899 resultados para unemployment scarring


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Reduced form estimation of multivariate data sets currently takes into account long-run co-movement restrictions by using Vector Error Correction Models (VECM' s). However, short-run co-movement restrictions are completely ignored. This paper proposes a way of taking into account short-and long-run co-movement restrictions in multivariate data sets, leading to efficient estimation of VECM' s. It enables a more precise trend-cycle decomposition of the data which imposes no untested restrictions to recover these two components. The proposed methodology is applied to a multivariate data set containing U.S. per-capita output, consumption and investment Based on the results of a post-sample forecasting comparison between restricted and unrestricted VECM' s, we show that a non-trivial loss of efficiency results whenever short-run co-movement restrictions are ignored. While permanent shocks to consumption still play a very important role in explaining consumption’s variation, it seems that the improved estimates of trends and cycles of output, consumption, and investment show evidence of a more important role for transitory shocks than previously suspected. Furthermore, contrary to previous evidence, it seems that permanent shocks to output play a much more important role in explaining unemployment fluctuations.


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This paper investigates the income inequality generated by a jobsearch process when di§erent cohorts of homogeneous workers are allowed to have di§erent degrees of impatience. Using the fact the average wage under the invariant Markovian distribution is a decreasing function of the time preference (Cysne (2004)), I show that the Lorenz curve and the between-cohort Gini coe¢ cient of income inequality can be easily derived in this case. An example with arbitrary measures regarding the wage o§ers and the distribution of time preferences among cohorts provides some quantitative insights into how much income inequality can be generated, and into how it varies as a function of the probability of unemployment and of the probability that the worker does not Önd a job o§er each period.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar a relevância dos fatores micro e macroeconômicos para o presente nível de desemprego em algumas economias capitalistas avançadas. Através de tais resultados, será possível estabelecer a relevância da hipótese convencional de que tais níveis de desemprego podem ser explicados por rigidez nos mercados de trabalho, bem como suas implicações de política econômica.


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Este artigo analisa a adequação dos diversos ramos do setor terciário da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) à políticas de emprego. Existe um trade-off entre geração e qualidade do emprego, assim, o modelo - apresentado na primeira seção do trabalho - leva em conta ambas as dimensões. A qualidade é função do rendimento médio, grau de escolaridade, cobertura de carteira de trabalho assinada e tempo de permanência, todos relativos ao posto de trabalho. Na segunda seção, apresenta-se os dados para 1997, provenientes da PED - Pesquisa de Emprego e Desemprego - elaborada em conjunto pela Fundação SEADE e pelo DIEESE. A seção seguinte descreve o tratamento estatístico aplicado às informações. Os resultados por ramo são analisados na quarta seção. Por fim, divide-se o setor terciário da RMSP em três grupos: alta, média e baixa adequação à políticas de emprego.


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Nos últimos anos, a taxa de desemprego no Brasil tem-se mantido relativamente estável. No entanto, assistimos a uma redução do emprego no mercado de trabalho formal concomitante a um crescimento do mercado informal. Esta mudança tem sido identificada com uma piora de qualidade, ou precarização, do emprego, já que este, no mercado informal, é tido como de baixa qualidade. Nesta pesquisa, procuramos investigar a dimensão desta precarização analisando a qualidade dos postos de trabalho que estão sendo eliminados no mercado de trabalho formal. O que se observa é que a qualidade dos postos de trabalho neste mercado é bastante heterogênea, e há evidência de que a redução do emprego que está ocorrendo se dá, principalmente na indústria, nos postos de baixa qualidade. Assim, o fenômeno não se caracteriza pela eliminação dos postos de qualidade, mas pela transferência dos de baixa qualidade para o mercado informal. Por sua vez, a análise do mercado informal revela também uma grande heterogeneidade entre trabalhadores que não têm carteira de trabalho assinada e trabalhadores autônomos. O emprego destes últimos tem crescido a taxas elevadas como conseqüência da terceirização. O aumento da força de trabalho no mercado informal, por outro lado, coloca novas questões para as políticas públicas, que também são investigadas neste trabalho.


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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é a teoria do emprego segundo os modelos macroeconômicos mais conhecidos. No início, abordamos a controvérsia sobre o conceito de desemprego no contexto dos mercados em equilíbrio, enfoque que consideramos inadequado para explicar as atuais taxas de desemprego, inclusive nos países desenvolvidos. De nossa parte, consideremos o desemprego, mais um problema social, cujas raízes se encontram no conflito de classes e no tipo de organização da sociedade, do que uma simples disfunção do sistema econômico. A teoria econômica sempre teve grande dificuldade em lidar com a variável trabalho e a economia do trabalho não possui uma estrutura básica. Este ensaio explora a vertente da economia do trabalho contida nos modelos macroeconômicos sem a preocupação de obter conclusões definitivas.


