988 resultados para GHZ


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Phononische Kristalle sind strukturierte Materialien mit sich periodisch ändernden elastischen Moduln auf der Wellenlängenskala. Die Interaktion zwischen Schallwellen und periodischer Struktur erzeugt interessante Interferenzphänomene, und phononische Kristalle erschließen neue Funktionalitäten, die in unstrukturierter Materie unzugänglich sind. Hypersonische phononische Kristalle im Speziellen, die bei GHz Frequenzen arbeiten, haben Periodizitäten in der Größenordnung der Wellenlänge sichtbaren Lichts und zeigen daher die Wege auf, gleichzeitig Licht- und Schallausbreitung und -lokalisation zu kontrollieren, und dadurch die Realisierung neuartiger akusto-optischer Anordnungen. Bisher bekannte hypersonische phononische Kristalle basieren auf thermoplastischen Polymeren oder Epoxiden und haben nur eingeschränkte thermische und mechanische Stabilität und mechanischen Kontrast. Phononische Kristalle, die aus mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten zylindrischen Kanälen in harter Matrix bestehen, zeigen einen sehr hohen elastischen Kontrast und sind bislang noch unerforscht. In dieser Dissertation wird die experimentelle Untersuchung zweidimensionaler hypersonischer phononischer Kristalle mit hexagonaler Anordnung zylindrischer Nanoporen basierend auf der Selbstorganisation anodischen Aluminiumoxids (AAO) beschrieben. Dazu wird die Technik der hochauflösenden inelastischen Brillouin Lichtstreuung (BLS) verwendet. AAO ist ein vielsetiges Modellsystem für die Untersuchung reicher phononischer Phänomene im GHz-Bereich, die eng mit den sich in den Nanoporen befindlichen Flüssigkeiten und deren Interaktion mit der Porenwand verknüpft sind. Gerichteter Fluss elastischer Energie parallel und orthogonal zu der Kanalachse, Lokalisierung von Phononen und Beeinflussung der phononischen Bandstruktur bei gleichzeitig präziser Kontrolle des Volumenbruchs der Kanäle (Porosität) werden erörtert. Außerdem ermöglicht die thermische Stabilität von AAO ein temperaturabhängiges Schalten phononischer Eigenschaften infolge temperaturinduzierter Phasenübergänge in den Nanoporen. In monokristallinen zweidimensionalen phononischen AAO Kristallen unterscheiden sich die Dispersionsrelationen empfindlich entlang zweier hoch symmetrischer Richtungen in der Brillouinzone, abhängig davon, ob die Poren leer oder gefüllt sind. Alle experimentellen Dispersionsrelationen werden unter Zuhilfenahme theoretische Ergebnisse durch finite Elemente Analyse (FDTD) gedeutet. Die Zuordnung der Verschiebungsfelder der elastischen Wellen erklärt die Natur aller phononischen Moden.


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Materials that can mold the flow of elastic waves of certain energy in certain directions are called phononic materials. The present thesis deals essentially with such phononic systems, which are structured in the mesoscale (<1 µm), and with their individual components. Such systems show interesting phononic properties in the hypersonic region, i.e., at frequencies in the GHz range. It is shown that colloidal systems are excellent model systems for the realization of such phononic materials. Therefore, different structures and particle architectures are investigated by Brillouin light scattering, the inelastic scattering of light by phonons.rnThe experimental part of this work is divided into three chapters: Chapter 4 is concerned with the localized mechanical waves in the individual spherical colloidal particles, i.e., with their resonance- or eigenvibrations. The investigation of these vibrations with regard to the environment of the particles, their chemical composition, and the influence of temperature on nanoscopically structured colloids allows novel insights into the physical properties of colloids at small length scales. Furthermore, some general questions concerning light scattering on such systems, in dispute so far, are convincingly addressed.rnChapter 5 is a study of the traveling of mechanical waves in colloidal systems, consisting of ordered and disordered colloids in liquid or elastic matrix. Such systems show acoustic band gaps, which can be explained geometrically (Bragg gap) or by the interaction of the acoustic band with the eigenvibrations of the individual spheres (hybridization gap).rnWhile the latter has no analogue in photonics, the presence of strong phonon scatterers, when a large elastic mismatch between the composite components exists, can largely impact phonon propagation in analogy to strong multiple light scattering systems. The former is exemplified in silica based phononic structures that opens the door to new ways of sound propagation manipulation.rnChapter 6 describes the first measurement of the elastic moduli in newly fabricated by physical vapor deposition so-called ‘stable organic glasses’. rnIn brief, this thesis explores novel phenomena in colloid-based hypersonic phononic structures, utilizing a versatile microfabrication technique along with different colloid architectures provided by material science, and applying a non-destructive optical experimental tool to record dispersion diagrams.rn


