974 resultados para Acumulação capitalista
O artigo aborda a questão urbana como objeto de pesquisa do Serviço Social. Resulta de pesquisa teórica e de análise das produções sobre esta temática, tendo por base artigos dos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social (ENPESS), no período 2000-2010. A ampliação e diversidade de espaços sócio-ocupacionais não correspondem necessariamente ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas, com aprofundamento teórico-metodológico exigido pela complexidade da questão urbana na contemporaneidade. Há crescente interesse pela temática de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes e esforços de sistematização e pesquisa evidenciados no número de trabalhos e na busca de qualidade dos mesmos. Mas há também necessidade de aprofundamento teórico-metodológico para uma produção do conhecimento em consonância com o Projeto Ético-Politico, o que supõe construção de vias de superação da sociabilidade capitalista
The paper demonstrates how it is organized production chain of natural gas in Rio Grande do Norte and highlights some prospects for this sector. The study is backed by elements to understand the process of innovation as the driving force of capitalist dynamics as well as the features of the Brazilian economy in the years 1990 and 2000 that indicated the development of natural gas production in the energy matrix Brazil. It was found that the state has potiguar possibilities for structuring an energy based on elements from the region and with prospects of becoming self-sufficient in electricity, where natural gas has a share of participation in this segment. The automotive and industrial are the biggest consumers of this input. With emphasis on the textile industry. Signaling to a broad horizon of supply, this sector will depend on their investments in research and Deficient, and the policy adopted by government to develop the consumer market
La recherche sur secteur non-formel de l économie et la dynamique des territoires dans les plages de la ville de Natal/RN, a le but de la compréhension des espaces de ces territoires ainsi que leurs caractéristiques; le rapport des acteurs sociaux et l existence de politiques dirigées direct ou indirectement vers ce secteur de l économie et ses territoires. Pour celà, on donne emphase au scénario économique moulé par le système de production et reproduction dans la mondialisation, ce qui, parmis d autres actions aq l inetrférence sur le marché du travail, lequel subit constamment des transformations importantes cherchant à suivre les changements en niveau global, en devenant, pour ainsi dire, un marché chaque fois plus exigeant et, conséquemment, sélectif. Moyennant la réalité économique et politique vécue, il augmente le nombre de chômeurs dans le pays suscitant, à tort et à travers, la croissance du secteur non-formel de l économie avec ses inombrables travailleurs qui occupent les plus différents segments parmi lesquels les travaux autonomes, ici représentés par les camelots, les propriétaires de baraques, les propriétaires de kiosques ; etc. Pour atteindre ce but, on a cherché les reférenciels théorico-scientifiques ayant pour base la connaissance empirique à travers les inombrables cas d études matérialisés au moyen de donnés primaires et sécondaires. Finalement, on est sûr de ce que les travailleurs du secteur non-formel complèmentent la chaîne repoductive, ils créent et recréent des territoires avec des contenus variés qui sont indispensables pour la croissance et le développement social
The process of globalization which has characterized today s Brazilian economic development is determining in the restructuring of productive capital, influencing the development of an economic model, founded on greater competition and use of technology. As a consequence of that, there has been a certain disorganization of the economy, the growth of social inequalities and the lack of structuring of the labor market and the social security system. This has favored a rapid growth of the urban informal economy in Brazil. In Rio Grande do Norte state, the Greater Natal area is the main production center. This is where this study found 58 informal textile industries. In the research, the organizational structure of these industries, characterized by intensive use of labor vis-à-vis the use of capital, problems with putting production in the market place, although links with the formal sector were evident, is analysed. The research also focuses on the relationship labor x capital, the nature and volume of the industrial activity in the 58 industries, their proprietors and 120 employees
El Agreste Potiguar es el territorio de Rio Grande do Norte en que más se produce yuca. La formación de ese territorio asociase a la ganadería y al cultivo de algodón y de cultivos de autoconsumo, de entre los cuales, la yuca. En lo concerniente, específicamente al cultivo de la yuca, esa planta siempre ha sido sumamente importante para la subsistencia de los agrestinos , sobre todo, de los pobres. Hasta la década de 1980, la yuca era cultivada en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y era destinada a la fabricación de harina, que juntamente con el frijol, era la base de la alimentación de los trabajadores agrestinos. Además, era bastante útil para la producción de ración para el ganado. A partir de esa década, la actividad mandioquera (cultivo de la yuca con la transformación de ésta en harina y en otros derivados) desencadenada en el Agreste Potiguar empieza a pasar por un proceso de modernización, siendo implementadas transformaciones técnicas y en las relaciones de trabajo, bajo la lógica capitalista. Dentro de esa lógica, el cultivo de la yuca pasa a ser hecho con el uso de máquinas y de abonos químicos; la transformación en harina es actualmente realizada en manufacturas y en industrias de harina, que vienen siendo, cada vez más, marcadas por instrumentos técnicos movidos a electricidad, disminuyendo la necesidad de mano de obra; y la yuca no es más cultivada por los productores con el objetivo primordial de garantizar su subsistencia, pero sí con el de atender a la demanda por materia prima de las manufacturas y de las industrias de harina. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo es comprender la dinámica de la actividad mandioquera en el Agreste Potiguar, considerando el uso pasado y actual del territorio, la modernización de esa actividad y su contribución al desarrollo del territorio en cuestión. Como procedimientos metodológicos, adoptamos la realización de investigaciones bibliográficas, empíricas (entrevistas y conversaciones) y el análisis de datos secundarios. Finalmente, sabiéndose que el proceso de modernización estudiado sigue la lógica capitalista, concluimos el trabajo afirmando que la modernización de la actividad mandioquera no viene contribuyendo al desarrollo territorial del Agreste Potiguar.
