945 resultados para Cell culture
Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare Enterococcus faecalis biofilm formation on different substrates. Methods: Cell culture plates containing growth medium and E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) were used to grow biofilm on bovine dentin, gutta-percha, hydroxyapatite, or bovine bone. Substrates were incubated at 37 C for 14 or 21 days, and the medium was changed every 48 hours. After the growth induction periods, specimens (n = 5 per group and per induction period) were stained by using Live/Dead, and the images were analyzed under a confocal microscope. The total biovolume (mm3), live bacteria biovolume (mm3), and substrate coverage (%) were quantified by using the BioImage_L software. Results obtained were analyzed by nonparametric tests (P = .05). Results: Biofilm formation was observed in all groups. Gutta-percha had the lowest total biovolume at 14 days (P < .05) and hydroxyapatite the highest at 21 days (P < .05). No significant difference was observed in green biovolume at 14 days. At 21 days, however, hydroxyapatite had the highest volume (P < .05). The percentages of coverage were similar among all substrates at 21 days (P > .05), but at 14 days, bovine bone presented the highest coverage (P < .05). Conclusions: E. faecalis was capable of forming biofilm on all substrates during both growth periods; hydroxyapatite presented the highest rates of biofilm formation. The type of substrate influenced the biofilm characteristics, according to the parameters evaluated
Abstract Background Extracellular matrix proteins are key factors that influence the regenerative capacity of tissues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of enamel matrix derivative (EMD), TGF-β1, and the combination of both factors (EMD+TGF-β1) on human osteoblastic cell cultures. Methods Cells were obtained from alveolar bone of three adult patients using enzymatic digestion. Effects of EMD, TGF-β1, or a combination of both were analyzed on cell proliferation, bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin (OPN) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) immunodetection, total protein synthesis, ALP activity and bone-like nodule formation. Results All treatments significantly increased cell proliferation compared to the control group at 24 h and 4 days. At day 7, EMD group showed higher cell proliferation compared to TGF-β1, EMD + TGF-β1 and the control group. OPN was detected in the majority of the cells for all groups, whereas fluorescence intensities for ALP labeling were greater in the control than in treated groups; BSP was not detected in all groups. All treatments decreased ALP levels at 7 and 14 days and bone-like nodule formation at 21 days compared to the control group. Conclusions The exposure of human osteoblastic cells to EMD, TGF-β1 and the combination of factors in vitro supports the development of a less differentiated phenotype, with enhanced proliferative activity and total cell number, and reduced ALP activity levels and matrix mineralization.
O objetivo principal da nossa pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de diferenciação osteogênica de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) obtidas da medula óssea do cão. As MSC foram separadas pelo método Ficoll e cultivadas sob duas condições distintas: DMEM baixa glicose ou DMEM/F12, ambos contendo L-glutamina, 20% de SFB e antibióticos. Marcadores de MSC foram testados, confirmando células CD44+ e CD34- através da citometria de fluxo. Para a diferenciação osteogênica, as células foram submetidas a quatro diferentes condições: Grupo 1, as mesmas condições utilizadas para a cultura de células primárias com os meios DMEM baixa glicose suplementado; Grupo 2, as mesmas condições do Grupo 1, mais os indutores de diferenciação dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato; Grupo 3, células cultivadas com meios DMEM/F12 suplementado; e Grupo 4, nas mesmas condições que no Grupo 3, mais indutores de diferenciação de dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato. A diferenciação celular foi confirmada através da coloração com alizarin red e da imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP7/Osterix. Nós observamos através da coloração com alizarin red que o depósito de cálcio foi mais evidente nas células cultivadas em DMEM/F12. Além disso, usando a imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP/7Osterix obtivemos positividade em 1:6 células para o Meio DMEM/F12 comparada com 1:12 para o meio DMEM-baixa glicose. Com base nos nossos resultados concluímos que o meio DMEM/F12 é mais eficiente para a indução da diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais caninas em promotores osteogênicos. Este efeito provavelmente ocorre em decorrência da maior quantidade de glicose neste meio, bem como da presença de diversos aminoácidos.
