911 resultados para public sector accounting


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On June 27th 2012, the Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland and former IRA commander, Martin McGuinness shook hands with Queen Elizabeth II for the first time at an event in Belfast. For many the gesture symbolised the consolidation of Northern Ireland's transition to peace, the meeting of cultures and traditions, and hope for the future. Only a few weeks later however violence spilled onto the streets of north and west Belfast following a series of commemorative parades, marking a summer of hostilities. Those hostilities spread into a winter of protest, riot and discontent around flags and emblems and a year of tensions and commemorative-related violence marked again by a summer of rioting and protest in 2013. Outwardly these examples present two very different pictures of the 'new' Northern Ireland; the former of a society moving forward and putting the past behind it and the latter apparently divided over and wedded to different constructions of the past. Furthermore they revealed two very different 'places', the public handshake in the arena of public space; the rioting and fighting occurring in spaces distanced from the public sphere. This paper has also illustrated the difficulties around the ‘public management’ of conflict and transition as many within public agencies struggle with duties to uphold good relations and promote good governance within an environment of political strife, hostility and continuing violence.

This paper presents the key findings and implications of an exploratory project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, explored the phenomenon of commemorative-related violence in Northern Ireland. We focus on 1) why the performance or celebration of the past can sometimes lead to violence in specific places; 2) map and analyse the levels of commemorative related violence in the past 15 years and 3) look at the public management implications of both conflict and transition at a strategic level within the public sector.


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During Northern Ireland’s transition towards peace the role of the police as an actor in the conflict has been a key point of contention. As such, the reform of policing has been central to conflict transformation. Within this process, the role of dialogue about what policing had been and could be in the future has been vital. Such institutional post violence change processes have been hugely significant in illustrating both organisational resistance to change and the need for transitions to be powerfully manoeuvred through complex, political, organisational and cultural processes (Buchanan and Badham 1999; Pettigrew 2012). The radical and reforming nature of policing transition (Murphy 2013) has been both organisationally challenging (requiring significant transformational leadership, resourcing and external engagement from wider civic society) and politically unusual. Indeed, in a society emerging from violence the NI police are the only public sector organisation to have engaged structurally and culturally in understanding the point at which their core roles intersected with the ‘management’ of the conflict in NI generally. This paper presents an analysis of the role of historical dialogue in organisational change process, using the RUC / PSNI case. It proposes that historical dialogue is not just an external, societal process but also an internal organisational process and as such, has implications for managing institutional change in societies emerging from conflict. In doing so, it builds theoretical links between literature on conflict transformation and that on organisational memory and empirically explores messaging internal to the RUC before and during the four main periods of organisational change (Murphy 2013), with dialogue aimed at an external audience. It offers an analysis of how historical dialogue itself impacts on and is impacted by the organisational realities of change itself.


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The recent bankruptcy filing by deCODE, a company with an exceptional pedigree in associating genetic variance with disease onset, highlights the commercial risks of translational research. Indeed, deCODE's approach was similar to that adapted by academic researchers who seek to connect genetics and disease. We argue here that neither a purely corporate nor purely academic model is entirely appropriate for such research. Instead, we suggest that the private sector undertake the high-throughput elements of translational research, while the public sector and governments assume the role of providing long-term funding to develop gifted scientists with the confidence to attempt to use genetic data as a stepping stone to a truly mechanistic understanding of complex disease.


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Analysing public sentiment about future events, such as demonstration or parades, may provide valuable information while estimating the level of disruption and disorder during these events. Social media, such as Twitter or Facebook, provides views and opinions of users related to any public topics. Consequently, sentiment analysis of social media content may be of interest to different public sector organisations, especially in the security and law enforcement sector. In this paper we present a lexicon-based approach to sentiment analysis of Twitter content. The algorithm performs normalisation of the sentiment in an effort to provide intensity of the sentiment rather than positive/negative label. Following this, we evaluate an evidence-based combining function that supports the classification process in cases when positive and negative words co-occur in a tweet. Finally, we illustrate a case study examining the relation between sentiment of twitter posts related to English Defence League and the level of disorder during the EDL related events.


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There is a broad consensus surrounding the ability of building information modelling (BIM) to positively impact a project by enabling greater collaboration. This paper aims to examine the development of BIM and how it can contribute to the evermore present and growing cold-formed steel (CFS) industry. This is achieved thorough a comprehensive literature review and four exploratory interviews with industry experts. Work has been carried out, for the first time, alongside one of the UK’s largest CFS Designer/Fabricators in conjunction with Northern Ireland’s leading Architectural and Town Planning Consultants in the identification and dissemination of information. The capabilities of BIM have been investigated through modeling of simple CFS structures n consultation with the project partners. By scrutinising the literature and associated interviews, the primary opportunities, as well as barriers, of BIM implementation have been investigated in the context of these companies. It is essential to develop greater understanding of the flexibility, adaptability and interoperability of BIM software as the UK construction industry faces a daunting challenge; fully collaborative 3D BIM as required by the UK Government under the “Government Construction Strategy” by 2016 in all public sector projects. This paper, and the wider study that it stems from, approaches the problem from a new angle, from sections of the construction industry that have not yet fully embedded BIM.


