911 resultados para Splash guard.


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On December 21, 2015, Governor Branstad issued Executive Order 87 (EO87); a cybersecurity initiative for the State of Iowa. The executive order establishes a multi-agency partnership, the EO87 Leadership Team, with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Iowa National Guard, Department of Public Safety, Iowa Communications Network, and the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department. The order directs these agencies to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy which addresses lifeline critical infrastructure, risk assessments, best practices, awareness training, public education and communication, collaboration, K-12 and higher education, data breach notifications, and incident response planning to protect the citizens of Iowa and Iowa businesses. The EO87 Leadership Team, along with several key partners, worked diligently over the last six months to prepare recommendations that will have a direct and sustainable impact on protecting lifeline critical infra-structure, reducing risk to government operations, and creating sustainable partnerships in cybersecurity.


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Mestrado em Auditoria


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Suomi luopui puolueettomuuspolitiikasta turvallisuuspoliittisena linjanaan kun se liittyi Euroopan unioniin ennen kaikkea turvallisuussyistä. Vaikka Suomi on EU-jäsenyyden myötä poliittisesti liittoutunut ja vaikka se on jatkuvasti laajentanut ja syventänyt yhteistyötään NATOn kanssa, Suomi on yhä sotilaallisesti liittoutumaton valtio. Suomen turvallisuuspoliittinen toimintaympäristö on ollut poikkeuksellisen vakaa kylmän sodan jälkeen ennen kaikkea siksi, että maailman voimakkain suurvalta Yhdysvallat on yhä sotilaallisesti läsnä Euroopassa ja Euroopan integraatio on jatkunut ja syventynyt. Suomi on sitonut nykyisen turvallisuuspoliittisen linjansa turvallisuusympäristönsä pysyvyyteen. Viime vuosina NATOn laajentuminen entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle on voimistanut läntisten suurvaltojen ja Venäjän välistä valtakamppailua ja turvallisuuskilpailua Suomen lähialueella. Viimeistään Ukrainan konflikti on tehnyt ajankohtaiseksi myös kysymyksen Suomen sotilaallisesta liittoutumisesta. Tässä artikkeliteoksessa turvallisuuspolitiikan asiantuntijat analysoivat keskeisimpien ulkoisten toimijoiden – EU:n, Ruotsin, Viron, Venäjän, Yhdysvaltojen ja NATOn – merkitystä Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudelle ja Suomen turvallisuudelle sekä pohtivat, onko Suomen syytä muuttaa nykyistä turvallisuuspoliittista linjaansa turvallisuusympäristössä tapahtuneiden muutosten vuoksi. Kirjoittajat myös arvioivat Suomen mahdolliseen sotilaalliseen liittoutumiseen liittyviä etuja ja haittoja verrattuna nykyiseen turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun. Teoksen kirjoittajien toisistaan poikkeavat näkemykset Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudesta, NATOn laajentumisen vaikutuksista Itämeren alueella, Venäjän valtapolitiikasta ja sen Suomelle muodostaman sotilaallisen uhan voimakkuudesta, NATOn pelotteen uskottavuudesta ja Yhdysvaltojen sitoutumisesta liittolaistensa puolustamiseen sekä Suomen NATO-jäsenyyden eduista ja haitoista valaisevat laajasti kysymystä Suomen turvallisuudesta ja turvallisuuspoliittisesta ratkaisusta. Suomelle sen geopoliittinen asema Venäjälle strategisesti elintärkeiden Kuolan alueen ja Pietari–Moskova-ydinalueen välittömässä läheisyydessä on ongelmallinen maan turvallisuuden kannalta. Suurvalta Venäjä onkin edelleen keskeisin Suomen turvallisuuteen ja turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun vaikuttava ulkoinen toimija. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Suomella on ollut ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus liittoutua Yhdysvaltojen kanssa NATO-jäsenyyden myötä Venäjän potentiaalista sotilaallista uhkaa vastaan. Toisaalta Suomella ei kuitenkaan ole ollut pakottavaa tarvetta siihen, koska se on välillisesti hyötynyt Yhdysvaltojen suurstrategiasta Euroopassa ja koska Venäjän valtapolitiikka on kohdistunut ennen kaikkea entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle. Vaikka Ukrainan konflikti onkin lisännyt poliittista ja sotilaallista jännitettä Itämeren alueella, tämän teoksen perusteella on kuitenkin mahdotonta antaa yksiselitteistä vastausta siihen, pitäisikö Suomen sen turvallisuuspoliittisessa toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneen muutoksen seurauksena liittyä NATOn jäseneksi vai ei. Halutessaan Suomi voi siis edelleen jatkaa nykyisellä turvallisuuspoliittisella linjallaan sotilaallisesti liittoutumattomana valtiona, mutta samalla sen täytyy kuitenkin pitää myös sotilaallinen liittoutuminen avoimena turvallisuuspoliittisena vaihtoehtona tulevaisuudessa.