Neutrophils play an important role in periodontitis by producing nitric oxide (NO) and antimicrobial peptides, molecules with microbicidal activity via oxygen-dependent and -independent mechanisms, respectively. It is unknown whether variation in the production of antimicrobial peptides such as LL-37, human neutrophil peptides (HNP) 1-3, and NO by neutrophils influences the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. We compared the production of these peptides and NO by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated neutrophils isolated from healthy subjects and from patients with periodontitis. Peripheral blood neutrophils were cultured with or without Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-LPS (Aa-LPS), Porphyromonas gingivalis-LPS (Pg-LPS) and Escherichia coli-LPS (Ec-LPS). qRT-PCR was used to determine quantities of HNP 1-3 and LL-37 mRNA in neutrophils. Amounts of HNP 1-3 and LL-37 proteins in the cell culture supernatants were also determined by ELISA. In addition, NO levels in neutrophil culture supernatants were quantitated by the Griess reaction. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients cultured with Aa-LPS, Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS expressed higher HNP 1-3 mRNA than neutrophils from healthy subjects. LL-37 mRNA expression was higher in neutrophils from patients stimulated with Aa-LPS. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients produced significantly higher LL-37 protein levels than neutrophils from healthy subjects when stimulated with Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS, but no difference was observed in HNP 1-3 production. Neutrophils from periodontitis patients cultured or not with Pg-LPS and Ec-LPS produced significantly lower NO levels than neutrophils from healthy subjects. The significant differences in the production of LL-37 and NO between neutrophils from healthy and periodontitis subjects indicate that production of these molecules might influence individual susceptibility to important periodontal pathogens.
INTRODUÇÃO: O uso de enxertos autólogos é limitado pela extensão da área doadora e pelo estado clínico dos pacientes, no caso de lesões extensas. Alotransplantes coletados de cadáveres ou voluntários são rejeitados após uma ou duas semanas, servindo apenas como cobertura temporária para essas lesões. O tratamento de grandes lesões cutâneas com tegumento autólogo reconstruído constitui alternativa atraente, já que, a partir de um pequeno fragmento de pele do paciente, pode-se obter culturas de células que se multiplicam rapidamente e podem ser criopreservadas, permitindo, assim, sua utilização em novos tratamentos por tempo indeterminado. Este estudo pretendeu avaliar o comportamento histológico de queratinócitos e fibroblastos humanos cultivados sobre uma matriz de colágeno porcino derivada da submucosa intestinal. MÉTODO: Células da epiderme e derme humana foram cultivadas separadamente e semeadas sobre matriz de colágeno porcino, onde permaneceram em ambiente controlado por 21 dias, antes de serem submetidas a análise histológica. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que os fibroblastos invadem e colonizam a matriz de colágeno, enquanto os queratinócitos se organizam de forma laminar e estratificada sobre a superfície em que foram semeados. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização da matriz de colágeno porcino como carreador de células da pele humana é possível e a organização dessas células se assemelha à arquitetura da pele humana.
Low level laser therapy is used as a treatment of several conditions, including inflammatory processes and wound healing. Possible changes in mechanical properties of cells, caused by illumination, are investigated with optical magnetic twisting cytometry (OMTC), which is a technique used to evaluate mechanical properties in cell culture. Ferromagnetic micro beads are bound to cell cytoskeleton, the beads are magnetized vertically and a horizontal twisting magnetic field is applied causing a torque that moves the beads and deforms the cell, the beads rotate and displace. Based on the lateral displacement of the beads, elastic shear and loss moduli are obtained. Samples of human bronchial epithelial cell culture were divided in two groups: one was illuminated with a 660 nm red laser, 30 mW power, 0.75 W/cm2 irradiance, during different time intervals, and the other one, the control group, was not illuminated. The values of the mechanical constants of the cells of the control group showed a tendency of increasing with the time out of the incubator. On the other hand, the illuminated group showed constancy on the behavior of both moduli, keeping the normal conditions of the cell culture. Those results indicate that illumination can induce cells to homeostasis, and OMTC is sensitive to observe departures from the steady conditions. Hence, OMTC is an important technique which can be used to aggregate knowledge on the light effect in cell cytoskeleton and even on the low level laser therapy mechanisms in inflammatory processes and/or wound healing.