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La maggior parte dei corpi celesti che popolano l’universo emette “luce”. Ciò significa che essi sono visibili dai nostri occhi quando li alziamo sul cielo notturno o al limite, se troppo lontani, da potenti telescopi ottici. Questa luminosità ha nella maggior parte dei casi un’origine termonucleare, dovuta cioè alla presenza di sorgenti come le stelle, in cui l’elevata temperatura interna legata alle reazioni di fusione che le mantengono in vita produce una radiazione di corpo nero in banda ottica. Tuttavia, dato che la parte visibile costituisce solo una minuscola porzione dell’intero spettro elettromagnetico, andando ad indagare emissioni a differenti frequenze come il radio, l’infrarosso, l’ultravioletto, X e gamma, si rileva la presenza un’altra categoria di oggetti dalle caratteristiche peculiari che li rendono un affascinante campo di studio per molteplici ragioni: i Nuclei Galattici Attivi (AGN) (figura 1). Sono abbastanza rari (costituiscono meno dell’1% del totale rispetto alle normali galassie) e dalla vita breve, spesso molto lontani e potenti, ferventi di un’intensa attività che sembra crescere col redshift; si ipotizza perciò che siano giovani e che ci aprano una finestra sul momento successivo al collasso iniziale proprio della vita di ogni galassia, rivelandosi fondamentali per elaborare eventuali teorie cosmologiche. Inoltre, sebbene spesso ospiti di galassie visibili anche in ottico, i loro meccanismi di emissione e gli speciali comportamenti necessitano di analisi e spiegazioni totalmente differenti. Particolare è anche il metodo di rilevamento: per coprire infatti queste determinate frequenze è stata sviluppata una tecnica innovativa capace di dare ottimi risultati, perfino migliori di quelli dei telescopi tradizionali, l’interferometria radio. La tesi si divide in due parti: la prima delinea un ritratto degli AGN, la seconda analizza il flusso proveniente dalla radiogalassia 3C 84 a 15.4 e 43 GHz e ipotizza un possibile sito di origine dell’aumento di brillanza osservato.


