982 resultados para COMB GENERATOR


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Con esta nota, siguiendo en parte a SMITH 1978, se rectitica la determinación de Zygodon baumgartneri Malta, identificado como Z. viridissimus (Dicks.) R. Brown en los herbarios BCB y BCF, y llamaremos Z. baumgartneri Malta fo. mediterranea (Malta) comb. nov. a las especies de Z. viridissimus (Dicks.) R. Brown fo. mediterranea Malta.


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Se ha realizado un estudio anatómico (frutos y hojas) en 24 poblaciones de Bupleurum salicifolium R. Brown in Buch recogidas en las lslas Canarias Occidentales y Madeira, lo que nos ha permitido evidenciar una estructura uniforme de los frutos. Por el contrario, en las hojas se han observado tres tipos de estructuras, así como la existencia de un canal oleoso, cuya presencia o ausencia coincide con la distribución geográfica de la especie en las diferentes islas. Estas observaciones nos han inducido a hacer una nueva propuesta sistemática: B. salicifolium subsp. salicifolium con dos variedades, var. salicifolium (Madeira y Gomera) y var. robustum comb. nova (Gomera), y subsp. aciphyllum (La Palma, Hierro, Tenerife y Gran Canaria).La importancia de cada uno de los tipos de hojas en las diferentes islas nos ha pemitido asimismo proponer un esquema de dispersión de la especie. La existencia de estructuras consideradas como más primitivas, así como la desaparición de las poblaciones diploides, permiten suponer que B. salicifolium es una especie antigua que conserva su número base de origen x = 8 (En francés).


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Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.


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A generic architecture for implementing a QR array processor in silicon is presented. This improves on previous research by considerably simplifying the derivation of timing schedules for a QR system implemented as a folded linear array, where account has to be taken of processor cell latency and timing at the detailed circuit level. The architecture and scheduling derived have been used to create a generator for the rapid design of System-on-a-Chip (SoC) cores for QR decomposition. This is demonstrated through the design of a single-chip architecture for implementing an adaptive beamformer for radar applications. Published as IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems Part II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, April 2003 NOT Express Briefs. Parts 1 and II of Journal reorganised since then into Regular Papers and Express briefs


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This paper presents a new method for complex power flow tracing that can be used for allocating the transmission loss to loads or generators. Two algorithms for upstream tracing (UST) and downstream tracing (DST) of the complex power are introduced. UST algorithm traces the complex power extracted by loads back to source nodes and assigns a fraction of the complex power flow through each line to each load. DST algorithm traces the output of the generators down to the sink nodes determining the contributions of each generator to the complex power flow and losses through each line. While doing so, active- and reactive-power flows as well as complex losses are considered simultaneously, not separately as most of the available methods do. Transmission losses are taken into consideration during power flow tracing. Unbundling line losses are carried out using an equation, which has a physical basis, and considers the coupling between active- and reactive-power flows as well as the cross effects of active and reactive powers on active and reactive losses. The tracing algorithms introduced can be considered direct to a good extent, as there is no need for exhaustive search to determine the flow paths as these are determined in a systematic way during the course of tracing. Results of application of the proposed method are also presented.


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On the basis of comparative morphology and phylogenetic analyses of rbcL and LSU rDNA sequence data, a new genus, Gayliella gen. nov., is proposed to accommodate the Ceramium flaccidum complex (C. flaccidum, C. byssoideum, C. gracillimum var. byssoideum, and C. taylorii), C. fimbriatum, and a previously undescribed species from Australia. C. transversale is reinstated and recognized as a distinct species. Through this study, G. flaccida (Kutzing) comb. nov., G. transversalis (Collins et Hervey) comb. nov., G. fimbriata (Setchell et N. L. Gardner) comb. nov., G. taylorii comb. nov., G. mazoyerae sp. nov., and G. womersleyi sp. nov. are based on detailed comparative morphology. The species referred to as C. flaccidum and C. dawsonii from Brazil also belong to the new genus. Comparison of Gayliella with Ceramium shows that it differs from the latter by having an alternate branching pattern; three cortical initials per periaxial cell, of which the third is directed basipetally and divides horizontally; and unicellular rhizoids produced from periaxial cells. Our phylogenetic analyses of rbcL and LSU rDNA gene sequence data confirm that Gayliella gen. nov. represents a monophyletic clade distinct from most Ceramium species including the type species, C. virgatum. We also transfer C. recticorticum to the new genus Gayliella.


