969 resultados para Environmental Sensitivity
Moisture absorption characteristics and its effects on the mechanical properties and failure process of polymers (neat epoxy and polyester resins) and composites with simple (glass, carbon and kevlar) and hybrid (glass-carbon, carbon-kevlar and kevlar-glass) fibres were experimentally determined before and after immersion in water at 343 K for 20 days. The maximum moisture content (Mm) and diffusion coefficient (Dx) of these composites were determined. The degradation in ultimate tensile strength and Young's modulus due to the moisture content were experimentally determined and found to be quite significant. Acoustic emissions, from specimens before and after exposure, were monitored during the load cycle, and revealed a significant change in the failure process of these composites. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) studies on failed exposed and unexposed specimens revealed resin leach out and fibre prominence.
This work examines stable isotope ratios of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in annual growth rings of trees. Isotopic composition in wood cellulose is used as a tool to study past climate. The method benefits from the accurate and precise dating provided by dendrochronology. In this study the origin, nature and the strength of climatic correlations are studied on different temporal scales and at different sites in Finland. The origin of carbon isotopic signal is in photosynthetic fractionation. The basic physical and chemical fractionations involved are reasonably well understood. This was confirmed by measuring instantaneous photosynthetic discrimination on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The internal conductance of CO2 was recognized to have a significant impact on the observed fractionation, and further investigations are suggested to quantify its role in controlling the isotopic signal of photosynthates. Isotopic composition of the produced biomass can potentially be affected by variety of external factors that induce physiological changes in trees. Response of carbon isotopic signal in tree ring cellulose to changes in resource availability was assessed in a manipulation experiment. It showed that the signal was relatively stable despite of changes in water and nitrogen availability to the tree. Palaeoclimatic reconstructions are typically based on functions describing empirical relationship between isotopic and climatic parameters. These empirical relationships may change depending on the site conditions, species and timeframe studied. Annual variation in Scots pine tree ring carbon and oxygen isotopic composition was studied in northern and in central eastern Finland and annual variation in tree ring latewood carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratio in Oak (Quercus robur L.) was studied in southern Finland. In all of the studied sites at least one of the studied isotope ratios was shown to record climate strongly enough to be used in climatic reconstructions. Using the observed relationships, four-century-long climate reconstructions from living Scots pine were created for northern and central eastern Finland. Also temporal stability of the relationships between three proxy indicators, tree ring growth and carbon and oxygen isotopic composition was studied during the four-hundred-year period. Isotope ratios measured from tree rings in Finland were shown to be sensitive indicators of climate. Increasing understanding of environmental controls and physiological mechanisms affecting tree ring isotopic composition will make possible more accurate interpretation of isotope data. This study also demonstrated that by measuring multiple isotopes and physical proxies from the same tree rings, additional information on tree physiology can be obtained. Thus isotopic ratios measured from tree ring cellulose provide means to improve the reliability of climate reconstructions.
