913 resultados para Equilibrio entre fases
En este texto se presenta una experiencia de aula desarrollada con un grupo aproximado de 170 estudiantes del grado décimo del Instituto San Carlos (ISC). En el 2012 se propuso la apertura de un blog en la web, constituido por cuatro diferentes productos asociados a cuatro fases.
Este trabajo propone tres escenarios construidos en un software dinámico que buscan relacionar el cálculo diferencial y el integral a través de la construcción comprensiva del teorema fundamental del cálculo. Dichos escenarios fueron construidos tomando como base las cuatro fases que sustentan el uso de herramientas tecnológicas en la resolución de un problema propuestas por Santos y Moreno (2013). Se resalta el acercamiento visual y empírico a través de la construcción de la derivada como la pendiente de la recta tangente a una curva, la construcción de la integral definida como el área bajo la curva en un intervalo cerrado y cómo éstas se relacionan en el teorema fundamental del cálculo.
En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar un problema clásico: la división de un segmento en media y extrema razón. Nuestro interés se centra en ilustrar, con un ejemplo sencillo, los sucesivos pasos a la hora de interpretar una magnitud: primero como una longitud, un área o un volumen; después como un segmento; y, por último, como un número. Evolución que refleja el proceso de creación de la geometría analítica. Por otro lado, estos tres periodos coinciden con las tres fases por las que pasa una disciplina matemática: ingenua, formal (en la que se perfecciona el cálculo simbólico) y una fase crítica (en la que se revisan los fundamentos).
The control and elimination of prionic infective agents that may be present in the effluents, turns out to be a complicated mechanism inside a High Containment bological Facility. There are two ways to carry out this neutralization: Installation of thermal systems to ensure achieve a minimum temperature of 134 ° C sterilization plateau for a residence time of 18 minutes, and the use of chemical reactors based on the addition of sodium hypochlorite so the mixture maintained 2% of free chlorine during the reaction period. This study presents the design phases, elements and benefits, of a chemical reactor that allows the treatment of prion effluents in order to serve as a model to biocontainment facilities with areas of animal experimentation, who want to develop their work with prions.
Biomechanical problems in children, is an important subject currently, existing controversy in different areas, for example, the majority of children have a flattened footprint, or the hypermobility joint is linked to a musculoskeletal pain. The objective of the study was to determine what kind of footprint is most frequent in school-age children (8-10 years) in the area of Plasencia. This was taken as a sign 50 children, of whom 28 were males and 22 females. All the subjects in the study underwent an assessment of footprint planted in static as well as an exploration of different parameters through inspection in a standing position (formula digital, rearfoot). The results show that excavated footprint is present in a 72% cases of the population, 16% was belonging to an excavated footprint in which we find a higher percentage of weight related.For the digital formula we find that the most common is the Egyptian foot by 40% of the cases and that the prevalence in the rearfoot, is a normal hindfoot. In relation with the hypermobility joint, we check that it is more common in girls and that none of them presents an association to musculoskeletal pain. As a future line we could establish a more comprehensive study with new techniques and valuingchild’s statics and dynamics, to have a more accurate study of the different variables in the sample population studied.
Three different worlds, sometimes concentric and often intersecting —society, theatre and the art of performance— and social work. Diverse worlds that live, reflect and self-reflect and interact, and can also afford an opportunity for meeting, misunderstanding and confrontation, and above all offer the possibility of profound change.This article considers the experience of a theatre company that has spent more than three years moving at the limits of these three universes. To these three worlds can be added an infinite number of words that fill them with meaning and significance: territory, meeting, diversity and search. An artistic experience that has chosen to focus on creating scenarios for debate and to examine the difficulties, the human contradictions and the constant and inexhaustible confrontation with human experience. At the heart of this theatrical activity is all of this, seeking the balance between narration, meeting, investigation and the artistic dimension. This meeting between society, theatre and social work also contains the search for sustainability of this cultural business, in an Italy that has been destroyed by a crisis that is not merely economic, but also of values and, above all, of role models. The guiding theme, though not always made explicit, is always present and essential: the search for beauty.
This article aims to propose a chronological subdivision in the history of African communication. African communication today is one of the most important axes for implementing development strategies, sustaining education, health, and schooling programmes, and so on. However, many of these programmes fail due to a lack of or ineffective communication between international organisations, local elite and lay people. The reasons for this situation must be found in Africa’s history of communication, which has undergone radical transformations in its different phases. Using the functionalist analysis drawn up by Jakobson, this article proposes a new chronological subdivision of Africa’s history of communication, reflecting on the current contradictions in contemporary communication in Africa.
The purpose of this article is to develop a methodological framework for analyzing Policy Coherence for Development (PCD). With this goal, we analyze different views of PCD in order to establish a comprehensive approach of Coherence adapted to globalization process. In this context, the article proposes a methodological framework based on four dimensions of analysis in CPD. In each dimen-sion, we set the areas and actors to investigate and we put forward research questions that could be use as a guide for a comprehensive approach to study PCD.
