990 resultados para Relation parent enfant
It has been argued that though correlated with mental health, mental well-being is a distinct entity. Despite the wealth of literature on mental health, less is known about mental well-being. Mental health is something experienced by individuals, whereas mental well-being can be assessed at the population level. Accordingly it is important to differentiate the individual and population level factors (environmental and social) that could be associated with mental health and well-being, and as people living in deprived areas have a higher prevalence of poor mental health, these relationships should be compared across different levels of neighbourhood deprivation.
A cross-sectional representative random sample of 1,209 adults from 62 Super Output Areas (SOAs) in Belfast, Northern Ireland (Feb 2010 – Jan 2011) were recruited in the PARC Study. Interview-administered questionnaires recorded data on socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviours, individual social capital, self-rated health, mental health (SF-8) and mental well-being (WEMWBS). Multi-variable linear regression analyses, with inclusion of clustering by SOAs, were used to explore the associations between individual and perceived community characteristics and mental health and mental well-being, and to investigate how these associations differed by the level of neighbourhood deprivation.
Thirty-eight and 30 % of variability in the measures of mental well-being and mental health, respectively, could be explained by individual factors and the perceived community characteristics. In the total sample and stratified by neighbourhood deprivation, age, marital status and self-rated health were associated with both mental health and well-being, with the ‘social connections’ and local area satisfaction elements of social capital also emerging as explanatory variables. An increase of +1 in EQ-5D-3 L was associated with +1SD of the population mean in both mental health and well-being. Similarly, a change from ‘very dissatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’ for local area satisfaction would result in +8.75 for mental well-being, but only in the more affluent of areas.
Self-rated health was associated with both mental health and mental well-being. Of the individual social capital explanatory variables, ‘social connections’ was more important for mental well-being. Although similarities in the explanatory variables of mental health and mental well-being exist, socio-ecological interventions designed to improve them may not have equivalent impacts in rich and poor neighbourhoods.
Neuropeptide Y is a 36 amino acid peptide that belongs to the pancreatic polypeptide family. It co-localises with adrenaline in sympathetic nerves and is released upon sympathetic activation resulting in vasoconstriction. In addition to its vascular effects NPY is also thought to have a role in pain modulation, angiogenesis and immunomodulation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify the levels of NPY in human dental pulp tissue from intact and grossly carious teeth and to relate these results to pain experience. Methods: A total of 48 permanent teeth [mean age 32.1(+/- 11.2 years)] were included in the study, of these 22 were intact and 26 were grossly carious. In the grossly carious group, 17 teeth were reported painful prior to extraction and the remainder were reported non-painful. NPY was measured using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay which has been previously described. Pain was scored as either present or absent in all the teeth studied. Results: Of particular interest in this study was the finding that NPY levels were significantly higher in dental pulp tissue from non-painful grossly carious teeth (p= 0.006) compared with painful grossly carious teeth. Conclusions: The increased levels of NPY reported in non-painful grossly carious teeth may suggest a role for NPY in pain modulation in human dental pulp.
AIMS: To estimate 1) the associations between parent-adolescent relationship, parental knowledge and subsequent adolescent drinking frequency and 2) the influence of alcohol use on parental knowledge.
DESIGN: Path analysis of school based cohort study with annual surveys SETTING: Post primary schools from urban and intermediate/rural areas in Northern Ireland PARTICIPANTS: 4,937 post primary school students aged around 11 years in 2000 followed until around age 16 in 2005.
MEASUREMENTS: Pupil reported measures of: frequency of alcohol use; parental-child relationship quality; sub-dimensions of parental monitoring: parental control, parental solicitation, child disclosure and child secrecy.
FINDINGS: Higher levels of parental control (Ordinal logistic OR 0.86 95% CI 0.78, 0.95) and lower levels of child secrecy (OR 0.83 95% CI 0.75 0.92) were associated with less frequent alcohol use subsequently. Parental solicitation and parent-child relationship quality were not associated with drinking frequency. Weekly alcohol drinking was associated with higher subsequent secrecy (Beta -0.42 95% CI -0.53, -0.32) and lower parental control (Beta -0.15 95% CI -0.26, -0.04). Secrecy was more strongly predictive of alcohol use at younger compared with older ages (P=0.02), and alcohol use was less strongly associated with parental control among families with poorer relationships (P=0.04).
CONCLUSIONS: Adolescent alcohol use appears to increase as parental control decreases and child secrecy increases. Greater parental control is associated with less frequent adolescent drinking subsequently, while parent-child attachment and parental solicitation have little influence on alcohol use.
Introduction and Aims. While the role of the family in adolescent substance use has been well documented, few studies have attempted to explore in-depth youth perceptions of how these familial processes/dynamics influence teenage substance use. This paper reports the findings from a study exploring risk and protective factors for teenage substance use within the context of the family as perceived by young people with a view to informing current and future family based prevention and education interventions.
Design and Methods. Data collection took place in nine post-primary schools across Northern Ireland. Nine focus groups using participatory techniques were facilitated with a purposive sample of sixty-two young people (age 13-17 years). Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a content/thematic analysis.