In this paper, we present a comparison between the sensitivity of SC-FDMA and OFDMA schemes to large carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and timing offsets (TO) of different users on the uplink. Our study shows the following observations: 1) In the ideal case of zero CFOs and TOs (i.e., perfect synchronization), the uncoded BER performance of SC-FDMA with frequency domain MMSE equalizer is better than that of OFDMA due to the inherent frequency diversity that is possible in SCFDMA. Also, because of inter-symbol interference in SC-FDMA, the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can be further improved by using low-complexity interference cancellation (IC) techniques. 2) In the presence of large CFOs and TOs, significant multiuser interference (MUI) gets introduced, and hence the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can get worse than that of OFDMA. However, the performance advantage of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer over OFDMA (due to the potential for frequency diversity benefit in SC-FDMA) can be restored by adopting multistage IC techniques, using the knowledge of CFOs and TOs of different users at the receiver
Understanding the responses of species and ecosystems to human-induced global environmental change has become a high research priority. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate how certain environmental factors that relate to global change affect European aspen (Populus tremula), a keystone species in boreal forests, and hybrid aspen (P. tremula × P. tremuloides), cultivated in commercial plantations. The main points under consideration were the acclimatization potential of aspen through changes in leaf morphology, as well as effects on growth, leaf litter chemistry and decomposition. The thesis is based on two experiments, in which young aspen (< 1 year) were exposed either to an atmospheric pollutant [elevated ozone (O3)] or variable resource availability [water, nitrogen (N)]; and two field studies, in which mature trees (> 8 years) were growing in environments exposed to multiple environmental stress factors (roadside and urban environments). The field studies included litter decomposition experiments. The results show that young aspen, especially the native European aspen, was sensitive to O3 in terms of visible leaf injuries. Elevated O3 resulted in reduced biomass allocation to roots and accelerated leaf senescence, suggesting negative effects on growth in the long term. Water and N availability modified the frost hardening of young aspen: High N supply, especially when combined with drought, postponed the development of frost hardiness, which in turn may predispose trees to early autumn frosts. This effect was more pronounced in European aspen. The field studies showed that mature aspen acclimatized to roadside and urban environments by producing more xeromorphic leaves. Leaf morphology was also observed to vary in response to interannual climatic variation, which further indicates the ability of aspen for phenotypic plasticity. Intraspecific variation was found in several of the traits measured, although intraspecific differences in response to the abiotic factors examined were generally small throughout the studies. However, some differences between clones were found in sensitivity to O3 and the roadside environment. Aspen leaf litter decomposition was retarded in the roadside environment, but only initially. By contrast, decomposition was found to be faster in the urban than the rural environment throughout the study. The higher quality of urban litter (higher in N, lower in lignin and phenolics), as well as higher temperature, N deposition and humus pH at the urban site were factors likely to promote decay. The phenotypic plasticity combined with intraspecific variation found in the studies imply that aspen has potential for withstanding environmental changes, although some global change factors, such as rising O3 levels, may adversely affect its performance. The results also suggest that the multiple environmental changes taking place in urban areas which correspond closely with the main drivers of global change can modify ecosystem functioning by promoting litter decomposition, mediated partly by alterations in leaf litter quality.
The ability of prolactin to influence the responsiveness of the lactating rat pituitary to luteinising hormone releasing hormone has been examinedin vitro. The pituitary responsivenessin vivo to luteinising hormone releasing hormone decreased as a function of increase in the lactational stimulus. Prolactin inhibited the spontaneousin vitro release of luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone to a small extent, from the pituitary of lactating rats with the suckling stimulus. However, it significantly inhibited the release of these two hormones from luteinising hormone releasing hormone-stimulated pituitaries. The responsiveness of pituitaries of rats deprived of their litter 24 h earlier, to luteinising hormone releasing hormone was also inhibited by prolactin, although minimal. It was concluded that prolactin could be influencing the functioning of the pituitary of the lactating rat by (a) partially suppressing the spontaneous release of gonadotropin and (b) inhibiting the responsiveness of the pituitary to luteinising hormone releasing hormone.
This thesis identifies, examines and problematizes some of the discourses that have so far come to light on the issue of protection for environmental refugees. By analyzing the discourses produced by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and two non-governmental organizations - the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), I examine the struggling discourses that have emerged about how protection for environmental refugees has been interpreted. To do this, I rely on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's theory and method of discourse analysis. The results show that responsibilization is the main point of struggle in the discussions on the protection of environmental refugees. As a floating signifier, it was utilized by the discourses produced by the UNCHR and the selected NGOs in contingent ways and with different political objectives. The UNHCR discourse responsibilized both the environmental refugees for their own protection and the individual states. The EJF and EquityBD, by contrast, allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees to the international community. These contingent understandings of responsibilization necessitated different justifications. While the EJF discourse relied on humanitarianism for the assistance of environmental refugees, the EquityBD discourse constructed a rights based, more permanent solution. The humanitarian based discourse of the EJF was found to be inextricably linked with the neoliberal discourse produced by the UNHCR. Both these discourses encouraged environmental refugees to stay in their homelands, undermining the politics of protection. Another way in which protection was undermined was by UNHCR's discourse on securitization. In this context, climate change induced displacement became threat to developed countries, the global economy and transnational classes. The struggling discourses about who/what has been allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees also meant that identities of the displaced be constructed in specific ways. While the UNHCR discourse constructed as voluntary migrants and predators, the EJF and EquityBD discourses portrayed them as victims. However, even though the EJF discourse constructed them as victims, their reliance on humanitarianism could also be interpreted as a way of giving the environmental refugee a predator like identity. These discourses on responsibilization and identity formation clashed with each other in the aim of achieving a hegemonic position in discussions and debates about the protection of environmental refugees.
