890 resultados para Normally Open and Closed Switch


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This paper is part of the results from the project "Implementation Strategies and Development of an Open and Distance Education System for the University of the Azores" funded by the European Social Fund. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/2327


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A presente dissertação foi realizada em colaboração com o grupo empresarial Monteiro, Ribas, tendo como principal objectivo a realização de uma auditoria à gestão dos resíduos industriais produzidos pelas suas fábricas localizadas na Estrada da Circunvalação, no Porto. Para cumprir este objectivo, inicialmente foi efectuado um levantamento das obrigações legais relativas aos resíduos e foram procuradas práticas aconselhadas para a gestão interna. Para cada uma das fábricas, verificaram-se, quais os resíduos produzidos e analisaram-se os seus percursos, considerando as suas origens, os locais e modos de acondicionamento na origem, os modos de transporte interno, os locais e modos de armazenagem preliminar, e ainda, as quantidades produzidas, os transportadores, os operadores finais e as operações finais de gestão, sendo que estas quatro últimas informações são relativas ao ano 2013. De seguida procedeu-se à realização da auditoria nas diferentes unidades, verificando o cumprimento dos requisitos legais e das boas práticas em matéria de gestão de resíduos. As principais não conformidades detectadas, comuns às várias unidades fabris foram a inexistência de local/recipiente definido para acondicionamento de alguns resíduos, a falta ou insuficiente identificação de recipientes/zonas de acondicionamento, a inexistência de bacias de retenção para resíduos líquidos perigosos, o facto de no transporte interno apenas os resíduos perigosos serem cobertos e, os resíduos líquidos perigosos não serem transportados sobre bacias de retenção móveis nem com o material necessário para absorver derrames. Para cada resíduo e para cada unidade industrial foram propostas medidas correctivas e/ou de melhoria, quando aplicável. Relativamente à armazenagem preliminar, a principal inconformidade detectada foi o facto de todos os parques (quatro) possuírem resíduos perigosos no momento das auditorias, o que não é adequado. Foram propostas medidas correctivas e/ou de melhoria para cada parque. Como proposta global, tendo em conta factores económicos e de segurança, sugeriu-se que apenas o parque de resíduos perigosos possa armazenar este tipo de resíduos, pelo que os procedimentos de transporte interno devem ser melhorados, fazendo com que estes resíduos sejam transportados directamente para o parque de resíduos perigosos. Desta forma dois dos parques devem sofrer algumas remodelações, nomeadamente serem cobertos e fechados, ainda que não totalmente, e o parque de resíduos perigosos deve ser fechado, mantendo aberturas para ventilação, deve ser equipado com kit´s de contenção de derrames, fichas de segurança, procedimentos a realizar em caso de emergência, e ainda, devido ao facto do sistema de contenção de derrames ser pequeno face ao total de armazenamento, aconselha-se o uso de bacias de retenção para alguns dos recipientes de resíduos líquidos perigosos. Ao longo deste processo e em consequência da realização da auditoria, algumas situações consideradas não conformes foram sendo corrigidas. Também foram preparadas instruções de trabalho adequadas que serão posteriormente disponibilizadas. Foi ainda elaborada uma metodologia de avaliação de processos como base de trabalho para redução dos resíduos gerados. A etapa escolhida para a aplicação da mesma foi uma etapa auxiliar do processo produtivo da Monteiro, Ribas - Revestimentos, S.A - a limpeza de cubas com solventes, por forma a tentar minimizar os resíduos de solventes produzidos nesta operação. Uma vez que a fábrica já realiza a operação tendo em consideração medidas de prevenção e reutilização, a reciclagem é neste momento a única forma de tentar minimizar os resíduos de solventes. Foram então estudadas duas opções, nomeadamente a aquisição de um equipamento de regeneração de solventes e a contratação de uma operadora que proceda à regeneração dos resíduos de solventes e faça o retorno do solvente regenerado. A primeira opção poderá permitir uma redução de cerca de 95% na produção de resíduos de solventes e na aquisição de solvente puro, estimando-se uma poupança anual de cerca de **** €, com um período de recuperação do capital de cerca de 16 meses e a segunda pode conduzir a uma redução significativa na aquisição de solvente puro, cerca de 65%, e a uma poupança anual de cerca de **** €.


