885 resultados para BILE-DUCTS


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We investigated the potential of secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2))-induced pancreatitis to promote abdominal hyperalgesia, as well as to depolarize sensory fibres in vitro using a grease-gap technique. Pancreatitis was induced by the injection of sPLA(2) from Crotalus durissus terrificus (sPLA(2) Cdt, 300 mu g kg(-1)) venom into the common bile duct of rats. Pancreatic inflammatory signs, serum amylase levels and abdominal hyperalgesia were evaluated in rats treated or not with SR140333, a tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist. Injection of sPLA(2) Cdt caused pancreatic oedema formation and increased pancreatic neutrophil infiltration and serum amylase at 4 h, which returned to normality by 24 h, except for the neutrophil infiltration, which was still increased at this time point. Animals injected with sPLA(2) exhibited a lower withdrawal threshold to electronic von Frey stimulation in the upper abdominal region at 4 h, but not 24 h, post-injection when compared with saline-injected rats. Pre-treatment of animals with SR140333 significantly reduced the sPLA(2) Cdt-induced abdominal hyperalgesia, without affecting the other parameters. Neither sPLA(2) Cdt nor sPLA(2) from Naja mocambique mocambique venom depolarized capsaicin-sensitive sensory fibres from rat vagus nerve, but they decreased the propagated compound action potentials in both A and C fibres. These data show for the first time that NK1 receptors play an important role in the early abdominal hyperalgesia in a rat model of sPLA(2)-induced pancreatitis, suggesting that these receptors are of importance in the development of pain in the pancreatitis condition. We also provide evidence that sPLA(2)s do not directly depolarize sensory fibres in vitro. (C) 2011 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background/aims: Few studies have validated the performance of guidelines for the prediction of choledocholithiasis (CL). Our objective was to prospectively assess the accuracy of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) guidelines for the identification of CL. Methods: A two-year prospective evaluation of patients with suspected CL was performed. We evaluated the ASGE guidelines and its component variables in predicting CL. Results: A total of 256 patients with suspected CL were analyzed. Of the 208 patients with high-probability criteria for CL, 124 (59.6%) were found to have a stone/sludge at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Among 48 patients with intermediate-probability criteria, 21 (43.8%) had a stone/sludge. The performance of ASGE high- and intermediate-probability criteria in our population had an accuracy of 59.0% (85.5% sensitivity, 24.3% specificity) and 41.0% (14.4% sensitivity, 75.6% specificity), respectively. The mean ERCP delay time was 6.1 days in the CL group and 6.4 days in the group without CL, p = 0.638. The presence of a common bile duct (CBD) > 6 mm (OR 2.21; 95% CI, 1.20-4.10), ascending cholangitis (OR 2.37; 95% CI, 1.01-5.55) and a CBD stone visualized on transabdominal US (OR 3.33; 95% CI, 1.48-7.52) were stronger predictors of CL. The occurrence of biliary pancreatitis was a strong protective factor for the presence of a retained CBD stone (OR 0.30; 95% CI, 0.17-0.55). Conclusions: Irrespective of a patient's ASGE probability for CL, the application of current guidelines in our population led to unnecessary performance of ERCPs in nearly half of cases.


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(English)The Swedish industrial sector has overcome the oil crisis and has maintained the energy use constant even though the production has grown. This has been achieved thanks to the development of several energy policies, by the Swedish government, towards the 2020 goals. This thesis carries on this path and performs an energy audit for an old industrial building in Gävle (Sweden) in order to propose different energy efficiency measures to use less energy while maintaining the thermal comfort. The building is in quite a bad shape and some of the areas are unused making them a waste of money. By means of the invoices provided by different companies, the information from the staff and some measures that have been carried out in-situ, the energy balance has been calculated from where conclusions have been drawn. Although it is an industrial building, the study is not going to be focused in the industrial process but in the building’s envelope and support processes, since the unit combines both production and office areas. Therefore, the energy balance is divided in energy supplies (district heating, free heating and sun irradiation) and energy losses (transmission, ventilation hot tap water and infiltrations). The results show that the most important supply is that of the DH whereas the most important losses are the transmission and infiltration. Thus, the measures proposed are focused on the reduction of this relevant parameters. The most important measures are the renovation of the windows, heating systems valves and the ventilation. The glazing of the dwelling is old and some of it is broken accounting for quite a large amount of the losses. The radiator valves are not properly working and there does not exist any temperature control. Therefore the installation of thermostatic valves turns out to be a must. Moreover, some part of the building has no mechanical ventilation but conserves the ducts. These could be utilized if they are connected to the workshop’s ventilation which is capable of generating sufficient flow for the entire building. Finally, although other measures could also be carried out, the ones proposed appear to be the essential ones. A further analysis should be carried out in order to analyze the payback time or investment capability of the company so as to decide between one measure or another. A market study for possible new tenants for the unused parts of the building is also advisable.