Ihmisille ympäri maailmaa on tyypillistä valita tiettyjä ruokia suuremmasta valikoimasta syömäkelpoista ruokaa ja luoda mieltymyksiä sekä kieltoja joitakin ruokia kohtaan. Näitä ilmiöitä kutsutaan ruokauskomuksiksi ja ne ovat tärkeä osa kulttuuria. Niiden taustalla on usein terveydelliset perustelut tai sosiaalinen arvostus yhteisössä. Afrikassa on todettu olevan paljon erilaisia ruokauskomuksia, jotka kohdistuvat usein raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin sekä lapsiin, ryhmään, joka on fysiologisesti erityisen herkässä elämänvaiheessa. Ravitsemustilan tai ruokaturvan ollessa heikko, mahdollisilla ruokauskomuksilla voi olla merkittävät seuraukset erityisesti tämän väestönosan terveydentilaan. Aliravitsemus ja virheravitsemus ovat edelleen suuria ongelmia Afrikassa ja muissa kehittyvissä maissa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia laadullisin menetelmin, onko erityisesti raskaana olevilla ja imettävillä naisilla Keski-Mosambikin maaseudulla, Zambézian maakunnassa, ruokauskomuksia, mitä ne mahdollisesti ovat, sekä arvioida voiko ruokauskomuksilla olla ravitsemuksellista merkitystä. Menetelminä oli 5 ryhmähaastattelua kolmessa kylässä ja 10 yksilöhaastattelua kahdessa kylässä. Tutkittavat olivat 12–78-vuotiaita naisia ja heitä oli yhteensä 27. Tulkkaus, tutkimusaiheen sensitiivisyys ja haastattelijan kokemattomuus aiheuttivat haasteita haastatteluiden toteutukseen. Tämän vuoksi menetelmää muokattiin ja se vaihdettiin ryhmähaastattelusta yksilöhaastatteluun tutkimuksen aikana. Ruokauskomukset vaihtelivat sekä kylien välillä että kylien sisällä, joskin niistä löytyi samantyyppisiä pääpiirteitä. Työssä todettiin, että raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin kohdistui tutkimusalueella ruokauskomuksia. Raskauden aikana tuli välttää pääasiassa proteiinipitoisia ruokia, kuten lihaa ja kalaa ja puolestaan suosia kasvisten, hedelmien ja viljatuotteiden käyttöä. Linnun munien syöntiä sekä suositeltiin että kehotettiin välttämään raskauden aikana. Raskauden aikana ilmeni lisäksi tietoinen tapa vähentää kassavapuuron tai ruuan syömistä kokonaisuudessaan. Imetyksen aikana ei vältetty juuri mitään ruokia, vaan suositeltiin kookosta ja kasviksia. Suurin osa perusteluista liittyi äidin ja lapsen terveyteen. Perustelut voitiin jakaa seuraaviin ryhmiin: lisää äidinmaidon tuotantoa; aiheuttaa vatsakipua äidillä; pitää yllä kuntoa ja estää vatsan kasvua; äidistä tulee vahva, terve ja hän saa vitamiineja; lapsen ulkonäkö muuttuu; lapsesta tulee terve ja vahva; lapsen käyttäytyminen muuttuu; aiheuttaa keskenmenon; aiheuttaa vaikean tai helpon synnytyksen. Ruokauskomukset ja terveysviranomaisilta tullut valistus oli osittain sekoittunut keskenään. Lähes kaikki naiset kertoivat noudattavansa näitä ruokauskomuksia. Muutamat naiset kertoivat suositeltavien ruokien kohdalla, että ruokien saatavuus tekee noudattamisen joskus vaikeaksi. Proteiinipitoisten ruokien välttäminen voi lisätä proteiinialiravitsemuksen riskiä ja syömisen vähentäminen saattaa lisätä riskiä saada riittämättömästi energiaa raskauden aikana. Suositeltavat ruuat todennäköisesti edistävät terveyttä. Tutkielman perusteella voitiin todeta, että vieraassa kulttuurissa tutkiminen vaatii tutkimusmenetelmältä paljon. Tärkeää on menetelmän joustavuus, jotta sitä voi muuttaa tutkimuskentällä toimivampaan ja luotettavampaan muotoon. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että suositeltavin menetelmä tutkittaessa ruokauskomuksia tällä tutkimusalueella olisi ollut yksilöhaastattelut, jossa olisi ollut mahdollisimman vähän osallistujia ja osallistujat olisivat olleet samaa sukupuolta ja saman ikäisiä. Terveyden ja ravitsemuksen kannalta on tärkeää, että ruokauskomuksista ollaan tietoisia ja väestön ruokauskomuksia tutkitaan alueittain, koska ne voivat vaihdella merkittävästi jopa kylien tai ihmisryhmien sisällä.
