892 resultados para Classification of fruits and vegetables
Proanthocyanidins from Averrhoa bilimbi fruits and leaves were analysed by thiolysis with benzyl mercaptan and high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and consisted of pure B-type procyanidins. These tannins consisted of almost pure homopolymers, with epicatechin accounting for most of the monomeric subunits in fruits (97%) and leaves (99%). Leaves contained more procyanidins (4.5 vs 2.2 g/100 g dry weight) with a higher mean degree of polymerisation (9 vs 6) than fruits. This study thus contributes information on the proanthocyanidins of a traditional food that can make an important contribution to the intake of compounds with antioxidant and health benefits. The fruits are prized for culinary purposes and the leaves are used in traditional medicine.
Dietary intervention studies have shown that flavanols and inorganic nitrate can improve vascular function, suggesting that these two bioactives may be responsible for beneficial health effects of diets rich in fruits and vegetables. We aimed to study interactions between cocoa flavanols (CF) and nitrate, focusing on absorption, bioavailability, excretion, and efficacy to increase endothelial function. In a double-blind randomized, dose-response crossover study, flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was measured in 15 healthy subjects before and at 1, 2, 3, and 4 h after consumption of CF (1.4-10.9 mg/kg bw) or nitrate (0.1-10 mg/kg bw). To study flavanol-nitrate interactions, an additional intervention trial was performed with nitrate and CF taken in sequence at low and high amounts. FMD was measured before (0 h) and at 1h after ingestion of nitrate (3 or 8.5 mg/kg bw) or water. Then subjects received a CF drink (2.7 or 10.9 mg/kg bw) or a micro- and macronutrient-matched CF-free drink. FMD was measured at 1, 2, and 4 h thereafter. Blood and urine samples were collected and assessed for CF and nitric oxide (NO) metabolites with HPLC and gas-phase reductive chemiluminescence. Finally, intragastric formation of NO after CF and nitrate consumption was investigated. Both CF and nitrate induced similar intake-dependent increases in FMD. Maximal values were achieved at 1 h postingestion and gradually decreased to reach baseline values at 4 h. These effects were additive at low intake levels, whereas CF did not further increase FMD after high nitrate intake. Nitrate did not affect flavanol absorption, bioavailability, or excretion, but CF enhanced nitrate-related gastric NO formation and attenuated the increase in plasma nitrite after nitrate intake. Both flavanols and inorganic nitrate can improve endothelial function in healthy subjects at intake amounts that are achievable with a normal diet. Even low dietary intake of these bioactives may exert relevant effects on endothelial function when ingested together.
Objective Dietary intake and nutritional status of antioxidant vitamins have been reported to protect against some cancers The objective of the present study was to assess the correlations between serum levels of carotenoids (including beta-, alpha- and gamma-carotene), lycopene, retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherols, and dietary intakes estimated by an FFQ, among low-income women in the Brazilian Investigation into Nutrition and Cervical Cancer Prevention (BRINCA) study. Design Cross-sectional study of data for 918 women aged 21-65 years participating in the BRINCA study in Sao Paulo city. Multiple linear regression models were used with serum nutrient levels as the dependent variable and dietary intake levels as the independent variable, adjusted for confounding factors. Results In energy-adjusted analyses, the intakes of dark green and deep yellow vegetables and fruits (partial R(2) = 4.8%), total fruits and juices (partial R(2) = 1.8%), vegetables and fruits (partial R(2) = 1.8%), carrots (partial R(2) = 1.4%) and citrus fruits and juices only (partial R(2) = 0.8%) were positively correlated only with serum total carotene levels, after adjusting for serum total cholesterol concentration, age, hospital attended, smoking status. BMI and presence of cervical lesions Multiple-adjusted serum levels of carotenoids were positively correlated with intake quartiles of dark green and deep yellow vegetables and fruits and total fruits and juices independent of smoking status. Conclusions The intake of specific fruits and vegetables was an independent predictor of serum total carotene levels in low-income women living in Sao Paulo
Background: Bilateral mammaplasty or mastopexy is frequently used for oncoplastic objectives. However, little information has been available regarding outcome following immediate and delayed reconstruction. Method: Patients were divided into Group I (immediate reconstruction) and Group II (delayed reconstruction). Retrospective review was performed to compare complications, length of hospital stay, revision surgeries, and satisfaction. The associations between the complications with potential risk factors (timing, age, body mass index, smoking, and comorbid medical conditions) were analyzed. Results: There were a total of 144 patients with a mean follow-up of 47 months. Of the 106 patients in Group I, complications occurred in 24 (22.6%), skin necrosis was observed in 7.5%, fat necrosis in 5.6%, and 6.6% patients developed local recurrence. Mean period of hospitalization was 1.89 days. Of the 38 patients of the Group II, complications occurred in 12 (31.5%), skin necrosis was observed in 7 (18.4%), fat necrosis in 4 (10.5%), and 5.2% patients developed local recurrence. Mean period of hospitalization was 1.35 days. Increased length of hospital stay greater than 1 day (P < 0.001) and the number of revision surgeries (P = 0.043) were associated with the timing of the reconstruction. In univariate analysis, no difference between groups was found with respect to complication incidence (P = 0.275); however, after adjusting for other risk factors, the probability of complications tend to be higher for Group II (OR = 2.65; 95% confidence interval - 1.01-7.00; P = 0.049). Conclusions: On the basis of the results of our study, the probability of complications tends to be higher for delayed reconstructions, and it is demonstrated that obesity and smoking are risk factors for complications. Ultimately, these data may facilitate the provision of individualized risk information for shared medical decision-making.