Low level laser therapy is used as a treatment of several conditions, including inflammatory processes and wound healing. Possible changes in mechanical properties of cells, caused by illumination, are investigated with optical magnetic twisting cytometry (OMTC), which is a technique used to evaluate mechanical properties in cell culture. Ferromagnetic micro beads are bound to cell cytoskeleton, the beads are magnetized vertically and a horizontal twisting magnetic field is applied causing a torque that moves the beads and deforms the cell, the beads rotate and displace. Based on the lateral displacement of the beads, elastic shear and loss moduli are obtained. Samples of human bronchial epithelial cell culture were divided in two groups: one was illuminated with a 660 nm red laser, 30 mW power, 0.75 W/cm2 irradiance, during different time intervals, and the other one, the control group, was not illuminated. The values of the mechanical constants of the cells of the control group showed a tendency of increasing with the time out of the incubator. On the other hand, the illuminated group showed constancy on the behavior of both moduli, keeping the normal conditions of the cell culture. Those results indicate that illumination can induce cells to homeostasis, and OMTC is sensitive to observe departures from the steady conditions. Hence, OMTC is an important technique which can be used to aggregate knowledge on the light effect in cell cytoskeleton and even on the low level laser therapy mechanisms in inflammatory processes and/or wound healing.
Polyphenols, including flavonoids and stilbenes, are an essential part of human diet and constitute one of the most abundant and ubiquitous group of plant secondary metabolites. The level of these compounds is inducible by stress or fungal attack, so attempts are being made to identify likely biotic and abiotic elicitors and to better understand the underlying mechanism. Resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene), which belongs to the stilbene family, is a naturally occurring polyphenol, found in several fruits, vegetables and beverages including red wine. It is one of the most important plant polyphenols with proved benefic activity on animal health. In the last two decades, the potential protective effects of resveratrol against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the chemopreventive properties against cancer, have been largely investigated. The most important source of polyphenols and in particular resveratrol for human diet is grape (Vitis vinifera). Since stilbenes and flavonoids play a very important role in plant defence responses and enviromental interactions, and their effects on human health seem promising, the aim of the research of this Thesis was to study at different levels the activation and the regulation of their biosynthetic pathways after chitosan treatment. Moreover, the polyphenol production in grape cells and the optimisation of cultural conditions bioreactor scale-up, were also investigated. Cell suspensions were obtained from cv. Barbera (Vitis vinifera L.) petioles and were treated with a biotic elicitor, chitosan (50 μg/mL, dissolved in acetic acid) to promote phenylpropanoid metabolism. Chitosan is a D-glucosamine polymer from fungi cell wall and therefore mimes fungal pathogen attack. Liquid cultures have been monitored for 15 days, measuring cell number, cell viability, pH and grams of fresh weight. The endogenous and released amounts of 7 stilbenes (trans and cis isomers of resveratrol, piceid and resveratroloside, and piceatannol), gallic acid, 6 hydroxycinnamic acids (trans-cinnamic, p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, sinapic and chlorogenic acids), 5 catechines (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin and epicatechin-gallate) and other 5 flavonoids (chalcon, naringenin, kaempferol, quercetin and rutin) in cells and cultural medium, were measured by HPLC-DAD analysis and total anthocyanins were quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Chitosan was effective in stimulating trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation with a sharp peak at day 4 (exceeding acetic acid and water controls by 36% and 63%, respectively), while it did not influence the production of the cis-isomer. Compared to both water and acetic acid controls, chitosan decreased the release of both trans- and cis-resveratrol respect to controls. No effect was shown on the accumulation of single resveratrol mono-glucoside isomers, but considering their total amount, normalized for the relative water control, it was possible to evidence an increase in both accumulation and release of those compounds, in chitosan-treated cells, throughout the culture period and particularly during the second week. Many of the analysed flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids were not present or detectable in trace amounts. Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) were detectable both inside the cells and in the culture media, but chitosan did not affect their amounts. On the contrary, total anthocyanins have been stimulated by chitosan and their level, from day 4 to 14, was about 2-fold higher than in both controls, confirming macroscopic observations that treated suspensions showed an intense brown-red color, from day 3 onwards. These elicitation results suggest that chitosan selectively up-regulates specific biosynthetic pathways, without modifying the general accumulation pattern of other flavonoids. Proteins have been extracted from cells at day 4 of culture (corresponding to the production peak of trans-resveratrol) and separated by bidimensional electrophoresis. The 73 proteins that showed a consistently changed amount between untreated, chitosan and acetic acid (chitosan solvent) treated cells, have been identified by mass spectrometry. Chitosan induced an increase in stilbene synthase (STS, the resveratrol biosynthetic enzyme), chalcone-flavanone isomerase (CHI, that switches the pathway from chalcones to flavones and anthocyanins), pathogenesis-related proteins 10 (PRs10, a large family of defence proteins), and a decrease in many proteins belonging to primary metabolisms. A train of six distinct spots of STS encoded by the same gene and increased by chitosan, was detected on the 2-D gels, and related to the different phosphorylation degree of STS spots. Northern blot analyses have been performed on RNA extracted from cells treated with chitosan and relative controls, using probes for STS, PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase, the first enzyme of the biosynthetic pathway), CHS (chalcone synthase, that shares with STS the same precursors), CHI and PR-10. The up-regulation of PAL, CHS and CHI transcript expression levels correlated with the accumulation of anthocyanins. The strong increase of different molecular weight PR-10 mRNAs, correlated with the 11 PR-10 protein spots identified in proteomic analyses. The sudden decrease in trans-resveratrol endogenous accumulation after day 4 of culture, could be simply explained by the diminished resveratrol biosynthetic activity due to the lower amount of biosynthetic enzymes. This might be indirectly demonstrated by northern blot expression analyses, that showed lower levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and stilbene synthase (STS) mRNAs starting from day 4. Other possible explanations could be a resveratrol oxidation process and/or the formation of other different mono-, di-glucosides and resveratrol oligomers such as viniferins. Immunolocalisation experiments performed on grape protoplasts and the subsequent analyses by confocal microscope, showed that STS, and therefore the resveratrol synthetic site, is mostly associated to intracellular membranes close to the cytosolic side of plasma membrane and in a smaller amount is localized in the cytosol. STS seemed not to be present inside vacuole and nucleus. There were no differences in the STS intracellular localisation between the different treatments. Since it was shown that stilbenes are largely released in the culture medium and that STS is a soluble protein, a possible interaction of STS with a plasma membrane transporter responsible for the extrusion of stilbenes in the culture medium, might be hypothesized. Proteomic analyses performed on subcellular fractions identified in the microsomial fraction 5 proteins taking part in channel complexes or associated with channels, that significantly changed their amount after chitosan treatment. In soluble and membrane fractions respectively 3 and 4 STS and 6 and 3 PR-10 have been identified. Proteomic results obtained from subcellular fractions substantially confirmed previous result obtained from total cell protein extracts and added more information about protein localisation and co-localisation. The interesting results obtained on Barbera cell cultures with the aim to increase polyphenol (especially stilbenes) production, have encouraged scale up tests in 1 litre bioreactors. The first trial fermentation was performed in parallel with a normal time-course in 20 mL flasks, showing that the scale-up (bigger volume and different conditions) process influenced in a very relevant way stilbenes production. In order to optimise culture parameters such as medium sucrose amount, fermentation length and inoculum cell concentration, few other fermentations were performed. Chitosan treatments were also performed. The modification of each parameter brought relevant variations in stilbenes and catechins levels, so that the production of a certain compound (or class of compounds) could be hypothetically promoted by modulating one or more culture parameters. For example the catechin yield could be improved by increasing sucrose content and the time of fermentation. The best results in stilbene yield were obtained in a 800 mL fermentation inoculated with 10.8 grams of cells and supplemented with chitosan. The culture was fed with MS medium added with 30 g/L sucrose, 25 μg/mL rifampicin and 50 μg/mL of chitosan, and was maintained at 24°C, stirred by marine impeller at 100 rpm and supplied of air at 0.16 L/min rate. Resveratroloside was the stilbene present in the larger amount, 3-5 times more than resveratrol. Because resveratrol glucosides are similarly active and more stable than free resveratrol, their production using a bioreactor could be a great advantage in an hypothetical industrial process. In my bioreactor tests, stilbenes were mainly released in the culture medium (60-80% of the total) and this fact could be another advantage for industrial applications, because it allows recovering the products directly from the culture medium without stopping the fermentation and/or killing the cells. In my best cultural conditions, it was possible to obtain 3.95 mg/L of stilbenes at day 4 (maximum resveratrol accumulation) and 5.13 mg/L at day 14 (maximum resveratroloside production). In conclusion, chitosan effect in inducing Vitis vinifera defense mechanisms can be related to its ability to increase the intracellular content of a large spectrum of antioxidants, and in particular of resveratrol, its derivates and anthocyanins. Its effect can be observed at transcriptional, proteomic (variation of soluble and membrane protein amounts) and metabolic (polyphenols production) level. The chitosan ability to elicit specific plant matabolisms can be useful to produce large quantities of antioxidant compounds from cell culture in bioreactor.