Dioxins are organic toxicants that are known to impair tooth development, especially dental hard tissue formation. The most toxic dioxin congener is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Further, clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy can affect child s tooth development. One of the main components of tobacco smoke is the group of non-halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a representative of which is 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Tributyltin (TBT), an organic tin compound, has been shown to impair bone mineralization in experimental animals. In addition to exposure to organic toxicants, a well-established cause for enamel hypomineralization is excess fluoride intake. The principal aim of this thesis project was to examine in vitro if, in addition to dioxins, other organic environmental toxicants, like PAHs and organic tin compounds, have adverse effects on tooth development, specifically on formation and mineralization of the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel. The second aim was to investigate in vitro if fluoride could intensify the manifestation of the detrimental developmental dental effects elicited by TCDD. The study was conducted by culturing mandibular first and second molar tooth germs of E18 NMRI mouse embryos in a Trowell-type organ culture and exposing them to DMBA, TBT, and sodium fluoride (NaF) and/or TCDD at various concentrations during the secretory and mineralization stages of development. Specific methods used were HE-staining for studying cell and tissue morphology, BrdU-staining for cell proliferation, TUNEL-staining for apoptosis, and QPCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for the expressions of selected genes associated with mineralization. This thesis work showed that DMBA, TBT, TCDD and NaF interfere with dentin and enamel formation of embryonic mouse tooth in vitro, and that fluoride can potentiate the harmful effect of TCDD. The results suggested that adverse effects of TBT involve altered expression of genes associated with mineralization, and that DMBA and TBT as well as NaF and TCDD together primarily affect dentin mineralization. Since amelogenesis does not start until mineralization of dentin begins, impaired enamel matrix secretion could be a secondary effect. Dioxins, PAHs and organotins are all liposoluble and can be transferred to the infant by breast-feeding. Since doses are usually very low, developmental toxicity on most of the organs is difficult to indentify clinically. However, tooth may act as an indicator of exposure, since the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel, are not replaced once they have been formed. Thus, disturbed dental hard tissue formation raises the question of more extensive developmental toxicity.