In the case of this study about flamenco dance, it is spotlighted how the matter of genders is a recurrent topic and a challenge in terms of creativity. Flamenco is in a perpetual search of a balance between tradition and contemporarily. Circumstance in which it was born, make this search and this constant mutation as part of its essence. When in a performance the representation of man and woman parts are modified according to the “traditional idea”, it brings up existential questions. Flamenco dance, like all the other contemporary forms of dance, reflects its context, contributes to its innovation and interacts with it. It is a social act.
The relationship between rhetoric and graphic design is presented in this article. The comparison between a classical orator and a graphic designer, between a discourse and a piece of design comes from the connections between with the communication and creativity. We will see how an application of the fundamentals of rhetoric can open new doors to the professional practice, the education of graphic design and the same theory of the rhetoric of the image.By the analysis of a design is exemplified the points of union that show how the arguments, operations, figures of discourse and rhetorical phases are present in the creative process of graphic design and how designers, perhaps unconsciously, use techniques that were traditional. In other words, graphic design is a rhetorical construction.There is then a transposition of a discourse model created by linguistic signs to a discourse model consists of visual and typographic signs, causing design is seen as a discursivediscipline that goes beyond the aesthetic component.
Alfredo Mires asumió en 1982 la conducción de la Red de Bibliotecas Rurales de Cajamarca. Apuntaló desde entonces la organícidad y principios que ahora caracterizan este movimiento. Desde antes ya habia acompañado procesos de rescate cultural y sustentó el inicio de esta tarea al interior de la Red. En 1986, via asambleas y reuniones con campesinos y en las propias comunidades, fundó el Proyecto Enciclopedia Campesina. Fruto de esos andares es este trabajo, reflexión de la experiencia que afirma la convicción de mirar hacia las raices para seguir creciendo. Aquí se suman muchas lunas y soles, armadas con Ia hoja sagrada y caminatas interminables acompañando este proceso éducativo-cultural desde y con las propias comunidades campesinas. Lo que cuento no es mi cuento fue concebido inicialmente como una tesis, pero revisado y ampliado, precisa la concepción y la experiencia sostenida. Porque hablar del saber andino y de las experiencias mencionadas, es habitual de una población que vive, recrea, fortalece y recupera de manera permanente y desde siempre el equilibrio sagrado entre sociedad y naturaleza.
La idea de la Creación de un Centro de Fortalecimiento Físico y Espiritual en la ciudad de Quito es para contrarestar principalmente el estrés de las personas, pues la gran mayoría de los quiteños tienen o han tenido algunos de los síntomas que este mal produce, estos son causados por las preocupaciones diarias producidas por el trabajo, estudio o problemas personales. Zona vital brindará los servicios de masajes reductores (maderoterapia), masajes antiestrés, capoeira, reiki, baños de cajón. Todos estos tratamientos ayudan a que el organismo de las personas se mantenga sanos y otro punto muy importante es que la mente también es beneficiada, pues con la ayuda de estas actividades se encuentra un punto de equilibrio entre el cuerpo y el alma. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto fue necesario conocer las necesidades de los consumidores por lo que el estudio de mercado facilitó realizar este análisis, obteniendo datos como los ingresos, los precios, demanda, oferta y el interés por parte de los individuos en asistir a un lugar donde se entreguen los servicios anteriormente mencionados. Todas estas variables ayudaron ha determinar la necesidad de la creación de un centro para cubrir la demanda insatisfecha existente actualmente.
El diseño de una empresa agrícola productora de frutilla en la ciudad de Quito, fue creado con el fin de implementar un proyecto atractivo con ventajas competitivas que permitan obtener resultados positivos, dentro del cual se realizan cuatro estudios que son: de mercado, técnico, financiero y de impacto. Por tanto, para observar la viabilidad del mismo se investigó utilizando una muestra poblacional de 384 familias del sector norte de la ciudad de Quito y mediante la colaboración de otras fuentes, con lo cual se pudo obtener resultados confiables sobre la oferta y demanda de frutilla existente en la ciudad de Quito, con lo cual se obtuvo que la oferta de frutilla para el presente año, en la ciudad de Quito, es de 3`564.074 kilos y la demanda es de 4´455.093 kilos, resultando una demanda insatisfecha de 891.018 kilos de frutilla, cuya demanda puede ser satisfecha con la implementación de proyectos como éste. Esta empresa estará ubicada en el sector norte de Quito, en San Juan de Calderón, donde se realizará el cultivo de frutilla con la utilización de un terreno de 1080 metros cuadrados, distribuidos eficiente y adecuadamente para obtener la productividad esperada, constando de 12 platabandas con tres hileras cada una, que medirán 47 metros de largo y 1 metro de ancho, cuyo cultivo, producirá la cantidad de 18360 kilos de frutilla al año. Contando con las respectivas contingencias, este cultivo se desarrolla en un ciclo de producción de tres meses, momento en el cual ya está lista la fruta para su distribución, realizando para esto tres siembras de cuatro platabandas cada una de ellas, las cuales se sembrarán cuatro en enero, cuatro en febrero y las últimas cuatro platabandas en marzo, obteniendo con esto una producción secuencial mensual a partir del mes de abril del primer año, puesto que la cantidad de equilibrio de la distribución de frutilla en la ciudad de Quito es de 8.098 kilos al año, lo que representa que la producción a obtener es superior, también es necesario expresar que aunque es un cultivo muy fácil de implementar se deben tener los conocimientos necesarios para ello, cuya información se encuentra en el presente trabajo.
