961 resultados para Labor Laws and Legislation
With advancement in computer science and information technology, computing systems are becoming increasingly more complex with an increasing number of heterogeneous components. They are thus becoming more difficult to monitor, manage, and maintain. This process has been well known as labor intensive and error prone. In addition, traditional approaches for system management are difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing environments. There is a need for automatic and efficient approaches to monitor and manage complex computing systems. In this paper, we propose an innovative framework for scheduling system management by combining Autonomic Computing (AC) paradigm, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques (NIT). Additionally, we consider the resolution of realistic problems. The scheduling of a Cutting and Treatment Stainless Steel Sheet Line will be evaluated. Results show that proposed approach has advantages when compared with other scheduling systems
Mathematical models and statistical analysis are key instruments in soil science scientific research as they can describe and/or predict the current state of a soil system. These tools allow us to explore the behavior of soil related processes and properties as well as to generate new hypotheses for future experimentation. A good model and analysis of soil properties variations, that permit us to extract suitable conclusions and estimating spatially correlated variables at unsampled locations, is clearly dependent on the amount and quality of data and of the robustness techniques and estimators. On the other hand, the quality of data is obviously dependent from a competent data collection procedure and from a capable laboratory analytical work. Following the standard soil sampling protocols available, soil samples should be collected according to key points such as a convenient spatial scale, landscape homogeneity (or non-homogeneity), land color, soil texture, land slope, land solar exposition. Obtaining good quality data from forest soils is predictably expensive as it is labor intensive and demands many manpower and equipment both in field work and in laboratory analysis. Also, the sampling collection scheme that should be used on a data collection procedure in forest field is not simple to design as the sampling strategies chosen are strongly dependent on soil taxonomy. In fact, a sampling grid will not be able to be followed if rocks at the predicted collecting depth are found, or no soil at all is found, or large trees bar the soil collection. Considering this, a proficient design of a soil data sampling campaign in forest field is not always a simple process and sometimes represents a truly huge challenge. In this work, we present some difficulties that have occurred during two experiments on forest soil that were conducted in order to study the spatial variation of some soil physical-chemical properties. Two different sampling protocols were considered for monitoring two types of forest soils located in NW Portugal: umbric regosol and lithosol. Two different equipments for sampling collection were also used: a manual auger and a shovel. Both scenarios were analyzed and the results achieved have allowed us to consider that monitoring forest soil in order to do some mathematical and statistical investigations needs a sampling procedure to data collection compatible to established protocols but a pre-defined grid assumption often fail when the variability of the soil property is not uniform in space. In this case, sampling grid should be conveniently adapted from one part of the landscape to another and this fact should be taken into consideration of a mathematical procedure.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Engenharia Ecológica
Os crescentes custos ligados ao consumo elétrico, não apenas de cariz financeiro mas também ambiental, despertam cada vez mais para a importância da definição de estratégias de melhor utilização de recursos e eficiência energética. Esta importância tem sido reforçada pela definição de decretos-lei que vêm colocar metas e limites relativamente às despesas energéticas. Estes diplomas são também acompanhados por programas de incentivo para um setor ligado à eficiência energética. Em Portugal as medidas ligadas ao setor tem vindo a ser redirecionadas para o consumo final de energia, com a definição de metas para as instalações de maior consumo. As instalações hospitalares são grandes centros de consumo energético devido não só ao elevado número de utentes que recebem mas também pelos diversos tipos de equipamentos elétricos usados para a prestação dos serviços médicos. Como consequência disso, os investimentos e os custos operacionais são elevados, o que reforça a necessidade de gerir os gastos e consumos energéticos com a procura constante de melhoria na recolha de informação sobre todo o sistema e na adequação de intervenções com vista a uma maior eficiência