984 resultados para oral language


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Este estudo pretende analisar o processo da reintrodução da Língua Portuguesa no Sistema Educativo timorense e a forma como, em articulação com as diversas línguas nacionais, tem contribuído para a consolidação da identidade linguística e sociocultural do povo de Timor-Leste, através de um melhor conhecimento das suas línguas, culturas e tradições. Neste sentido, é nosso objetivo identificar a trajetória da língua portuguesa no Sistema Educativo de Timor-Leste desde a sua chegada à ilha, nos meados do século XVI e tendo sido inicialmente língua de Evangelização, depois como língua de administração e de instrução. No seu convívio com as línguas timorenses, ao contrário do que se tem passado com outras línguas, a língua portuguesa coexistiu com estas línguas no decorrer de cerca de quinhentos anos. Do seu convívio no ‘paraíso linguístico’, como lhe chama Soares (2014), deu-se a transmissão de valores linguístico-culturais através do “empréstimo” de novos termos sobretudo na área da religião, da administração, saúde, educação, entre outras. Este enriquecimento linguístico foi um fator importante que deixou marcas profundas, tendo contribuído para estabelecer a diferença sobretudo no período conturbado da ocupação indonésia. O tétum que era utilizado como língua veicular até à chegada dos missionários foi a que mais beneficiou com este contacto e enriquecimento, sendo ambas reconhecidas pela Constituição do país com o estatuto de línguas oficiais. O processo da sua reintrodução no Sistema Educativo timorense passou por uma fase não menos difícil em virtude da longa interrupção no período da ocupação indonésia, em que foi totalmente banida do sistema educativo, tendo sido substituído pela língua indonésia. Hoje está a ser retomada como língua de escolarização e reconhecida pelo artigo 13º da Constituição do país como língua oficial a par do tétum, pois a convivialidade desta língua com as línguas nacionais timorenses e o reconhecimento pela Constituição do país também alargou os seus horizontes para além das fronteiras como membro da CPLP, usufruindo de todos os benefícios atribuídos a esta comunidade. A publicação da Lei de Bases da Educação assegurou o estatuto destas línguas, tendo assim adquirido maior visibilidade. A língua portuguesa assume a função de língua escrita, assumindo o tétum a função da oralidade assim como as demais línguas nacionais, uma vez que a cultura timorense é essencialmente oral. Estas funções poderão ser assumidas com o apoio de uma formação eficiente e adequada dos docentes, pois o domínio linguístico deficiente por parte do professor terá também impacto menos positivo nos alunos. Na LBE também é dado um especial enfoque à formação de professores do Ensino Básico, sobretudo na área da língua portuguesa, uma vez que se pretende atingir os ODMs a médio prazo, em 2015 e a longo prazo, em 2030. A formação contínua dos professores, assegurada pelo INFORDEPE, que não é senão a prossecução da formação inicial, pode ser vista como forma de criar condições para a sua constante atualização científica, pedagógica e didática, de forma a responder às exigências impostas pela LBE e pelo Regime de Carreira Docente. Além disso, os docentes também terão oportunidade de se atualizar e adquirir as competências necessárias para o desempenho das suas funções na preparação da nova geração, exposta a novos desafios e novos obstáculos que nem sempre serão fáceis de ser ultrapassados. A introdução das línguas maternas no início da escolaridade básica proposta pelo Projeto Educação Multilingue baseada no Ensino da Língua Materna que está em funcionamento em três distritos do país tem por objetivo criar as condições mínimas de forma a apoiar aprendizagem das crianças, facilitando a sua assimilação nos níveis mais avançados, uma vez que nem todas as crianças chegam à escola com domínio da(s) língua(s) de escolarização. Apesar destas vantagens, porém, é necessário pensar melhor e ter em conta outros fatores, entre eles, a falta de professores com formação nestas línguas. Sabemos que, de facto, o projeto pode trazer benefícios porque constitui não só a forma de evitar o desaparecimento das referidas línguas por serem ainda maioritariamente ágrafas, mas também cria uma aproximação entre a escola e as crianças e as próprias famílias, mas necessita de ser melhor pensado. Isto porque a carência de professores especializados nas diferentes línguas que necessitam de formação e capacitação pode ainda constituir um elevado custo para o Estado.