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A Sociedade Europeia de Pesquisa do Sono realizou muito recentemente um estudo, onde mostrou que a prevalência média de adormecimento ao volante nos últimos 2 anos foi de 17%. Além disto, tem sido provado por todo o mundo que a sonolência durante a condução é uma das principais causas de acidentes de trânsito. Torna-se assim conveniente, o desenvolvimento de sistemas que analisem a suscetibilidade de um determinado condutor para adormecer no trânsito, bem como de ferramentas que monitorem em tempo real o estado físico e mental do condutor, para alertarem nos momentos críticos. Apesar do estudo do sono se ter iniciado há vários anos, a maioria das investigações focaram-se no ciclo normal do sono, estudando os indivíduos de forma relaxada e de olhos fechados. Só mais recentemente, têm surgido os estudos que se focam nas situações de sonolência em atividade, como _e o caso da condução. Uma grande parte Dos estudos da sonolência em condução têm utilizado a eletroencefalografia (EEG), de forma a perceber se existem alterações nas diferentes bandas de frequência desta, que possam indicar o estado de sonolência do condutor. Além disso, a evolução da sonolência a partir de alterações no piscar dos olhos (que podem ser vistas nos sinais EEG) também tem sido alvo de grande pesquisa, tendo vindo a revelar resultados bastante promissores. Neste contexto e em parceria com a empresa HealthyRoad, esta tese está integrada no projeto HealthyDrive, que visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de alerta e deteção de sinais de fadiga e sonolência nos condutores de veículos automóveis. A contribuição desta tese no projeto prendeu-se com o estudo da sonolência dos indivíduos em condução a partir de sinais EEG, para desta forma investigar possíveis indicadores dos diferentes níveis desta que possam ser utilizados pela empresa no projeto. Foram recolhidos e analisados 17 sinais EEG de indivíduos em simulação de condução. Além disso foram desenvolvidos dois métodos de análise destes sinais: O primeiro para a deteção e análise dos piscar de olhos a partir de EEG, o segundo para análise do espetro de potência. Ambos os métodos foram utilizados para analisar os sinais recolhidos e investigar que tipo de relação existe entre a sonolência do condutor e as alterações nos piscares dos olhos, bem como as alterações do espetro do EEG. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação entre a duração do piscar de olhos e a sonolência do condutor. Com o aumento da sonolência velicou-se um aumento da duração do piscar, desencadeado principalmente pelo aumento na duração de fecho, que chegou aos 51.2%. Em relação ao espectro de potência, os resultados sugerem que a potência relativa de todas as bandas analisadas fornecem informações relevantes sobre a sonolência do condutor. Além disso, o parâmetro (_+_)/_ demostrou estar relacionado com variações da sonolência, diminuindo com o seu avanço e aumentando significativamente (111%) no instante em que os condutores adormeceram.


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O presente relatório reflete a (co)construção e desenvolvimento do projeto de educação e intervenção social “Participação, um Caminho para a Mudança”, que teve como palco a Caledial, uma clínica de hemodiálise em Canelas – Vila Nova de Gaia. Posicionado na metodologia da Investigação-Ação Participativa, este projeto permitiu a criação de espaços coletivos de partilha de experiências e vivências de pessoas com doença crónica, reconhecendo dificuldades e limitações, mas também as potencialidades e recursos existentes. Assim, pelo caminho da participação e da ação, procurou-se dar resposta a algumas das necessidades sentidas, promovendo um cada vez maior envolvimento das pessoas na procura do conhecimento sobre esta doença, no sentido da sua capacitação e empowerment. Teve como ponto de partida o primeiro convívio de Natal das pessoas em hemodiálise, familiares e profissionais da Caledial, e vários grupos de discussão sobre as vivências, perceções e sentimentos face à doença renal crónica. No âmbito deste projeto, resultado do trabalho coletivo de vários participantes, pretendeu-se compreender a realidade enquanto se agia sobre a mesma, num processo contínuo de reflexão-ação-reflexão, que foi capaz de mobilizar esforços individuais e coletivos no sentido da mudança. Surgiu como um desafio e afirmou-se como um dispositivo transformador das relações entre os profissionais de saúde, as pessoas em hemodiálise e as famílias, transformando a clínica num espaço mais aberto e inclusivo, promotor da participação e fértil para o desenvolver de atividades repletas de significado para as pessoas envolvidas.