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Um teste rápido, que apresente o resultado em curto período de tempo, que seja simples, sensível para detectar baixos níveis de micro-organismos, preciso e que não seja caro, seria o mais adequado para a rotina laboratorial da indústria de alimentos ou mesmo para os laboratórios de Saúde Pública. Um dos métodos alternativos prontos para o uso, comercialmente disponíveis no mercado, são as placas PetrifilmTM. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se há diferença estatística significativa entre o método convencional - empregando o ágar vermelho violeta bile glicose ? e o método alternativo, PetrifilmTM EB (3M Company), para a enumeração de Enterobacteriaceae em carcaças de frango.


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The aim of the present study was to characterize the external morphology and the orientation of burrows constructed by the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus. Data were obtained from two mangrove forests of similar vegetation dominance (Laguncularia racemosa) but differing in flooding heights. These mangroves were located near Barra de Icapara, Iguape City (SP), Brazil, (24 degrees 50'36 '' S-47 degrees 59'53'W). A total of 221 burrows were examined (120 on the high mangrove and 101 on the low mangrove). External morphology of the burrows was recorded by photographs for categorization and description. The directions of the burrow openings were recorded using a geological compass and the declivities of the ducts were measured with a clinometer. Females constructed 70.8% at Site A and 69.4% at Site B of the occupied burrows with the opening facing the margin of the river (P < 0.001), whilst males showed no significant difference in the burrow orientation (P > 0.05) at either site. In females, the tendency for burrow orientation possibly has a reproductive connotation as larval dispersal may be favoured and enhanced by the tides. Four groups of distinct tracks related to the morphotypes and developmental stages of U. cordatus were observed, No sediment constructions associated with the burrows were recorded for this species. Declivity of the burrows from juveniles was lower than from adults (P < 0.05), probably caused by the differential growth of the chelipeds in this species.


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Objetivo general: Determinar las características de las complicaciones por colecistectomía laparoscópica en los pacientes del Hospital Homero Castanier. Periodo Enero a Diciembre de 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo– retrospectivo, tomando como unidad de análisis el total de historias clínicas de aquellos pacientes que se sometieron a una colecistectomía laparoscópica y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión en el Hospital Homero Castanier, durante el periodo enero a diciembre de 2014. La información fue recolectada en formularios previamente elaborados, los datos se analizaron en el paquete estadístico SPSS 15.0 y programa de Excel utilizando distribuciones de frecuencia y porcentajes. Los resultados se presentan en tablas y gráficos estadísticos con su respectiva interpretación. Resultados: De la población estudiada (198 casos) se encontraron en una edad entre 14 a 86 años, con una media de 40 años; el 81.3% correspondió a mujeres, siendo en menor porcentaje los casos de hombres con 18,7%. Del total de casos estudiados el 8.6% presentaron algún tipo de complicación, dentro de estas lo más frecuente fue por biliperitoneo con un 5.1% (10 casos), con menor frecuencia se encontraron casos de pancreatitis 0,5%. El tratamiento utilizado en la mayoría de las complicaciones fue quirúrgico ya que fueron corregidas durante el transoperatorio. Conclusión: De los pacientes colecistectomizados el 8,6% presentaron complicaciones por la cirugía, de los cuales la mayoría recibió tratamiento quirúrgico


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A região epididimária do pato doméstico era composta pelos ductúlos eferentes, os quais hitotopologicamente foram caracterizados como dúctulos eferentes proximal e distal e, sequencialmente, pelo ducto epididimal. O epitélio dos dúctulos eferentes era pseudo-estratificado, formado por células colunares. O epitélio dos ductos epididimários mostrou-se também pseudo-estratificado, mas não ciliado. de acordo com as análises histomorfométricas, a média da altura epitelial foi significativamente maior nos dútulos esferentes distais, diferindo das baixas médias de altura epitelial observadas nos dúctulos eferentes proximais e ducto epididimal. A média dos diâmetros máximos e mínimos foi significativamente maior nos dúctulos eferentes proximais, comparativamente as médias dos mesmos diâmetros dos outros dúctulos.


