988 resultados para Host structure


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Common root rot (CRR) and spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechsl. ex Dast., are important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. However, the population biology of C. sativus is still poorly understood. In this study, the genetic structure of three C. sativus populations, consisting of isolates sampled respectively from barley leaves (BL), barley roots (BR) and wheat roots (WR) in North Dakota, was analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 127 AFLP loci were generated among 208 C. sativus isolates analysed with three primer combinations. Gene diversity (H = 0.277-0.335) were high in all three populations. Genetic variation among C. sativus individuals within population accounted for 74%, whereas 26% of the genetic variation was explained among populations. Genetic differentiation was high (empty set PT = 0.261, corrected G ''(st)= 0.39), whereas gene flow (Nm) ranged from 1.27 to 1.56 among the three populations analysed. The multilocus linkage disequilibrium (LD) ((r) over bard = 0.0760.117) was moderate in C. sativus populations. Cluster analyses indicate that C. sativus populations differentiated according to the hosts (barley and wheat) and tissues (root and leaf) although generalists also exist in North Dakota. Crop breeding may benefit from combining genes for resistance against both specialists and generalists of C. sativus.


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The aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes is a potentially valuable biological control agent of Aphis gossypii a major worldwide pest of cotton. One means of increasing the abundance of a biological control agent is to provide an alternative host habitat adjacent to cropping, from which they can provide pest control services in the crop. Host selection and parasitism rate of an alternative host aphid, Aphis craccivora by L. testaceipes were studied in a series of experiments that tested its host suitability relative to A. gossypii on cotton, hibiscus and mungbean. Host acceptance, as measured by number of ovipositions was much greater in A. craccivora compared to A. gossypii, while more host aphids were accepted on mungbean than cotton. When given a choice L. testaceipes attacks more 4th instar and adult stages (63% and 70%, respectively) of both hosts than 2nd instar nymphs (47%). In a switching (host choice) experiment, L. testaceipes preferentially attacked A. craccivora on mungbean over A. gossypii on cotton. Observations of parasitoid contact with A. gossypii cornicle secretion suggest it provides a useful deterrent against parasitoid attack. From these experiments it appears L. testaceipes has a preference for A. craccivora and mungbean compared to A. gossypii and cotton, in this respect using A. craccivora and mungbean as alternative habitat may not work as the parasitoid is unlikely to switch away from its preferred host. © 2012.


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Multi-species fisheries are complex to manage and the ability to develop an appropriate governance structure is often seriously impeded because trading between sustainability objectives at the species level, economic objectives at the fleet level, and social objectives at the community scale, is complex. Many of these fisheries also tend to have a mix of information, with stock assessments available for some species and almost no information on other species. The fleets themselves comprise fishers from small family enterprises to large vertically integrated businesses. The Queensland trawl fishery in Australia is used as a case study for this kind of fishery. It has the added complexity that a large part of the fishery is within a World Heritage Area, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which is managed by an agency of the Australian Commonwealth Government whereas the fishery itself is managed by the Queensland State Government. A stakeholder elicitation process was used to develop social, governance, economic and ecological objectives, and then weight the relative importance of these. An expert group was used to develop different governance strawmen (or management strategies) and these were assessed by a group of industry stakeholders and experts using multi-criteria decision analysis techniques against the different objectives. One strawman clearly provided the best overall set of outcomes given the multiple objectives, but was not optimal in terms of every objective, demonstrating that even the "best" strawman may be less than perfect. © 2012.