Results. Three broad themes/aspects of the family emerged from the data, which may serve to protect or attenuate the risk of substance use among young people. Parent-child attachment was a major theme identified in protecting adolescents from substance use in addition to effective parenting particularly an authoritative style of parenting supplemented by parental monitoring and good parent-child communication to encourage child disclosure. Family substance use was deemed to impact on children’s substance use if exposed at an early age and the harms associated with PSM were discussed in detail.
Discussion and Conclusions. The qualitative approach provides insight into current understanding of youth perceptions of substance use in the context of family dynamics. A number of recommendations are outlined. Family based (preventive) interventions/parenting programmes may benefit from components on effective parenting including authoritative styles, parental monitoring, effective communication, spending time together (building attachments), parent-child conflict, adolescent development and factors which impact on parenting. Parenting programmes tailored to mothers and fathers may be beneficial. School based interventions targeting children/adolescents may be best placed to target children living with parental substance misuse.
Keywords: substance/substance related disorders, focus groups, young people/adolescent,
Understanding the spatial distribution of organisms is a central topic in ecology. The European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population is in Portugal and Norway at the southwestern and northern edge of its distribution, respectively. Understanding the factors that act on these populations enlightens both local aspects concerning their conservation and wider scale aspects of the species bioclimatic envelope, which is crucial for being better able to predict the impacts of environmental change. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate roe deer distribution in Portugal and Norway, two countries with contrasting landscapes, seasonality and with different anthropogenic pressure. The interspecific relationship with sympatric ungulates was also analysed. By using pellet group counts, we investigated habitat use of roe deer, identifying the major environmental descriptors, to understand the importance of forest structure, vegetation characteristics, landscape structure and human disturbance on their distribution. The analyses were based on presence – absence data and were carried out at two spatial scales. The results showed that habitat use of roe deer was different across countries. In Portugal, at the local scale, roe deer distribution was positively associated with high density of shrubs, especially heather and brambles, while the presence of red deer had a negative effect on their distribution. At a broad scale, roe deer was negatively associated with spatial heterogeneity, namely mean shape index and made less use of areas close to agricultural fields. In Norway, at the local scale, roe deer made more use of areas with high cover of deciduous trees and patches containing juniper and Vaccinium sp.. At a broad scale, roe deer use patches near edges between fields and forest. In both countries, roe deer make use of areas further away from roads. While in Norway roe deer in both summer and winter are always close to houses, in Portugal they are either far (summer) or indifferent (winter). Anthropogenic disturbance is better tolerated in Norway, where the importance of the critical season seems to be higher. Human disturbance may contribute to roe deer habitat loss in Portugal, while roe deer are able to persist close to humans in managed landscapes in Norway. In fact, some of the differences observed could be more due to the indirect impacts of human exploitation (e.g. presence of free-ranging dogs and hunting regulation) rather than the actual human presence or land-use per se. I conclude that the methodology and tools developed here are readily expandable to address similar questions in different contexts. Wildlife management would benefit greatly from a more holistic/integrative approach and that should include human aspects, as human disturbance is expected to continue increasing.
Este estudo investiga a influência da interação imagem-texto de três álbuns ilustrados de língua inglesa no desenvolvimento do repertório linguístico de crianças pré-leitoras. Numa metodologia de estudo de caso, adotando uma abordagem qualitativa e socio construtivista num contexto real de educação pré-escolar, três grupos de crianças portuguesas foram filmados ao longo de várias sessões de leitura repetida em voz alta e em inglês, e de sessões de recontos trabalhados em pequenos grupos. Após a transcrição das gravações, o corpus resultante foi analisado com base numa teoria fundamentada de compreensão literária e em escalas de leitura emergente. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças adotaram uma postura fortemente analítica face aos álbuns, direcionando as suas respostas para as ilustrações e usando-as como apoio na construção de significados. Os resultados mostraram também que cada interanimação visual e verbal ofereceu diversas oportunidades para o uso das línguas em presença, o português e o inglês, tendo o formato e a estrutura inerentes a cada álbum contribuído de forma muito relevante para as respostas das crianças. Contudo, os álbuns com uma dinâmica imagem-texto mais complexa proporcionaram um maior envolvimento das crianças, provocando mais discussão em torno das ilustrações e criando mais oportunidades para mediação do uso da segunda língua. Os resultados revelaram ainda a importância da interação durante as leituras repetidas, na compreensão e na análise narrativa, num processo de desenvolvimento da linguagem. Com base nestes resultados, apontam-se conclusões, com implicações para os contextos educativos, quer ao nível da língua materna, quer ao nível da segunda língua, nomeadamente em relação: à seleção de álbuns e à valorização das ilustrações e ainda à importância de leituras repetidas em voz alta e à discussão realizada pelas crianças.