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Scale 1:1,200; 1 in. = 100 ft.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar, 22 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Substrate current injection is the origin of external latchup and substrate noise coupling. The trigger current for external latchup depends on the duration of the trigger event. A physics-based model is provided to model the effects of aggressor to victim spacing and orientation on transient triggering of external latchup. The latchup susceptibility of standard cell based designs is also investigated. Guard rings are used to reduce latchup susceptibility and to reduce the substrate noise coupled to sensitive analog circuits. In this work, the effectiveness of different guard ring topologies for the reduction of substrate noise coupling is also investigated.


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Chrysiptera unimaculata, an algivorous species also living on the coral reef flat and being territorial but not considered as a strict farmer in this location. Maximum length is 8 cm in Persian Gulf. It is living in close association with macrophytes. Adults are found solitarily or in small groups among coastal algal reefs, rubble or over open beach-rock of reef flats exposed to moderate surge and feeds mainly on benthic algae. C. unimaculata is oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding. Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate. Males guard and aerate the eggs.


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Background There is a potential risk of infection with blood-borne viruses if a doctor receives a blood splash to a mucous membrane. The quantification of facial contamination with blood has never been documented in the context of dermatological surgery. Objectives (i) To identify the number of facial blood splashes that occur during skin surgery and to identify the procedures that present higher risks for the operator and assistant. (ii) To assess the provision of eye protection and attitudes to its use in dermatological surgery in the U.K. Methods (i) Prospective, observational study in the skin surgery suite of a U.K. teaching hospital assessing 100 consecutive dermatological surgery procedures, plus 100 consecutive operations in which an assistant was present. Primary outcome: number of face-mask visors with at least one blood splash. Secondary outcomes: to identify if any of the following variables influenced the occurrence of a blood splash: grade of operator, site and type of procedure, and the use of electrocautery. (ii) A postal survey of all U.K.-based members of the British Society of Dermatological Surgery (BSDS) was conducted assessing facilities available and the attitudes of U.K.-based clinicians to the use of face masks during surgery. Results (i) In 33% of all surgical procedures there was at least one facial splash to the operator (range 1–75) and in 15% of procedures the assistant received at least one splash (range 1–11). Use of monopolar electrocautery was significantly less likely to result in splashes to the mask compared with bipolar electrocautery [odds ratio (OR) 0Æ04; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0Æ01–0Æ19]. Compared with the head/neck, operations on the body were significantly more likely to result in splashes to the mask (OR 6Æ52) (95% CI 1Æ7–25Æ07). The type of procedure and the status of the operator did not have a bearing on the likelihood of receiving a splash to the mask. (ii) From the survey, 33 of 159 (20Æ8%) of BSDS members had no face masks available and 54 of 159 (34Æ0%) did not wear any facial protection while operating. The majority (53Æ5%) thought they received a splash in £ 1% of procedures. Conclusions There is a substantial risk of a splash of blood coming into contact with the face during dermatological surgery for both the operator and assistant, regardless of the procedure. The risk of receiving a blood splash to the face may be substantially underestimated by U.K.-based dermatologists. The use of protective eyewear is advisable at all times, but particularly when using bipolar electrocautery, or when operating on high-risk individuals.


