978 resultados para Multiplication Montgomery


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Questions - Are the germinable seed banks of upland heath and blanket bog reduced following wildfires? Are some species at particular risk? Do the impacts of wildfires on seed banks differ between heathlands and blanket bog?

Location - Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

Methods - Vegetation surveys and seed bank sampling were conducted in 2012 at burned and unburned areas within six upland sites where large wildfires had occurred during spring 2011. Differences in seedling abundance, species richness and Jaccard similarity indices between burned and unburned areas were compared using GLMMs. Differences in the community composition were examined using pRDA.

Results - In total, 24 of the 51 species in the vegetation were detected in the germinable seed bank. Species richness and the abundance of seedlings other than Calluna vulgaris were lower in areas where wildfires had occurred. Species composition of both germinable seed banks and vegetation differed between burned and unburned areas within sites; with negative associations between burned areas and some key indicator species including Drosera rotundifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Empetrum nigrum, Narthecium ossifragum and Trichophorum germanicum. We did not find any evidence of significant interactions between burning and habitat, suggesting that wildfires had similar impacts on each species regardless of the habitat in which they occurred.

Conclusions - This study differs from other UK studies in that it examines impacts of wildfires at sites that have not been previously intensively managed by burning. In particular, we highlight potential impacts on N. ossifragum and D. rotundifolia, which are key components of the upland flora and, to our knowledge, were not present in previous UK studies.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences of legal responses to older adults who may be at risk of harm or abuse in the UK, Ireland, Australia and the USA.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors draw upon a review of elder abuse and adult protection undertaken on behalf of the commissioner for older people in Northern Ireland. This paper focusses on the desk top mapping of the different legal approaches and draws upon wider literature to frame the discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different legal responses.
Findings – Arguments exist both for and against each legal approach. Differences in defining the scope and powers of adult protection legislation in the UK and internationally are highlighted.
Research limitations/implications – This review was undertaken in late 2013; while the authors have updated the mapping to take account of subsequent changes, some statutory guidance is not yet available. While the expertise of a group of experienced professionals in the field of adult safeguarding was utilized,
it was not feasible to employ a formal survey or consensus model.
Practical implications – Some countries have already introduced APL and others are considering doing so. The potential advantages and challenges of introducing APL are highlighted.
Social implications – The introduction of legislation may give professionals increased powers to prevent and reduce abuse of adults, but this would also change the dynamic of relationships within families and between families and professionals.
Originality/value – This paper provides an accessible discussion of APL across the UK and internationally
which to date has been lacking from the literature.