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O crescimento do desemprego involuntário condiciona preocupações recentes com políticas de empregabilidade. Estratégias na regulação do mercado de trabalho e a terceira geração na Teoria do Capital Humano buscam codificar e/ou equacionar essas políticas. O surgimento do conceito de Economia Plural oferece uma revisão para a dinâmica do setor informal, tradicional ou moderno, na geração de empregos atípicos. A noção de Economia Plural ressalta também o papel catalizador das empresas sociais e organizações não governamentais na reinserção dos excluídos sociais. As flexibilizações do tempo de trabalho em políticas de empregabilidade são desenvolvidas através de reflexões, impactos comportamentais na qualidade de vida e experiências negociadas nos setores metalúrgico, de distribuição e de prestação de serviços de saúde. Desafios se colocam para o poder público e entidades de classe na regulamentação e ou negociações da empregabilidades atípica.


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O objetivo desta proposta de pesquisa é determinar a relevância de fatores micro e macroeconômicos para o presente nível de desemprego em algumas economias capitalistas avançadas. Através de tais resultados, será possível também estabelecer a relevância da hipótese convencional de que tais níveis de desemprego podem ser explicados por rigidez nos mercados de trabalho.


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This study looked for identify the causes and the effects of fear in the individuals within the organizational context. The procedure for data collection consisted in a questionnaire divided in two stages, and applied in 76 individuals. The first stage consisted in a words evocation test and the second, as a complementary mode, was composed by four open questions. The theory of social representations and the central nucleus theory were the foundations of the data analysis of the words evocation test. The processing of the open questions was consisted in an interpretative analysis, based in the presented theoretical referencial and supported by the respondents social representation of fear. In the enterprises context, different causes and effects of fear had been found in the inserted individuals. However, in its majority, it was identified that the biggest individuals fears are the unemployment, the threats, punishments, the unstable and unsafe environments of work, the unfair competition, the collusions, sabotages, tricks, the incapacity to do its work¿s tasks and the abusive increase of the work load. On the other hand, about the fear¿s effects, there is a frequent physiological and psychological instability when they had been submitted in high work loads. The fear is an excellent creativity, innovation and aptitude repressor, and it is capable to generate disgusts, frustrations, defensive postures, standstills and to increase the jobs navigability.


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The goal of this work is to study microcredit public policy as a mechanism of improving wage and decreasing unemployment rates. This study is contextualized by analysis of up-to-date macroeconomic national situation, Brazilian intergovernamental constitutional relationship, Brazilian job market and local development perspectives, trying to show that public microcredit driven by local government is a natural and useful way. Two cases have been chosen for analysis: Banco do Povo de Juiz de For a and São Paulo Confia.


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The changes that have occurred in the Brazilian work market, mainly due to the opening of the economy in the 90th decade, have caused, as a consequence, the unemployment in the formal sector, with the reduction of posts of work in the industry and the precarization of the laborwork. In order to face these questions, it¿s necessary an analysis of the alternative measures, among them, the creation of the cooperative societies, which have increased about 90,8% in the last years. The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the functions of the work cooperatives, just in face of the changes of the Brazilian society. The analysis was directed towards a group of eight work cooperatives that work in lots of areas of professionals in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study reveals the existence of false work cooperatives, whose sole purpose is to intermediate the handiwork with the intention of benefiting enterprises that intend to decrease their own costs of production, just contributing for the precarization of the relations of work. The structure of the Judicial Power offers solutions that protect the workers who are exploited through fraudulent actions, by the false cooperatives, handiworkers. It can be noticed that this structure is enough to answer the challenges presented. It means that it is too bad to apprehend the revival of the work cooperativism and that it must be combated. Of course, it is maniqueist conception that distorts reality and disdains positive aspects of cooperative system. The results of the search have permitted to point out the main characteristics of the work cooperatives analyzed, the profile of the cooperative workers, and also the main obstacles to the development of the cooperative system in Brazil today . A long the analysis of tributary and labor questions and about the participation of the cooperative workers in the management of the cooperative - the most questionable points - it could be observed the development of real cooperative practices, trying to establish the differences between these and the fraudulent ones, also studied in this work. This study represents a contribution to all those who intend to study new relations of work in a critical away and from experiences in development.