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In May 2006, the NEC contract was introduced as the preferred contract for Northern Ireland public sector works. This was subsequently followed by the 2007 economic crash and ensuing recession, which continues to affect the Northern Ireland Construction Industry, to a greater extent than the remainder of the United Kingdom (UK). However, use of the NEC contract has increased during this period, particularly in the public sector. There has been debate in the literature regarding the impact of the NEC contract on adversarial behaviour, but little consideration of the impact of external economic factors on the use of the NEC contract. Using a sequential mixed method approach, the study aims to fill this gap in knowledge, through examination of the impact the economic downturn has had on the operation of the NEC contract in Northern Ireland. Qualitative and quantitative findings show that the demands placed by the NEC contract, and the effects of the economic recession, have exerted opposing forces contract implementation, thus hindering its execution. The findings can lead to a deeper understanding, in the context of both industry and academia, of situations where a lack of resources may negatively impact the operation of the NEC contract.


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A conjuntura atual económica, financeira e social tem pressionado o uso racional dos recursos existentes, seja pelo setor privado ou pelo setor público. Contudo, nem sempre as empresas e organizações conseguem fazê-lo da melhor forma possível, seja por falta de experiência, por falta de conhecimento ou simplesmente pela aversão à mudança. É no contexto de redução de custos/ gastos que a gestão Lean tem vindo a afirmar-se como um método/filosofia eficaz e o suficientemente flexível e robusta para se adaptar a diferentes realidades organizacionais. Nesse seguimento, este relatório testemunha a introdução da gestão Lean numa organização do Terceiro Setor – Centro Social e Paroquial da Vera Cruz, e questiona o seu valor acrescentado mesmo se implementada numa lógica parcelar e numa organização ainda globalmente longe de estar organizada segundo uma lógica Lean. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito do projeto em questão parecem apontar para uma operação bem sucedida e com boas perspetivas futuras, caso a referida organização dê continuidade à sua implementação.


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À medida que a supervisão, associada a lógicas de interação com a atividade docente e com outros intervenientes nos contextos educativos, adquiriu uma dimensão reflexiva e passou a ser entendida como instrumento de transformação do desenvolvimento humano e da qualidade do processo de ensino e aprendizagem na organização escolar inclusiva, tem vindo a conquistar o interesse de numerosos investigadores. Considerando que a intenção de oferecer uma escola de qualidade a todos e a cada um dos alunos (um dos princípios fundamentais da educação inclusiva), não está amplamente atingido, impõe-se uma nova atitude pessoal e institucional: um entendimento sistémico (envolvendo profissionais, alunos, pais e comunidade) sobre as respostas a oferecer aos alunos, capaz de atender às necessidades e especificidades de cada um, otimizando as suas oportunidades de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Na verdade, a intervenção na complexidade das diferentes situações-problema emergentes numa organização escola que se pretende inclusiva pode ser altamente potenciada se existir supervisão dos processos educacionais em curso. A especificidade do sistema de Educação Especial preconiza uma estrutura de coordenação e supervisão; uma estrutura capaz de viabilizar recursos e gerar dinâmicas de mediação à intervenção, bem como de acionar mecanismos de avaliação de processos e produtos, tornando-os consequentes ao nível das práticas e objetivando a aproximação a níveis superiores de funcionamento. Tendo como principal objetivo construir conhecimento sobre o perfil de competências profissionais do Coordenador da Educação Especial, com particular relevo na dimensão supervisiva inerente à respetiva ação, o estudo que se apresenta baseou-se numa abordagem de natureza mista para recolha e tratamento de dados de tipo quantitativo e qualitativo. Numa primeira fase, incluiu a aplicação dum inquérito por questionário a três grupos de informantes-chave: 105 professores de Educação Especial, 47 coordenadores da Educação Especial e 37 diretores de agrupamentos de escolas/escolas não agrupadas, do ensino público, da área de influência da Direção de Serviços da Região Centro, Direção-Geral dos Estabelecimentos Escolares. A segunda fase, em que se buscou vislumbrar insights passíveis de clarificar e aprofundar os dados recolhidos através dos inquéritos por questionário, compreendeu a realização de entrevistas a 10 especialistas em Educação Especial e/ou em Supervisão. Os dados apontam para um enquadramento organizacional /supervisivo em Educação Especial dissemelhante, podendo, todavia, identificar-se em comum, uma satisfatória ação liderante do Coordenador da Educação Especial, baseada em atividades de diálogo e reflexão, e respeitando princípios de colaboração e solidariedade. Há, no entanto, indicadores de que a prática deste coordenador se concentra bastante na gestão burocrática e administrativa do departamento/equipa, podendo isto explicar-se pelo facto de o Coordenador da Educação Especial servir mais de intermediário do que de interveniente entre órgãos de direção e gestão, nomeadamente, entre o diretor e o conselho pedagógico, e os docentes/profissionais do departamento/equipa. Os dados evidenciam também, a falta de formação dos coordenadores da Educação Especial em supervisão e salientam a importância do fator tempo para o eficaz exercício desse cargo, de modo a promover interações ricas e estimulantes, centradas nas reflexões sobre as práticas inclusivas. Podendo este coordenador contribuir de forma significativa para a dinamização e estímulo dos profissionais do agrupamento/escola, apoiando-os nos seus esforços e iniciativas para uma organização mais inclusiva, identificam-se alguns aspetos considerados determinantes no seu perfil de competências profissionais: experiência, conhecimentos, capacidades, valores e particularidades da personalidade.


