901 resultados para Squamous Cell Carcinoma


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The transitional cell carcinoma is usually located in the trigone region of the bladder, and shows nonspecific clinical signs of the lower urinary tract such as hematuria, strangury, pollakiuria and urinary incontinence. The urethral and ureteral obstructions occur in some cases. Etiological factors such as endogenous and iatrogenic have been listed as the cause of disease. The objective of this report is to describe the process and treatment of two cases of transitional cell carcinoma presented simultaneously in two dogs, mother and daughter, that showed hematuria and post-renal azotemia, both with tumor in the trigone of bladder. After partial cystectomy ureteroneocistostomia, the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma was confirmed by histopathological analysis of bladder tissue. Patients received firocoxib as adjuvant to surgery. It is concluded that the surgical procedure associated with the use of specific anti-inflammatory COX-2 provided a better quality of life in both patients.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Several reasons may lead to the failure of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials: presence of inhibitors and degradation of target DNA. DNA dilution will often reduce the concentration of potential inhibitors and still contain enough DNA to allow PCR amplification. Objective: To evaluate the dilution influence of DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials on β-globin PCR amplification. Material and Method: Paraffin-embedded blocks from 30 patients with oropharynx squamous cell carcinomas, diagnosed and treated at the Oral Oncology Center were selected. DNA extraction was performed using QIAmp minikit (Quiagen). DNA was quantified and evaluated for purity by spectrophotometer analysis. Two groups were formed with different amounts of DNA: group I had the originally extracted DNA and group II had the same DNA, however diluted with ultrapure water addition. PCR was performed in both groups using oligonucleotides for human β-globin gene. Results: For Group I, amplification of the β-globin gene sequence was successful in 33.33% of the samples and for Group II, in 23.33%. Conclusion: Dilution of the DNA extracted of paraffin-embedded materials did not modify statistically the amount of positive samples β-globin gene amplified in PCR, although the results suggest that this is a way to increase the method for efficacy amplification of PCR.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The BCL2 protein found in the internal mothocondrial membrana regulates the apoptosis preventing the programmed cell death. The translocation (14:18), detected in 70 to 85% of the follicular lymphoma, lead the super expression of BCL2 protein, by juxtaposition of BCL2 gene to the JH segment of the immunoglobulins' heavy chain gene. However, the found of the BCL2 expression in head and neck carcinoma are contradictious. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of the translocation (14:18) of the BCL2 gene in head and neck carcinoma. METHOD: Sixteen DNA samplers were examinated being 13 of squamous cells carcinoma (SCC) and 3 of epidermoid (CE), y means of chain reaction of the polymerase (PCR). RESULTS: The BCL2/JH rearrangement in 2 (15%) of the CCE 13 cases and in none of the 3 cases of CE. The average of the frequency of molecules with rearrangement was 46,44x107. Was not observed association between the rearrangement presence and the exhibition to tobacco and alcohol (p=0, 6545). CONCLUSION: Different from the results found in follicular lymphoma, the presence of the translocation (14; 18) in head and neck carcinomas is not common and, when it occurs, it can be an occasional mutation not associated to exhibition to the tobacco and alcohol.


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Introduction: Ovarian adenocarcinoma is frequently detected at the late stage, when therapy efficacy is limited and death occurs in up to 50% of the cases. A potential novel treatment for this disease is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes phosphate transporter sodium-dependent phosphate transporter protein 2b (NaPi2b). Materials and Methods: To better understand the expression of this protein in different histologic types of ovarian carcinomas, we immunostained 50 tumor samples with anti-NaPi2b monoclonal antibody MX35 and, in parallel, we assessed the expression of the gene encoding NaPi2b (SCL34A2) by in silico analysis of microarray data. Results: Both approaches detected higher expression of NaPi2b (SCL34A2) in ovarian carcinoma than in normal tissue. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis indicates that SCL34A2 is the only gene of the several phosphate transporters genes whose expression differentiates normal from carcinoma samples, suggesting it might exert a major role in ovarian carcinomas. Immunohistochemical and mRNA expression data have also shown that 2 histologic subtypes of ovarian carcinoma express particularly high levels of NaPi2b: serous and clear cell adenocarcinomas. Serous adenocarcinomas are the most frequent, contrasting with clear cell carcinomas, rare, and with worse prognosis. Conclusion: This identification of subgroups of patients expressing NaPi2b may be important in selecting cohorts who most likely should be included in future clinical trials, as a recently generated humanized version of MX35 has been developed.