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Key technology applications like magnetoresistive sensors or the Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) require reproducible magnetic switching mechanisms. i.e. predefined remanent states. At the same time advanced magnetic recording schemes push the magnetic switching time into the gyromagnetic regime. According to the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert formalism, relevant questions herein are associated with magnetic excitations (eigenmodes) and damping processes in confined magnetic thin film structures.rnObjects of study in this thesis are antiparallel pinned synthetic spin valves as they are extensively used as read heads in today’s magnetic storage devices. In such devices a ferromagnetic layer of high coercivity is stabilized via an exchange bias field by an antiferromagnet. A second hard magnetic layer, separated by a non-magnetic spacer of defined thickness, aligns antiparallel to the first. The orientation of the magnetization vector in the third ferromagnetic NiFe layer of low coercivity - the freelayer - is then sensed by the Giant MagnetoResistance (GMR) effect. This thesis reports results of element specific Time Resolved Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy (TR-PEEM) to image the magnetization dynamics of the free layer alone via X-ray Circular Dichroism (XMCD) at the Ni-L3 X-ray absorption edge.rnThe ferromagnetic systems, i.e. micron-sized spin valve stacks of typically deltaR/R = 15% and Permalloy single layers, were deposited onto the pulse leading centre stripe of coplanar wave guides, built in thin film wafer technology. The ferromagnetic platelets have been applied with varying geometry (rectangles, ellipses and squares), lateral dimension (in the range of several micrometers) and orientation to the magnetic field pulse to study the magnetization behaviour in dependence of these magnitudes. The observation of magnetic switching processes in the gigahertz range became only possible due to the joined effort of producing ultra-short X-ray pulses at the synchrotron source BESSY II (operated in the so-called low-alpha mode) and optimizing the wave guide design of the samples for high frequency electromagnetic excitation (FWHM typically several 100 ps). Space and time resolution of the experiment could be reduced to d = 100 nm and deltat = 15 ps, respectively.rnIn conclusion, it could be shown that the magnetization dynamics of the free layer of a synthetic GMR spin valve stack deviates significantly from a simple phase coherent rotation. In fact, the dynamic response of the free layer is a superposition of an averaged critically damped precessional motion and localized higher order spin wave modes. In a square platelet a standing spin wave with a period of 600 ps (1.7 GHz) was observed. At a first glance, the damping coefficient was found to be independent of the shape of the spin-valve element, thus favouring the model of homogeneous rotation and damping. Only by building the difference in the magnetic rotation between the central region and the outer rim of the platelet, the spin wave becomes visible. As they provide an additional efficient channel for energy dissipation, spin waves contribute to a higher effective damping coefficient (alpha = 0.01). Damping and magnetic switching behaviour in spin valves thus depend on the geometry of the element. Micromagnetic simulations reproduce the observed higher-order spin wave mode.rnBesides the short-run behaviour of the magnetization of spin valves Permalloy single layers with thicknesses ranging from 3 to 40 nm have been studied. The phase velocity of a spin wave in a 3 nm thick ellipse could be determined to 8.100 m/s. In a rectangular structure exhibiting a Landau-Lifschitz like domain pattern, the speed of the field pulse induced displacement of a 90°-Néel wall has been determined to 15.000 m/s.rn


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Negli ultimi decenni sono stati studiati sul mar Mediterraneo dei fenomeni con caratteristiche comuni a quelle dei cicloni tropicali, chiamati medicane. L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi è quello di migliorare le attuali conoscenze sui medicane utilizzando un approccio di tipo satellitare per ottenere un algoritmo di detection. Per tale ragione sono stati integrati dati di diverse tipologie di sensori satellitari e del modello numerico WRF. Il sensore SEVIRI ha fornito misure di TB a 10.8μm e informazioni sulla distribuzione del vapor d’acqua atmosferico attraverso i due canali a 6.2 e 7.3 μm. I sensori AMSU–B/MHS hanno fornito informazioni sulle proprietà delle nubi e sulla distribuzione verticale del vapor d’acqua atmosferico attraverso le frequenze nelle microonde nell’intervallo 90-190 GHz. I canali a 183.31 GHz, sono stati utilizzati per alimentare gli algoritmi 183-WSL, per la stima delle precipitazioni, e MWCC, per la classificazione del tipo di nubi. Infine, le simulazioni tramite modello WRF hanno fornito i dati necessari per l’analisi dei campi di vento e di vorticità nella zona interessata dal ciclone. Lo schema computazione a soglie di sensibilità dell’algoritmo di detection è stato realizzato basandosi sui dati del medicane “Rolf” che, nel novembre 2011, ha interessato la zona del Mediterraneo occidentale. Sono stati, inoltre, utilizzati i dati di fulminazione della rete WWLLN, allo scopo di identificare meglio la fase di innesco del ciclone da quella matura. La validità dell’algoritmo è stata successivamente verificata su due casi studio: un medicane che nel settembre 2006 ha interessato la Puglia e un MCS sviluppatosi sulla Sicilia orientale nell'ottobre 2009. I risultati di questo lavoro di tesi da un lato hanno apportato un miglioramento delle conoscenze scientifiche sui cicloni mediterranei simil-tropicali, mentre dall’altro hanno prodotto una solida base fisica per il futuro sviluppo di un algoritmo automatico di riconoscimento per sistemi di tipo medicane.