The analysis of lipid compositions from biological samples has become increasingly important. Lipids have a role in cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. They also participate in cellular processes such as signalling, inflammatory response, aging and apoptosis. Also, the mechanisms of regulation of cell membrane lipid compositions are poorly understood, partially because a lack of good analytical methods. Mass spectrometry has opened up new possibilities for lipid analysis due to its high resolving power, sensitivity and the possibility to do structural identification by fragment analysis. The introduction of Electrospray ionization (ESI) and the advances in instrumentation revolutionized the analysis of lipid compositions. ESI is a soft ionization method, i.e. it avoids unwanted fragmentation the lipids. Mass spectrometric analysis of lipid compositions is complicated by incomplete separation of the signals, the differences in the instrument response of different lipids and the large amount of data generated by the measurements. These factors necessitate the use of computer software for the analysis of the data. The topic of the thesis is the development of methods for mass spectrometric analysis of lipids. The work includes both computational and experimental aspects of lipid analysis. The first article explores the practical aspects of quantitative mass spectrometric analysis of complex lipid samples and describes how the properties of phospholipids and their concentration affect the response of the mass spectrometer. The second article describes a new algorithm for computing the theoretical mass spectrometric peak distribution, given the elemental isotope composition and the molecular formula of a compound. The third article introduces programs aimed specifically for the analysis of complex lipid samples and discusses different computational methods for separating the overlapping mass spectrometric peaks of closely related lipids. The fourth article applies the methods developed by simultaneously measuring the progress curve of enzymatic hydrolysis for a large number of phospholipids, which are used to determine the substrate specificity of various A-type phospholipases. The data provides evidence that the substrate efflux from bilayer is the key determining factor for the rate of hydrolysis.
Agri-environmental schemes have so far resulted in only minor positive implications for the biodiversity of agricultural environments, in contrast to what has been expected. Land-use intensification has decreased landscape heterogeneity and the amount of semi-natural habitats. Field margins are uncultivated areas of permanent vegetation located adjacent to fields. Since the number of these habitats is high, investing in their quality may result in more diverse agricultural landscapes. Field margins can be considered as multifunctional habitats providing agronomic, environmental and wildlife services. This thesis aimed at examining the plant communities of different types of field margin habitats and the factors affecting their species diversity and composition. The importance of edaphic, spatial and management factors was studied on regional, landscape and habitat scales. Vegetation surveys were conducted on regional and landscape scales and a field experiment on cutting management was conducted on a habitat scale. In field margin plant communities, species appeared to be indicators of high or intermediate soil fertility and moist soil conditions. The plant species diversity found was rather low, compared with most species-rich agricultural habitats in Finland, such as dry meadows. Among regions, land-use history, main production line, natural species and human induced distribution, climate and edaphic factors were elements inducing differences in species composition. The lowest regional species diversity of field margins was related to intensive and long-term cereal production. Management by cutting and removal or grazing had a positive effect on plant species diversity. The positive effect of cutting and removal on species richness was also dependent on the adjacent source of colonizing species. Therefore, in species-poor habitats and landscapes, establishment of margins with diverse seed mixtures can be recommended for enhancing the development of species richness. However, seed mixtures should include only native species preferably local origin. Management by cutting once a year for 5 years did not result in a decline in dominance of a harmful weed species, Elymus repens, showing that E. repens probably needs cutting more frequently than once per year. Agri-environmental schemes should include long-term contracts with farmers for the establishment, and management by cutting and removal or grazing, of field margins that are several metres wide. In such schemes, the timing and frequency of management should be planned so as not to harm other taxa, such as the insects and birds that are dependent on these habitats. All accidental herbicide drifts to field margins should be avoided when spraying the cultivated area to minimize the negative effects of sprayings on vegetation. The harmful effects of herbicides can be avoided by organic farming methods.