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Tourism sector in Algarve region is the main engine of regional economy. Although frequently, tourism is considered as a low – moderate innovative sector, tourism competitiveness is still highly dependent on specific features of a Regional Innovation Platform, highlighting the crucial importance of knowledge creation and diffusion, learning, cooperative and collaborative interaction that may evolve to a Regional Innovation System (RIS). Studies of Local Knowledge Spillovers have been frequently focused on empirical evidence provided by regions highly related with manufacturing sectors. Considering a case study in Tourism Algarve Region, emphasizing a theoretical character on the analysis of these areas and using a qualitative methodology, the goal of this study was to provide preliminary evidence of the main sources and vehicles of regional knowledge spillovers used by tourism enterprises. Main information has been obtained using primary information collected from 20 interviews over main stakeholders regarding regional private and public sector. Primary information was complemented with secondary information, a deeply and extensive bibliography revision and also statistical information. Results show that, on the one hand, main sources of knowledge used by micro and small tourism enterprises are human resources and formal and informal networks. On the other hand, large tourism companies are weakly related with regional sources using mainly internal company and economic group resources to generate innovation activities. Regional innovation platform shows clear weaknesses on linkages and coordinated initiatives to promote and support innovation performance of firms hampering to increase tourism competitiveness and regional development.


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The main goal of this thesis is to analyse tourism as a contributor to sustainable development, from a supply and demand perspective, in Timor-Leste, a destination not only “young” but also framed in an early stage of touristic development. From the supply side, studies 1 and 2 present a literature review on the concept of sustainable development, in small islands destinations, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and whose attractiveness lies in an integrated set of natural resources (attractive beaches, biodiversity, the coral triangle, a rich fauna and flora), its geographic location, tropical climate, socio cultural tradition and a Luso-Timorense cultural mix, that can meet the needs of important segments of the tourist demand. In these studies, the focus is on the residents’ attitudes in relation to sustainable development and, in particular, on the perceptions of local leaders about the importance of the operationalization of the concept. As Timor-Leste is a “young” destination, it is travel industry is still faced with several problems in order to be able to satisfy the demand and to meet the tourists’ motivations, preferences and requirements. In this perspective, the study 3 examines diaspora tourism, while a niche market, allowing for not only the entry of Timor-Leste in the international tourism market, but also an articulation between the people of Timor-Leste in the diasporas and the development of sustainable tourism . In general, the results show that the development of sustainable tourism cannot be successfully implemented without the involvement of all stakeholders such as residents, public sector (local government, policy makers, planners), private sector (tourism operators), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that include civil society, religious institutions, the academic community (the supply side), and Timorese diasporas tourists as consumers (the demand side).


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Especialização em Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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This chapter focuses on the use of social capital as a construct to examine and explain the formation and operation of inter-organizational partnerships. In particular it shows how social capital contributes to the sustainability of a public sector partnership. In this research context social capital is defined as the networks, trust, norms and values that enable individuals and organizations to achieve mutual goals through collaboration. This definition draws upon the author’s empirical research on partnerships and partnership working in the field of post-compulsory education and her practical experience of establishing, managing and leading international partnerships for teaching and research in teacher education. The emphasis is on the practical application of social capital to qualitative data and on identifying sources of evidence, including research literature from different disciplines in the social sciences to interpret and theorize primary data. The first section of the chapter considers the complexities of defining social capital in the context of rival theoretical and political perspectives and leads to a discussion of the dimensions of social capital that are found in effective and sustained partnerships.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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This paper considers whether entrepreneurship education has a value outside of the education institutions in which it takes place. The paper takes an indirect form of enquiry and argues that entrepreneurship education is driven by three factors; the growing emphasis on supply side policy interventions in the economy; the emphasis placed on the agency of management in the growing literature on globalisation and international reforms to public sector organisations. The paper concludes that there is a tension between the activity as descriptive and the activity as promotion and until this tension is resolved it is unlikely that there will be clarity about the value of this form of education.