energética. O Hospital Pedro Hispano vem desde algum tempo a investir no sentido de conhecer mais e melhor toda a instalação bem como os consumos energéticos a ela associados. Algumas medidas foram tomadas nesse sentido nomeadamente a instalação de analisadores de energia, de modo a obter um retrato mais fiel e fidedigno dos principais vetores de consumo. Neste momento a gestão técnica do hospital tem em análise uma grande parte da instalação recolhendo dados do consumo elétrico real do hospital. Nesta dissertação procurou-se fazer uma análise e enquadramento dos programas e metas ligados ao setor energético com ênfase nos diplomas que visão e abrangem as instalações hospitalares. Dos vários programas de incentivo à adoção de políticas de maior eficiência energética é dado especial destaque ao programa ECO.AP que visa a celebração de contratos para implementação de medidas de poupança energética ao setor público. Em colaboração com o HPH, iniciaram-se os trabalhos pelo estudo e identificação das principais fases e ferramentas utilizadas na gestão energética do edifício tendo como objetivo a reavaliação dos vetores energéticos já identificados no HPH e a criação e contabilização de novos grupos de consumo. Através de várias medições do consumo elétrico, num total superior a 650 horas de funcionamento, foi possível a criação do mapa de desagregação de consumos para o ano de 2013. A desagregação realizada conta com 3 novos vetores energéticos e com a reavaliação do peso relativo de mais 5 grupos de consumo. Das medições efetuadas destaca-se a reavaliação do consumo da central de bombagem onde a parcela considerada até à data estava 3 vezes acima do valor real medido. Com base na desagregação feita foram apontadas e estudadas medidas de implementação com o objetivo de reduzir os consumos energético em todo o hospital, destacando-se a solução apresentada para a central de bombagem. Esta medida traria um grande impacto em toda a fatura energética, não só pela sua viabilidade, mas também porque atuaria num grande centro de consumo onde até ao momento nenhuma ação do género foi implementada.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval
Objectives: To assess induced labor-associated perinatal infection risk at Hospital D.Estefânia from January to June of 2010 at Hospital de D. Estefânia’s delivery rooms, reviewing the indications for inducing labor as well as the techniques used. Material and Methods: Performing an historical prospective study searching the clinical processes as well as the mother and newborn’s computer database from January to June of 2010. An exposed and an unexposed group were created; the first group comprises pregnant women and their newborns whose labor was induced. The unexposed group is constituted by newborns and pregnant women whose labor was spontaneous. Labor induction was performed using intra-vaginal prostaglandins in women who didn’t start it spontaneously; perinatal infection was defined either clinically or using blood tests. The gestational age was ≥ 37 weeks for both groups. 19 variables were studied for both groups. Results: A total of 190 mother-newborn pairs were included: 55 in the exposed group and 135 in the unexposed group. 3 cases of perinatal infection were reported, two in the exposed group and one in the unexposed group. Preliminary data resulted in a perinatal infection rate of 3.6% in the exposed group and 0.7% in the unexposed group; preliminary data suggest that the risk of perinatal infection may be increased in up to 5-fold when labor is inducted. Conclusions: A larger series of patients and a multivariable analysis using logistic regression are both necessary in order to perform a more thorough assessment of labor induction’s role in perinatal infection risk. One must also try to distinguish labor inducing- and clinical practicesrelated factors.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Doutor José Amorim
Um incêndio corresponde a fogo de grandes dimensões sem controlo, que mata e destrói o que atravessa o seu caminho, é um fogo que lavra e devora. Neste sentido, há muitos anos que são impostas leis e medidas preventivas e de controlo dos incêndios, cada vez mais exigentes, de modo a tentar evitar catástrofes, como as que infelizmente também fazem parte da história de Portugal. A proteção contra incêndio procura garantir a proteção das pessoas, dos bens e do ambiente, implicando a atuação em áreas muito distintas. O relatório de estágio aqui apresentado é o resultado de um estágio curricular realizado num gabinete de estudos e projetos de engenharia civil. Este estágio inseriu-se na unidade curricular de DIPRE, com duração de seis meses, durante os quais foi desenvolvido um projeto de segurança contra incêndio numa unidade industrial de tintas, de grandes dimensões. Será descrita a legislação aplicável ao caso de estudo, apresentado o projeto de segurança contra incêndio, bem como as peças desenhadas onde constam todas as exigências impostas pela legislação.