A large body of literature documents in both mice and Drosophila the involvement of Insulin pathway in growth regulation, probably due to its role in glucose and lipid import, nutrient storage, and translation of RNAs implicated in ribosome biogenesis (Vanhaesebroeck et al. 2001). Moreover several lines of evidence implicate this pathway as a causal factor in cancer (Sale, 2008; Zeng and Yee 2007; Hursting et al., 2007; Chan et al., 2008). With regards to Myc, studies in cell culture have implied this family of transcription factors as regulators of the cell cycle that are rapidly induced in response to growth factors. Myc is a potent oncogene, rearranged and overexpressed in a wide range of human tumors and necessary during development. Its conditional knock-out in mice results in reduction of body weight due to defect in cell proliferation (Trumpp et al. 2001). Evidence from in vivo studies in Drosophila and mammals suggests a critical function for myc in cell growth regulation (Iritani and Eisenman 1999; Johnston et al. 1999; Kim et al. 2000; de Alboran et al. 2001; Douglas et al. 2001). This role is supported by our analysis of Myc target genes in Drosophila, which include genes involved in RNA binding, processing, ribosome biogenesis and nucleolar function (Orain et al 2003, Bellosta et al., 2005, Hulf et al, 2005). The fact that Insulin signaling and Myc have both been associated with growth control suggests that they may interact with each other. However, genetic evidence suggesting that Insulin signaling regulates Myc in vivo is lacking. In this work we were able to show, for the first time, a direct modulation of dMyc in response to Insulin stimulation/silencing both in vitro and in vivo. Our results suggest that dMyc up-regulation in response to DILPs signaling occurs both at the mRNA and potein level. We believe dMyc protein accumulation after Insulin signaling activation is conditioned to AKT-dependent GSK3β/sgg inactivation. In fact, we were able to demonstate that dMyc protein stabilization through phosphorylation is a conserved feature between Drosophila and vertebrates and requires multiple events. The final phosphorylation step, that results in a non-stable form of dMyc protein, ready to be degraded by the proteasome, is performed by GSK3β/sgg kinase (Sears, 2004). At the same time we demonstrated that CKI family of protein kinase are required to prime dMyc phosphorylation. DILPs and TOR/Nutrient signalings are known to communicate at several levels (Neufeld, 2003). For this reason we further investigated TOR contribution to dMyc-dependent growth regulation. dMyc protein accumulates in S2 cells after aminoacid stimulation, while its mRNA does not seem to be affected upon TORC1 inhibition, suggesting that the Nutrient pathway regulates dMyc mostly post-transcriptionally. In support to this hypothesis, we observed a TORC1-dependent GSK3β/sgg inactivation, further confirming a synergic effect of DILPs and Nutrients on dMyc protein stability. On the other hand, our data show that Rheb but not S6K, both downstream of the TOR kinase, contributes to the dMyc-induced growth of the eye tissue, suggesting that Rheb controls growth independently of S6K.. Moreover, Rheb seems to be able to regulate organ size during development inducing cell death, a mechanism no longer occurring in absence of dmyc. These observations suggest that Rheb might control growth through a new pathway independent of TOR/S6K but still dependent on dMyc. In order to dissect the mechanism of dMyc regulation in response to these events, we analyzed the relative contribution of Rheb, TOR and S6K to dMyc expression, biochemically in S2 cells and in vivo in morphogenetic clones and we further confirmed an interplay between Rheb and Myc that seems to be indipendent from TOR. In this work we clarified the mechanisms that stabilize dMyc protein in vitro and in vivo and we observed for the first time dMyc responsiveness to DILPs and TOR. At the same time, we discovered a new branch of the Nutrient pathway that appears to drive growth through dMyc but indipendently from TOR. We believe our work shed light on the mechanisms cells use to grow or restrain growth in presence/absence of growth promoting cues and for this reason it contributes to understand the physiology of growth control.
