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El trabajo analiza las similitudes y diferencias entre las teorías de tres importantes representantes del nouveau roman francés: Nathalie Sarraute, Alain Robbe-Grillet y Jean Ricardou. Para eso, se centra en el debate que tuvo lugar en el coloquio sobre el nouveau roman llevado a cabo en Cerisy-la-Salle en 1971, del cual participaron escritores y críticos. A partir de ese balance, el trabajo se remonta a los ensayos escritos con anterioridad por Sarraute, Robbe-Grillet y Ricardou. En este contexto, se reconstruyen las ideas sobre la narrativa moderna de cada escritor y se las pone en diálogo y discusión. El trabajo se centra en la originalidad de la teoría y obra de Sarraute, expresada en una paradoja: inauguradora del movimiento, Sarraute es al mismo tiempo la eterna disidente y marginal. Este doble y contradictorio estatuto permite considerarla como la representante más original del núcleo del nouveau roman.


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Dándole un nuevo significado al tópico de la ciudad muerta, especialmente productivo en la literatura de fin de siglo, Sorj Chalandon configura, en Le qua-trième mur, una poética del saqueo que hace de la ciudad devastada un espacio de creación, al mismo tiempo novelesco y trágico, donde reinventar el género de la tumba.


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This article means a first approach to the information given to its readers by the magazine Destino about the France of the IV French Republic, exactly during Pierre Mendès-France´s term in 1954, and having its origin in four articles published by the journalist and writer Josep Pla just when the Algeria conflict started. That information was determined by the obsessive anti-communist editorial policy of the aforementioned charismatic publication of the francoist Spain.


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La obra de teatro de Alfred Jarry Ubu roi se ha convertido hoy en día en una obra de repertorio en Francia y en el mundo entero. En Cataluña, Ubu roi es representada por primera vez en 1964, a puerta cerrada, en el marco de la Escola d’art dramàtic Adrià Gual. El presente estudio abordará dicha experiencia, una puesta en escena a día de hoy desco-nocida y a la que pretendemos rendir homenaje en tanto que primer espec-táculo en torno a Ubu roi en tierras catalanas.


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The most remarkable difficulty of audiovisual translation is related to the translation of dialogues, which are supposed to reproduce the features of a more or less spontaneous oral language. This paper aims to analyze the difficulties and the strategies adopted for the translation into Spanish of the film Entre les murs (2008). This film, which depicts the daily life of a group of students and their teachers, is known for being a reflection of a French social reality, namely the reality for young people who live in the suburbs, which constitutes a particular universe. From a linguistic point of view, this reality is defined by the use of an oral register, a language characteristic of young people and by the presence of slang, specially the so-called verlan.


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Considered as a romantic incarnation of author’s ideas, L’Etranger put us in front of the absurd through the problematic character of Meursault, often studied and commented as subject of this philosophical attitude. The absurd presupposes a relationship between man and the world and is thus inevitably linked to perception: a sensory experience then founds the discourse of the novel, establishing Meursault as percipient/enunciator subject. We will use the resources offered by semiotics of discourse in its phenomenological version for analyzing the perceptual path of Meursault and especially to consider the question of Camus’s absurd under a new light


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Technical texts are usually characterized by the use of terminology, and they are said to be clear, concise, precise and objective. It is terminology which is normally considered one of the most important difficulties to understand specialized concepts because they are expressed by means of this terminology. Nevertheless, there are other linguistic and cognitive elements which are frequently used to express specialized concepts, for instance, metaphors. In this paper we aim to analyze the use of cognitive metaphors in a corpus of French semi-specialized technical texts and to consider whether the use of these metaphors could be a problem should these metaphors have to be translated into Spanish.


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In this article I analyze the relationships between space and the main characters in La Tour d’amour, by Rachilde. More specifically I focus on how space has already stunned one of the character’s speech and communicative abilities and it is now in the process of impairing speech in the other. By analyzing the novelist’s use of myths, references to the divinity and, especially, the many instances that offer evidence of widespread corruption in the characters’ language, I show how the lighthouse in which the characters dwell can be interpreted as a decadent Tower of Babel.


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This paper defends the idea that the Dictionnaire français-latin-chinois de la langue mandarine parlée (1869), written by French clergyman Paul Perny, represents a groundbreaking work within the French to Chinese multilingual lexicography based on its strong communicative stance. It outlines the relationship between Perny’s work and the sinological tradition initiated by the Jesuits in China, and further analyzes the dictionary’s organizational structure, including the nature of its lexical inventory. It is noteworthy that this dictionary features a large number of terms belonging to the Catholic religion, even though it is possible to identify a significant and systematic presence of vocabulary specific to pagan Chinese tradition. The Dictionnaire français-latin-chinois de la langue mandarine parlée also stands out for including the vocabulary of modern Chinese along with numerous expressions and terms related to Chinese culture which enable a closer understanding of the Chinese cultural universe.


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The prose poem has traditionally been considered above all a lyrical genre. Nevertheless, there are short fictions showing the main features of the prose poem, such as brevity, intensity, autonomy, importance of connotation, visionary character and, above all, the dominance of description. The fictional prose poem gives shape to an imaginary world which is poetically described, rather than narrated. The fictional character of this kind of prose poem is especially clear when what is described is a future reality, as it is the case in Stéphane Mallarmé’s «Le Phénomène futur» and in later series of prose poems which create prospective universes. Among them, the series collected by Daniel Walther in 2010 under the title of Les Chasseurs du temps stands out for its mysterious force, its fictional coherence and the beauty of its ima¬ges.


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In the dialogue cinema-literature the issue of cinematographic adaptations has been abundantly discussed. This controversy has attended specially to the recoding of the text into cinematographic language, neglecting, nevertheless, the own imprint that the intervention can impose to the work. Therefore, the case of the short film À feu by Mavounia-Kouka based on «Le loup-garou», story by Vian, becomes significant. This one works, in order to question them, with commonplaces also present in the cinematographic work, although re-signified here with the introduction of a Virgin that represents morality. Thus, the subversion of commonplaces becomes in the film a moral questioning.


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Para celebrar el 40º aniversario de la publicación del emblemático dosier «Une autre Belgique», donde se lanzó el neologismo belgitude, analizamos su impacto en el contexto de búsqueda de legitimación por parte de los escritores francófonos de Bélgica. Queriendo destacar el interés de textos menos citados, articulamos los numerosos discursos teóricos a partir del sintomático testimonio autobiográfico de Anne-Marie La Fère, titulado «Confession d’une Belge honteuse» (1980). Examinar las mutaciones entre 1950 y los 80 en la paradigmática evolución literaria de Jean Muno –que se proclama habitante de «Malaise»– permite ilustrar el proceso de afirmación identitaria en la periferia del Hexágono.


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Delusion and gamble, but also failure and disillusion are some of the most striking features of The Absolute Perfection of Crime, a novel that encloses its own reading instructions, which are intimately linked to film codes and the idea of remake. Tanguy Viel’s work manages to stage the frailness of fiction, halfway between the signified and the signifier, critical detachment and fictional illusion. Following the anthropological approach to game theory and the theory of literary genres, this paper aims to analyze the inner functioning of the representation tools at work in the novel as a means to highlight the paradoxical role granted to the reader.