993 resultados para Luciano de Samosata


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A avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) é uma metodologia de avaliação de impacto ambiental de produtos e sistemas de produção considerando todo o ciclo de vida, desde a aquisição de matérias-primas até a disposição final. Este trabalho consistiu na investigação do progresso dos estudos sobre ACV no Brasil, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica em eventos e periódicos oficiais ou reconhecidos pela Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção e na base de dados SciELO Brasil. Foram identificados 80 artigos, a maioria de instituições das regiões Sul e Sudeste. A Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) apresentaram o maior número de publicações dentre as 50 instituições identificadas. Verificou-se que 17 artigos aplicaram efetivamente a metodologia ACV em um estudo de caso, sendo que 11 utilizaram a metodologia para avaliar processo produtivo e 6 para comparar materiais ou processos


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Ce travail a pour but d analyser un corpus de six textes hybrides, que nous classons comme des poèmes-chansons/ poèmes-chantés à cause de leur double présence dans deux systèmes sémiotiques différents. Le premier, la littérature, ou plus spécifiquement la poésie, a comme support le livre As Coisas [Les Choses], d Arnaldo Antunes et l autre, la chanson, est enregistré dans les disques du même auteur. Notre travail lance un regard sur ce corpus, en essayant de vérifier un aspect recourrent dans l oeuvre d Arnaldo Antunes qui est la présence da priméité, catégorie theórique développée par Charles Sanders Peirce. Au-dede l observation de cet aspect sémiothique, nous ferons une discussion sur la chanson populaire, et ses rapports avec la poésie et par conséquent avec la Litterature. La théorie sémiothique s appuyera sur deux piliers : En ce qui concerne l étude de la priméité, nous travaillerons avec les théories de Peirce, mais en nous servant aussi des ouvrages de Lúcia Santaella, Winfried Nöth, Júlio Plaza et Décio Pignatari ; Dans l autre voie, pour ce qui concerne l analyse des chansons, nous utiliserons la théorie de Luiz Tatit, fondée sur la sémiothique de Algirdas Julien Greimas. Tatit trace une méthode d analyse, où il est possible d analyser une chanson en exploitant et le texte et la mélodie, ce qui permet une meilleure compréhension de l étude des poèmes-chansons et ses variations. Comme support pour la discussion sur la musique, nous nous servirons des théories de José Miguel Wisnik, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes et Jean Fisette


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The northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State is characterized by strong changes in coastal morphology, caused by various geological and climatic factors. In this region are installed the main socio-economic activities of the State, highlighting the oil industry, which exerts much of its activities in the coastal area studied. Erosion is a constant problem in this region because it affects the entire local populace to the destruction of houses and trade, rendering tourism, affecting the livelihood activities and industrial activities. The greatest risk is related to environmental damage that can be caused by the oil spill in this region. To understand what determines the changes in coastal morphology this Doctoral Thesis is proposed to identify the factors at local, regional and even global corroborate coastal dynamics to this coast in question. For this study, used several different products and tools for interpreting the conditions of the erosive effect that dominates the whole northern coast of the State, in an attempt to quantify and describe the causes and effects that affect the entire coastal zone monitored. The development of activities is built into the projects Rede 05 PETROMAR (CTPETRO-FINEP/PETROBRAS/CNPq), PETRORISCO, HIDROSEMA, PETROMAR e Rede 05/04 POTMAR (FNDCT/CTPETROFINEP/ CNPq), in the activities of multidisciplinary and inter-features in issues involving environmental monitoring and oil activity