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Neste trabalho foram estudadas as interacções entre Mycobacterium bovis e células hospedeiras, na perspectiva de aplicar os conhecimentos resultantes desse estudo ao melhoramento do diagnóstico da tuberculose bovina. Foi estudada a dinâmica da infecção de células fagocíticas com estirpes de M. bovis, com ênfase para a invasão e multiplicação intracelular das micobactérias. Avaliações efectuadas por citometria de fluxo, microscopia de fluorescência e contagem de colónias demonstraram que as micobactérias invadiram e replicaram em todos os modelos celulares, sendo que as células epiteliais de pulmão de bovino foram as mais permissivas ao seu crescimento. Foi nas células macrofágicas J774 e THP-1 que se verificaram as maiores concentrações micobacterianas, pelo que foram utilizadas para a detecção e identificação de M. bovis por um método molecular. A optimização da extracção de DNA, por um processo mecânico, e o desenvolvimento do método de PCR-RFLP baseado no gene gyrB, com controlo interno, permitiram a identificação de M. bovis. A sensibilidade deste método foi de 100% quando aplicado a estirpes isoladas e apenas de 40% quando utilizado directamente em amostras de macerados de tecidos de bovinos com tuberculose. Uma pré-incubação (3 dias) das amostras nas culturas celulares contribuiu para melhorar significativamente a sensibilidade (77%) do PCR-RFLP gyrB. A cultura celular, como matriz a ser utilizada para aumentar a quantidade de M. bovis presente em amostras biológicas, revela-se um método promissor para o diagnóstico laboratorial rápido, específico e sensível da tuberculose bovina. ### - Summary - Interactions between Mycobacterium bovis and host cells were studied with the purpose to apply the outcome knowledge in the improvement of bovine tuberculosis diagnosis. The dynamic of infection of four cell models with three strains of M. bovis was evaluated, with emphasis given to the invasion and intracellular multiplication of mycobacteria. Assessments by flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and colony counting showed that every cell models permitted the replication of mycobacteria, although bovine lung epithelial cells had been the most permissive one. The highest mycobacteria) load was found, however, in J774 and THP-1 macrophages, and hence these cells were used for the optimization of a molecular method for detection and identification of M. bovis. The optimisation of a DNA extraction step, by a mechanical process, and the development of PCR-RFLP based on gyrB gene, with an internal control, allowed the identification of M. bovis. The sensitivity of this method was 100% when applied to isolated strains and only 40% when directly used on samples of macerated of tissues from cattle with tuberculosis. Assays in which a pre-incubation step (three days) of biological samples in cell cultures was introduced significantly improved the sensitivity (77%) of the gyrB PCR-RFLP. Cell cultures as a support for growth and rapid isolation of M. bovis is a promising method for the specific, sensitive and rapid laboratorial diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Lorsqu'il est question de l'impact du sport sur le développement de jeunes adolescents' c'est généralement en fonction de leurs comportements. Toutefois, lorsqu'il s'agit d'évaluer l'influence de la pratique sportive sur le développement scolaire et professionnel des élèves-athlètes, nombreux sont les gens qui voient le sport comme une distraction notable à l'engagement et à la poursuite de leurs études. Pourtant nous remarquons, depuis quelques années, l'apparition et la multiplication de programmes d'études voulant favoriser à la fois la réussite scolaire ainsi que la réussite sportive de jeunes athlètes. Conformément aux propos de Boute, Lepert, Syndiqué et Taupin (1981), nous croyons que les programmes Sport-études concrétisent deux idées (et deux désirs) qui mûrissaient depuis longtemps: l'idée qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'abandonner ses études pour se consacrer à un sport, et plus important, l'idée qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'abandonner le sport pour mener à bien ses études secondaires. Selon cette perspective, il serait logique de penser que les programmes scolaires misant sur la combinaison des études et de la pratique du sport de haut niveau s'associent à des caractéristiques particulières notamment, en ce qui à trait à leur motivation au regard de leur projet professionnel. Notre étude vise donc à identifier les sources spécifiques de motivation des élèves inscrits aux programmes Sport-études et régulier à l'ordre d'enseignement secondaire et de vérifier l'existence possible de différences entre ces deux groupes de sujets. Ce mémoire se divise en trois parties. La première partie vise à exposer la problématique de notre recherche. Nous identifions d'abord notre problème de recherche en dressant un portrait général de la situation actuelle des jeunes à l'ordre d'enseignement secondaire puis nous traitons du rôle qu'occupe l'orientation quant à la motivation des élèves au regard de leurs études. À cela s'ajoute l'examen d'une littérature appropriée aux élèves-athlètes et aux sources de motivation particulières qui leur sont attribuées. Nous présentons ensuite le cadre théorique de notre recherche en analysant les concepts de motivation et de développement de carrière. Nous complétons cette partie par l'étude de certaines recherches et expériences en lien avec notre problématique et nous démontrons la pertinence de notre recherche avant d'identifier les objectifs poursuivis. En ce qui à trait à la deuxième partie de notre étude, elle concerne la méthodologie. Nous présentons dans cette section les principales démarches utilisées afin de rencontrer nos objectifs de recherche. Il s'agit entre autres de l'instrument de mesure retenu, les sujets sélectionnés, du déroulement de l'expérience, de la présentation des programmes Sport-études, des limites de notre recherche et des techniques statistiques employées pour analyser et interpréter les résultats obtenus. Quant à la troisième partie, elle contient essentiellement les données obtenues au cours de notre recherche. Dans un premier temps, nous dégageons un portrait général des sources de motivation au regard de la carrière des élèves inscrits aux programmes réguliers et Sport-études. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, nous essayons de dégager les particularités du profil motivationnel de ces élèves en fonction du programme d'études auquel ils sont inscrits. Enfin, quelques implications possibles de nos résultats pour la pratique de l'orientation professionnelle font l'objet de la conclusion de ce mémoire.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ciências da Educação (Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Concert program for "A Concert in Swing"; The Concert Band, The Pep Band, November 29, 1939


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The world is all that there is. In the world, ontology and epistemology coincide. The thing and the perspective are part of it, scale is ingested in its multiplicity, communication stops at the world's edge. By reading together Deleuze and Guattari's plane of immanence and Niklas Luhmann's proto-global concept of Weltgesellschaft (“world society”), I suggest a conceptualisation of the world as the materiality of the multiple spaces of creation in an insular, all-inclusive immanence. Deprived of an outside, the world pushes its own understanding of circumference through, first, the expansion of its own limits through the process of worlding, and, second, the multiplication of modes of material (self-)production through its process of othering. Thus, the world swells up from the inside and expands on both the material and the semantic level, producing a multiplicity of fractal microcosms. Issues of responsibility and justice arise that are intricately linked to the materiality of the world and take place in and between the various bodies and spaces of the world but without an overarching hierarchy or principle. This approach is a way of counteracting the all-pervasive Hegelian understanding of synthesis, arguing instead for a plenitude that brims with positivity and that can never become fully complete. The world remains its own infinite process of worlding.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No mundo contemporâneo globalizado, definido pela sua qualidade essencialmente fluida e instável, o carácter distintivo da viagem parece dissolver-se face à contracção do planeta, à economia das ―trocas simbólicas‖ e a um alegado processo de diluição das diferenças e de homogeneização cultural. Com efeito, a mediatização da sociedade e a proliferação icónica contemporâneas produzem um aparente estado de saturação da geografia real e de multiplicação de lugares enquanto representações e imagens, permitindo pôr em causa a própria necessidade e urgência de deslocação, bem como admitir a abolição do ―estatuto de privilégio‖ de certos lugares e a derradeira quebra no conceito aurático das férias e das viagens, tradicionalmente assente em antinomias cruciais entre o quotidiano/familiar e o diferente/extraordinário. O presente artigo propõe-se abordar o paradigma da mobilidade contemporânea, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à traumática aniquilação do espaço e do tempo e ao seu impacto fortemente disruptivo sobre a dimensão ontológica de uma prática cultural cujo poder aurático se encontra tradicionalmente relacionado com a conquista de distâncias, a percepção de diferenças e a experiência de alteridade. O artigo pretende, por outro lado, refutar a declaração pós-moderna de que a familiarização com o outro conduz a uma diminuição do potencial de choque cultural no turismo contemporâneo, discutindo a relevância e a prevalência da busca de contraste e formas de vivência de alteridade no complexo novelo de motivações da viagem turística contemporânea.