Most techniques used for estimating the age of Sotalia guianensis (van B,n,den, 1864) (Cetacea; Delphinidae) are very expensive, and require sophisticated equipment for preparing histological sections of teeth. The objective of this study was to test a more affordable and much simpler method, involving of the manual wear of teeth followed by decalcification and observation under a stereomicroscope. This technique has been employed successfully with larger species of Odontoceti. Twenty-six specimens were selected, and one tooth of each specimen was worn and demineralized for growth layers reading. Growth layers were evidenced in all specimens; however, in 4 of the 26 teeth, not all the layers could be clearly observed. In these teeth, there was a significant decrease of growth layer group thickness, thus hindering the layers count. The juxtaposition of layers hindered the reading of larger numbers of layers by the wear and decalcification technique. Analysis of more than 17 layers in a single tooth proved inconclusive. The method applied here proved to be efficient in estimating the age of Sotalia guianensis individuals younger than 18 years. This method could simplify the study of the age structure of the overall population, and allows the use of the more expensive methodologies to be confined to more specific studies of older specimens. It also enables the classification of the calf, young and adult classes, which is important for general population studies.
Extending our previous work `Fields on the Poincare group and quantum description of orientable objects` (Gitman and Shelepin 2009 Eur. Phys. J. C 61 111-39), we consider here a classification of orientable relativistic quantum objects in 3 + 1 dimensions. In such a classification, one uses a maximal set of ten commuting operators (generators of left and right transformations) in the space of functions on the Poincare group. In addition to the usual six quantum numbers related to external symmetries (given by left generators), there appear additional quantum numbers related to internal symmetries (given by right generators). Spectra of internal and external symmetry operators are interrelated, which, however, does not contradict the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem. We believe that the proposed approach can be useful for the description of elementary spinning particles considered as orientable objects. In particular, it gives a group-theoretical interpretation of some facts of the existing phenomenological classification of spinning particles.
Bothropasin is a 48 kDa hemorrhagic PIII snake venom metalloprotease (SVMP) isolated from Bothrops jararaca, containing disintegrin/cysteine-rich adhesive domains. Here we present the crystal structure of bothropasin complexed with the inhibitor POL647. The catalytic domain consists of a scaffold of two subdomains organized similarly to those described for other SVMPs, including the zinc and calcium-binding sites. The free cysteine residue Cys(189) is located within a hydrophobic core and it is not available for disulfide bonding or other interactions. There is no identifiable secondary structure for the disintegrin domain, but instead it is composed mostly of loops stabilized by seven disulfide bonds and by two calcium ions. The ECD region is in a loop and is structurally related to the RGD region of RGD disintegrins, which are derived from I`ll SVMPs. The ECD motif is stabilized by the Cys(117)_Cys(310) disulfide bond (between the disintegrin and cysteine-rich domains) and by one calcium ion. The side chain of Glu(276) of the ECD motif is exposed to solvent and free to make interactions. In bothropasin, the HVR (hyper-variable region) described for other Pill SVMPs in the cysteine-rich domain, presents a well-conserved sequence with respect to several other Pill members from different species. We propose that this subset be referred to as PIII-HCR (highly conserved region) SVMPs. The differences in the disintegrin-like, cysteine-rich or disintegrin-like cysteine-rich domains may be involved in selecting target binding, which in turn could generate substrate diversity or specificity for the catalytic domain. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Garciniaphenone (=rel-(1R,5R,7R)-3-benzoyl-4-hydroxy-8,8-dimethyl-1,7-bis(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)bicyclo[3.3.1]non-3-ene-2,9-dione; 1). a novel natural product, was isolated from a hexane extract of Garcinia brasiliensis fruits. The crystal structure of 1 as well as the selected geometrical and Configurational features were compared with those of known related polyprenylated benzophenones. Garciniaphenone is the first representative of polyprenylated benzophenones without a prenyl substituent at C(5). Notably, the absence of a 5-prenyl substituent has an impact on the molecular geometry. The tautomeric form of 1 in the solid state was readily established by a residual-electronic-density map generated by means of a difference Fourier analysis, and there is an entirely delocalized six-membered chelate ring encompassing the keto-enol moiety. The configuration at C(7) was used to rationalize the nature of the keto-enol tautomeric form within 1. The intermolecular array in the network is maintained by nonclassical intermolecular H-bonds.