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Rhizoctonia solani is a soil inhabiting basidiomycetous fungus able to induce a wide range of symptoms in many plant species. This genetically complex species is divided to 13 anastomosis groups (AG), of which AG-3 is specialized to infect potato. However, also a few other AGs are able to infect or live in close contact with potato. On potato, R. solani infection causes two main types of diseases including stem canker observed as a dark brown lesions on developing stems and stolons, and black scurf that develops on new tubers close to the time of harvest. These disease symptoms are collectively called a ‘Rhizoctonia disease complex’. Between the growing seasons R. solani survives in soil and plant debri as sclerotia or as the sclerotia called black scurf on potato tubers which when used as seed offer the main route for dispersal of the fungus to new areas. The reasons for the dominance of AG-3 on potato seem to be attributable to its highly specialization to potato and its ability to infect and form sclerotia efficiently at low temperatures. In this study, a large nationwide survey of R. solani isolates was made in potato crops in Finland. Almost all characterized isolates belonged to AG-3. Additionally, three other AGs (AG-2-1, AG-4 and AG-5) were found associated with symptoms on potato plants but they were weaker pathogens on potato than AG-3 as less prone to form black scurf. According to phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed sequences (ITS) of the ribosomal RNA genes the Finnish AG-3 isolates are closely related to each other even though a wide variation of physiological features was observed between them. Detailed analysis of the ITS regions revealed single nucleotide polymorphism in 14 nucleotide positions of ITS-1 and ITS-2. Additionally, compensatory base changes on ITS-2 were detected which suggests that potato-infecting R. solani AG-3 could be considered as a separate species instead of an AG of R. solani. For the first time, molecular defence responses were studied and detected during the early phases of interaction between R. solani AG-3 and potato. Extensive systemic signalling for defence exploiting several known defence pathways was activated as soon as R. solani came into close contact with the base of a sprout. The defence response was strong enough to protect vulnerable sprout tips from new attacks by the pathogen. These results at least partly explain why potato emergence is eventually successful even under heavy infection pressure by R. solani.


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The potato virus A (PVA) genome linked protein (VPg) is a multifunctional protein that takes part in vital infection cycle events such as replication and movement of the virus from cell to cell. VPg is attached to the 5´ end of the genome and is carried in the tip structure of the filamentous virus particle. VPg is also the last protein to be cleaved from the polyprotein. VPg interacts with several viral and host proteins and is phosphorylated at several positions. These features indicate a central role in virus epidemiology and a requirement for an efficient but flexible mechanism for switching between different functions. -- This study examines some of the key VPg functions in more detail. Mutations in the positively charged region from Ala38 to Lys44 affected the NTP binding, uridylylation, and in vitro translation inhibition activities of VPg, whereas in vivo translation inhibition was not affected. Some of the data generated in this study implicated the structural flexibility of the protein in functional activities. VPg lacks a rigid structure, which could allow it to adapt conformationally to different functions as needed. A major finding of this study is that PVA VPg belongs to the class of ´intrinsically disordered proteins´ (IDPs). IDPs are a novel protein class that has helped to explain the observed lack of structure. The existence of IDPs clearly shows that proteins can be functional and adapt a native fold without a rigid structure. Evidence for the intrinsic disorder of VPg was provided by CD spectroscopy, NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy, bioinformatic analysis, and limited proteolytic digestion. The structure of VPg resembles that of a molten globule-type protein and has a hydrophobic core domain. Approximately 50% of the protein is disordered and an α-helical stabilization of these regions has been hypothesized. Surprisingly, VPg structure was stabilized in the presence of anionic lipid vesicles. The stabilization was accompanied by a change in VPg structure and major morphological modifications of the vesicles, including a pronounced increase in the size and appearance of pore or plaque like formations on the vesicle surface. The most likely scenario seems to be an α-helical stabilization of VPg which induces formation of a pore or channel-like structure on the vesicle surface. The size increase is probably due to fusion or swelling of the vesicles. The latter hypothesis is supported by the evident disruption of the vesicles after prolonged incubation with VPg. A model describing the results is presented and discussed in relation to other known properties of the protein.