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INTRODUCTION: Some viruses of the Herpesviridae family are frequently the etiologic agents of oral lesions associated with HIV. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), human herpesvirus type 6, type 7 and type 8 (HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8) in the oral cavity of HIV-infected children/adolescents and verify the association between viral subtypes and clinical factors. METHODS: The cells of oral mucosa were collected from 50 HIV infected children/adolescents, 3-13 years old (mean age 8.66). The majority (66%) of selected were girls, and they were all outpatients at the pediatric AIDS clinic of a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Nested-PCR was used to identify the viral types. RESULTS: Absence of immunosuppression was observed in 66% of the children. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was used by 72.1% of selected and moderate viral load was observed in 56% of the children/adolescents. Viral types were found in 86% of the children and the subtypes were: HSV-1 (4%), HSV-2 (2%), VZV (4%), EBV (0%), HCMV (24%), HHV6 (18%), HHV-7 (68%), HHV8 (0%). CONCLUSIONS: The use of HAART has helped to reduce oral lesions, especially with herpes virus infections. The health professionals who work with these patients should be aware of such lesions because of their predictive value and the herpes virus can be found circulating in the oral cavity without causing lesions.


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INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the intracellular profile of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from leprosy patients based on oral infections presence to determine whether these coinfections could be associated with pro-inflammatory activity in leprosy. METHODS: Leprosy patients regardless of clinical form and specific leprosy treatment (n=38) were divided into two groups: Group I - leprosy patients with oral infections (n=19), and Group II - leprosy patients without oral infections (n=19). Non-leprosy patients presenting oral infections were assigned to the control Group (n=10). Intracellular IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ production was evaluated by flow cytometry (FACS) before and 7 days after controlling the oral infection in the Group I, before and 7 days after dental prophylaxis in the Group II, and during oral infection process in control Group. RESULTS: Low percentages of CD3+ lymphocytes bearing IL-2, IL-10 and IFN-γ were observed in the Group I and Group II at baseline and 7 days after therapy or prophylaxis compared to controls. Group I showed reduced percentages of IL-4 at baseline and 7 days after therapy compared to controls, or at baseline of Group II, and the Group II showed reduced percentages of CD3+ cells bearing IL-4 compared to control. An increase of the percentages of CD3+cells bearing IL-4 was observed in the Group I after the oral infections treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of oral infections favors the intracellular cytokines expression and, probably, the inflammatory reaction operating as a stimulatory signal triggering the leprosy reactions.


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Introduction Chagas disease is considered as emerging in the Brazilian Amazon, usually occurring in acute outbreaks. Methods We describe 17 cases of acute Chagas disease in Rio Negro, Amazonas. Results There were 15 males (average age, 31.3 years), all positive for Trypanosoma cruzi in fresh blood smear examination, and 14 positive by xenodiagnosis and PCR. The top clinical manifestations were fever, asthenia, abdominal pain, and palpitations. Electrocardiograms featured low-voltage QRS, anterosuperior divisional block, and right bundle branch block associated with anterosuperior divisional block. Conclusions All patients had consumed açaí products from Monte Alegre in the rural area around Santa Izabel do Rio Negro, Brazil.