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In this thesis, three nitroxide based ionic systems were used to investigate structure and dynamics of their respective solutions in mixed solvents by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy at X- and W-band (9.5 and 94.5 GHz, respectively). rnFirst, the solvation of the inorganic radical Fremy’s salt (K2ON(SO3)2) in isotope substituted binary solvent mixtures (methanol/water) was investigated by means of high-field (W-band) pulse ENDOR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. From the analysis of orientation-selective 1H and 2H ENDOR spectra the principal components of the hyperfine coupling (hfc) tensor for chemically different protons (alcoholic methyl vs. exchangeable protons) were obtained. The methyl protons of the organic solvent approach with a mean distance of 3.5 Å perpendicular to the approximate plane spanned by ON(S)2 of the probe molecule. Exchangeable protons were found to be distributed isotropically, approaching closest to Fremy’s salt from the hydrogen-bonded network around the sulfonate groups. The distribution of exchangeable and methyl protons as found in MD simulations is in full agreement with the ENDOR results. The solvation was found to be similar for the studied solvent ratios between 1:2.3 and 2.3:1 and dominated by an interplay of H-bond (electrostatic) interactions and steric considerations with the NO group merely involved into H-bonds.rnFurther, the conformation of spin labeled poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) solutions in aqueous alcohol (methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, ethylene glycol, glycerol) mixtures in dependence of divalent sodium sulfate was investigated with double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy. The DEER data was analyzed using the worm-like chain model which suggests that in organic-water solvent mixtures the polymer backbones are preferentially solvated by the organic solvent. We found a less serve impact on conformational changes due to salt than usually predicted in polyelectrolyte theory which stresses the importance of a delicate balance of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, in particular in the presence of organic solvents.rnFinally, the structure and dynamics of miniemulsions and polymerdispersions prepared with anionic surfactants, that were partially replaced by a spin labeled fatty acid in presence and absence of a lanthanide beta-diketonate complex was characterized by CW EPR spectroscopy. Such miniemulsions form multilayers with the surfactant head group bound to the lanthanide ion. Beta-diketonates were formerly used as NMR shift reagents and nowadays find application as luminescent materials in OLEDs and LCDs and as contrast agent in MRT. The embedding of the complex into a polymer matrix results in an easy processable material. It was found that the structure formation takes place in miniemulsion and is preserved during polymerization. For surfactants with carboxyl-head group a higher order of the alkyl chains and less lateral diffusion is found than for sulfat-head groups, suggesting a more uniform and stronger coordination to the metal ion. The stability of these bilayers depends on the temperature and the used surfactant which should be considered for the used polymerization temperature if a maximum output of the structured regions is wished.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt eine wesentliche Weiterentwicklung des Titan:Saphir-Lasersystems der Arbeitsgruppe LARISSA am Institut für Physik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und dessen Anwendung im Bereich der Resonanzionisationsspektroskopie. Die Entwicklungsarbeiten am Lasersystem umfassten drei Aspekte: die Erhöhung der Ausgangsleistung der vorhandenen Titan:Saphir-Laser um einen Faktor zwei, um damit für den vorgesehenen Einsatz an resonanten Laserionenquellen an ISOL-Einrichtungen optimale Voraussetzungen zu schaffen. Des Weiteren wurden zwei spezielle angepasste Titan:Saphir-Laser entwickelt: Das Lasersystem wurde damit um einen von 700 nm - 950 nm kontinuierlich abstimmbaren Titan:Saphir-Laser sowie einen geseedeten Titan:Saphir-Laser mit einer Linienbreite von nur 20 MHz (im Vergleich zu 3 GHz der konventionellen Laser) erweitert. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des neuen Lasersystems wurde durch Resonanzionisationsspektroskopie hochangeregter atomarer Zustände in Gold und Technetium demonstriert. Aus den gemessenen Energielagen konnte über die Rydberg-Ritz-Formel das Ionisationspotential von Gold bestätigt werden und das von Technetium erstmals mit hoher Präzision bestimmt werden. Mit dem geseedeten Titan:Saphir-Laser wurde dopplerfreie Zwei-Photonen-Spektroskopie innerhalb eines heißen Ofens demonstriert. Bei spektroskopischen Untersuchungen mit dieser Methode an Siliziumisotopen konnte sowohl die Hyperfeinstruktur als auch die Isotopieverschiebung bei einer Breite der Resonanzen von etwa 90 MHz klar aufgelöst werden.


