882 resultados para Corpo - estetização
Problema: A obesidade tem sido abordada enquanto questão estética, descurando-se as consequências e o impacto que tal condição provoca na saúde mental e física dos indivíduos. Na sociedade ocidental quem não se enquadra nos padrões de beleza fixados, é discriminado pelos outros, condição que provoca sentimentos de insatisfação com o próprio corpo. Uma imagem corporal positiva revela-se fundamental no desenvolvimento de bem-estar pessoal e relacional. De uma maneira geral, quem está muito acima do peso ideal tem também dificuldades em relacionar-se sexualmente com outra pessoa. Compreendemos assim o peso dos fatores psicológicos nesta problemática. Objetivo: O presente estudo avalia as relações existentes entre satisfação com a imagem corporal, satisfação conjugal e satisfação sexual em mulheres com e sem obesidade. Considerou-se o IMC com o intuito de se estabelecerem diferenças face à classificação do peso, dando origem a dois grupos: “obesas/excesso de peso” e “não-obesas”. Método: A amostra foi constituída por 185 sujeitos do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 63 anos, selecionada a partir de uma amostra de conveniência. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e correlacional. Instrumentos: A recolha dos dados realizou-se através de um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e de três escalas avaliativas das três dimensões em estudo, designadamente MGIC (Pascoal & Narciso, 2006), a EASAVIC; (Narciso & Costa, 1996), e o ISS (Pechorro & Vieira, 2005). Resultados: As mulheres obesas só se diferenciam das suas congéneres não-obesas apenas no índice de insatisfação corporal (valores mais elevados). Contudo, encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas, entre os grupos diferenciados, pelas perceções subjetivas de peso (peso percebido, peso considerado ideal e peso considerado atraente), na insatisfação corporal, insatisfação conjugal e insatisfação sexual. Verificaram-se ainda correlações entre as três variáveis sob estudo.
No presente trabalho apresentam-se dois estudos. O primeiro dos estudos teve como objetivo a adaptação ao português do Inventário de Obsessões e Compulsões de Vancouver (VOCI; Thordarson, Radomsky, Rachman, Shafran, Sawchuk & Hakstian, 2004). O segundo dos estudos teve como objetivo induzir, de forma experimental, a sensação de contaminação mental através da imaginação de uma situação de traição. No estudo de adaptação do VOCI participaram 180 indivíduos da população geral não-clínica com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 75 anos e 120 estudantes universitários com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos que preencheram além do VOCI, a Escala de sensibilidade de Contaminação (S-CTN; Rachman, 2006 cit in Coughtrey, Shafran, Knibbs & Rachman, 2012). Sessenta dos participantes completaram de novo o VOCI após um intervalo de 8 semanas. A amostra final ficou constituída por 292 participantes. Para conhecer a estrutura interna do VOCI, foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória. Obtiveram-se 6 fatores que explicaram 39% da variância total. Os fatores obtidos replicaram a estrutura original do VOCI Contaminação, Verificação, Obsessões, Acumulação, Incerteza, Just Right. Quer o total do VOCI quer as seis subescalas obtidas mostraram excelentes níveis de consistência interna, fiabilidade temporal e validade convergente. De acordo com os nossos resultados, podemos considerar que a versão portuguesa do VOCI apresenta garantias psicométricas suficientes para que possa ser utilizada na população Portuguesa. No segundo estudo, participaram 60 estudantes universitários, 30 do género feminino e 30 do género masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos. Os participantes foram aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controlo (GC) e um grupo experimental (GE). Neste estudo recorreu-se a um desenho experimental 2x4 (2 condições x 4 momentos). Inicialmente os participantes preencheram um conjunto de questionários e de seguida foram instruídos para ouvir uma gravação de voz relativa à sua condição (controlo/experimental). Posteriormente foi-lhes dada uma pausa de 5 minutos e, no quarto e último momento, os participantes foram submetidos a uma pequena entrevista final. Os resultados obtidos após a manipulação experimental revelaram que o GE apresentou valores significativamente mais elevados de desconforto que o GC, ou seja, a manipulação experimental desencadeou emoções negativas (tais como a raiva ou a tristeza). Não se verificou, no entanto, o efeito da manipulação experimental relativamente à capacidade dos participantes para localizar a sujidade em alguma parte do interior ou exterior do corpo. Em suma, no presente estudo não foi possível induzir contaminação mental através da imaginação de uma situação de traição bem como a localização da sensação de sujidade, o aparecimento de emoções/sentimentos negativos, do impulso de se lavar, de evitamento e de estratégias de neutralização e de lavagem.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSc) have great potential for applications in regenerative medicine, disease modeling and basic research. Several methods have been developed for their derivation. The original method of Takahashi and Yamanaka involved the use of retroviral vectors which result in insertional mutagenesis, presence in the genome of potential oncogenes and effects of residual transgene expression on differentiation bias of each particular iPSc line. Other methods have been developed, using different viral vectors (adenovirus and Sendai virus), transient plasmid transfection, mRNA transduction, protein transduction and use of small molecules. However, these methods suffer from low efficiencies; can be extremely labor intensive, or both. An additional method makes use of the piggybac transposon, which has the advantage of inserting its payload into the host genome and being perfectly excised upon re-expression of the transposon transposase. Briefly, a policistronic cassette expressing Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and C-Myc flanked by piggybac terminal repeats is delivered to the