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Background: Despite the consensus regarding the existence of a relationship between “impacts on oral health” and “health-related quality of life”, this relationship, considering the latent nature of these variables, is still poorly investigated. Thus, we performed this study in order to determine the magnitude of the impacts of oral health, demographic and symptom/clinical variables on the health-related quality of life in a Brazilian sample of dental patients. Methods: A total of 1,007 adult subjects enrolled in the School of Dentistry of São Paulo State University (UNESP) - Araraquara Campus for dentistry care between September/2012 and April/2013, participated. 72.4 % were female. The mean age was 45.7 (SD = 12.5) years. The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used. The demographic and symptom/clinical variables collected were gender, age, economic status, presence of pain and chronic disease. The impact of studied variables on health-related quality of life were evaluated with a structural equation model, considering the factor “Health” as the central construct. The fit of the model was first analyzed by the evaluation of the goodness of fit indices (χ 2 /df ≤ 2.0, CFI and TLI ≥ 0.90 and RMSEA < 0.10) and the evaluation of the variables’ impact over health-related quality of life was based on the statistical significance of causal paths (β), evaluated by z tests, for a significance level of 5 %. Results: We observed adequate fit of the model to the data (χ 2 /df = 3.55; CFI = 0.95; TLI = 0.94; RMSEA = 0.05). The impacts on oral health explained 28.0 % of the variability of the health-related quality of life construct, while the total variance explained of the model was 39.0 %. For the demographic and symptom/clinical variables, only age, presence of pain and chronic disease showed significant impacts (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The oral health, age, presence of pain and chronic disease of individuals had significant influence on health-related quality of life.


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INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of the most frequent oral and systemic manifestations in human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)-positive patients. METHODS: The study was conducted on 300 HIV-1 patients attending the Reference Unit Specialized in Special Infectious Parasitic Diseases in Belém, Pará, Brazil. RESULTS: The most prevalent oral conditions were caries (32.6%), candidiasis (32%), and periodontal disease (17%). Among the systemic manifestations, hepatitis (29.2%), gastritis (16%), arterial hypertension (14.7%), and tuberculosis (12%) were the most commonly observed. CONCLUSIONS: We here reported on the most prevalent oral and systemic conditions in HIV-1-positive patients. The healthcare professional's knowledge of the various manifestations among these patients is fundamental to ensure prompt and accurate diagnosis and treatment, and for improving the quality of life of these patients.


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Infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms continue to increase, and therapeutic options remain scarce. Given this challenge, it has become necessary to use older antimicrobials for treatment of these pathogens. We report three patients with lower urinary tract infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae who were successfully treated with a seven-day course of oral fosfomycin monotherapy.


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Oral dirofilariasis is very rare with non-specific clinical manifestations. Here, we report the case of a 65-year-old South American woman with a submucosal nodule on her right buccal mucosa. The nodule was slightly tender and painful. Differential diagnoses included mesenchymal (lipoma or fibrolipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and neurofibroma) or glandular benign tumors (pleomorphic adenoma) with secondary infections. We performed excisional biopsy. A histopathological examination revealed a dense fibrous capsule and a single female filarial worm showing double uterus appearance, neural plaque, well-developed musculature and intestinal apparatus. Dirofilariasis was diagnosed, and the patient was followed-up for 12 months without recurrence.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: This study assessed the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and its association with oral candidiasis and clinical parameters of periodontitis (CPP) in HIV-infected patients. METHODS: Periodontal examinations for the 113 HIV-infected patients were recorded using the Community Periodontal Index. A cytological smear from the lateral borders of the tongue was performed to evaluate candidiasis. RESULTS: The frequency of hypovitaminosis D was 23.9%. In multivariate analysis, only the duration of exposure to HIV was associated with CPP [OR 4.72 (95% CI: 0.97-23.00)]. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D was 23.9% and was not related with oral candidiasis or CPP.


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Albright hereditary osteodystrophy is a hereditary metabolic disorder of dominant autosomal etiology that is commonly characterized by short stature, round face, small metacarpus and metatarsus, mental retardation, osteoporosis, subcutaneous calcification, variable hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In this study, we report a clinical case of a 17-year-old woman with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and we discuss her clinical, radiographic, and laboratory test characteristics together with the oral manifestations, and we correlate them with the characteristics found in the literature. We also discuss the odontological management of treatment of related periodontal disease and planning for corrections of related malocclusions.