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The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation in 1965 is one of the fundamental milestones supporting the Big Bang theory. The CMB is one of the most important source of information in cosmology. The excellent accuracy of the recent CMB data of WMAP and Planck satellites confirmed the validity of the standard cosmological model and set a new challenge for the data analysis processes and their interpretation. In this thesis we deal with several aspects and useful tools of the data analysis. We focus on their optimization in order to have a complete exploitation of the Planck data and contribute to the final published results. The issues investigated are: the change of coordinates of CMB maps using the HEALPix package, the problem of the aliasing effect in the generation of low resolution maps, the comparison of the Angular Power Spectrum (APS) extraction performances of the optimal QML method, implemented in the code called BolPol, and the pseudo-Cl method, implemented in Cromaster. The QML method has been then applied to the Planck data at large angular scales to extract the CMB APS. The same method has been applied also to analyze the TT parity and the Low Variance anomalies in the Planck maps, showing a consistent deviation from the standard cosmological model, the possible origins for this results have been discussed. The Cromaster code instead has been applied to the 408 MHz and 1.42 GHz surveys focusing on the analysis of the APS of selected regions of the synchrotron emission. The new generation of CMB experiments will be dedicated to polarization measurements, for which are necessary high accuracy devices for separating the polarizations. Here a new technology, called Photonic Crystals, is exploited to develop a new polarization splitter device and its performances are compared to the devices used nowadays.


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L'oggetto astronomico BL Lacertae nel corso dell'anno 2012 ha mostrato un aumento di attività su più bande di emissione. Al radiotelescopio di Medicina si sono allora intensificate le osservazioni dell'oggetto durante un periodo che va da dicembre 2012 ad aprile 2013. Si sono analizzati i dati ricavati durante queste osservazioni per la frequenza di emissione radio di 8 GHz, allo scopo di ricavare la variabilità di BL Lacertae.


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Studio di misure fatte a 60 GHz e delle rispettive simulazioni mediante Ray Tracing