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The most common connective tissue research in meat science has been conducted on the properties of intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) in connection with eating quality of meat. From the chemical and physical properties of meat, researchers have concluded that meat from animals younger than physiological maturity is the most tender. In pork and poultry, different challenges have been raised: the structure of cooked meat has weakened. In extreme cases raw porcine M. semimembranosus (SM) and in most turkey M. pectoralis superficialis (PS) can be peeled off in strips along the perimysium which surrounds the muscle fibre bundles (destructured meat), and when cooked, the slices disintegrate. Raw chicken meat is generally very soft and when cooked, it can even be mushy. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the thermal properties of IMCT in porcine SM in order to see if these properties were in association with destructured meat in pork and to characterise IMCT in poultry PS. First a 'baseline' study to characterise the thermal stability of IMCT in light coloured (SM and M. longissimus dorsi in pigs and PS in poultry) and dark coloured (M. infraspinatus in pigs and a combination of M. quadriceps femoris and M. iliotibialis lateralis in poultry) muscles was necessary. Thereafter, it was investigated whether the properties of muscle fibres differed in destructured and normal porcine muscles. Collagen content and also solubility of dark coloured muscles were higher than in light coloured muscles in pork and poultry. Collagen solubility was especially high in chicken muscles, approx. 30 %, in comparison to porcine and turkey muscles. However, collagen content and solubility were similar in destructured and normal porcine SM muscles. Thermal shrinkage of IMCT occurred at approximately 65 °C in pork and poultry. It occurred at lower temperature in light coloured muscles than in dark coloured muscles, although the difference was not always significant. The onset and peak temperatures of thermal shrinkage of IMCT were lower in destructured than in normal SM muscles, when the IMCT from SM muscles exhibiting ten lowest and ten highest ultimate pH values were investigated (onset: 59.4 °C vs. 60.7 °C, peak: 64.9 °C vs. 65.7 °C). As the destructured meat was paler than normal meat, the PSE (pale, soft, exudative) phenomenon could not be ruled out. The muscle fibre cross sectional area (CSA), the number of capillaries per muscle fibre CSA and per fibre and sarcomere length were similar in destructured and normal SM muscles. Drip loss was clearly higher in destructured than in normal SM muscles. In conclusion, collagen content and solubility and thermal shrinkage temperature vary between porcine and poultry muscles. One feature in the IMCT could not be directly associated with weakening of the meat structure. Poultry breast meat is very homogenous within the species.


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The effect of elicitors associated with host defence on betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus mangostanus seedlings was investigated. Under the conditions of the experiments, betacyanin accumulation was generally enhanced by light. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment increased betacyanin synthesis in a concentration-dependent response. Seedlings treated with ethylene as 5 mM Ethephon also had elevated levels of betacyanin. In contrast. salicylic acid (SA) and H2O2 treatments had no influence on betacyanin contents in light or dark. Combined MeJA with Ethephon or H2O2 had an additive effect on betacyanin accumulation in dark-grown seedlings. However, a decline was recorded in light-grown seedlings. Moreover, an antagonistic effect on betacyanin synthesis was found when MeJA and SA were added simultaneously. Our results indicate that betacyanin content in A. mangostanus seedlings can be upregulated by MeJA and ethylene. Both additive and antagonistic effects in regulating betacyanin synthesis in A. mangostanus seedlings were observed between MeJA and other elicitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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TRFLP (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) was used to assess whether management practices that improved disease suppression and/or yield in a 4-year ginger field trial were related to changes in soil microbial community structure. Bacterial and fungal community profiles were defined by presence and abundance of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs), where each TRF represents one or more species. Results indicated inclusion of an organic amendment and minimum tillage increased the relative diversity of dominant fungal populations in a system dependant way. Inclusion of an organic amendment increased bacterial species richness in the pasture treatment. Redundancy analysis showed shifts in microbial community structure associated with different management practices and treatments grouped according to TRF abundance in relation to yield and disease incidence. ANOVA also indicated the abundance of certain TRFs was significantly affected by farming system management practices, and a number of these TRFs were also correlated with yield or disease suppression. Further analyses are required to determine whether identified TRFs can be used as general or soil-type specific bio-indicators of productivity (increased and decreased) and Pythium myriotylum suppressiveness.