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The present study investigates peer to peer oral interaction in two task based language teaching classrooms, one of which was a self-declared cohesive group, and the other a self- declared less cohesive group, both at B1 level. It studies how learners talk cohesion into being and considers how this talk leads to learning opportunities in these groups. The study was classroom-based and was carried out over the period of an academic year. Research was conducted in the classrooms and the tasks were part of regular class work. The research was framed within a sociocognitive perspective of second language learning and data came from a number of sources, namely questionnaires, interviews and audio recorded talk of dyads, triads and groups of four students completing a total of eight oral tasks. These audio recordings were transcribed and analysed qualitatively for interactions which encouraged a positive social dimension and behaviours which led to learning opportunities, using conversation analysis. In addition, recordings were analysed quantitatively for learning opportunities and quantity and quality of language produced. Results show that learners in both classes exhibited multiple behaviours in interaction which could promote a positive social dimension, although behaviours which could discourage positive affect amongst group members were also found. Analysis of interactions also revealed the many ways in which learners in both the cohesive and less cohesive class created learning opportunities. Further qualitative analysis of these interactions showed that a number of factors including how learners approach a task, the decisions they make at zones of interactional transition and the affective relationship between participants influence the amount of learning opportunities created, as well as the quality and quantity of language produced. The main conclusion of the study is that it is not the cohesive nature of the group as a whole but the nature of the relationship between the individual members of the small group completing the task which influences the effectiveness of oral interaction for learning.This study contributes to our understanding of the way in which learners individualise the learning space and highlights the situated nature of language learning. It shows how individuals interact with each other and the task, and how talk in interaction changes moment-by-moment as learners react to the ‘here and now’ of the classroom environment.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário


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Hand gestures are a powerful way for human communication, with lots of potential applications in the area of human computer interaction. Vision-based hand gesture recognition techniques have many proven advantages compared with traditional devices, giving users a simpler and more natural way to communicate with electronic devices. This work proposes a generic system architecture based in computer vision and machine learning, able to be used with any interface for human-computer interaction. The proposed solution is mainly composed of three modules: a pre-processing and hand segmentation module, a static gesture interface module and a dynamic gesture interface module. The experiments showed that the core of visionbased interaction systems could be the same for all applications and thus facilitate the implementation. For hand posture recognition, a SVM (Support Vector Machine) model was trained and used, able to achieve a final accuracy of 99.4%. For dynamic gestures, an HMM (Hidden Markov Model) model was trained for each gesture that the system could recognize with a final average accuracy of 93.7%. The proposed solution as the advantage of being generic enough with the trained models able to work in real-time, allowing its application in a wide range of human-machine applications. To validate the proposed framework two applications were implemented. The first one is a real-time system able to interpret the Portuguese Sign Language. The second one is an online system able to help a robotic soccer game referee judge a game in real time.


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Vision-based hand gesture recognition is an area of active current research in computer vision and machine learning. Being a natural way of human interaction, it is an area where many researchers are working on, with the goal of making human computer interaction (HCI) easier and natural, without the need for any extra devices. So, the primary goal of gesture recognition research is to create systems, which can identify specific human gestures and use them, for example, to convey information. For that, vision-based hand gesture interfaces require fast and extremely robust hand detection, and gesture recognition in real time. Hand gestures are a powerful human communication modality with lots of potential applications and in this context we have sign language recognition, the communication method of deaf people. Sign lan- guages are not standard and universal and the grammars differ from country to coun- try. In this paper, a real-time system able to interpret the Portuguese Sign Language is presented and described. Experiments showed that the system was able to reliably recognize the vowels in real-time, with an accuracy of 99.4% with one dataset of fea- tures and an accuracy of 99.6% with a second dataset of features. Although the im- plemented solution was only trained to recognize the vowels, it is easily extended to recognize the rest of the alphabet, being a solid foundation for the development of any vision-based sign language recognition user interface system.