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The study focuses on five lower secondary school pupils’ daily use of their one-toone computers, the overall aim being to investigate literacy in this form of computing. Theoretically, the study is rooted in the New Literacy tradition with an ecological perspective, in combination with socio-semiotic theory in a multimodal perspective. New Literacy in the ecological perspective focuses on literacy practices and place/space and on the links between them. Literacy is viewed as socially based, in specific situations and in recurring social practices. Socio-semiotic theory embodying the multimodal perspective is used for the text analysis. The methodology is known as socio-semiotic ethnography. The ethnographic methods encompass just over two years of fieldwork with participating observations of the five participants’ computing activities at home, at school and elsewhere. The participants, one boy and two girls from the Blue (Anemone) School and two girls from the White (Anemone) School, were chosen to reflect a broad spectrum in terms of sociocultural and socioeconomic background. The study shows the existence of a both broad and deep variation in the way digital literacy features in the participants’ one-to-one computing. These variations are associated with experience in relation to the home, the living environment, place, personal qualities and school. The more varied computer usage of the Blue School participants is connected with the interests they developed in their homes and living environments and in the computing practices undertaken in school. Their more varied usage of the computer is reflected in their broader digital literacy repertoires and their greater number and variety of digital literacy abilities. The Blue School participants’ text production is more multifaceted, covers a wider range of subjects and displays a broader palette of semiotic resources. It also combines more text types and the texts are generally longer than those of the White School participants. The Blue School girls have developed a text culture that is close to that of the school. In their case, there is clear linkage between school-initiated and self-initiated computing activities, while other participants do not have the same opportunities to link and integrate self-initiated computing activities into the school context. It also becomes clear that the Blue School girls can relate and adapt their texts to different communicative practices and recipients. In addition, the study shows that the Blue School girls have some degree of scope in their school practice as a result of incorporating into it certain communicative practices that they have developed in nonschool contexts. Quite contrary to the hopes expressed that one-to-one computing would reduce digital inequality, it has increased between these participants. Whether the same or similar results apply in a larger perspective, on a more structural level, is a question that this study cannot answer. It can only draw attention to the need to investigate the matter. The study shows in a variety of ways that the White School participants do not have the same opportunity to develop their digital literacy as the Blue School participants. In an equivalence perspective, schools have a compensational task to perform. It is abundantly clear from the study that investing in one-to-one projects is not enough to combat digital inequality and achieve the digitisation goals established for school education. Alongside their investments in technology, schools need to develop a didactic that legitimises and compensates for the different circumstances of different pupils. The compensational role of schools in this connection is important not only for the present participants but also for the community at large, in that it can help to secure a cohesive, open and democratic society.


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This qualitative study was designed to inquire about the barriers to participation within the fitness industry for people living with mobility challenges. i\n examination of the insights, stolies~ and experiences with barriers through interviews gi ven by 4 people living with mobility challenges (PMC) formed the core of the research. An analysis of the interviews from the 4 PMC informants was performed at t\\/O levels. First, a content analysis served to identify general and specific categories related to barrier issues within various fitness environments. Secondly, in-depth thematic analyses of the entries related to the insights and stories from the 4 informants which emerged from the content analysis of the data gave rise to fi ve thematic statements. From the thematic statements a fitness industry awareness protocol was created in the fonn of a statement response questionnaire. The protocol, which was given to 4 fitness assessors/trainers, \vas used to provide a snapshot of the fitness industry's readiness to work vvith disability. Throughout the process, the four PNIC informants formed a collaborati vely involved group of coresearchers, adding their voices to the narrative of the fitness-barrier experience. The result of the study suggests that barriers to participation within the fitness industry for PMC exist in various forms and levels of severity. The results also suggest that the fitness industry needs to better prepare their people and environment for working with people with physical disabilities, such as PMC, and provide a more open and positi ve environment for participation. Within the context of any fitness-related environment, recognizing that barriers to participation do exist, and acknowledging and accepting people with disabilities for who they are as indi viduals, will serve to develop a relationship where fitness practitioners and people with disabilities can work towards creating an inviting, inclusive, accessible, and barrier-free fitness environment for all.