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The proton NMR spectra of N-methylpyrrole oriented in the nematic phases of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies and their mixtures are reported. Geometrical parameters derived from the spectra at the critical point in the mixture of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies, where macroscopic diamagnetic anisotropy vanishes, are similar to those obtained in the solvent with negative diamagnetic anisotropy. However, significant distortions in the molecular structure attributed to solvent effects have been observed in liquid crystals with positive diamagnetic anisotropy. The minimum energy conformation has one C---H of the methyl perpendicular to the ring.


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Preputial prolapse is an obvious condition affecting bulls from many breeds. Unfortunately, the losses in production and welfare concerns associated with preputial prolapse can remain undetected for long periods of time in the extensive beef areas of northern Australia where the bulls are not inspected regularly. Thus, there is a critical need to identify the structural factors predisposing to preputial prolapse in young bulls so that they can be culled early. Despite there being no firm scientific evidence of an association between preputial eversion and preputial prolapse, it seems logical that the increased exposure of the sensitive prepuce as a consequence of preputial eversion may increase the risk of bulls developing preputial pathology, in particular preputial prolapse. This may be particularly relevant in Bos indicus bulls as they have a more pendulous sheath and thus eversion of the prepuce may be associated with a greater risk of injury to the prepuce compared to that in Bos taurus bulls. Further, studies of preputial eversion in Bos taurus bulls have concluded that there is an association between polledness and increased prevalence and severity (length of everted prepuce and duration of eversion) of preputial eversion due primarily to the absence or poor development of the caudal preputial muscles. No similar definitive work in Bos indicus bulls has been conducted and thus anatomical studies reported in this thesis were conducted to determine if a similar association occurred in Bos indicus bulls. A survey of a sample of large beef breeding herds in northern Australia found that preputial prolapse is a significant problem in Bos indicus and Bos indicus derived bulls and affected both young and older bulls. The importance of preputial prolapse confirmed the value of further research into the causes of this problem. A series of anatomical studies confirmed that preputial eversion in Bos indicus derived bulls was not more prevalent in polled bulls than horned bulls and was not associated with deficiency of the caudal preputial muscles as was established in Bos taurus bulls. An anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls with preputial prolapse found that preputial prolapse occurred in horned bulls of varying ages and these bulls did not have any evidence of deficiency in the caudal preputial muscles. However, preputial prolapse was observed in young polled bulls that had poorly developed or absent caudal preputial muscles. It was concluded that deficiency of the caudal preputial muscles in polled Bos indicus derived bulls may predispose to preputial prolapse at an early age, but no predisposing anatomical factors were found for horned Bos indicus derived bulls. In these studies, preputial eversion and preputial prolapse were found in horned Bos indicus derived bulls that did not have any preputial muscle deficiency and it was noted that preputial eversion was not related to the length of the prepuce. Further studies confirmed that preputial eversion was linearly and consistently associated with position of the glans penis within the sheath in Bos indicus derived bulls, and movement of the glans penis towards the preputial orifice consistently resulted in preputial eversion in these bulls. A method to objectively measure the relationship between movement of the glans penis within the sheath and preputial eversion was developed. Studies in humans have linked function of some abdominal muscles to function of the pelvic organs. This relationship was investigated in Bos indicus derived bulls to determine whether the function of specific abdominal muscles affected position of the penis in the sheath. Using the method developed to objectively measure the relationship between penis movement and preputial eversion, the abdominal muscles that potentially were associated with movement of the glans penis or preputial eversion were examined but no significant relationships were observed. In the anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls not affected with preputial prolapse a more pendulous sheath was associated with increased prevalence of preputial eversion. This relationship was confirmed for horned and polled bulls in the penis movement studies. Bos indicus derived bulls with more pendulous sheaths evert their prepuces more than bulls with less pendulous sheaths thus increasing the risk of damage to the prepuce either from the environment, other bulls, or from them inadvertently stepping on the everted prepuce when they get to their feet. Culling Bos indicus derived bulls with more pendulous sheaths should reduce the incidence of preputial eversion and possibly preputial prolapse. The anatomical study of Bos indicus derived bulls that did not have preputial prolapse demonstrates that there are herds of bulls where the polled bulls do not have any evidence of deficiency of the caudal preputial iv muscles. There is a need to develop a practical and cost effective test to identify polled Bos indicus bulls that have a deficiency in their caudal preputial muscles.