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The paper presents a multiple input single output fuzzy logic governor algorithm that can be used to improve the transient response of a diesel generating set, when supplying an islanded load. The proposed governor uses the traditional speed input in addition to voltage and power factor to modify the fuelling requirements during various load disturbances. The use of fuzzy logic control allows the use of PID type structures that can provide variable gain strategies to account for non-linearities in the system. Fuzzy logic also provides a means of processing other input information by linguistic reasoning and a logical control output to aid the governor action during transient disturbance. The test results were obtained using a 50 kVA naturally aspirated diesel generator testing facility. Both real and reactive load tests were conducted. The complex load test results demonstrate that, by using additional inputs to the governor algorithm, enhanced generator transient speed recovery response can be obtained.


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Synchronisation of small distributed generation, 30 kVA–2 MVA, employing salient-pole synchronous machines is normally performed within a narrow range of tolerances for voltage, frequency and phase angle. However, there are situations when the ability to synchronise with non-ideal conditions would be beneficial. Such applications include power system islanding and rapid generator start-up. The physical process and effect of out-of-phase synchronisation is investigated both through simulation and experimental tests on a salient-pole alternator. There are many factors that affect synchronisation, but particular attention is given to synchronisation angle, voltage difference and, as generators will be loaded during islanding, the load angle. The results suggest that it would be acceptable for the maximum synchronisation angle of distributed generation to exceed that of current practice. Interesting observations on the nature of out-of-phase synchronisation are made, including some specific to small salient-pole synchronous machines. Furthermore, recommendations are made for synchronisation under different system conditions.


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We present a practical approach to Natural Language Generation (NLG) for spoken dialogue systems. The approach is based on small template fragments (mini-templates). The system’s object architecture facilitates generation of phrases across pre-defined business domains and registers, as well as into different languages. The architecture simplifies NLG in well-understood application contexts, while providing the flexibility for a developer and for the system, to vary linguistic output according to dialogue context, including any intended affective impact. Mini-templates are used with a suite of domain term objects, resulting in an NLG system (MINTGEN – MINi-Template GENerator) whose extensibility and ease of maintenance is enhanced by the sparsity of information devoted to individual domains. The system also avoids the need for specialist linguistic competence on the part of the system maintainer.


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This paper investigates the performance characteristics of rapeseed methyl ester, EN 14214 biodiesel, when used for electrical generation in compression ignition engines. The work was inspired by the need to replace fossil diesel fuel with a sustainable low carbon alternative while maintaining generator performance, power quality, and compliance with ISO 8528-5. A 50-kVA Perkins diesel engine generator was used to assess the impact of biodiesel with particular regard to gen-set fuel consumption, load acceptance, and associated standards. Tests were performed on the diesel gen-set for islanded and grid-connected modes of operation, hence both steady-state and transient performance were fully explored. Performance comparisons were made with conventional fossil diesel fuel, revealing minimal technical barriers for electrical generation from this sustainable, carbon benign fuel. Recommendations for improved transient performance are proposed and validated through tests.