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Corrosion of steel tendons is a major problem for post-tensioned concrete, especially because corrosion of the steel strands is often hard to detect inside grouted ducts. Non-metallic tendons can serve as an alternative material to steel for post-tensioning applications. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), given its higher strength and elastic modulus, as well as excellent durability and fatigue strength, is the most practical option for post-tensioning applications. The primary objective of this research project was to assess the feasibility of the use of innovative carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendons and to develop guidelines for CFRP in post-tensioned bridge applications, including segmental bridges and pier caps. An experimental investigation and a numerical simulation were conducted to compare the performance of a scaled segmental bridge model, post-tensioned with two types of carbon fiber strands and steel strands. The model was tested at different prestress levels and at different loading configurations. While the study confirms feasibility of both types of carbon fiber strands for segmental bridge applications, and their similar serviceability behavior, strands with higher elastic modulus could improve structural performance and minimize displacements beyond service loads. As the second component of the project, a side-by-side comparison of two types of carbon fiber strands against steel strands was conducted in a scaled pier cap model. Two different strand arrangements were used for post-tensioning, with eight and six strands, respectively representing an over-design and a slight under-design relative to the factored demand. The model was tested under service and factored loads. The investigation confirmed the feasibility of using carbon fiber strands in unbonded post-tensioning of pier caps. Considering both serviceability and overload conditions, the general performance of the pier cap model was deemed acceptable using either type of carbon fiber strands and quite comparable to that of steel strands. In another component of this research, creep stress tests were conducted with carbon fiber composite cable (CFCC). The anchorages for all the specimens were prepared using a commercially available expansive grout. Specimens withstood 95% of the guaranteed capacity provided by the manufacturer for a period of five months, without any sign of rupture.


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Antibiotic resistance is an increasing threat to our ability to treat infectious diseases. Thus, understanding the effects of antibiotics on the gut microbiota, as well as the potential for such populations to act as a reservoir for resistance genes, is imperative. This thesis set out to investigate the gut microbiota of antibiotic treated infants compared to untreated controls using high-throughput DNA sequencing. The results demonstrated the significant effects of antibiotic treatment, resulting in increased proportions of Proteobacteria and decreased proportions of Bifidobacterium. The species diversity of bifidobacteria was also reduced. This thesis also highlights the ability of the human gut microbiota to act as an antibiotic resistance reservoir. Using metagenomic DNA extracted from faecal samples from adult males, PCR was employed to demonstrate the prevalence and diversity of aminoglycoside and β-lactam resistance genes in the adult gut microbiota and highlighted the merits of the approach adopted. Using infant faecal samples, we constructed and screened a second fosmid metagenomic bank for the same families of resistance genes and demonstrated that the infant gut microbiota is also a reservoir for resistance genes. Using in silico analysis we highlighted the existence of putative aminoglycoside and β-lactam resistance determinants within the genomes of Bifidobacterium species. In the case of the β- lactamases, these appear to be mis-annotated. However, through homologous recombination-mediated insertional inactivation, we have demonstrated that the putative aminoglycoside resistance proteins do contribute to resistance. In additional studies, we investigated the effects of short bowel syndrome on infant gut microbiota, the immune system and bile acid metabolism. We also sequenced the microbiota of the human vermiform appendix, highlighting its complexity. Finally, this thesis demonstrated the strain specific nature of 2 different probiotic CLA-producing Bifidobacterium breve on the murine gut microbiota.