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Conformational energy calculations were carried out on penicillin α-and Β-sulfoxides and δ2- and δ3-cephalosporins, in order to identify the structural features governing their biological activity. Results on penicillin Β-sulfoxide indicated that in its favoured conformation, the orientation of the aminoacyl group was different from the one required for biological activity. Penicillin α sulfoxide, like penicillin sulfide, favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, but separated by a much higher energy barrier. The reduced activity of the sulfoxides despite the nonplanarity of their lactam peptide indicated that the orientations of the aminoacyl and carboxyl groups might also govern biological activity. δ3-cephalosporins favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, whereas δ2-cephalosporins favoured only one conformation. The lactam peptide was moderately nonplanÄr in the former, but nearly planar in the latter. The differences in the.preferred orientations of the carboxyl group between penicillins and cephalosporins were correlated with the resistance of cephalosporins to penicillinases.


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Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) is a climber in the angiosperm family Basellaceae. It is native to South America and has naturalised in Australia. It is regarded as a serious environmental weed because of the structural damage it causes to native vegetation. The present study, for the first time, documents anatomical and morphological traits of the leaves of A. cordifolia and considers their implications for its ecology and physiology. Plants were grown under three different light levels, and anatomical and morphological leaf characters were compared among light levels, among cohorts, and with documented traits of the related species, Basella alba L. Stomata were present on both the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, with significantly more stomata on the abaxial side and under high light. This may account for the ability of this species to fix large amounts of carbon and rapidly respond to light gaps. The leaves had very narrow veins and no sclerenchyma, suggesting a low construction cost that is associated with invasive plants. There was no significant difference in any of the traits among different cohorts, which agrees with the claim that A. cordifolia primarily propagates vegetatively. The anatomy and morphology of A. cordifolia was similar to that of B. alba.


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CIsH20N3Oa+.C1-.H2 O, M r = 395, orthorhombic, Pn21a, a = 7.710 (4), b = 11.455 (3), c -- 21.199 (3)/k, Z = 4, V = 1872.4/k 3, D m = 1.38, D C = 1.403 g cm -3, F(000) = 832, g(Cu Kct) = 20.94 cm -l. Intensities for 1641 reflections were measured on a Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer; of these, 1470 were significant. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R index of 0.045 using a blockdiagonal least-squares procedure. The angle between the least-squares planes through the benzene rings is 125.0 (5) ° and the side chain is folded similarly to one of the independent molecules of imipramine hydrochloride.


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M r=275.8, monoclinic, P21/a, a= 12.356 (5), b=9.054 (4), c= 14.043 (4) A, t= 100.34 (3) ° , V=1545.5A 3, Z=4, D,,,= 1.14, D x = 1.185 Mg m -3, p(Mo Ka, /l = 0.7107 ]k) = 2.77 mm -1, F(000) = 584.0, T= 293 K, R = 0.053 for 1088 reflections. The four-membered ring is buckled 13.0 ° (0= 167.0°). The azetidinium moiety is linked to the C1- ion through a hydrogen bond [O-H...C1 = 3.166 (5) A].


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The prefered tautomer(s) of hydroxycyclotriphosphazatrienes and prototropic exchange in solution have been established by 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy, thus confirming predictions deduced from basicity calculations; the X-ray structure of N3P3Ph2(OMe)3OH shows that it exists as the hydrogen-bonded dimer of the oxophosphazadiene tautomer in which a proton is adjacent to the PPh2 group.