1000 resultados para Identidad de Género


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En este trabajo se expone e ilustra un modelo teórico para entender las funciones de la identidad, así como los mecanismospsicosociales asociados a su construcción: “Modelo Evolutivo y Funcional de la Identidad Mediada” (MEBIM). La identidad, mediada narrativamente, cumple una función personal orientada a la dirección de la propia vida, así como una función sociocultural vinculada a la búsqueda de reconocimiento de los derechos de los grupos sociales a los que uno se siente apegado. Se ilustran los factores asociados a la construcción de la identidad personal (sí mismos posibles, transiciones vitales, vínculo afectivo) y sociocultural (acción-transformación e identificación simbólica) a partir de 12 historias de vida realizadas con mestizos e indígenasde la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (México). Se sugiere que en contextos educativos formales, como la escuela o la Universidad, se deben propiciar narrativas personales y socioculturales con el objetivo de optimizar la identidad en un mundo a la vez globalizado y plural


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Los objetivos de este trabajo son, en primer lugar, determinar si la gastronomía mexicana es considerada como producto relevante dentro de la gama del turismo cultural ofertado por México al mundo. En segundo lugar, indicar el puesto ocupado por la gastronomía mexicana en el conjunto de elementos considerados como turismo cultural ofertado por México al mundo. Y en tercer lugar, dar a conocer el grado de utilización que tienen las páginas Web de turismo de las entidades federativas de México


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This review details the history, chemistry and pharmacology of the Copaifera L. genus (Leguminosae - Caesalpinoideae), including copaiba oils.


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Plants of the genus Bauhinia (Leguminosae) are widely distributed in most tropical countries and have been frequently used in folk medicine to treat several ailments, especially diabetes. In recent years, the interest in these plants has increased considerably in all world. This review shows the main chemical and pharmacological aspects of these plants. The studies carried out with the extracts and purified compounds from these plants support most of their reported therapeutic properties. It also gives an account of some compounds including terpenes, steroids and flavonoids that were isolated from the genus Bauhinia.


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During the last decades several flavonoids of Solanum species have been isolated. This review describes the flavones, flavonols and their glycosides presently known as constituents of Solanum species.


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The Baccharis genus is represented by more than 500 species distributed mainly in the tropical areas of South America. Many of them are extensively used in folk medicine in the treatment or prevention of anemias, inflammations, diabetes and stomach, liver and prostate diseases. Phytochemical and biological investigations in about 120 species resulted mainly in the isolation of clerodane and labdane diterpenes and flavonoid aglicones with the flavone unit being the most frequent.


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Gertakizun baten antolaketa paradigmatikoa da in situ bizi izandako lurraldeirudien eraikuntza-prozesuan. Parte-hartzaileen imaginario kolektiboan finkatzeko helburuaz antolatutako gertakizunak direla eta, fabrikatutako lurralde-irudiek – turistikoak zein bestelakoak– sustapen turistikorako alternatiba bitxia planteatzen dute, gertakizunaren kudeaketa-estrategian bertan dagoena. Izan ere, gertakizunak, berez, lurraldearen sustapenerako estrategia garrantzitsua adierazten du; are gehiago, irudien katalizatzaile ere bihur daiteke, eta bere osotasunean hiri-marka bat finkatzeko gai diren imaginarioak sor ditzake. Artikulu honetan, identitate-posizionamenduari eta lurralde-sustapenari dagokienean, gertakizun baten antolaketak eskeintzen dituen aukerak ezagutarazten dira.


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La docencia universitaria de los Estudios de Género aplicados a la creación artística ejerce un estímulo del compromiso social. Analizo el proyecto Ex-presó creado a partir de la antigua cárcel de mujeres de les Corts (Barcelona, 1936-1955), lugar actualmente ocupado por unos grandes almacenes. Mediante los códigos Quick Response (QR) el proyecto tiene su eje de acción en un blog donde se centraliza la información histórica. Se construye un memorial en el que, por un instante, todos podamos trasladarnos al pasado para entender y conocer un poco más de nuestra historia y de nuestra realidad. El objetivo es evidenciar lo que no está para evitar el olvido. Mediante esta práctica se cuestiona lo establecido, se incentiva el compromiso social e interactúa con la práctica artística desde la formación universitaria.