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Introducción. Los trabajadores de los talleres de reparación de automóviles conviven diariamente con la exposición a los solventes orgánicos, exposición que se convierte en un riesgo para su salud que generalmente en el corto plazo se presenta como déficits de concentración, memoria y tiempo de reacción y en el largo plazo produciendo graves repercusiones clínicas como efectos mutagénicos y carcinogénicos. Objetivo. Caracterizar las condiciones higiénicas y de seguridad de trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos a solventes orgánicos y determinar los niveles ambientales de benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) en talleres de lámina y pintura automotriz de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en 60 trabajadores que laboran expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de reparación automotriz en Bogotá. Se realizó una encuesta con variables sociodemográficas, laborales y se determinaron los niveles en aire de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Para los muestreos ambientales, las bombas se colocaron en una posición fija representativa del ambiente general, con el objeto de conocer la distribución de los solventes en el área de trabajo. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo por conteos de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se utilizó prueba de bondad de ajuste para distribución normal (Kolmogorov-Smirnov o Shapiro Wilk), prueba t Student para comparación de medias, o en su defecto prueba U de Mann Whitney para comparación de medianas. Para identificar la relación entre las características sociodemográficas y ocupacionales con la exposición a BTX, se utilizaron pruebas de asociación Chi cuadrado o análisis de correlación según la naturaleza de las variables. El nivel de significancia para cada prueba fue 0.05. Resultados. La edad promedio de los trabajadores fue de 43 años y un tiempo total de exposición a solventes de 20 años. Respecto al uso de protección corporal, 45 (75%) de los trabajadores manifestaron que usaban uniforme, mientras que 14 (23,3%) usaban ropa de calle durante la jornada laboral. El 46,7% manifestaron usar protección respiratoria. La concentración de benceno en aire fue entre 0,1 y 0,45 mg/l (mediana de 0,31 mg/l; DE 0,13 mg/l); la de tolueno estuvo entre 8,25 y 27,22 mg/l (mediana de 14,5 mg/l; DE 6.99 mg/l) y la de xileno entre 19,34 y 150,15 mg/l (mediana de 70,12 mg/l; DE 40,82 mg/l). Conclusión. Los pintores de automóviles están expuestos a niveles elevados de solventes en los lugares de trabajo y no cuentan con condiciones de higiene y seguridad industrial adecuados. Un gran número de pintores son informales lo que les impide el acceso a los beneficios del Sistema de Seguridad Social Integral.


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Introducción: Las guías de Tokyo de 2013 lograron un consenso respecto al manejo antibiótico de la infección biliar. Sus recomendaciones están sustentadas en estudios internacionales de la epidemiología bacteriana, pero también recalcan la importancia de conocer la microbiología local para ajustar las guías de manejo. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos de pacientes tratados por colecistitis aguda moderada y severa en Méderi Hospital Universitario Mayor (HUM), describiendo los aislamientos microbiológicos y perfiles de resistencia de los cultivos de bilis tomados durante la cirugía. Resultados: Se analizaron 131 pacientes con una edad promedio de 63 años, la mayoría sin comorbilidades médicas. Se encontró un 48% de positividad en los cultivos, predominantemente enterobacterias siendo la más frecuente Escherichia coli, seguida de especies de Klebsiella y de Enterococcus. Los perfiles de resistencia evidenciaron un 93% de multisensibilidad antibiótica y se aislaron 4 microorganismos multirresistentes. No se encontraron diferencias en comorbilidades, alteraciones paraclínicas, presencia de síndrome biliar obstrutivo, pancreatitis o instrumentación previa de la vía biliar entre los pacientes con cultivo positivo y negativo. Conclusiones: Los resultados concuerdan con los reportes internacionales en cuanto a la flora bacteriana aislada, pero los perfiles de resistencia evidenciados en esta serie son diferentes a los que sustentan las guías de manejo de Tokio revisadas en 2013. Este hallazgo obliga a ajustar las guías de manejo institucionales con base en la epidemiología local.


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Introducción: la colecistectomía laparoscópica es la técnica de elección en pacientes con indicación de extracción quirúrgica de la vesícula; sin embargo, en promedio 20% de éstos requieren conversión a técnica abierta. En este estudio se evaluaron los factores de riesgo preoperatorios para conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica de urgencia. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles no pareado. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y de variables de interés de los registros de historias clínicas de pacientes operados entre el 2013 y 2016. Se identificaron los motivos de conversión de técnica quirúrgica. Se caracterizó la población de estudio y se estimaron asociaciones según la naturaleza de las variables. Mediante un análisis de regresión logística se ajustaron posibles variables de confusión. Resultados: se analizaron los datos de 444 pacientes (111 casos y 333 controles). La causa de conversión más frecuente fue la dificultad técnica (50,5%). Se encontró que la mayor edad, el sexo masculino, el antecedente de cirugía abierta en hemiabdomen superior, el signo de Murphy clínico positivo, la dilatación de la vía biliar, la leucocitosis y la mayor experiencia del cirujano, fueron factores de riesgo para conversión. Se encontró un área bajo la curva ROC= 0,743 (IC95% 0,692–0,794, p= <0,001). Discusión: existen unos factores que se asocian a mayor riesgo de conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica. La mayoría se relacionan con un proceso inflamatorio más severo, por lo que se debe evitar la prolongación del tiempo de espera entre el inicio de los síntomas y la extirpación quirúrgica de la vesícula.