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B0218+357 è un blazar soggetto al lensing che si trova a z=0.944. Questo sistema consiste in due componenti compatte (A e B) e un anello di Einstein. Recentemente è stato associato ad una sorgente gamma soggetta a burst osservata con il satellite Fermi-LAT. Questo blazar ha mostrato una forte variabilità in banda γ da agosto a settembre del 2012. Gli episodi di variabilità osservati hanno consentito di misurare per la prima volta in banda gamma il ritardo temporale previsto dalla teoria del lensing gravitazionale. Le osservazioni in banda gamma sono state seguite da un programma di monitoring con il Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) in banda radio con lo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’emissione nelle due bande. In questa Tesi tali osservazioni radio sono state analizzate con lo scopo di studiare la variabilità di B0218+357 e, quindi, attestare la connessione tra l’emissione alle alte energie e quella in banda radio. L’obiettivo principale di questo lavoro di Tesi è quello di studiare l’evoluzione della densità di flusso, dell’indice spettrale e della morfologia delle immagini A e B e delle loro sottocomponenti. I dati analizzati sono stati ottenuti con l’interferometro VLBA a tre frequenze di osser- vazione: 2.3, 8.4 GHz (4 epoche con osservazioni simultanee alle due frequenze) e 22 GHz (16 epoche). Le osservazioni hanno coperto un periodo di circa due mesi, subito successivo al flare in banda gamma. La riduzione dei dati è stata effettuata con il pacchetto AIPS. Dall’analisi delle immagini, nella componente B è possibile riconoscere la tipica struttura nucleo-getto chiaramente a tutte e tre le frequenze, invece nella componente A questa struttura è identificabile solo a 22 GHz. A 2.3 e 8.4 GHz la risoluzione non è sufficiente a risolvere nucleo e getto della componente A e l’emissione diffusa risulta dominante. Utilizzando il metodo dello stacking sulle immagini a 2.3 GHz, è stato possibile rivelare le parti più brillanti dell’Einstein ring associato a questa sorgente. Questo è stato possibile poiché la sorgente non ha mostrato alcun segno di variabilità significativa né di struttura né di flusso nelle componenti. Quindi dall’analisi delle curve di luce delle due componenti A e B non è emersa una variabilità significativa chiaramente associabile al flare osservato in banda gamma. Per verificare questo risultato, le curve di luce ottenute sono state confrontate con le osservazioni del radio telescopio OVRO (15 GHz) nel periodo corrispondente alle nostre osservazioni. La curva di luce OVRO è risultata in pieno accordo con le curve di luce ottenute durante questo lavoro di tesi e ha confermato che B0218+257 non ha mostrato un’importante attività radio nel periodo delle osservazioni VLBA. In definitiva, la mancanza di variabilità radio associata a quella osservata nei raggi gamma può essere dovuta al fatto che la regione in cui si è originato il flare gamma è otticamente spessa alle lunghezze d’onda radio, oppure non esiste una precisa correlazione tra le due emissioni, rimanendo quindi un problema aperto da investigare.


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This work is focused on the development of high quality nanoporous 1D photonic crystals –so called Bragg stacks – made by spin-coating of approximately 25 nm large SiO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles bearing interparticle voids large enough to infiltrate reactive species. Therefore, the first part of this work describes the synthesis of well-dispersed TiO2 nanoparticles in this size range (the corresponding SiO2 nanoparticles are commercially available). In the second part, a protocol was developed to prepare nanoporous Bragg stacks of up to 12 bilayers with high quality and precision. Tailor-made Bragg stacks were prepared for different applications such as (i) a surface emitting feedback laser with a FWHM of only 6 nm and (ii) an electrochromic device with absorption reversibly switchable by an external electrical bias independently of the Bragg reflection. In the last chapter, the approach to 1D photonic crystals is transferred to 1D phononic crystals. Contrast in the modulus is achieved by spin-coating SiO2 and PMMA as high and low moduli material. This system showed a band gap of fg = 12.6 GHz with a width of Dfg/fg = 4.5 GHz.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Erweiterung und Optimierung eines Diodenlasersystems zur hochauflösenden Resonanzionisationsmassenspektrometrie beschrieben. Ein doppelinterferometrisches Frequenzkontrollsystem, welches Absolutstabilisierung auf ca. 1 MHz sowie sekundenschnelle Frequenzverstimmungen um mehrere GHz für bis zu drei Laser parallel ermöglicht, wurde optimiert. Dieses Lasersystem dient zwei wesentlichen Anwendungen. Ein Aspekt waren umfangreiche spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Uranisotopen mit dem Ziel der präzisen und eindeutigen Bestimmung von Energielagen, Gesamtdrehimpulsen, Hyperfeinkonstanten und Isotopieverschiebungen sowie die Entwicklung eines effizienten, mit kommerziellen Diodenlasern betreibbaren Anregungsschemas. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit des Lasermassenspektrometers für die Ultraspurenanalyse des Isotops 236U, welches als Neutronendosimeter und Tracer für radioaktive anthropogene Kontaminationen in der Umwelt verwendet wird, optimiert und charakterisiert. Anhand von synthetischen Proben wurde eine Isotopenselektivität von 236U/238U=4,5(1,5)∙10-9 demonstriert.