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Pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) is the most common complication after total laryngectomy. Objectives: To establish the incidence of this complication and to analyze the predisposing factors. Method: This is a cross-sectional study of a historical cohort including 94 patients who underwent total laryngectomy. The following aspects were correlated to the occurrence of PCF: gender, age, tumor site, TNM staging, type of neck dissection, previous radiation therapy, previous tracheotomy, and use of stapler for pharyngeal closure. The following were considered in PCF cases: the day into postoperative care when the fistula was diagnosed, duration of occurrence, and proposed treatment. Results: Twenty (21.3%) patients had PCF. The incidence of PCF was statistically higher in T4 tumors when compared to T2 and T3 neoplasms (p = 0.03). The other analyzed correlations were not statistically significant. However, 40.9% of the patients submitted to tracheostomy previously had fistulae, against 21.1% of the patients not submitted to this procedure. Conclusion: Advanced primary tumor staging is correlated with higher incidences of PCF.


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Os autores descrevem a aplicação de terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (Metivix®) em uma paciente com carcinoma basocelular padrão misto (nodular e infiltrativo) em pálpebra inferior de olho direito. Os efeitos colaterais sobre o olho foram avaliados semanalmente. Foi submetida à biòpsia incisional com punch de 2 mm para controle de cura após 12 semanas de tratamento. O anátomopatológico revelou ausência de neoplasia. O tratamento padrão ouro reconhecido mundialmente é a exérese da lesão, porém a terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (MAL) surge como uma opção terapêutica à cirurgia.


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The project was developed into three parts: the analysis of p63 isoform in breast tumours; the study of intra-tumour eterogeneicity in metaplastic breast carcinoma; the analysis of oncocytic breast carcinoma. p63 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding factor, homologue of the tumour suppressor and transcription factor p53. The human p63 gene is composed of 15 exons and transcription can occur from two distinct promoters: the transactivating isoforms (TAp63) are generated by a promoter upstream of exon 1, while the alternative promoter located in intron 3 leads to the expression of N-terminal truncated isoforms (ΔNp63). It has been demonstrated that anti-p63 antibodies decorate the majority of squamous cell carcinomas of different organs; moreover tumours with myoepithelial differentiation of the breast show nuclear p63 expression. Two new isoforms have been described with the same sequence as TAp63 and ΔNp63 but lacking exon 4: d4TAp63 and ΔNp73L, respectively. Purpose of the study was to investigate the molecular expression of N-terminal p63 isoforms in benign and malignant breast tissues. In the present study 40 specimens from normal breast, benign lesions, DIN/DCIS, and invasive carcinomas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase-PCR) in order to disclose the patterns of p63 expression. We have observed that the full-length isoforms can be detected in non neoplastic and neoplastic lesions, while the short isoforms are only present in the neoplastic cells of invasive carcinomas. Metaplastic carcinomas of the breast are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms which exhibit varied patterns of metaplasia and differentiation. The existence of such non-modal populations harbouring distinct genetic aberrations may explain the phenotypic diversity observed within a given tumour. Intra-tumour morphological heterogeneity is not uncommon in breast cancer and it can often be appreciated in metaplastic breast carcinomas. Aim of this study was to determine the existence of intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity in metaplastic breast cancers and whether areas with distinct morphological features in a given tumour might be underpinned by distinct patterns of genetic aberrations. 47 cases of metaplastic breast carcinomas were retrieved. Out of the 47 cases, 9 had areas that were of sufficient dimensions to be independently microdissected. Our results indicate that at least some breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal populations of clonally related cells and provide direct evidence that at least some types of metaplastic breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal clones harbouring distinct genetic aberrations. Oncocytic tumours represent a distinctive set of lesions with typical granular cytoplasmatic eosinophilia of the neoplastic cells. Only rare example of breast oncocytic carcinomas have been reported in literature and the incidence is probably underestimated. In this study we have analysed 33 cases of oncocytic invasive breast carcinoma of the breast, selected according to morphological and immunohistochemical criteria. These tumours were morphologically classified and studied by immunohistochemistry and aCGH. We have concluded that oncocytic breast carcinoma is a morphologic entity with distinctive ultrastructural and histological features; immunohistochemically is characterized by a luminal profile, it has a frequency of 19.8%, has not distinctive clinical features and, at molecular level, shows a specific constellation of genetic aberration.