Prestando atenção e observando o que se passa à nossa volta, conclui-se que as condições climáticas da Terra estão a mudar rapidamente. As alterações ambientais que impomos ao nosso planeta em resultado da atividade humana nas suas múltiplas áreas de ação, obrigam-nos a tomar consciência da necessidade na adoção de atitudes e formas de vida mais condizentes com a preservação do ambiente, agindo no respeito pelos processos naturais de renovação ambiental. A resposta a este problema tem-se traduzido na aplicação de um conjunto de legislações e práticas com o objetivo de promover uma redução significativa das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Entre outros, os gases fluorados são dos mais relevantes gases com efeito de estufa, conforme identificados no Protocolo de Quioto. Esta tese tem como objetivo mostrar as ações que os técnicos de AVAC e refrigeração necessitam de executar para a sua certificação, para operar com equipamentos fixos de refrigeração que contenham gases fluorados com efeito de estufa, bem como procedimentos e cuidados necessários no respeito e conformidade com a legislação em vigor. Foi construída uma plataforma experimental com um equipamento de refrigeração para a prática e manuseamento do gás fluorados com a eventualidade de desenvolver sessões de formação.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The history between cetaceans and humans is documented throughout time not only in reports, descriptions, and tales but also in legal documents, laws and regulations, and tithes. This wealth of information comes from the easy spotting and identification of individuals due to their large size, surface breathing, and conspicuous above water behaviour. This work is based on historical sources and accounts accounting for cetacean presence for the period between the 12th and 17th centuries, as well as scientific articles, newspapers, illustrations, maps, non-published scientific reports, and other grey literature from the 18th century onwards. Information on whale use in Portugal's mainland has been found since as early as the 12th century and has continued to be created throughout time. No certainty can be given for medieval and earlier events, but both scavenging of stranded whales or use of captured ones may have happened. There is an increasing number of accounts of sighted, stranded, used, or captured cetaceans throughout centuries which is clearly associated with a growing effort towards the study of these animals. Scientific Latin species denominations only started to be registered from the 18th century onwards, as a consequence of the evolution of natural sciences in Portugal and increasing interest from zoologists. After the 19th century, a larger number of observations were recorded, and from the 20th century to the present day, regular scientific records have been collected. Research on the environmental history of cetaceans in Portugal shows a several-centuries-old exploitation of whales and dolphins, as resources mainly for human consumption, followed in later centuries by descriptions of natural history documenting strandings and at sea encounters. Most cetaceans species currently thought to be present in Portuguese mainland waters were at some point historically recorded.
Based on bibliographical research and the analysis of court rulings, this study investigates the characterization of slave-like labor by Brazilian courts. After the alteration of article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code, introduced by Law nº 10.803/2003, which typifies the practice of contemporary slavery in Brazil, divergent characterizations of this practice remain. The courts currently employ the broadest concept of contemporary slave labor, in which the crime is characterized by the engagement in one of the following conducts established as a criminal offense: labor with the restriction of freedom, submission to exhaustive working conditions, degrading working conditions, and debt bondage. The engagement in one of the above is therefore enough to constitute a crime. Contemporary slave labor in Brazil is not characterized only by the restriction of the worker’s freedom, as in the case of forced labor or debt bondage, but also through the submission of the workers to situations that offend their human dignity. Individual freedom and the dignity of the human person, fundamental tenets of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, are juridical resources safeguarded by law. Contemporary slavery is not limited to the mere infringement of labor laws, but represents a severe violation of the human rights of the workers involved.
This paper presents a critical and quantitative analysis of the influence of the Power Quality in grid connected solar photovoltaic microgeneration installations. First are introduced the main regulations and legislation related with the solar photovoltaic microgeneration, in Portugal and Europe. Next are presented Power Quality monitoring results obtained from two residential solar photovoltaic installations located in the north of Portugal, and is explained how the Power Quality events affect the operation of these installations. Afterwards, it is described a methodology to estimate the energy production losses and the impact in the revenue caused by the abnormal operation of the electrical installation. This is done by comparing the amount of energy that was injected into the power grid with the theoretical value of energy that could be injected in normal conditions. The performed analysis shows that Power Quality severally affects the solar photovoltaic installations operation. The losses of revenue in the two monitored installations M1 and M2 are estimated in about 27% and 22%, respectively.
This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized by minifundia and rural poverty. This paper is about those migrants and their effects on the Amazonian landscape. We discuss the data collection methodology and summarize key results on settler characteristics and changes in population, land use, land ownership, technology, labor allocation, and living conditions, as well as the relationships between changes in population and changes in land use over time. The population in the study region has been growing rapidly due to both natural population growth (high fertility) and in-migration. This has led to a dramatic process of subdivision and fragmentation of plots in the 1990's, which contrasts with the consolidation of plots that has occurred in most of the mature frontier areas of the Brazilian Amazon. This fragmentation has led to important changes in land tenure and land use, deforestation, cattle raising, labor allocation, and settler welfare.