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Objetivo: Simplificar o cálculo do índice prognóstico inflamatório nutricional (IPIN) empregando número menor de variáveis com conseqüente redução do custo da análise. Materiais e métodos: Foram estudados 54 pacientes e 12 indivíduos-controle com 48 ± 20 (média ± dp) anos de idade. As principais patologias dos pacientes eram: doença arterial periférica (22), pênfigo foliáceo (7), doença inflamatória intestinal (7), trauma (6) e pós-operatório de ortognatia (3). Foram obtidas amostras de sangue periférico, colhidas em jejum para dosagens de proteínas positivas (+) e negativas (-) de fase aguda (PFA) pelo método nefelométrico. Proteína C reativa (PCR), alfa-1-glicoproteína-ácida (alfa-1-GA), alfa-1-antitripsina (alfa-1-AT) e ceruloplasmina (CER) foram as PFA+ e albumina (Alb), transtiretina (TTR), transferrina (TF) e proteína ligadora do retinol (RBP) foram as representantes das PFA-. Esses valores foram analisados quanto à associação de correlação isolada ou associadamente na fórmula do índice prognóstico inflamatório e nutricional (IPIN = PCR + alfa-1-GA / Alb + TTR). de acordo com o índice prognóstico inflamatório e nutricional, os pacientes foram classificados em grupo-controle (G1); pacientes sem infecção/inflamação (IPIN < 1, G2) ou com risco de inflamação/infecção (IPIN > 1, G3). em seguida os pacientes do G3 foram subdivididos em baixo risco (G3A, n = 16); médio risco ( G3B, n = 10); alto risco (G3C, n = 6) e com risco de morte (G3D, n = 11). Os resultados foram correlacionados entre si (teste de Spearman) ou submetidos às comparações entre grupos (teste de Kruskall-Wallis). Resultados: Houve relação significativa entre as variáveis PCR ´ alfa-1-GA (r = 0,49), Alb ´ TTR (r = 0,60), Alb ´ RBP (r = 0,58), Alb ´ TF (r = 0,39), TTR ´ RBP (r = 0,56) e TTR´ TF (r = 0,43) e as melhores relações encontradas entre PFA+ e PFA- foram: PCR ´ Alb (r = - 0,71), PCR ´ TTR (r = - 0,54), PCR ´ TF (r = - 0,39) e alfa-1-GA ´ Alb (r = - 0,35). Os valores do IPIN mostraram a diferenciação G3 > (G1 = G2) e G3 > G3A. Entre todas as proteínas dosadas apenas PCR, Alb e TTR discriminaram os grupos: sendo G3 > (G1= G2) para PCR e G3< (G1= G2) para Alb e TTR. Apenas PCR, TTR e TF discriminaram a morbimortalidade com G3D > G3A (para PCR) e G3D < G3A (para TTR e TF). PCR/Alb e IPIN apresentaram concordância de valores para os riscos de complicações. Conclusão: Assim, conclui-se pela possibilidade de substituição do IPIN pela relação PCR/albumina, mais simples e de menor custo, mantendo-se o mesmo poder e sensibilidade para diagnóstico dos graus de risco de complicações.


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The complexity of the Phenomenon of fluid flow in porous way causes a difficulty in its explicit description. Different in the cases where the flow is given through a pipe, where it is possible to measure the length and diameter of the pipe and to determine their ability to flow as a function of pressure, which is a complicated task in porous way. However, we try to approach clearly the equations used to conjecture the behavior of fluid flow in porous way. We made use of the Gambit to create a fractal geometry with the fluent we give the contour´s conditions we would want to analyze the data. The triangular mesh was created; it makes interactions with the discs of different rays, as barriers putted in the geometry. This work presents the results of a simulation with a flow of viscous fluids (oilliquid). The oil flows in a porous way constructed in 2D. The behavior evaluation of the fluid flow inside the porous way was realized with graphics, images and numerical results used for different datas analysis. The study was aimed in relation at the behavior of permeability (k) for different fractal dimensions. Taking into account the preservation of porosity and increasing the fractal distribution of the discs. The results showed that k decreases when we increase the numbers of discs, although the porosity is the same for all generations of the first simulation, in other words, the permeability decreases when we increase the fractality. Well, there are strong turbulence in the flow each time we increase the number of discs and this hinders the passage of the same to the exit. These results permitted to put in evidence how the permeability (k) is affected in a porous way with obstacles distributed in a diversified form. We also note that k decreases when we increase the pressure variation (P) within geometry. So, in front of the results and the absence of bibliographic subsidies about other theories, the work realized here can possibly by considered the unpublished form to explain and reflect on how the permeability is changed when increasing the fractal dimension in a porous way


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Difusive processes are extremely common in Nature. Many complex systems, such as microbial colonies, colloidal aggregates, difusion of fluids, and migration of populations, involve a large number of similar units that form fractal structures. A new model of difusive agregation was proposed recently by Filoche and Sapoval [68]. Based on their work, we develop a model called Difusion with Aggregation and Spontaneous Reorganization . This model consists of a set of particles with excluded volume interactions, which perform random walks on a square lattice. Initially, the lattice is occupied with a density p = N/L2 of particles occupying distinct, randomly chosen positions. One of the particles is selected at random as the active particle. This particle executes a random walk until it visits a site occupied by another particle, j. When this happens, the active particle is rejected back to its previous position (neighboring particle j), and a new active particle is selected at random from the set of N particles. Following an initial transient, the system attains a stationary regime. In this work we study the stationary regime, focusing on scaling properties of the particle distribution, as characterized by the pair correlation function ø(r). The latter is calculated by averaging over a long sequence of configurations generated in the stationary regime, using systems of size 50, 75, 100, 150, . . . , 700. The pair correlation function exhibits distinct behaviors in three diferent density ranges, which we term subcritical, critical, and supercritical. We show that in the subcritical regime, the particle distribution is characterized by a fractal dimension. We also analyze the decay of temporal correlations