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El artículo se propone reflexionar sobre dos cuestiones: ¿la «novela de favela» es novela criminal? y ¿es posible detectar aspectos de género en las «novelas de favela» de Patrícia Melo? En nuestra opinión, la «novela de favela» es literatura de la violencia, para ser más exactos de la representación de la violencia, pero, aunque a veces la frontera sea muy tenue, no responde a los paradigmas de la novela criminal. Por otra parte, y a partir del análisis de la construcción de los personajes Máiquel y Reizinho (O Matador e Inferno), creemos que sí es posible afirmar un sesgo de género en los textos de Patrícia Melo.


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Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors are successfully used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Extracts of three Kalanchoe species (K. brasiliensis, K. pinnata and K. gastonis-bornieri) showed acetylcholine esterase inhibitory effects and a toxic effect on Aedes aegypti larvae. Here we describe the bioassay guided fractionation of extracts of the most active extracts (K. brasiliensis) which resulted in the isolation of an active mixture of three flavonoids: 8-methoxyquercetin, 3,7-di-O-rhamnopyranoside and 8-methoxykaempferol-3,7-di-O-rhamnopyranoside. On TLC these flavonoids showed an acetylcholine esterase inhibitory effect.


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The Calophyllum genus (Clusiaceae) is composed of about 200 species, with a pantropical distribution. Some species are medicinal and are used against several diseases, including gastric ulcers, infectious pathologies, painful, inflammatory processes and as molluscicidal. A search in the literature regarding the chemical and biological aspects of these plants indicates cytotoxic activity against several cell lines, inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties, antinociceptive, molluscicidal and antimicrobial effects, among others, related particularly to the presence of coumarins, xanthones, flavonoids, and triterpenes.


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Senecio species contain a large variety of secondary metabolites and many of these plants afford pyrrolizidine alkaloids. This paper is a review of the literature, describing 62 pyrrolizidine alkaloids already isolated in 62 of more than 2000 species of Senecio, distributed worldwide. The structure-activity relationships involving their toxicity are also discussed, since some Senecio species used for medicinal purposes are responsible for causing serious adverse effects.


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Species of Cassia are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world, and have been extensively investigated chemically and pharmacologically.They are known to be a rich source of phenolic derivatives, most of them with important biological and pharmacological properties. Some Asian, African and Indian tribes use these species as a laxative, purgative, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. Among a number of other classes of secondary metabolites, such as anthracene derivatives, antraquinones, steroids and stilbenoids, biologically active piperidine alkaloids are an especially important bioactive class of compounds that showed to be restricted to a small group of Cassia species. In this paper we present an overview of the chemical, biological and ethnopharmacological data on Cassia piblished in the literature.


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This dissertation examines the issue of invasion as represented in American science fiction. American SF appears as a scenario in which to explore national identity-an identity that has been marked by the imaginary of invasion. The dissertation focuses in particular on the 1983 television series V, which articulates concerns typical of a nation that has established its hegemony on the basis of the separation between oneself and the other. V, as we argue, equals the expression of American identity with the fear of physical otherness, and the fear of the vulnerability of the national borders as the imaginary boundary that separates the American I from everything else


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Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of sodium alginate from seaweeds oh the Sargassum genus was studied. The influence of H2O2 concentration (percentage of H2O2 on a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) and NaOH/H2O2 ratio (% NaOH/% H2O2, both referred to a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) on the molecular weight, color removal and content of Fe3+ ions of bleached alginate samples was investigated by UV and IR spectroscopies, colorimetric determination of Fe3+ ions and vapor pressure osmometry. Higher yield, purity and molecular weight of alginate were obtained using 3% (or less) of hydrogen peroxide and a NaOH/H2O2 ratio of 1.2 for bleaching.