A investigação realizada encontra-se inserida na área das Ciências de Educação, teve como objetivo principal compreender a atitude diagnóstica no quadro das situações educativas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas educadoras de alguns jardins-de-infância, do distrito de Évora e como finalidade construir uma teoria de médio alcance elaborada numa estrutura explicativa do conjunto de fenómenos em contexto. Em educação de infância, o ato de cuidar estabelece-se numa relação de ajuda à criança e orienta-se para objetivos como promover o bem-estar, o conforto e o desenvolvimento em todas as dimensões. Isto implica conhecer e compreender cada criança ou grupo de crianças e as situações educativas e pedagógicas, em contexto. Compreende um exercício prático e para o qual se projeta uma prática de diagnóstico conciliadora da compreensão dos fenómenos sociais, estruturados em comportamentos, ações e atitudes específicas. Verificam-se lacunas quanto à forma como este exercício se cumpre e evolui nas diferentes fases. Repetem-se fragilidades quanto à mobilização de saberes, atitudes e competências a cada momento do agir. Constatam-se conceitos psicologizados e estruturas muito ténues e, por isso, necessitam ser estudadas, documentadas e teorizadas, particularmente numa dimensão praxiológica do conhecimento. O estudo inseriu-se no quadro das metodologias qualitativas, seguiu o paradigma interpretativo e o raciocínio indutivo. O referencial metodológico reuniu os princípios e procedimentos da Grounded Theory. A colheita de dados efetuou-se em jardins-de-infância da rede pública; a amostra teórica envolveu seis educadoras de infância e as crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os seis anos. Adotámos o uso de multitécnicas, entre as quais, a observação, a entrevista e a narrativa escrita. Fizemos vinte observações, repartidas pelos dois períodos do dia (manhã e tarde); vinte e seis entrevistas e seis narrativas escritas. Da análise dos dados emergiu a Atitude Diagnóstica como uma predisposição que caracteriza o ato de agir e as suas características foram-se tornando evidentes com o desenvolvimento da caracterização do processo de diagnóstico. Desta emergiu o modelo teórico definido em três eixos fundamentais. O “Processo de avaliação diagnóstica e planeamento” representativo das etapas, segundo as quais o educador desenvolve um conjunto de ações propiciadoras de um conhecimento previamente organizado, visando o bem-estar, o conforto, a segurança e o desenvolvimento. Em concomitância emerge o segundo, “Processo de intervenção educativa e pedagógica”, expressivo do conjunto de ações coerentes e evolutivas, empreendidas com vista à execução dos objetivos do ensino aprendizagem. Trata-se de dois processos sistematizados e perspetivados sob as dimensões diacrónica e sincrónica, compostos por uma sequência de pensamentos, permanentemente averbados pela “Atitude Diagnóstica” que dá um caráter coerente e evolutivo às tomadas de decisão nas ações educativas. Estes dois eixos integrados e entrelaçados são auxiliados por um terceiro, o “Processo de relação” que os harmoniza e dá especificidade a cada situação experienciada. A relação consolida-se e assume-se uma ajuda na confiabilidade necessária para a promoção da confiança entre os pares e o conhecimento vai evoluindo gradualmente em função do tempo e dos compromissos. O educador age com intencionalidade e para cada ator traça objetivos a cada momento do agir. A gestão do tempo, dos sentimentos e emoções funciona como variável importante na relação orientada sob a tríade: educador, criança e família e é concomitante com o Desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do educador; ### ABSTRACT: The Diagnostic Attitude as an Analysis Instrument in Educational Action The conducted investigation is inserted in the area of Education Sciences. Its main aim was to understand the diagnostic attitude in the frame of the educative and pedagogical activities developed by the educators of some kindergartens in the district of Évora, and its purpose was to build a medium range theory elaborated in a structure explaining the whole of the phenomena in context. In child education, the act of caring is established in a relationship of help towards the child and is oriented towards goals as specific as promoting the well-being, the comfort and the development in all dimensions. This implies knowing and understanding each child or group of children and the educational and pedagogical situations in context. It includes a practical exercise that determines a complex scenario and for which we project a conciliating diagnostic practice towards the understanding of the social phenomena, structured in specific behaviors, actions and attitudes. We recognize some gaps regarding the way how this exercise is fulfilled and evolves in the different phases. Weaknesses regarding the mobilization of knowledge, attitudes and competences in each acting moment are repeated. We notice psichologized concepts and very superficial structures that need thus to be studied, documented and theorized, particularly in a praxeological dimension of knowledge. The study is inserted in the frame of qualitative methodologies, following an interpretative paradigm and an inductive reasoning. The