Chromatography represents one of the most important and widely used unit operation in the biotechnology industry. However this technique suffers from several limitations such as high pressure drop, slow mass transfer through the diffusive pores and strong dependence of the binding capacity on flow rate. In this work, affinity membranes with improved capacity have been considered as an alternative technology for the capturing step in antibody manufacturing. Several affinity membranes have been prepared starting from various membrane supports. Different affinity ligands have been utilized like Protein A, the natural ligand of choice for antibodies, as well as synthetic ligands that exhibit affinity for the Fc portion of antibodies. The membranes have been characterized in detail: binding and elution performance was evaluated in adsorption experiments using pure IgG solutions, while membrane selectivity was evaluated using complex solutions like a cell culture supernatant. The most promising affinity membranes were extensively tested in dynamic experiments. The effects of operating parameters like feed concentration and flow rate on separation performances like binding capacity, selectivity and process yield have been studied in detail in order to find the optimal conditions for binding and elution steps. The membranes have been used over several complete chromatographic cycles to evaluate the effects of ageing and of membrane regeneration on dynamic binding capacity. A novel mathematical model is proposed that can describe all the chromatographic steps involved in the membrane affinity chromatography process for protein purification. The mathematical description is based on the species continuity equation coupled with a proper binding kinetic equation, and suitable to describe adequately the dispersion phenomena occurring both in the micro-porous membranes as well as in the extra-column devices used in the system. The model considers specifically all the different chromatographic steps, namely adsorption, washing and elution. The few relevant fitting parameters of the model were derived from a calibration with the experimental affinity cycles performed with pure IgG solutions, then the model is used to describe experimental data obtained in chromatographic cycles carried out with complex feeds as the cell culture supernatant. Simulations reveal a good agreement with experimental data in all the chromatography steps, both in the case of pure IgG solutions and for the cell culture supernatant considered.
The Ctr family is an essential part of the copper homeostasis machinery and its members share sequence homology and structural and functional features. Higher eukaryotes express two members of this family Ctr1 and Ctr2. Numerous structural and functional studies are available for Ctr1, the only high affinity Cu(I) transporter thus far identified. Ctr1 holigotrimers mediate cellular copper uptake and this protein was demonstrated to be essential for embryonic development and to play a crucial role in dietary copper acquisition. Instead very little is known about Ctr2, it bears structural homology to the yeast vacuolar copper transporter, which mediates mobilization of vacuolar copper stores. Recent studies using over-expressed epitope-tagged forms of human Ctr2 suggested a function as a low affinity copper transporter that can mediate either copper uptake from the extracellular environment or mobilization of lysosomal copper stores. Using an antibody that recognizes endogenous mouse Ctr2, we studied the expression and localization of endogenous mouse Ctr2 in cell culture and in mouse models to understand its regulation and function in copper homeostasis. By immunoblot we observed a regulation of mCtr2 protein levels in a copper and Ctr1 dependent way. Our observations in cells and transgenic mice suggest that lack of Ctr1 induces a strong downregulation of Ctr2 probably by a post-translational mechanism. By indirect immunofluorescence we observed an exclusive intracellular localization in a perinuclear compartment and no co-localization with lysosomal markers. Immunofluorescence experiments in Ctr1 null cells, supported by sequence analysis, suggest that lysosomes may play a role in mCtr2 biology not as resident compartment, but as a degradation site. In appendix a LC-mass method for analysis of algal biotoxins belonging to the family of PsP (paralytic shellfish poisoning) is described.