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In this work we elaborate and discuss a Complex Network model which presents connectivity scale free probability distribution (power-law degree distribution). In order to do that, we modify the rule of the preferential attachment of the Bianconi-Barabasi model, including a factor which represents the similarity of the sites. The term that corresponds to this similarity is called the affinity, and is obtained by the modulus of the difference between the fitness (or quality) of the sites. This variation in the preferential attachment generates very interesting results, by instance the time evolution of the connectivity, which follows a power-law distribution ki / ( t t0 )fi, where fi indicates the rate to the site gain connections. Certainly this depends on the affinity with other sites. Besides, we will show by numerical simulations results for the average path length and for the clustering coefficient


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Neste trabalho, elaboramos e discutimos uma rede complexa sem escala, ou seja, uma rede cuja distribuição de conectividade segue uma lei de distribuição de potência. Nosso trabalho pode ser resumido da seguinte forma: Para efeito de didática vamos começar com redes aleatórias que estão relacionados com situações reais e artificiais, e depois comentar as redes livres de escala, como proposto por Barabási-Albert (BA). Depois disso, discutimos uma extensão deste modelo, onde Barabasi e Bianconi (BB) incluem a qualidade. Discutimos também o modelo de afinidade, ou seja, (Ver Almeida et al). Finalmente vamos mostrar o nosso modelo, uma extensão do modelo de afinidade dada por e apresentar os resultados correspondentes. Para realizar tal tarefa modificamos a regra de ligação preferencial do modelo de BB colocando um fator que apresenta o grau de probabilidade entre os sítios da rede. Esta quantidade é feita pela diferença entre a qualidade do novo sítio e a qualidade dos anteriores. Este novo parâmetro produz novos resultados interessantes: a distribuição que segue uma lei de especial de potência, expoente apropriado. A evolução temporal da conectividade do sítio também é calculada . Além disso, mostramos também, os resultados que foram obtidos, via simulação numérica, para o menor caminho médio e o coeficiente de agregação da rede gerada pelo nosso modelo, isto é, pelo modelo de afinidade.


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Currently the interest in large-scale systems with a high degree of complexity has been much discussed in the scientific community in various areas of knowledge. As an example, the Internet, protein interaction, collaboration of film actors, among others. To better understand the behavior of interconnected systems, several models in the area of complex networks have been proposed. Barabási and Albert proposed a model in which the connection between the constituents of the system could dynamically and which favors older sites, reproducing a characteristic behavior in some real systems: connectivity distribution of scale invariant. However, this model neglects two factors, among others, observed in real systems: homophily and metrics. Given the importance of these two terms in the global behavior of networks, we propose in this dissertation study a dynamic model of preferential binding to three essential factors that are responsible for competition for links: (i) connectivity (the more connected sites are privileged in the choice of links) (ii) homophily (similar connections between sites are more attractive), (iii) metric (the link is favored by the proximity of the sites). Within this proposal, we analyze the behavior of the distribution of connectivity and dynamic evolution of the network are affected by the metric by A parameter that controls the importance of distance in the preferential binding) and homophily by (characteristic intrinsic site). We realized that the increased importance as the distance in the preferred connection, the connections between sites and become local connectivity distribution is characterized by a typical range. In parallel, we adjust the curves of connectivity distribution, for different values of A, the equation P(k) = P0e


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In this work a study of social networks based on analysis of family names is presented. A basic approach to the mathematical formalism of graphs is developed and then main theoretical models for complex networks are presented aiming to support the analysis of surnames networks models. These, in turn, are worked so as to be drawn leading quantities, such as aggregation coefficient, minimum average path length and connectivity distribution. Based on these quantities, it can be stated that surnames networks are an example of complex network, showing important features such as preferential attachment and small-world character