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Saliva production is mainly regulated by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic); however studies indicate a possible hormonal influence on the control of salivary secretion. This study aims to assess if the induction of increased levels of circulating leptin influence the immunohistochemical expression of leptin at the level of major salivary glands in Wistar rats. It was found that the expression, in qualitative terms, of leptin has been positive, being more evident in submandibular and sublingual glands, either in the acini or ducts. However, through this technique, no obvious differences between groups could be observed. The results suggest that circulating leptin levels may not affect the expression of this hormone in the major salivary glands.


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La presente tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca descrive le attività di ricerca riguardanti diversi ambiti della sicurezza alimentare, della farmacologia e tossicologia veterinaria. Sono presentati i dati relativi alla ricerca di ocratossina A (OTA) in campioni di bile, rene e fegato di polli, salami artigianali e diversi tipi di formaggio; le concentrazioni di diversi metalli pesanti in uova di galline rurali e 5 tipologie di uova industriali; i dati preliminari ottenuti dalle analisi dei primi campioni di uova e penne provenienti da allevamenti amatoriali di pollame, analizzati per la ricerca del fipronil e metaboliti. Sempre per fipronil, e la molecola foxim, sono presentati dati inerenti a studi di potenziale farmaco-resistenza di popolazioni naturali di Dermanyssus gallinae, e dell’attività insetticida di alcuni fitocomposti a base di tannini. Riguardo all’uso di fitoestratti, sono presentati i dati preliminari ottenuti nei primi mesi di una prova sperimentale in galline di razza Livornese allevata con metodo free-range, finalizzata allo studio della attività anti-infiammatoria e immuno-stimolante, nonché alla valutazione della sicurezza della integrazione nella dieta di Boswellia serrata e Salix alba. Sono stati condotti anche studi traslazionali con altri settori scientifici, relativamente la prevalenza sierologica e microbiologica per Salmonella enterica var. enteritidis e var. thiphymurium in allevamenti ornamentali e da auto-consumo di pollame, e di prevalenza e caratterizzazione di potenziali varianti virali e batteriche (incluse zoonosiche) di alcune malattie infettive del pollame ornamentale. In specie avicole ornamentali è riportato anche uno studio di campo sul trattamento off-label con Fenbendazolo e Flubendazolo in infestazioni massive da Cyathostoma bronchialis in oche esotiche ornamentali. A seguito di una collaborazione con l’Università di Firenze, sono presentati anche i risultati ottenuti da uno studio su modelli murini, dell’azione e funzionamento dei recettori Beta3, espressi nelle neoplasie più frequenti che si verificano nelle donne in gravidanza.


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Industrial robots are an inalienable part of modern automated production. Typical applications of robots include welding, painting, (dis)assembly, packaging, labeling, palletizing, pick and place and others. Many of that applications includes object manipulation. If the shape and position of the object are known in advance, it is possible to design the trajectory of the robot’s end-effector to take and place. Such a strategy is applicable for rigid objects and widely used in the manufacturing field. But flexible (deformable) objects can change their shape and position upon contact with the robot’s end-effector or environment. That is the reason why the general approach is unacceptable. It means that the robot can fail to grasp such an object and can’t place it in the desired position. This thesis has addressed the problem of cable manipulation by bilateral robotic setup for the industrial manufacturing of electrical switchgear. The considered solution is based on the idea of tensioned cable. If the cable was grasped by the ends and tensioned, it has a line shape. Since the position of the robot’s end-effectors known, the position of the cable is known as well. Such an approach is capable to place cable in cable ducts of switchgear. The considered solution has been tested experimentally on a real bilateral robotic setup.