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As a result of the current changes taking place in the delivery of acute care services, the emergence of acute ambulatory care (AAC) settings is expanding. According to a literature review, the volume, acuity, and complexity of patient care in these settings is increasing while the time the patients spend under the care of nurses is decreasing. Two forces, hospital downsizing and advancing technology, are identified as the major contributors to the shift in acute care delivery. The effects that these changes are having on the clinical nursing practice of registered nurses working in AAC settings are not known. Given that AAC settings are rapidly expanding, it can be anticipated that the delivery of nursing care will continue to be compressed into a shorter time frame. Therefore, the following qualitative research question was formulated: What are the problems and issues related to clinical nursing practice in acute ambulatory settings? The purpose of this study was to explore the problems and issues associated with change and clinical nursing practice including the educational needs of nurses working in MC settings. Specific objectives of the study included the following: (a) to explore the problems and issues related to nursing practice in select AAC settings; (b) to explore the similarities and differences in perspectives related to role expectation between nurse managers, nurse educators, and staff nurses; and (c) to develop a conceptual framework that will guide the construction of an instrument needed for further research. This study used semistructured individual interviews and focus group sessions to collect data from the three categories of registered nurses. More specifically, data were collected from one nurse manager, two charge nurses, two nurse educators and fifteen staff nurses, working in three different MC settings of a major teaching hospital. Collected data were separately analyzed by the researcher and an external rater following grounded theory methodology. By using open and axial coding, the problems and issues identified by nurses were grouped into several major and minor themes. In final analysis, by using selective coding, the four core themes (intensification, moderation, frustration, and adaptation) were extracted. Each core theme was presented and discussed in relation to hospital downsizing and advancing technology. The relationships among the four core themes were discussed and depicted in a model termed the "Impact and Consequence Model on Nursing Practice in MC Settings." Implications for further research are discussed and research hypotheses, based on the research findings, are presented.


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The world of work with Western society appears to be undergoing a major change. The literature has described this phenomenon as a change from an industrialbased economy to a knowledge-based economy. This change will represent a complete transformation of the world of work; some suggest that everything we have come to accept and know as normal will change. Our present society seems to be in a period of transition. It is a time with many challenges and problems, many of which cannot be solved with thinking patterns from an old industrial-based economy. A fundamental shift in thinking patterns consistent with a new emerging world of work must take place. This change in thinking represents a fundmental shift from traditional and linear ways of seeing the world (worldview), to more holistic ways of seeing the world. In this investigation the word paradigm was used to define how people see their world. A paradigm shift is defined as a change in how a person sees their world: a change from an old to new or different way of viewing the world. Those individuals who are the first to shift their paradigm are called paradigm pioneers. These individuals do not only shift their ways of seeing the world, but they also begin to act and behave in ways consistent with the new paradigm. Thus far the research literature has adequately described the concepts of paradigms and paradigm shifts. However, little is known regarding how people actually and eventually make a shift. As it will be important for each individual to make a personal paradigm shift, then it will be extremely valuable to learn more about the process itself. The purpose of this investigation was to explore these issues in more detail and specifically, describe the experience of paradigm shifts and explore the experience of paradigm pioneers. A qualitative research methodology involving in-depth interviews was used to investigate the experiences of four participants identified as paradigm pioneers. It is interesting to note that the participants in this study did not describe an allencompassing paradigm shift. In fact, each participant, defined a paradigm shift in several different ways. They did relate several examples of paradigm shifts. However, even among these examples, there was a high degree of variability. The findings of this investigation centered upon the participants' experience as pioneers. Each pioneer shared many of the same qualities, the first quality of which described how these pioneers dealt with change. I called this a change-sense quality. The pioneers viewed change in an open and positive manner, and were also aware of change taking place in their world. Finally, they displayed an understanding of change, and a bias to take positive action in the face it. The participants also shared an inner quality. The four pioneers demonstrated a personal purpose and vision, and were selfdirected individuals. They also had an innate curiosity which translated into a love of learning. They also displayed a quality where relationships with others were highly valued. Relationships were important to the pioneers because they played a support role to help them deal with the challenges of being a pioneer. Pioneers also valued relationships because, they relied on others to make change happen. The above mentioned qualities enabled pioneers to be effective in a changing world of work. The findings from this investigation have many implications for research and practice. First, the concept of paradigms and paradigm shifts must be further researched. A great deal more must be learned in order to better understand the kind of shift individuals must make to be effective in the new world of work. Second, the qualities displayed by pioneers are important for all members of the world of work to develop. The qualities shared by pioneers appeared to represent an enduring set of traits that can possibly help individuals deal more positively with uncertainty and rapid change taking place in today's North American world of work.