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In this work, the study of some complex systems is done with use of two distinct procedures. In the first part, we have studied the usage of Wavelet transform on analysis and characterization of (multi)fractal time series. We have test the reliability of Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method (WTMM) in respect to the multifractal formalism, trough the calculation of the singularity spectrum of time series whose fractality is well known a priori. Next, we have use the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method to study the fractality of lungs crackles sounds, a biological time series. Since the crackles sounds are due to the opening of a pulmonary airway bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli which was initially closed, we can get information on the phenomenon of the airway opening cascade of the whole lung. Once this phenomenon is associated with the pulmonar tree architecture, which displays fractal geometry, the analysis and fractal characterization of this noise may provide us with important parameters for comparison between healthy lungs and those affected by disorders that affect the geometry of the tree lung, such as the obstructive and parenchymal degenerative diseases, which occurs, for example, in pulmonary emphysema. In the second part, we study a site percolation model for square lattices, where the percolating cluster grows governed by a control rule, corresponding to a method of automatic search. In this model of percolation, which have characteristics of self-organized criticality, the method does not use the automated search on Leaths algorithm. It uses the following control rule: pt+1 = pt + k(Rc − Rt), where p is the probability of percolation, k is a kinetic parameter where 0 < k < 1 and R is the fraction of percolating finite square lattices with side L, LxL. This rule provides a time series corresponding to the dynamical evolution of the system, in particular the likelihood of percolation p. We proceed an analysis of scaling of the signal obtained in this way. The model used here enables the study of the automatic search method used for site percolation in square lattices, evaluating the dynamics of their parameters when the system goes to the critical point. It shows that the scaling of , the time elapsed until the system reaches the critical point, and tcor, the time required for the system loses its correlations, are both inversely proportional to k, the kinetic parameter of the control rule. We verify yet that the system has two different time scales after: one in which the system shows noise of type 1 f , indicating to be strongly correlated. Another in which it shows white noise, indicating that the correlation is lost. For large intervals of time the dynamics of the system shows ergodicity


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The study of the elementary excitations such as photons, phonons, plasmons, polaritons, polarons, excitons and magnons, in crystalline solids and nanostructures systems are nowdays important active field for research works in solid state physics as well as in statistical physics. With this aim in mind, this work has two distinct parts. In the first one, we investigate the propagation of excitons polaritons in nanostructured periodic and quasiperiodic multilayers, from the description of the behavior for bulk and surface modes in their individual constituents. Through analytical, as well as computational numerical calculation, we obtain the spectra for both surface and bulk exciton-polaritons modes in the superstructures. Besides, we investigate also how the quasiperiodicity modifies the band structure related to the periodic case, stressing their amazing self-similar behavior leaving to their fractal/multifractal aspects. Afterwards, we present our results related to the so-called photonic crystals, the eletromagnetic analogue of the electronic crystalline structure. We consider periodic and quasiperiodic structures, in which one of their component presents a negative refractive index. This unusual optic characteristic is obtained when the electric permissivity and the magnetic permeability µ are both negatives for the same range of angular frequency ω of the incident wave. The given curves show how the transmission of the photon waves is modified, with a striking self-similar profile. Moreover, we analyze the modification of the usual Planck´s thermal spectrum when we use a quasiperiodic fotonic superlattice as a filter.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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We use a tight-binding formulation to investigate the transmissivity and the currentvoltage (I_V) characteristics of sequences of double-strand DNA molecules. In order to reveal the relevance of the underlying correlations in the nucleotides distribution, we compare theresults for the genomic DNA sequence with those of arti_cial sequences (the long-range correlated Fibonacci and RudinShapiro one) and a random sequence, which is a kind of prototype of a short-range correlated system. The random sequence is presented here with the same _rst neighbors pair correlations of the human DNA sequence. We found that the long-range character of the correlations is important to the transmissivity spectra, although the I_V curves seem to be mostly inuenced by the short-range correlations. We also analyze in this work the electronic and thermal properties along an _-helix sequence obtained from an _3 peptide which has the uni-dimensional sequence (Leu-Glu-Thr- Leu-Ala-Lys-Ala)3. An ab initio quantum chemical calculation procedure is used to obtain the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) as well as their charge transfer integrals, when the _-helix sequence forms two di_erent variants with (the so-called 5Q variant) and without (the 7Q variant) _brous assemblies that can be observed by transmission electron microscopy. The di_erence between the two structures is that the 5Q (7Q) structure have Ala ! Gln substitution at the 5th (7th) position, respectively. We estimate theoretically the density of states as well as the electronic transmission spectra for the peptides using a tight-binding Hamiltonian model together with the Dyson's equation. Besides, we solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation to compute the spread of an initially localized wave-packet. We also compute the localization length in the _nite _-helix segment and the quantum especi_c heat. Keeping in mind that _brous protein can be associated with diseases, the important di_erences observed in the present vi electronic transport studies encourage us to suggest this method as a molecular diagnostic tool


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Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)