The impact of poor power quality in solar photovoltaic microgeneration: technical problems and losses of revenue

Autoria(s): Exposto, Bruno Fernandes; Pinto, J. G.; Monteiro, Vítor Duarte Fernandes; Pedrosa, Delfim Duarte Rolo; Afonso, João L.



This paper presents a critical and quantitative analysis of the influence of the Power Quality in grid connected solar photovoltaic microgeneration installations. First are introduced the main regulations and legislation related with the solar photovoltaic microgeneration, in Portugal and Europe. Next are presented Power Quality monitoring results obtained from two residential solar photovoltaic installations located in the north of Portugal, and is explained how the Power Quality events affect the operation of these installations. Afterwards, it is described a methodology to estimate the energy production losses and the impact in the revenue caused by the abnormal operation of the electrical installation. This is done by comparing the amount of energy that was injected into the power grid with the theoretical value of energy that could be injected in normal conditions. The performed analysis shows that Power Quality severally affects the solar photovoltaic installations operation. The losses of revenue in the two monitored installations M1 and M2 are estimated in about 27% and 22%, respectively.

CT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within scope of the project : PEst- UID/CEC/00319/2013.






Palavras-Chave #Microgeneration #Solar Photovoltaic Energy #Power Quality