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In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir mittels zeitaufgelöster Abbildungen die Gigahertz-Dynamik von magnetischen Skyrmionen, um die Bewegungsgleichungen für diese Quasiteilchen zu bestimmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen haben wir zunächst ein CoB/Pt Schichtsystem entwickelt, das starke senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie mit einer besonders geringen Rauigkeit der Energielandschaft verbindet. Diese Eigenschaften sind für das repetitive dynamische Abbildungsverfahren unerlässlich. In einem zweiten Schritt haben wir das Probendesign optimiert und so weiterentwickelt, dass eine Beobachtung der Skyrmionenbewegung mit einer Auflösung von besser als 3 nm möglich wurde. Aufgrund dieser Verbesserungen ist es uns gelungen, die Trajektorie eines Skyrmionen aufzuzeichnen. Diese Bewegung ist eine Superposition von zwei Drehbewegungen, einer im Uhrzeigersinn und einer gegen läufigen. Aus der Existenz dieser zwei Moden lässt sich schließen, dass Skyrmionen träge Quasiteilchen sind, und aus den Frequenzen können wir einen Wert für die träge Masse ableiten. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Masse von Skyrmion fünfmal größer ist als von existierenden Theorien vorhergesagt. Die Masse wird folglich durch einen neuartigen Mechanismus bestimmt, der sich aus der räumlichen Beschränkung der Skyrmionen ergibt, welche sich direkt aus der Topologie bleitenrnlässt.


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Phononic crystals, capable to block or direct the propagation of elastic/acoustic waves, have attracted increasing interdisciplinary interest across condensed matter physics and materials science. As of today, no generalized full description of elastic wave propagation in phononic structures is available, mainly due to the large number of variables determining the band diagram. Therefore, this thesis aims for a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts governing wave propagation in mesoscopic structures by investigation of appropriate model systems. The phononic dispersion relation at hypersonic frequencies is directly investigated by the non-destructive technique of high-resolution spontaneous Brillouin light scattering (BLS) combined with computational methods. Due to the vector nature of the elastic wave propagation, we first studied the hypersonic band structure of hybrid superlattices. These 1D phononic crystals composed of alternating layers of hard and soft materials feature large Bragg gaps. BLS spectra are sensitive probes of the moduli, photo-elastic constants and structural parameters of the constituent components. Engineering of the band structure can be realized by introduction of defects. Here, cavity layers are employed to launch additional modes that modify the dispersion of the undisturbed superlattice, with extraordinary implications to the band gap region. Density of states calculations in conjunction with the associated deformation allow for unambiguous identication of surface and cavity modes, as well as their interaction with adjacent defects. Next, the role of local resonances in phononic systems is explored in 3D structures based on colloidal particles. In turbid media BLS records the particle vibration spectrum comprising resonant modes due to the spatial confinement of elastic energy. Here, the frequency and lineshapes of the particle eigenmodes are discussed as function of increased interaction and departure from spherical symmetry. The latter is realized by uniaxial stretching of polystyrene spheres, that can be aligned in an alternating electric field. The resulting spheroidal crystals clearly exhibit anisotropic phononic properties. Establishing reliable predictions of acoustic wave propagation, necessary to advance, e.g., optomechanics and phononic devices is the ultimate aim of this thesis.