Early Cretaceous (similar to 129 Ma) silicic rocks crop out in SE Uruguay between the Laguna Merin and Santa Lucia basins in the Lascano, Sierra Sao Miguel. Salamanca and Minas areas They are mostly rhyolites with minor quartz-trachytes and are nearly contemporaneous with the Parana-Etendeka igneous province and with the first stages of South Atlantic Ocean opening A strong geochemical variability (particularly evident from Rb/Nb, Nb/Y trace element ratios) and a wide range of Sr-Nd isotopic ratios ((143)Nd/(144)Nd((129)) = 0.51178-0.51209, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((129)) = 0.70840-0.72417) characterize these rocks Geochemistry allows to distiniguish two compositional groups, corresponding to the north-eastern (Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel, emplaced on the Neo-Proterozoic southern sector of the Dom Feliciano mobile belt) and south-eastern localities (Salamanca, Minas, emplace on the much older (Archean) Nico Perez teriane or on the boundary between the Dom Feliciano and Nico Perez termites) These compositional differences between the two groups are explained by variable mantle source and crust contributions. The origin of the silicic magmas is best explained by complex processes involving assimilation and fractional crystallization and mixing of a basaltic magma with upper crustal lithologies, for Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel rhyolites. In the Salamanea and Minas rocks genesis, a stronger contribution from lower crust is indicated.
We classify all unital subalgebras of the Cayley algebra O(q) over the finite field F(q), q = p(n). We obtain the number of subalgebras of each type and prove that all isomorphic subalgebras are conjugate with respect to the automorphism group of O(q). We also determine the structure of the Moufang loops associated with each subalgebra of O(q).
We classify the ( finite and infinite) virtually cyclic subgroups of the pure braid groups P(n)(RP(2)) of the projective plane. The maximal finite subgroups of P(n)(RP(2)) are isomorphic to the quaternion group of order 8 if n = 3, and to Z(4) if n >= 4. Further, for all n >= 3, the following groups are, up to isomorphism, the infinite virtually cyclic subgroups of P(n)(RP(2)): Z, Z(2) x Z and the amalgamated product Z(4)*(Z2)Z(4).
A low-cost method is proposed to classify wine and whisky samples using a disposable voltammetric electronic tongue that was fabricated using gold and copper substrates and a pattern recognition technique (Principal Component Analysis). The proposed device was successfully used to discriminate between expensive and cheap whisky samples and to detect adulteration processes using only a copper electrode. For wines, the electronic tongue was composed of copper and gold working electrodes and was able to classify three different brands of wine and to make distinctions regarding the wine type, i.e., dry red, soft red, dry white and soft white brands. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A method is reported for the quantification of isoorientin (using a standard addition method) and total flavonoids (expressed as rutin, using the external standard method) in passion fruit pulp (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, Passifloraceae). Extraction of flavonoids was optimized by experimental design methodology, and quantitative analysis was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography with photo-diode array detection (HPLC-UV/DAD). The method was developed and validated according to ICH requirements for specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision (repeatability and intermediate precision). LOD and LOQ. Rutin was chosen as standard for the quantification of total flavonoids in order to propose a HPLC method feasible for routine analysis of the flavonoids in the passion fruit pulp. The passion fruit pulp contained 16.226 +/- 0.050 mg L(-1) of isoorientin and 158.037 +/- 0.602 mg L(-1) of total flavonoid, suggesting that P. edulis fruits may be comparable with other flavonoid food sources such as orange juice or sugarcane juice. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chemometric methods can contribute to soil research by permitting the extraction of more information from the data. The aim of this work was to use Principal Component Analysis to evaluate data obtained through chemical and spectroscopic methods on the changes in the humification process of soil organic matter from two tropical soils after sewage sludge application. In this case, humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application for 7 consecutive years were studied. The results obtained for all of the samples and methods showed two clusters: samples extracted from the two soil types. These expected results indicated the textural difference between the two soils was more significant than the differences between treatments (control and sewage sludge application) or between depths. In this case, an individual chemometric treatment was made for each type of soil. It was noted that the characterization of the humic acids extracted from soils with and without sewage sludge application after 7 consecutive years using several methods supplies important results about changes in the humification degree of soil organic matter, These important result obtained by Principal Component Analysis justify further research using these methods to characterize the changes in the humic acids extracted from sewage sludge-amended soils. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This master’s thesis deals with the cultural diversity policies of Denmark and Sweden within the cultural sector. It attempts at explaining why these two “most-similar” scandinavian countries having in common the same cultural model, “the architect model”, opted for different policies when it came to cultural diversity: Assimilationism for Denmark and multiculturalism for Sweden. I show that though institutional and power-interest factors had an impact, ideas as “programmatic beliefs” (Sheri E. Berman 2001) or “frames” (Erik Bleich 2003) played the ultimate role. I evaluate their relative importance by analyzing the anthropological dimension of the countries cultural policies since 1969. The study confirms that at least in the cultural sector, Danish policies have been assimilationist and Swedish ones multiculturalist and proposes a new classification of terms.By investigating immigrants cultures, it fills a gap left by previous researchers working on a common Nordic cultural model.