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This paper focuses on a variation of the Art Gallery problem that considers open-edge guards and open mobile-guards. A mobile guard can be placed on edges and diagonals of a polygon, and the ‘open’ prefix means that the endpoints of such an edge or diagonal are not taken into account for visibility purposes. This paper studies the number of guards that are sufficient and sometimes necessary to guard some classes of simple polygons for both open-edge and open mobile-guards. A wide range of polygons is studied, which include orthogonal polygons with or without holes, spirals, orthogonal spirals and monotone polygons. Moreover, this problem is also considered for planar triangulation graphs using open-edge guards.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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La composición de las capturas de la pesca artesanal en Los Cóbanos, Sonsonate, fue recolectada de febrero a julio de 2000. Se identificaron 2 clases dominantes de peces: Quinogas y Pargos; dentro de los pargos las tres especies presentes son: Lutjanus argentiventris, Lutjanus guttatus y Lutjanus peru. Las capturas de Quinoga representaron mayores volúmenes de captura en comparación con las demás especies debido a que el apero de pesca utilizado para su captura es redes; aunque el Pargo representó menores volúmenes de captura, su aparición fue más constante y su volumen representativo fue de 40.5% del total en todos los meses de muestreo; a pesar que el apero utilizado fue la línea de mano, debido a que estas son especies de mayor importancia para ellos. En la madurez sexual de las tres especies de Pargos capturados, se observó que la mayoría de las especies se encontraron en el estadio III (36%), lo cual indica una maduración inicial; la Pargueta (Lutjanus argentiventris) fue capturada con un tamaño promedio de 31.03 cm, con una talla mínima de captura de 15 cm y talla máxima de 60 cm para; para el Pargo (Lutjanus guttatus) el tamaño promedio fue 29.4 cm con una talla mínima capturada de 15 cm y talla máxima de 45 cm; las tallas del Guachinango (Lutjanus peru) fueron de 28.28 cm como talla promedio, como talla mínima 15 cm y como talla máxima 44 cm. Del 100% de especies capturadas el 26 % se encontraban en el estadio I y II (inmaduro); el 36% se encontraba en el estadio III (maduración) y el 38% se encontraba en los estadios IV, V y VI. La relación existente entre las tallas de los especímenes y la madurez sexual observada a través de los estadios sexuales guard una relación lineal, es decir a menores tallas las observaciones de madurez sexual recaen en los estadios menores I y II y proporcionalmente en mayores tallas se concentran individuos con estadios mayores de madurez sexual (III y IV).


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Scale ca. 1:250,000.


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Shows the prison with wooden fence, 18 guard towers, the famous "deadline," the north and south gates, Sweetwater Creek, "Valley of Death," fortification, batteries, and cook house. He depicts overcrowding by a blizzard of tiny dots everywhere, writing the dots stand for "Union soldiers."


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Program comprehension requires developers to reason about many kinds of highly interconnected software entities. Dealing with this reality prompts developers to continuously intertwine searching and navigation. Nevertheless, most integrated development environments (IDEs) address searching by means of many disconnected search tools, making it difficult for developers to reuse search results produced by one search tool as input for another search tool. This forces developers to spend considerable time manually linking disconnected search results. To address this issue we propose Spotter, a model for expressing and combining search tools in a unified way. The current implementation shows that Spotter can unify a wide range of search tools. More information about Spotter can be found at scg.unibe.ch/research/moldablespotter


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Com a globalização e liberalização de mercados, com a crescente incerteza e risco é fundamental nos dias que correm distinguir um bom de um mau investimento, ou então um investimento que hoje não parece apelativo mas que no futuro poderá sê-lo (e então guard-lo em carteira). Quando uma entidade empresta um determinado montante a outra, está a concretizar um investimento (obtendo juros) e não pretende certamente perder valor (capital e juros). Então, há que avaliar a contraparte nomeadamente, quais os negócios da mesma, quais os seus stakeholders, qual o ambiente tarefa e o ambiente geral para que o investimento tenha sucesso, por outras palavras, avaliar o risco de investir em determinada empresa. Esta dissertação aborda alguns modelos de avaliação de risco de crédito, traduz a qualificação do risco de crédito através da quantificação do mesmo. Após a análise da relevância da gestão do risco e da importância desta matéria, apresentam-se e aplicam-se dois modelos, KMV model e CreditGrades para atingir um conjunto de objetivos nomeadamente, caracterização do risco de crédito, determinação da probabilidade de default e determinação do credit spread de empresas portuguesas. Os modelos serão aplicados empresas do mesmo setor e, para além de serem do mesmo setor, foram escolhidas, em igual dimensão, empresas cuja liquidez é maior e empresas em que a liquidez é menor, para perceber, as diferenças que daí possam advir. Posteriormente será analisada isoladamente a variável taxa de crescimento de forma a perceber qual a importância ou influência da mesma em empresas como o setor da indústria e a inufluência em empresas mais e menos líquidas.