This study aimed to explore the process of reproduction of space from the small family farm production in the municipality of Canguaretama, specifically focused on foodstuffs of plant origin, seeking to understand the changes in agrarian space canguaretamense and its impact on small family farms the last 35 years. Since colonization, during the seventeenth century, the production of space agrarian Canguaretama was founded under a structure based on large ownership and cultivation of cane sugar. Secondly, it was being built a small space reserved for food production to meet both the consumption of property, but also for local marketing. In the centuries following the changes in the capitalist system imposed a new dynamic for small food production, mostly in the early twentieth century, with processing plants and mills in the area extending toward the cultivation of sugarcane. In the second half of that century, mainly in the 1980s, the cultivation of cane sugar was encouraged to produce alcohol, which led to a further expansion of sugar cane toward the areas targeted for the production of foodstuffs. Currently, the framework of small food production differs little from the period of colonization in relation to the difficulties faced by this segment of agriculture. Thus, we have a reality based on socio-spatial inequality, and the near absence of the Government, which requires urgent implementation of public policies for the production and organization of small producers into associations or cooperatives to improve the productivity and hence in their standards of living and their families
Nowadays we can observe in Natal city, the development of the structure and the health s private service. However, the spatial distribution of these services will be marked by an uneven distribution on the places, what will be in according with the conditions offered by the same in each historical period. Accordingly, the objective of this job is analyze the use of the territory by the health s private service and the dynamics that promotes in Natal city in the technical scientific information period. Thus, seeking to search this goal, realized literature, documentary, empirical, considering the process of development and the spatial distribution of the health s private service in the city. From a topology we can observe that prevails in the city a service s concentration at all levels of complexity in only a few neighborhoods, being Tirol and Petrópolis, which are neighborhoods that have high densities of engineer system, bigger fluidity, and the best level salaries of the city, which present a greater number of these establishments. However, equal this concentration has occurred a dispersion of these services to other neighborhoods, as for example Lagoa Nova which is presenting the same attractiveness in the view of attributes territorial, begins to protect services presenting the same profile like the firsts. However, the city has a significant demand to this kind of service found in these neighborhoods, some events provided the emergency of another type of market of health s private service, that are those created to attend guests with a lower purchasing power, which will have their establishments in the same way selectively distributed in some areas of the city, which will not be the same pursued by the other, showing how selective is the installation of an enterprise guide by the logic of capitalism reproduction. So, the imperative of spatial selectivity presented by the health s private sector exposes an use of the differential territory for these services
The study in screen it has as objective the understanding of the space circuit of production and the circles of cooperation of the soy that if develop in the Maranhão in the technician-scientific-informational period. Characterized for the material and incorporeal flows if they develop in the Maranhão, from the moment where it had a process of integration of the maranhense territory while peripheral space of the capitalist dynamics, that if gave through the politics of regional integration created by the State, but when it had a process of selective modernization, also partial and conservative of the agriculture, that made possible the significant increase of the production and reproduction of the capital. The study sample that with the advent of the soy, had a concentration of the production techniques, mainly in the agricultural region of Balsas, due to bigger it offers of lands, time of implantation of the culture, technique accumulated in the production, whereas in the agricultural region of Chapadinha, these indices still are without representation. Moreover, the intensification of the agricultural credit, the agrarian politics and tax incentives are elements that have propitiated increase of the production of the soy. The development of the space circuit and circles of cooperation of the soy, a side, create new forces politics in the Maranhão that can result in the creation of a new state, the other, are responsible, for the elimination of part of the subsistence agriculture, producing social problems as, agrarian concentration and unemployment. The study it still evidences the appropriation of the place for a small number of companies that has generated, beyond an intense concentration of income, an alienation of the territory, in view of that this is used for a strange purpose to the place and the yearning of the population does not stop
This work studies the territorial dynamics of the trade modern retailer in the North Zone of Natal/RN, undertaken by the expansion of that following of the tertiary section in the researched space. For so much, we accomplished bibliographical and documental research during whole the process of construction of the work and the field research based close to in interviews the responsible for the establishments of the modern retail and application of questionnaires with the residents and consumers of the area in subject. Leaving of the understanding that the territory is used by the society producing the movement of capitalist reproduction in the places, we inferred that the expansion of the modern retail in the North Zone has been promoting a new dynamics in your territory, fact that has been valuing the space and attracted investors to the place. Therefore, we organized the study in this dissertation in three chapters: the first, "North Zone: use and occupation of the soil ", brings us the process of historical and social formation of the North Zone inserted in the context of the urban expansion of Natal; the second chapter, " Expansion of the tertiary section: the growth of the modern retail trade in the North Zone", makes direct reference to the tertiary section and the expansion of the I trade modern retailer; and finally, the third surrender, " The territorial dynamics and the modern retail trade in the North Zone of Natal", in which we expose all the results of the field research, looking for to understand the territorial dynamics that the expansion of the modern retail trade has been producing in the study area