cells along with a plasmid transiently expressing piggybac transposase. Once reprogramming occurs, the cells are re-transfected with transposase and subclones free of tranposon integrations screened for. The procedure is therefore very labor intensive, requiring multiple manipulations and successive rounds of cloning and screening. The original method for reprogramming with the the PiggyBac transposon was created by Woltjen et al in 2009 (schematized here) and describes a process with which it is possible to obtain insert-free iPSc. Insert-free iPSc enables the establishment of better cellular models of iPS and adds a new level of security to the use of these cells in regenerative medicine. Due to the fact that it was based on several low efficiency steps, the overall efficiency of the method is very low (<1%). Moreover, the stochastic transfection, integration, excision and the inexistence of an active way of selection leaves this method in need of extensive characterization and screening of the final clones. In this work we aime to develop a non-integrative iPSc derivation system in which integration and excision of the transgenes can be controlled by simple media manipulations, avoiding labor intensive and potentially mutagenic procedures. To reach our goal we developed a two vector system which is simultaneously delivered to original population of fibroblasts. The first vector, Remo I, carries the reprogramming cassette and GFP under the regulation of a constitutive promoter (CAG). The second vector, Eneas, carries the piggybac transposase associated with an estrogen receptor fragment (ERT2), regulated in a TET-OFF fashion, and its equivalent reverse trans-activator associated with a positive-negative selection cassette under a constitutive promoter. We tested its functionality in HEK 293T cells. The protocol is divided in two the following steps: 1) Obtaining acceptable transfection efficiency into human fibroblasts. 2) Testing the functionality of the construct 3) Determining the ideal concentration of DOX for repressing mPB-ERT2 expression 4) Determining the ideal concentration of TM for transposition into the genome 5) Determining the ideal Windows of no DOX/TM pulse for transposition into the genome 6) 3, 4 and 5) for transposition out of the genome 7) Determination of the ideal concentration of GCV for negative selection We successfully demonstrated that ENEAS behaved as expected in terms of DOX regulation of the expression of mPB-ERT2. We also demonstrated that by delivering the plasmid into 293T HEK cells and manipulating the levels of DOX and TM in the medium, we could obtain puromycin resistant lines. The number of puromycin resistant colonies obtained was significantly higher when DOX as absent, suggesting that the colonies resulted from transposition events. Presence of TM added an extra layer of regulation, albeit weaker. Our PCR analysis, while not a clean as would be desired, suggested that transposition was indeed occurring, although a background level of random integration could not be ruled out. Finally, our attempt to determine whether we could use GVC to select clones that had successfully mobilized PB out of the genome was unsuccessful. Unexpectedly, 293T HEK cells that had been transfected with ENEAS and selected for puromycin resistance were insensitive to GCV.
First described more that 150 years ago, the systematics of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia (Arionidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) is still challenging. The taxonomic classification of arionid species is based on extremely labile characters such as body size or color that depends both on diet and environment, as well as age. Moreover, there is little information on the genetic diversity and population structure of the Iberian slugs that could provide extra clues to disentangle their problematic classification. The present work uses different analytical tools such as habitat suitability (Ecological Niche Modeling - ENM), cytogenetic analysis and phylogeography to establish the geographical distribution and evolutionary history of these pulmonate slugs. The potential distribution of the four Geomalacus species was modeled using ENM, which allowed the identification of new locations for G. malagensis, including a first report in Portugal. Also, it was predicted a much wider distribution for G. malagensis and G. oliveirae than previously known. Classical cytogenetic analyses were assayed with reproductive and a novel use of somatic tissues (mouth and tentacles) returning the number of chromosomes for the four Geomalacus species and L. numidica (n = 31, 2n = 62) and the respective karyotypes. G. malagensis and L. numidica present similar chromosome morphologies and karyotypic formulae, being more similar to each other than the Geomalacus among themselves. We further reconstructed the phylogeny of the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (18S rRNA), and applied an independent evolutionary rate method, the indicator vectors correlation, to evaluate the existence of cryptic diversity within species. The five nominal species of Geomalacus and Letourneuxia comprise 14 well-supported cryptic lineages. Letourneuxia numidica was retrieved as a sister group of G. malagensis. G. oliveirae is paraphyletic with respect to G. anguiformis. According to our dating estimates, the most recent common ancestor of Geomalacus dates back to the Middle Miocene (end of the Serravallian stage). The major lineage splitting events within Geomalacus occurred during the dry periods of the Zanclean stage (5.3-3.6 million years) and some lineages were confined to more humid mountain areas of the Iberian Peninsula, which lead to a highly geographically structured mitochondrial genetic diversity. The major findings of this are the following: (1) provides updated species distribution maps for the Iberian Geomalacus expanding the known geographic distribution of the concerned species, (2) unravels the cryptic diversity within the genera Geomalacus and Letourneuxia, (3) Geomalacus oliveirae is paraphyletic with G. anguiformis and (4) Letourneuxia numidica is sister group of G. malagensis.