Tissue engineering is a discipline that aims at regenerating damaged biological tissues by using a cell-construct engineered in vitro made of cells grown into a porous 3D scaffold. The role of the scaffold is to guide cell growth and differentiation by acting as a bioresorbable temporary substrate that will be eventually replaced by new tissue produced by cells. As a matter or fact, the obtainment of a successful engineered tissue requires a multidisciplinary approach that must integrate the basic principles of biology, engineering and material science. The present Ph.D. thesis aimed at developing and characterizing innovative polymeric bioresorbable scaffolds made of hydrolysable polyesters. The potentialities of both commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-e-caprolactone, polylactide and some lactide copolymers) and of non-commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-w-pentadecalactone and some of its copolymers) were explored and discussed. Two techniques were employed to fabricate scaffolds: supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) foaming and electrospinning (ES). The former is a powerful technology that enables to produce 3D microporous foams by avoiding the use of solvents that can be toxic to mammalian cells. The scCO2 process, which is commonly applied to amorphous polymers, was successfully modified to foam a highly crystalline poly(w-pentadecalactone-co-e-caprolactone) copolymer and the effect of process parameters on scaffold morphology and thermo-mechanical properties was investigated. In the course of the present research activity, sub-micrometric fibrous non-woven meshes were produced using ES technology. Electrospun materials are considered highly promising scaffolds because they resemble the 3D organization of native extra cellular matrix. A careful control of process parameters allowed to fabricate defect-free fibres with diameters ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several microns, having either smooth or porous surface. Moreover, versatility of ES technology enabled to produce electrospun scaffolds from different polyesters as well as “composite” non-woven meshes by concomitantly electrospinning different fibres in terms of both fibre morphology and polymer material. The 3D-architecture of the electrospun scaffolds fabricated in this research was controlled in terms of mutual fibre orientation by properly modifying the instrumental apparatus. This aspect is particularly interesting since the micro/nano-architecture of the scaffold is known to affect cell behaviour. Since last generation scaffolds are expected to induce specific cell response, the present research activity also explored the possibility to produce electrospun scaffolds bioactive towards cells. Bio-functionalized substrates were obtained by loading polymer fibres with growth factors (i.e. biomolecules that elicit specific cell behaviour) and it was demonstrated that, despite the high voltages applied during electrospinning, the growth factor retains its biological activity once released from the fibres upon contact with cell culture medium. A second fuctionalization approach aiming, at a final stage, at controlling cell adhesion on electrospun scaffolds, consisted in covering fibre surface with highly hydrophilic polymer brushes of glycerol monomethacrylate synthesized by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Future investigations are going to exploit the hydroxyl groups of the polymer brushes for functionalizing the fibre surface with desired biomolecules. Electrospun scaffolds were employed in cell culture experiments performed in collaboration with biochemical laboratories aimed at evaluating the biocompatibility of new electrospun polymers and at investigating the effect of fibre orientation on cell behaviour. Moreover, at a preliminary stage, electrospun scaffolds were also cultured with tumour mammalian cells for developing in vitro tumour models aimed at better understanding the role of natural ECM on tumour malignity in vivo.
ZusammenfassungMorbus Alzheimer ist eine progressive, neurodegenerative Erkrankung, die weltweit die häufigste Form der Demenz darstellt und im mittleren bis späten Lebensabschnitt auftritt. Die neuropathologischen Merkmale beinhalten das Auftreten von extrazellulären Ablagerungen aus fibrillogenem Aß42 Peptiden in senilen Plaques und intraneuronalen Akkumulationen von hyperphosphoryliertem Tau in sogenannten neurofibrillären Bündeln. Obwohl die meisten Alzheimer Fälle sporadisch und Alters-assoziiert auftreten, gibt es eine autosomal dominant vererbte Form (FAD; Familial Alzheimer Disease), die schon in einem frühen Lebensabschnitt (ab 28 Jahren) ausbrechen kann. Diese aggressive Alzheimer Form wird durch Mutationen im Amyloid-Precursor-Protein-Gen (APP) oder den Presenilin-Genen (PS-1 und PS-2) ausgelöst. Die Presenilin (PS) Proteine sind entscheidend an der Entstehung von Aß beteiligt. So erhöhen FAD-assoziierte Mutationen in PS-1 und PS-2 die Bildung von Aß42. Außerdem verhindern sowohl homozygote PS-1 Null-Mutationen (PS-1-/-) in transgenen Mäusen, als auch dominant negative PS-1 Mutationen in Kulturzellen die Ab Bildung. Diese Belege sprechen für die zur Zeit favorisierte Amyloid Hypothese, in der die toxische Wirkung des Aß-Peptides in der Entstehung der Alzheimer Erkrankung eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Die y-Sekretase ist eine Protease, deren Aktivität für die Entstehung von Ab aus dem Vorläuferprotein