Strain rate sensitivity measurements are used to identify twinning and changes in deformation mechanisms in a Mg AZ31 alloy over a wide range of temperatures and grain sizes. At low temperatures, there is significant twinning at low strains with strain-rate insensitivity; at large strains, strain rate sensitivity is noted, corresponding to deformation by multiple slip. At high temperatures, there is very little twinning and this leads to a significant strain rate sensitivity from the early stages of deformation. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this thesis was to study ecology of Baltic Sea ice from two perspectives. In the first two studies, sea-ice ecology from riverine-influenced fast ice to drift ice in the Bothnian Bay was investigated, whereas the last two studies focus on the sensitivity of sea-ice bacteria and algae to UVA examined in situ. The seasonal sea ice cover is one of the main characteristics of the Baltic Sea, and despite the brackish parental water, the ice structure is similar to polar ice with saline brine inclusions, the sea ice habitat. The decreasing seawater salinity from the northern Baltic Sea to the Bothnian Bay translates to decreasing brine volumes along the gradient, governing the size and community structure of the food webs in ice. However, the drift and fast ice in the Bothnian Bay may differ greatly in this sense, as drift ice may have been formed at more southern locations. Rafting and the formation of snow ice are common processes in the ice field of the Bothnian Bay. As evidenced in this thesis, rafting altered the vertical distribution of organisms and snow-ice formation provided habitable space in the better-illuminated, nitrogen-rich surface layer. The divergence between fast and drift ice became apparent at the more advanced stages, and chlorophyte biomass decreased from fast to drift ice, while the opposite held true for protozoan and metazoan biomass. The brine volumes affected the communities somewhat, and a higher percentage of flagellate species was generally linked to lower brine volumes, whereas chain-forming diatoms were mostly concentrated in layers with larger brine volumes. These results add to knowledge of the ecological significance of the ice cover lasting up to 7 months per year in this area. Sea-ice food webs are generally light-limited, but while increasing light irradiances typically enhance the primary production and further, the secondary production in sea ice, any increase in solar radiation also includes an increase in harmful UVA radiation. The Baltic Sea ice microbial communities were clearly sensitive to UVA and the responses were strongly linked to the earlier light history, as well as to the solar irradiances they were exposed to. The increased biomass of chlorophytes and pennate diatoms, when UVA was excluded, indicates that their normally minor contribution to the biomass in the upper layers of sea ice might be partly dictated by UVA. The effects of UVA on bacterial production in Baltic Sea ice mostly followed the responses in algal growth, but occasionally the exposure to UVA even enhanced the bacterial production. The dominant bacterial class, Flavobacteria, seemed to be UVA-tolerant, whereas all the Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria present in the surface layer showed UVA sensitivity. These results indicate that changes in the light field of ice may alter the community structure and affect the functioning of ice food webs, and are of importance when the effects of thinning of the ice cover are assessed.
A simple technique involving the use of a rotating and a stationary diffuser has been developed to vary the spatial coherence of light from a He-Ne laser. Using this technique an experimental investigation of the dependence of rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes on the spatial coherence of the illuminating wavefield has been carried out. It is observed that (i) the rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes varies in a well-defined manner as a function of the spatial coherence of the light used; (ii) the extremely good rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes can be used to great advantage (compared to the conventional double slit method) in the measurement of the spatial coherence of a wavefield; (iii) Lau fringes are formed at various levels of spatial coherence and as such it appears that the Lau effect need not be associated with an incoherent optical field
Tiivistelmä ReferatAbstract Metabolomics is a rapidly growing research field that studies the response of biological systems to environmental factors, disease states and genetic modifications. It aims at measuring the complete set of endogenous metabolites, i.e. the metabolome, in a biological sample such as plasma or cells. Because metabolites are the intermediates and end products of biochemical reactions, metabolite compositions and metabolite levels in biological samples can provide a wealth of information on on-going processes in a living system. Due to the complexity of the metabolome, metabolomic analysis poses a challenge to analytical chemistry. Adequate sample preparation is critical to accurate and reproducible analysis, and the analytical techniques must have high resolution and sensitivity to allow detection of as many metabolites as possible. Furthermore, as the information contained in the metabolome is immense, the data set collected from metabolomic studies is very large. In order to extract the relevant information from such large data sets, efficient data processing and multivariate data analysis methods are needed. In the research presented in this thesis, metabolomics was used to study mechanisms of polymeric gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The aim of the study was to detect differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls, and thereafter to identify metabolites responsible for the discrimination. The plasmid pCMV-β was introduced into RPE cells using the vector polyethyleneimine (PEI). The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a triple quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (MS). The software MZmine was used for raw data processing and principal component analysis (PCA) was used in statistical data analysis. The results revealed differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls. However, reliable fingerprinting data could not be obtained because of low analysis repeatability. Therefore, no attempts were made to identify metabolites responsible for discrimination between sample groups. Repeatability and accuracy of analyses can be influenced by protocol optimization. However, in this study, optimization of analytical methods was hindered by the very small number of samples available for analysis. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that obtaining reliable fingerprinting data is technically demanding, and the protocols need to be thoroughly optimized in order to approach the goals of gaining information on mechanisms of gene delivery.