The broach presented in this dissertation, linked to post graduate Geography´s of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, more exactly about the research group entitled interdisciplinary studies unit on space and housing built . The research developed through this study has this central theme on vertical grounding of the construction in the neighborhood of ponta negra in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Realizing this momentum as a way of accumulation of capital in city. Rio Grande do Norte´s city. During the 2000 s , the neighborhood of Ponta Negra went through an intense process of vertical integration of its ground, Provided by many factor of conditions created from new economic, political and social functions which start to be outlined mainly from the tourism development in this neighborhood since the 80´s decade. The Tourism development and the landing planning of the ponta negra´s neighborhood promoted for the government by using order to police the city´s urbanization, beyond the sense of the civilian building actors. They enabled this neighborhood to become propitious to the real estate investments. Many ventures were built before the year of 2010 while another are on building, which, over the years, changed the sociospatyal dinamics of the neighborhood. Considering the urban space is socially built, product and condition for the reproductive process of the capitalist society, the goal of this research is to investigate the verticalization of the ground, for capital reproduction purposes. This research aims to analyze the vertical this quarter through the theory of social production of space by Henri Lefebvre. The Methodology adopted pervades for secondary and primary research, compound for bibliographic research, documentary, journal, magazines, camp research and interview, to reach the best way to analyse the dynamics of the refered neighborhood
It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.
The development has been a phenomenon in constant discussion today, whose fundamental importance should be to promote the welfare of humanity. Thus, the development becomes an element that adds political, economic, social and environmental values . In Mozambique the development model adopted by the State prioritizes the economic dimension, in this case favoring the growth of capitalist structure production. Thus , the basic conditions for human survival still leaves much to be desired and the Mozambican population in general and the district of Chibuto , in particular , continue to face several difficulties to have access to such conditions, and the lack of potable water is a that most of the problems afflicting this population . The water was always a factor related to the socio-economic development of the population, where great civilizations and major economic marks were always influenced by water availability, and today this feature is present in all sectors of production. In Mozambique, much effort has been made by the government, national and international organizations to enhance and guarantee the supply of potable and drinking water, and despite all this effort, most of the population does not have access to this precious resource. In this sense, this work presents an analysis of the effects of the National Water Policy in the study area, analyzes the shortage of potable water in the district of Chibuto, discusses the design and development contained in the official discourse of the state and, opposes the idea of human development. For such issues that help to understand the phenomenon under study, such as territory, public policy and criticism of hegemonic conception of development are addressed. To make the desired approach, we performed a characterization of the District of Chibuto, addressing the issue of poverty, with a brief discussion of this concept, from different approaches, and analyze the impact of the PARPA (Action Plan for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty) in fighting poverty in Mozambique, and became a description of the scenario of poverty and vulnerability in Chibuto district with the construction of Territorial Human Development Index. Research also brings up a discussion about territory and technicization which describes the senary of the water supply system in the District and territorial dynamics of Chibuto, from the analysis and description of existing structures and other technical objects that structure the territory under study. Thus, it was found that the development should be summarized in the satisfaction of human needs, and should be the cornerstone of the new type of development that is intended for the purpose of triggering urgently actions to overcome or combat bleak misery suffered by the majority of inhabitants of the District of Chibuto
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
This work has as study object the tertiary sector and (the re)production of the urban space of Bayeux-PB. For in such a way, one became necessary to the construction of a theoretical boarding that context the national reality, to be able itself to understand the reality local. This way to construct allowed an opening of the field of vision how much to the relevance of if ahead studying the tertiary sector and its weight of the current configuration of the society in a country as Brazil, e especially in a city of a State northeastern, as it is the case of Bayeux. The theoretical boarding had as base the two circuits of the urban economy, the productive reorganization and the transformations in the world of the work, as well as, the space organization and the distinction between the economic and social space of the tertiary activities, from the logic of functioning of the establishments: the regulation. Besides working with referring official data to the tertiary sector, the empirical study it had as reference one hundred and sixty and establishments tertiary, located in four axles of circulation of the city of Bayeux - PB, which are: Av. Liberdade, Av. Engenheiro de Carvalho, Av. Francisco Marques da Fonseca and Av. Marechal Rondon, that they had appeared in such a way stimulated for the processes of urbanization and industrialization lived deeply from years 70 in the "Great João Pessoa" how much, in the countries of the underdeveloped capitalist world, as Brazil. Being thus, the objective of the work was to study the tertiary sector and its relation with (the re)production of the urban space, standing out the functioning logic
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)