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The notion of citizenship, while a basic human right, has come under scrutiny. It was once assumed a liberal inspired regime of citizenship rights would reign as the primary ideological perspective in the Western world, however this has not been the case. Numerous competing paradigms have questioned the premise upon which liberal guarantees of citizenship rights are based. In particular, communitarianism has subjected liberal rights discourse to a closer examination. Communitarian theory holds that universalist principles negate any articulation of community and its internal diversity, such as cultural citizenship. It is this understanding of citizenship that has taken hold in Canada. The Canadian political experience illustrates a number of attributes associated with communitarian thought. It is a collectivist society that articulates a notion of the common good, acknowledges the internal diversity of its citizens and possesses a highly developed deliberative democratic process. To this end, Canada can be described as being more communitarian than liberal in nature in the process it has adopted to address citizenship rights. However, the type of commuIiitarianism displayed in Canada differs from the political models examined by such scholars as Michael Sandel, Iris Marion Young or Will Kymlicka. Cultural citizenship rights are fluid and malleable in Canada. While no clear guarantees of citizenship rights exist, there is a common commitment by Canadians to engage in a fair, open and inclusive deliberative process. This model is unique to Canada; it cannot be exported in that it is a product of Canadian political culture. As a result, the contemporary demands of cultural citizenship are dealt with effectively and democratically in Canada in that the proper mechanisms for public deliberation exist.


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While there has been a recent shift away from isolated, institutionalized living conditions, persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) may still experience restricted access to choice when it comes to making decisions about the basic aspects of their lives. A tension remains between protecting individuals from harm and promoting their right to independence and personal liberties. This tension creates complex questions and ethical concerns for care providers supporting persons with ID. This study explored the ethical decision-making processes of care providers and specifically, how care providers describe the balance of protecting supported individuals from harm while promoting their right to self-determination. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six care providers employed by a local community agency that supports young and older adults with ID. Data were analysed using thematic analysis and broader themes were developed following phases of open and selective coding. Results indicated that care providers described ethical decision-making processes as frequent, complex, subjective, and uncomfortable. All participants described the importance of promoting independent decision-making among the individuals they support and assisting supported individuals to make informed decisions. Participants also reported work colleagues and supervisors as primary sources of information when resolving ethical concerns. This suggests that complex ethical decision-making processes are being taken seriously by care providers and supervising staff. The results of this study are well-positioned to be applied to the development of a training program for frontline care providing staff supporting individuals in community care settings.


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Cognitive interviews were used to evaluate two draft versions of a financial survey in Jamaica. The qualitative version used a few open-ended questions, and the quantitative version used numerous close-ended questions. A secondary analysis based on the cognitive interview literature was used to guide a content analysis of the aggregate data of both surveys. The cognitive interview analysis found that the long survey had fewer respondent errors than the open-ended questions on the short survey. A grounded theory analysis then examined the aggregate cognitive data, showing that the respondents attached complex meanings to their financial information. The main limitation of this study was that the standard assessments of quantitative and qualitative reliability and validity were not utilized. Further research should utilize statistical methods to compare and contrast aggregated cognitive interview probe responses on open and close ended surveys.


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John R.A. Mayer (de Berncastle) was a professor in the Philosophy Department at Brock University from 1965 to 1997. During his career at Brock he served as Chair of the Philosophy Department and as Associate Dean of Arts and Science. In 1972 he conceived the Master of Philosophy Program, along with G.M.C. Sprung. He was also a special member of the Brock Philosophical Society, a group of Brock alumni, faculty, students and Niagara citizens, which promoted an open and free discussion of ideas.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) option Nouvelles technologies de l'information"