Theories of embodied cognition argue that language processing arises not from amodal symbols that redescribe sensorimotor and affective experiences, but from partial simulations (reenactments) of modality-specific states. Recent findings on processing of words and sentences support such a stance emphasizing that the role of the body in the domain of language comprehension should not be overlooked or dismissed. The present research was conducted to extend prior work in two important ways. First, the role of simulation was tested with connected discourse rather than words or sentences presented in isolation. Second, both “online” and “offline” measures of discourse comprehension were taken. In Experiments 1 and 2 participants’ facial postures were manipulated to show that preparing the body for processing of emotion-congruent information improves discourse comprehension. In Experiment 3 the direction of body posture was manipulated to show that implicit properties of simulations, such as spatial dimension or location, are at least somewhat involved in processing of large language segments such as discourse. Finally, in Experiments 4 and 5 participants’ body movement and body posture were manipulated to show that even understanding of language describing metaphorical actions physically impossible to perform involves constructing a sensorimotor simulation of the described event. The major result was that compatibility between embodiment and language strongly modulated performance effectiveness in experiments on simulation of emotion and metaphorical action. The effect of simulation on comprehension of discourse implying spatial dimension was fragile. These findings support an embodied simulation account of cognition suggesting that sensorimotor and affective states are at least partially implicated in “online” and “offline” discourse comprehension.
Cardiogenesis is a delicate and complex process that requires the coordination of an intricate network of pathways and the different cell types. Therefore, understanding heart development at the morphogenetic level is an essential requirement to uncover the causes of congenital heart disease and to provide insight for disease therapies. Mouse Cerberus like 2 (Cerl2) has been defined as a Nodal antagonist in the node with an important role in the Left-Right (L/R) axis establishment, at the early embryonic development. As expected, Cerl2 knockout mice (Cerl2-/-) showed multiple laterality defects with associated cardiac failure. In order to identify the endogenous role of Cerl2 during heart formation independent of its described functions in the node, we accurately analyzed animals where laterality defects were not present. We thereby unravel the consequences of Cerl2 lossof- function in the heart, namely increased left ventricular thickness due to hyperplasia of cardiomyocytes and de-regulated expression of cardiac genes. Furthermore, the Cerl2 mutant neonates present impaired cardiac function. Once that the cardiac expression of Cerl2 is mostly observed in the left ventricle until around midgestration, this result suggest a specific regulatory role of Cerl2 during the formation of the left ventricular myoarchitecture. Here, we present two possible molecular mechanisms underlying the cardiac Cerl2 function, the regulation of Cerl2 antagonist in activation of the TGFßs/Nodal/Activin/Smad2 signaling identified by increased Smad2 phosphorilation in Cerl2-/- hearts and the negative feedback between Cerl2 and Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in heart formation. In this work and since embryonic stem cells derived from 129 mice strain is extensively used to produce targeted mutants, we also present echocardiographic reference values to progressive use of juveniles and young adult 129/Sv strain in cardiac studies. In addition, we investigate the cardiac physiology of the surviving Cerl2 mutants in 129/Sv background over time through a follow-up study using echocardiographic analysis. Our results revealed that Cerl2-/- mice are able to improve and maintain the diastolic and most of systolic cardiac physiologic parameters as analyzed until young adult age. Since Cerl2 is no longer expressed in the postnatal heart, we suggest that an intrinsic and compensatory mechanism of adaptation may be active for recovering the decreased cardiac function found in Cerl2 mutant neonates. Altogether, these data highlight the role of Cerl2 during embryonic heart development in mice. Furthermore, we also suggest that Cerl2-/- may be an interesting model to uncover the molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms behind the improvement of the cardiac function, contributing to the development of therapeutic approaches to treat heart failures.
É objectivo deste projecto teórico-prático produzir um corpo de trabalho artístico e desenvolver paralelamente uma dissertação teórica em torno de processos envolvidos na criação. É presumível que a visão particular que um artista tem sobre a arte num sentido amplo (a sua teoria), e o seu particular fazer artístico (a sua práxis), derivem um do outro e se contaminem, existindo uma relação próxima entre as ideias sobre as quais reflecte através da sua obra e a sua visão ontológica da arte. Considera-se o objecto fulcral da arte algo que vive não apenas de uma apropriação inteligente da realidade, mas também de um entendimento afectivo – de um sentir para além de um raciocinar. O afecto, enquanto experiência de sentido é condição essencial para o artista que o veícula no seu trabalho; é na sua obra que o artista modela uma coisa sentida para a devolver como coisa dada a sentir. Dada a natureza irredutível dos objectos que resultam da prática artística, a possibilidade de comunicar o sentido da arte através de códigos (palavra, discurso, linguagem) consensualmente entendidos é, no entanto, posta em causa. Trata-se de um processo que se posiciona no limite da razão, tornando-se necessário pensar outros mecanismos para alcançar esse sentido para além daqueles usados geralmente para compreender matérias comprováveis.
Tese de douoramento, Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidadde do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrónica, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015