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The importance of small and medium enterprises for the economy of a country is fundamental because they have several strategic social and economic roles. Besides contributing to the production of national wealth, they also counterbalance the vulnerabilities of large companies providing the necessary economic balance. Socially their contribution is directly related to the lessening of unemployment, functioning also as source of stability in the community, as a means of reducing inequalities in the distribution of income among regions and economic groups, and contributes, decisively, to limit migration to urbans area. The capacity to innovate is now a key component for the survival and development of small organizations. The future today is increasingly less predictable using past parameters and the business world is more turbulent. The objective of this is to point out the need to revise the models which serve as examples for their adoption of competitive alternatives of development and to offer theoretical-practical knowledge to make possible the implementation of the innovative culture in small enterprises. It emphasizes, moreover, that in the present context, flexibility and skills to work in ambiguous situations and to find creative solutions become central concerns of businessmen and managers.


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This study shows how the Industrial Cluster of garments in Valença, RJ ¿ comprised of micro and small enterprises ¿ contributes to overcome the problems left by the declining period of the textile industry. At first, the city took advantage of its talent for textile work and turned to the clothing sector, which now relies on garment factories, subcontractors, cooperatives and laundries in order to create jobs. There is institutional support, but the analysis of the situation identified the need for higher involvement of cluster players, as well as a higher interaction among them to help their own development. In regard to public and private institutions, there is room for steps to guide informal companies that find it difficult to afford labor, financial, and environmental costs towards formalization, the offer of management and labor skill programs, as well as entrepreneurs¿ awareness about the acquisition of modern-technology machinery. It is important to encourage higher participation of Valença firms in the national fashion events, since this draws attention to the name of the city, discloses the work that is carried out there, and attracts new businesses. The entry of Valença companies in the fashion arena of the southern region of Rio de Janeiro state is beneficial, especially to make them better prepared for the Fashion Rio/Fashion Business event. Informality as a way out of the unemployment problem is a growing trend in Valença, as well as in most of Brazilian cities. In this sense, the entrepreneurs need to find favorable steps to make them feel motivated to formalize their businesses.


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This study has the objective to verify the behavior of Brazilian workers residents in the state of Rio de Janeiro, throughout theirs labor life, concerning their ability to remain - and specialize - in the same professional area originally chosen in its superior educational graduation. As the proposed theme stands beyond the available bibliography, the author needed to analyze the Governmental Labor Ministry Statistical Databases, which provides Brazilian Formal Employment and Unemployment Information. The study started with the selection of three groups of professional occupations from the year of 1994 until the end of 2002. All the professionals who were employed in 1994 had had its trajectory traced up to 2002, as well as were analyzed the ingression behavior at the formal labor market in the year of 1994. Thus, the study encompasses not only the existing employment but also the new job posts created in 1994. For the trajectory tracing, a group of graduated students was selected in some universities of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the year of 1994. The study has clearly shown the impact that the availability of jobs in the same area of the graduation has over the workers decision to remain or change the original career. Such information and conclusions can be a valuable instrument to help students and professionals to plan and decide theirs futures careers, for the planning of public politics of educational investments, as well as for the Brazilian educational institutions to adjust the offering of its courses according to the labor market capacity.


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A década de 90 representou significativas mudanças no panorama político econômico brasileiro, especificamente no projeto de desenvolvimento regional denominado Zona Franca de Manaus. Esse projeto foi concebido, primordialmente para integrar essa imensa região Amazônica ao restante do Brasil, em termos de complexa ordem geopolítica dominante nos anos 60. A análise que objetiva essa dissertação trata da evolução do emprego industrial no Pólo Industrial de Manaus na década de 90, com a conotação de expectativas, resultados e possibilidades. A implementação do projeto Zona Franca de Manaus, no que concerne seu Pólo Industrial permitiu que contingentes de mão-de-obra abundante na capital do Estado do Amazonas, tivesse a oportunidade de inserir-se no mercado de trabalho do processo de industrialização moderna. Todavia, essa mão-de-obra abundante não estava preparada para o que as indústrias demandavam, sendo necessários intensivos programas de adequação profissional para que possibilitasse o aproveitamento em processos produtivos de linhas de montagem. o Pólo Industrial de Manaus, apesar de todas as mudanças havidas na economia brasileira no período analisado, obteve significativos alcance de competências na capacitação desse contingente de trabalhadores que foram absorvidos, quando o paradigma da intensividade do fator trabalho imperava no Pólo. Entretanto, o processo de mudança que a globalização econômica e industrial provocou no sistema de produção global, trouxe para o modelo industrial da Zona Franca de Manaus acelerada mudança desse paradigma, resultando variações na demanda por mão-de-obra e acarretando significativo desemprego estrutural. É desse contexto de mudanças que trata o estudo apresentado, analisando a evolução das variáveis que influenciaram no nível de emprego industrial e no mercado de trabalho, as expectativas de novos perfis e as demandas específicas que o novo paradigma de capital intensivo, adotado pelas empresas de classe mundial desse Pólo exigem.