993 resultados para 1970-1976


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Uppsatsen har som syfte att beskriva relationen mellan den svenska militära underrättelsetjänsten och beslutsfattare på politisk nivå. Utgående från Samuel Huntingtons och Morris Janowitz teorier om civil-militära relationer studerar jag 1974 och 1996 års underrättelseutredningar för att genom en jämförelse av dessa försöka beskriva relationen utifrån teorins etablerade begrepp imperatives och control, i denna studie översatta till fordringar och kontroll. Studien genomförs som en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och dokumentstudie. Analysen av hur utredningarna beskriver den svenska militära underrättelsetjänsten tjänar som underlag för att beskriva relationen mellan beslutsfattare och underrättelsetjänst och hur denna utvecklats. Slutsatserna visar att det sedan mitten av 1970-talet råder en uttalad och tämligen oförändrad syn på att det är de funktionella fordringarna som styr den militära underrättelsetjänsten. Med en förändrad säkerhetspolitisk situation har den militära underrättelsetjänsten fått en viktigare roll och ökat inflytande i den politiska processen samtidigt som den politiska sidans syn på behov av kontroll och insyn i underrättelsetjänsten har ökat. Underrättelsetjänstens autonomi visavi beslutsfattarna kan sägas ha minskat.


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This thesis tries trough qualitative analyzes to illuminate advertising and its didactic aspects, how menstruation and menstruating women are portrayed over time. The method underlying the survey is didactic, diachronic comparative and hermeneutic. There will also be a feminist point of view on the material. The issue is about how the advertisement presents sanitary products and menstruation and how a menstruating woman is portrayed.The conclusion is that the image of a menstruating woman changes slightly while consolidating the ethos that menstruation should not be visible. The menstruating woman is in constant motion, always fresh and fragrant.


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In the contemporary world, the latter interpretation is by far the more common (although persons belonging to the former category of hacker would seek to more accurately define the latter group, particularly those with a malicious intent, as ‘crackers’). Hackers are by no means a new threat and have routinely featured in news stories during the last two decades. Indeed, they have become the traditional ‘target’ of the media, with the standard approach being to present the image of either a ‘teenage whiz kid’ or an insidious threat. In reality, it can be argued that there are different degrees of the problem.
Donn Parker (Parker, 1976) highlighted that the individuals involved in computer crime in the 1960’s and 1970’s were employed as key punch operators or clerks in EDP organisations and the crimes were crimes of opportunity. In the 1980’s with the development of cheaper home microcomputers and modems, a new generation of younger computer users emerged. One of the features of this younger group was a keen interest in the technologies that lead to the development of hackers.


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Despite the growing importance of the tourism industry, little is known about the determinants of tourism demand in Fiji. The major findings of analyses of the 1970?2000 period are that growth in income in Fiji?s main source countries for tourists leads to an increase in visitor arrivals, while relative prices and substitute prices negatively impact visitor arrivals in the long run. This implies that Fiji needs to maintain price competitiveness. Empirical evidence was also found that coups impede the short-run growth of the industry.


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Fiji is a small island country in the South Pacific. Sugar is its oldest industry, being in the vanguard of economic growth and development for over a century. Today the oldest industry, not only in Fiji but also in the South Pacific Island countries, is shrivelling and is poised on the precipice of collapse. The literature to date has singled out expiring land leases and the inability of the government to resolve this issue as the key to the current calamity. This paper aims to estimate a sugarcane production model for Fiji, delineating the short-run and long-run determinants. It expands the Cobb-Douglas production function in specifying the sugarcane production model and uses time series data (1970-2000) in estimating it. The major findings are that area harvested and fertiliser (capital), labour force and prices paid to sugarcane farmers have made positive contributions to sugarcane production in both the short- and long-run. The finding on the statistical significance of area harvested has direct relevance to the current land problems in Fiji. It is envisaged that the results will appeal to Fijian policy makers and that a speedy solution to the problem of expiring and non-productive use of sugarcane land will be achieved.


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Overweight/obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Australia. This thesis confirmed and extended the relationship between lifestyle and body mass index in that dense energy foods, snacking and low levels of physical activity were associated with higher BMI while plant foods, vegetarianism and, in men, large breakfasts were associated with lower BMI.


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This biographical history investigates the formative influences, motivations and professional lives of wife and husband Ellen Cahalane Jennings (nee Murray) and Joseph Kevin Jennings in the context of their career as employees of the Victorian Education Department.


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Examines the way in which cultural myths in selected Australian feature films of the 1970s and 1980s reflect changing attitudes towards nationalism, Australian identity, gender roles, mateship and how the Australian settler culture defines (or fails to define) its relationship with indigenous Australians.


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This article examines tax avoidance strategies used by Australian taxpayers over the last four decades and analyses the regulatory responses by the government, noting a move away from the ‘command-and-control’ approach of the 1980s towards one of ‘responsive regulation’ and ‘meta risk management’. It is argued that despite inherent complexity issues, this regulatory approach has nevertheless contributed to the fostering of trust and a perception of fairness in the Australian tax system.