the role of emotions in elucidating the nature of value? For example, should dangerousness be understood in term of the fear response? Second, what is the role of emotions in our getting access to values? For example, what may be the role of fear in becoming aware that a given animal is dangerous? Third, what value do emotions have? For example, is fear of special value because it helps behaving appropriately towards its object? We hall take up these questions in turn and survey the most important answers they have received in the literature. As we shall discover, answering the first question amounts to surveying a variety of theories according to which there is an ontological relation between values and emotions since the former should be elucidated in terms of the latter (Sec. 1). Addressing the second question consists in reviewing theories according to which there is an intentional relation between emotions and values because the former are apprehensions of value or evaluations (Sec. 2). Grappling with the third question, we shall explore some reasons for thinking that emotions can exemplify values (Sec. 3).
The contemporary intellectual property rights (IPR) system is not a simple, smoothly working block of rules but is complex and full of ambiguities, and as many argue, imperfections. Some deficits relate on the one hand to the inherent centrality of authorship, originality and mercantilism to the ‘Western’ IP model, which leaves numerous non-Western, collaborative or folkloric modes of production outside the scope of protection. On the other hand, some imperfections stem from the way IPR are granted, whereby creators acquire a temporary monopoly over their works and thus exclude the public from having access to them. In this sense, it is often uncertain whether the existent IPR model appropriately reflects the precarious balance between private and public interests, and whether the best incentives to promote creativity and innovation - the initially stated objectives of intellectual property protection - are offered. The matter becomes still more complicated when one considers that the IPR system is not domestically contained but is globalised and strongly affected by rules at the regional and international levels. The question of whether the balance between private interests and public values is sustained within the international legal framework, epitomised by the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), is precisely the topic of the book reviewed here. Review of Intellectual Property, Public Policy, and International Trade, edited by Inge Govaere and Hanns Ullrich, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2007.
This chapter discusses the relationship between labour market regulation and regional trade agreements from both a legal and an economic angle. We examine empirically whether regional trade liberalisation is associated with deterioration (“race to the bottom”) of domestic labour standards beyond those reflected in the 1998 ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Using a panel of 90 developed and developing countries, covering the years from 1980 to 2005, we find that after the entry into force of a regional trade agreement (RTA), labour standards applying to employment protection and unemployment benefits are significantly weakened. We show that such a lowering of protection levels tends to occur in high income countries and that this effect mainly stems from RTAs among such countries rather than with low or middle income countries. Concern about competitive pressure to weaken domestic labour regulation is reflected in a variety of undertakings in RTAs not to administer labour laws with a view to improving one’s competitive position in trade or foreign direct investment (FDI). The above-mentioned empirical findings indicate that such provisions could potentially become relevant, and that this is more likely to be the case for high income members of RTAs. Our analysis, from a legal point of view, of relevant institutional and procedural mechanisms indicates however that enforceability of the relevant provisions is weak for most of the existing legal texts.
Spanish Abstract: El presente trabajo analiza los posibles efectos que generaría en la regulación internacional de la inversión extranjera, el acuerdo de un capítulo de inversiones en el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP), actualmente en negociaciones, sobre la base de la información disponible a la fecha. El artículo aborda cuatro aspectos que presentan especial importancia dada la divergencia de intereses entre algunos de los Estados negociadores: el ámbito de protección de la inversión extranjera; las normas sobre transparencia de los regímenes de inversión y sus disputas; la irrupción de entidades estatales como inversionistas extranjeros; y la solución de controversias a través del arbitraje inversionista-Estado. El autor concluye que en comparación a la actual fragmentación regulatoria de la que dan cuenta los acuerdos internacionales de inversión suscritos por los países negociadores del TPP, la incorporación de un capítulo de inversiones en ese Acuerdo es una oportunidad para avanzar en la convergencia de la regulación sobre inversión extranjera, tanto en materia de estándares sustantivos de protección de la inversión como en la mejora del arbitraje inversionista-Estado como mecanismo de solución de controversias.