A temática da violência (e do bullying) nas escolas em Portugal tem vindo, nos anos mais recentes, a assumir uma crescente visibilidade fruto de variados fatores, entre os quais podemos destacar o aparente aumento no número de incidentes reportados envolvendo alunos, professores e pessoal não docente ou, ainda, como resultado da maior atenção dispensada ao(s) fenómeno(s) pela comunicação social. Na relação que se estabelece entre alunos, o bullying (e ultimamente o cyberbullying) tem igualmente ocupado um maior espaço de discussão no contexto português pela elevada complexidade que o carateriza e pelas diversas consequências negativas e irreversíveis que acarreta para vítimas, agressores, famílias e escolas. Para que sejam encontradas estratégias e soluções eficazes na abordagem ao(s) fenómeno(s), torna-se necessário aprofundar – e partilhar – o(s) conhecimento(s) em torno dos fatores e das dinâmicas que caraterizam o fenómeno e que contribuem para a sua (re)ocorrência. Procurámos, portanto, refletir sobre o papel que a escola, enquanto organização com uma missão muito própria ‒ e todos os demais elementos que a integram (diretores, docentes, assistentes operacionais, alunos e respetivas famílias) ‒ devem efetivamente desempenhar no sentido de serem promovidas e implementadas políticas e medidas que possam acautelar e solucionar quaisquer manifestações de violência, com especial incidência nos episódios de bullying. Sobressai, em primeira instância, a necessidade de sensibilizar e de mobilizar toda a comunidade escolar, prestando especial atenção ao papel vital que cada sujeito desempenha. Destaque-se, por outro lado, a aposta que deve ser feita na vertente da (in)formação de professores, não docentes, alunos e pais com o claro propósito de serem criados climas de escola positivos e seguros. Dividimos o trabalho empírico da nossa investigação em dois momentos. Do estudo comparativo (resultante da recolha de informação baseada na pesquisa e análise documental) que levámos a cabo na primeira parte a um conjunto de doze programas de prevenção e de intervenção de bullying implementados (e igualmente avaliados) em países anglo-saxónicos, procurámos identificar os seus componentes fundamentais (princípios teóricos subjacentes às intervenções, objetivos pretendidos, destinatários, níveis/fases de ação, componentes/estratégias de atuação e materiais de apoio disponibilizados). Pudemos verificar que essas iniciativas assentaram numa perspetiva sistémica da problemática do bullying que sublinha a necessidade de mudanças persistentes e contibuadas ao nível da sensibilização, da consciencialização e de transformações nas atitudes da população escolar no seu todo. Este exercício possibilitou, por outro lado, a identificação e a assimiliação de algumas das boas práticas experimentadas com esses programas. Na segunda parte, desenvolvemos um projeto-piloto numa escola Secundária com o 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao longo do ano letivo de 2010/2011 (envolvendo diretamente na iniciativa duas turmas ‒ uma do 7.º e outra do 10.º ano ‒ e os respetivos professores), sendo de destacar que a temática se tornou mais familiar para a maior parte dos participantes (por via da mobilização, da sensibilização e da formação desses atores). Na sequência da aplicação de dois questionários a 190 alunos no âmbito do projeto-piloto, foi ainda possível apurar que as percentagens de vitimação de bullying presencial moderado se situam abaixo dos 10%, sendo que para as ofensas sofridas de modo mais intenso esses níveis não ultrapassam os 5% para qualquer uma das formas de agressão apresentadas. Os dados indicaram igualmente as ofensas diretas verbais e indiretas como sendo as mais frequentes entre os inquiridos, surgindo em terceiro lugar as de pendor direto físico. Os índices de vitimação apresentam valores superiores junto dos alunos mais novos, independentemente do seu género. Perto de 45% dos sujeitos objeto de agressão admitiu não ter reportado o sucedido a uma terceira pessoa. Cerca de 27% dos jovens confessou assumir uma atitude passiva ou de indiferença perante uma agressão testemunhada. Foi, por outro lado, possível constatar que um conjunto significativo de jovens admitiu conhecer um colega da escola que tenha sido já gozado ou ameaçado no ciberespaço.
Surviving childhood cancer has multiple implications on both physical and psychological domains of the individual. However, its study and possible effects on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes of adolescent survivors has been understudied. The objective of this study was twofold; to assess positive and negative cancer-related consequences (psychosocial and physical) in a sample of adolescent cancer survivors and to explore their relationship with HRQoL outcomes. Forty-one participants answered two questions about positive and negative consequences in the aftermath of cancer and filled in the KIDSCREEN-52 self-reported version. Data were analysed using mixed methods approach. 87.8% of the sample identified positive consequences and 63.4% negative consequences in survivorship. Four positive categories and five negative categories with regard to cancer-related consequences were found. Changed perspectives in life narratives seem to be the positive consequence more related to HRQoL (physical well-being, mood & emotions, autonomy, social support & peers), followed by useful life experience (physical well-being, autonomy, social support & peers). Psychological impact was the most referred negative consequence with a significant detrimental effect on social support and peers HRQoL dimension. Even if the majority of survivors reported benefit finding in the aftermath of cancer, concomitant positive and negative consequences have been found. However, findings only reveal a significant relationship between positive narratives and HRQoL, and negative consequences do not seem to have a significant influence on overall HRQoL in survivorship.