APP essentiell ist. Damit bildet sie einen möglichen Ansatzpunkt, um grundlegend in den Prozeß der Ab Bildung einzugreifen. Die y-Sekretase ist allerdings noch nicht identifiziert oder kloniert. Es gibt Hinweise, daß die Preseniline y-Sekretase Aktivität besitzen könnten. Diese Theorie ist bis heute jedoch nicht eindeutig belegt. In dieser Arbeit sollten die molekularen Mechanismen der Ab Entstehung und insbesondere die Beteiligung der Preseniline an diesem Prozeß untersucht werden. Dazu wurde zunächst die subzelluläre Verteilung der endogenen Preseniline analysiert. Es konnte erstmalig ein Unterschied in der subzellulären Verteilung zwischen PS-1 und PS-2 festgestellt werden. PS-1 war vorwiegend im ER lokalisiert, wogegen PS-2 stark im Golgi-Apparat angereichert war. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde nach möglichen Interaktionen der Preseniline mit C-terminalen APP Fragmenten gesucht, die die Substrate der y-Sekretase darstellen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Preseniline mit einem 21 kDa großen C-terminalen APP Fragment interagieren. Dabei band die Mutante-Form der Preseniline mehr C-terminales APP Fragment als die Wildtyp-Form. Weiterhin wurde ein zellfreies System zur indirekten Bestimmung der y-Sekretase Aktivität etabliert. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird es möglich, Inhibitoren der y-Sekretase zu identifizieren. Die Spezifität des zellfreien Testsystems konnte dadurch deutlich gemacht werden, daß das PS-1, das schon in Zellkultur als essentielle Proteinkomponente zur Entstehung von Aß beschrieben wurde, auch in diesem zellfreien y-Sekretase System notwendig war. Allgemeine Proteaseinhibitoren, die alle bekannten Proteasemechanismen abdeckten, zeigten keinen Einfluß auf die de novo Bildung von Aß. Es konnte festgestellt werden, daß neben der y-Sekretase als Aß produzierende Protease auch Aß abbauende Proteasen vorlagen. Das pH-Optimum der y-Sekretase wurde im neutralen Bereich festgestellt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß die y-Sekretase eine transmembrane oder zumindest membranassoziierte Protease ist, die keine cytosolischen Komponenten benötigt.
Das Wachstum von Nervenzellen und deren Verbindungen im zentralen und peripheren Nervensystem wird durch Proteine der extrazellulären Matrix kontrolliert. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Matrixprotein Laminin verwendet, um Netzwerke von Nervenzellen auf künstlichen Substraten in vitro zu erzeugen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Lamininstrukturen mit Mikrostempeln aus Polydimethylsiloxan auf Zellkultursubstrate übertragen. Die Mikrostempel wurden in einem mehrstufigen Verfahren durch Abformung von photolithographisch hergestellten Masken angefertigt. Nach Vorversuchen mit neuronal differenzierten Zellen der Zellinien MzN und P19 zur Identifizierung geeigneter Abmessungen der Mikrotrukturen, gelang die Realisierung von Linien- und Gitternetzwerken sowie von komplexeren Schaltungen. Eine morphologische Charakterisierung der erzeugten Netzwerke erfolgte durch Phasenkontrast- und Fluoreszenzmikroskopie.Elektrophysiologische Messungen wurden mit der Patch-Clamp Technik an einer Kultur von Nervenzellen aus primär isolierten Hirnschnitten durchgeführt. Der Erhalt des intakten Zellverbundes im Hirnschnitt sollte Bedingungen möglichst nahe zur Situation in vivo schaffen, um die Bildung von Synapsen zu begünstigen. In Patch-Clamp Messungen an bis zu drei Neuronen gleichzeitig, gelang der Nachweis synaptischer Kopplung in strukturierten Netzwerken solcher Hirnschnitt-Kulturen. Sowohl funktionale chemische Synapsen, als auch Ohm'sche Kopplung über Gap-Junctions wurde beobachtet. Es wurde ein elektrisches Kopplungsmodell abgeleitet. Die Signalleitung in den Nervenfasern erfolgt demnach wie in einem zylindrischen, durch die Zellmembran von der Umgebung isolierten Kabel.
Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist der Haupterreger der parenteral übertragenen non-A non-B Hepatitis. Bisher wurde die Erforschung der Replikation und Pathogenese des HCV durch das Fehlen eines effizienten und verläßlichen Zellkultursystems behindert.Virale RNA aus infizierten humanen Leberzellen wurde isoliert und kloniert. Mit Hilfe eines Vergleichs mehrerer Klone wurde eine isolatspezifische Konsensussequenz bestimmt, auf deren Basis ein Konsensusgenom konstruiert wurde. Mit dem Konsensusgenom als Grundlage wurden subgenomische RNA-Moleküle, sogenannte âselektionierbare Replikonsâ hergestellt. Nach Transfektion der Replikons in humane HuH-7 Hepatoma-Zellen konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Replikons autonom und in hohem Maße in den Wirtszellen replizierten.Die Arbeit definiert die Struktur von HCV-Replikons, die in Zellkultur funktionell sind. Damit wird die Basis für ein lange gesuchtes HCV-Zellkultursystem geschaffen, welches das Studium der HCV-Replikation im Detail und die Entwicklung antiviral wirksamer Substanzen ermöglicht.