methodological referential has gathered the principles and procedures of the Grounded Theory. The gathering of data was done in public kindergartens; the theoretical sample involved six child educators and children aged between three and six years. Several techniques were used, such as observation, interview and written narrative. We did twenty observations, divided between the two periods of the day (morning and afternoon); twenty-six interviews and six written narratives. The analysis of the data resulted in the Diagnostic attitude, like a predisposition that characterizes the act of acting and its characteristics became evident with the development of the characterization of the diagnostic process. From this rose the theoretical model defined in three fundamental axes. The Process of diagnostic evaluation and planning that represents the stages according to which the educator develops a group of actions that allow the transmission of a previously organized knowledge that aims well-being, comfort, safety and development. Concomitantly arises the second, Process of educative and pedagogic intervention, that expresses a group of coherent and evolving actions, undertaken to reach the goals of the teaching-learning process. These are two systematized processes, perspectivated under the diachronical and synchronical dimensions, composed by a sequence of thought, permanently confirmed by the Diagnostic attitude that gives a coherent and evolving character to the decision making in educative actions. These two integrated and intertwined axis are aided by a third one, Process of relation that harmonizes them and gives specificity to each experienced situation. The relation is consolidated and one assumes a kind of help in the trustworthiness necessary for the promotion of the trust between pairs and the knowledge keeps evolving gradually according to time and commitments. The educator acts with intent and sets goals for each actor at each acting moment. Time, feeling and emotion management works as an important variable in the relation oriented according to the triad educator, child and family, being also concomitant with the Personal and professional development of the educator.
Com este trabalho pretende-se realçar que os adolescentes passam por determinadas fases ou estádios da sua vida, em que se deparam com determinadas dificuldades ou até mesmo, incapacidades para levar a cabo a realização de determinadas necessidades; e que por isso mesmo, estes momentos podem vir a representar a oportunidade de crescimento da personalidade, mas ao mesmo tempo, o perigo de crescente vulnerabilidade ao distúrbio mental. Este relatório, expressa a preocupação com a problemática, analisa reflexivamente e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido na área da saúde mental e psiquiátrica por um enfermeiro, na Clínica da Juventude ao longo de seis meses, através da implementação do que se preconiza ser um Processo de Cuidados em Enfermagem (i.e., avaliação, diagnóstico, planeamento, intervenção e avaliação final), no acompanhamento de adolescentes com alterações do comportamento. O instrumento usado para avaliação diagnóstica foi a entrevista semiestrutura e semidireccionada, o planeamento e as intervenções variaram de acordo com a individualidade de cada adolescente e as suas necessidades particulares. Os resultados de uma forma geral demonstraram que o acompanhamento dos jovens com alterações do comportamento deve iniciar-se o mais precocemente possível, deve incidir na identificação das principais dificuldades ou necessidades e não nos diagnósticos médicos. O adolescente, deve também, ser abordado o mais holísticamente possível e nos diferentes setores onde se mobiliza. Conclui-se que a intencionalidade terapêutica deve recair no acompanhamento do adolescente, no sentido, de o tornar mais autónomo, capaz de assumir responsabilidades, tomar decisões, que cresça e se transforme num adulto autoconfiante e realizado; ABSTRACT: This work aims to emphasize that teenagers go through certain phases or stages of its life, when faced with certain difficulties and even disabilities to carry out the execution of particular needs, and that therefore, these moments may come to represent the opportunity for growth of personality, but at the same time, the danger of increasing vulnerability to mental disorder. This report expresses concern with the issue, reflective analysis and describes the work in the area of mental health and psychiatric care by a nurse in the Youth Clinic for six months, by implementing what it calls a procedure to be Care Nursing (ie, assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and final assessment), monitoring of adolescents with behavioral changes. The results generally showed that the monitoring of young people with behavioral changes should be initiated as early as possible, should focus on identifying the main difficulties or needs and not on medical diagnostics. The teen should also be approached holistically as possible and in different sectors where it is mobilized. We conclude that the intention must lie in therapeutic monitoring of the adolescent, in order, making it more autonomous, able to take responsibility, make decisions, to grow and become an adult self-confident and accomplished.