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This paper proposes a coordinated control of the rotor and grid side converters (RSC & GSC) of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind generation systems under unbalanced voltage conditions. System behaviors and operations of the RSC and GSC under unbalanced voltage are illustrated. To provide enhanced operation, the RSC is controlled to eliminate the torque oscillations at double supply frequency under unbalanced stator supply. The oscillation of the stator output active power is then cancelled by the active power output from the GSC, to ensure constant active power output from the overall DFIG generation system. To provide the required positive and negative sequence currents control for the RSC and GSC, a current control strategy containing a main controller and an auxiliary controller is analyzed. The main controller is implemented in the positive (dq)+ frame without involving positive/negative sequence decomposition whereas the auxiliary controller is implemented in the negative sequence (dq)? frame with negative sequence current extracted. Simulation results using EMTDC/PSCAD are presented for a 2MW DFIG wind generation system to validate the proposed control scheme and to show the enhanced system operation during unbalanced voltage supply.


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This paper investigates the control and operation of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and fixed-speed induction generator (FSIG) based wind farms under unbalanced grid conditions. A DFIG system model suitable for analyzing unbalanced operation is developed, and used to assess the impact of an unbalanced supply on DFIG and FSIG operation. Unbalanced voltage at DFIG and FSIG terminals can cause unequal heating on the stator windings, extra mechanical stresses and output power fluctuations. These problems are particularly serious for the FSIG-based wind farm without a power electronic interface to the grid. To improve the stability of a wind energy system containing both DFIG and FSIG based wind farms during network unbalance, a control strategy of unbalanced voltage compensation by the DFIG systems is proposed. The DFIG system compensation ability and the impact of transmission network impedance are illustrated. The simulation results implemented in Matlab/Simulink show that the proposed DFIG control system improves not only its own performance, but also the stability of the FSIG system with the same grid connection point during network unbalance.


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This paper proposes a decoupled fault ride-through strategy for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to enhance network stability during grid disturbances. The decoupled operation proposes that a DFIG operates as an induction generator (IG) with the converter unit acting as a reactive power source during a fault condition. The transition power characteristics of the DFIG have been analyzed to derive the capability of the proposed strategy under various system conditions. The optimal crowbar resistance is obtained to exploit the maximum power capability from the DFIG during decoupled operation. The methods have been established to ensure proper coordination between the IG mode and reactive power compensation from the grid-side converter during decoupled operation. The viability and benefits of the proposed strategy are demonstrated using different test network structures and different wind penetration levels. Control performance has been benchmarked against existing grid code standards and commercial wind generator systems, based on the optimal network support required (i.e., voltage or frequency) by the system operator from a wind farm installed at a particular location.


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As architects and designers we have a responsibility to provide an inclusive built environment. For the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) sufferer however, the built environment can be a frightening and confusing place, difficult to negotiate and tolerate. The challenge of integrating more fully into society is denied by an alienating built environment. This barrier can be magnified for ASD pupils in a poorly designed school, where their environment can further distance them from learning. Instead, if more at ease in their surroundings, in an ASD friendly environment, the ASD pupil stands a greater chance of doing better.

Whilst researchers have looked at the classroomenvironment, the transition of classroom to corridor andbeyond has so far been largely ignored. However, theneed for a well-considered threshold between class andcorridor needs to be considered. In this regard, threshold is much more than a doorway, but instead an event that demands a carefully considered place. The following paper firstly outlines why threshold as place andevent for the ASD pupil should be given consideration. It then goes onto highlight, through case studies in anIrish context, the opportunities for aiding the ASD pupil integrating in a mainstream school environment throughsensitive use of threshold. Finally it highlights inconclusion, some of the benefits for an enriched school environment for all pupils, if considering threshold as design generator.The objective is straightforward. By increasing awareness of the relationship between the ASD child and the built environment it will hopefully facilitate greater inclusion of the ASD pupil into mainstream education and society at large.


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Turbocompounding is generally regarded as the process of recovering a proportion of the exhaust gas energy from a reciprocating engine and applying it to the output power of the crankshaft. In conventional turbocompounding, the power turbine has been mechanically connected to the crankshaft but now a new method has emerged. Recent advances in high speed electrical machines have enabled the power turbine to be coupled to an electric generator. Decoupling the power turbine from the crankshaft and coupling it to a generator allows the power electronics to control the turbine speed independently in order to optimize the turbine efficiency for different engine operating conditions.