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La faillite internationale est une matière complexe qui a donné lieu à un long et vif débat doctrinal entre les tenants des systèmes de la territorialité et de l'universalité. Une faillite est internationale lorsqu'elle met en présence un débiteur possédant des biens ou des créanciers dans plus d'un pays. Puisque la matière de faillite est souvent très différente d'un pays à l'autre, l'application du système de la pluralité, retenue dans la plupart des pays, soulève plusieurs problèmes particulièrement en ce qui concerne la coordination entre les diverses faillites et le manque de protection des créanciers, notamment parce qu'elle accorde des effets limités à la reconnaissance des procédures de faillite étrangères. En effet, en présence de procédures de faillite concurrentes il s'agit de répondre aux questions suivantes: quelle est la juridiction compétente pour ouvrir et organiser la faillite? Quelle est la loi applicable? Dans quels États cette faillite va-t-elle produire des effets? Dans le présent mémoire, il s'agit d'établir une comparaison entre le système canadien et le système européen en matière de faillite internationale. Le législateur canadien a récemment envisagé de modifier sa législation sur la faillite pour permettre une meilleure coopération internationale en matière de faillite internationale. Le projet canadien C-55 reprend pour l'essentiel les dispositions contenues dans la loi-type de la commission des Nations-Unis pour le droit commercial international (CNUDCI) sur «l'insolvabilité internationale». Ainsi, il permet de faciliter réellement la reconnaissance des décisions de faillite étrangères, il accorde une plus grande portée aux effets de cette reconnaissance et il prévoit une coordination des procédures multiples en établissant une «hiérarchisation» des procédures de faillite relativement semblable au système européen. Cependant, le projet canadien atteint moins bien l'objectif d'universalité que le Règlement européen 1346/2000 au niveau du traitement égalitaire entre les créanciers locaux et les créanciers étrangers. Si la loi-type offre à tous les États une utilité pratique considérable pour les nombreux cas de coopération internationale, l'harmonisation de la faillite internationale dépendra de son adoption dans les différentes législations. Bien que plusieurs pays aient inséré ce modèle dans leur législation sur la faillite, il n'est pas encore possible, à l'heure actuelle, de parler d'un droit international de la faillite.


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Comprendre le mode d’existence de l’organisation est certainement l’un des plus grands défis que se sont donnés les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine d’étude. La littérature nous présente ainsi plusieurs images, métaphores et perspectives qui, combinées, dressent un portrait hybride de ce type de collectif. Je propose, dans cette thèse, de reconnaître et exploiter ce caractère hybride de l’organisation en partant d’une réflexion centrée sur l'espace. En m’inspirant particulièrement des travaux de la géographe Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), le concept d'espace auquel je souscris est celui d’un espace ouvert et dynamique (qui incorpore le temps), basé sur une relationalité matérielle et hétérogène, supposant des acteurs humains et non humains en interaction. L'espace peut donc être compris comme la coexistence d’ontologies hétérogènes, ce que Massey (2005) nomme une coexistence de trajectoires comme stories-so-far. Il s’agit ici d’une vision performative de l’espace organisationnel qui est constitué dans la relation de trajectoires distinctes qui coexistent, se rencontrent, s’affectent, entrent en conflit ou coopèrent (Massey, 1999). Je postule que pour assurer une certaine continuité et cohérence dans la coexistence de trajectoires hétérogènes, un travail d’alignement et d’ordonnancement est mis à l’oeuvre, et ce, par le suivi d’une trajectoire principale — ce que je nomme une trajectoire scriptée. Suivre cette trajectoire permet ainsi à l’organisation de s’étendre, de se rendre présente dans le temps et dans l’espace, sans pour autant perdre son identité : to be here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place. À partir de cette définition de l’espace, je propose d’« espacer l’organisation », et plus particulièrement d’« espacer » Explora, un programme d’éducation non formelle du gouvernement du Chili visant la diffusion et la valorisation de la science et de la technologie. Cette proposition est double : elle renvoie aux pratiques d’espacements — des pratiques hybrides, collectives et situées — des agents organisationnels (dans ce cas, aux pratiques des agents d’Explora impliqués dans l’organisation d’un projet, celui de la Semaine de la science 2006),mais aussi à une pratique de recherche. « Espacer l’organisation » veut donc dire déployer ces espaces pleins, déplier l’organisation, accroître la série des simultanéités-successions pour ainsi créer plus d’espace-temps.