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Aortic thromboembolism is one of the most serious and difficult-to-manage complications. of feline cardiac disease. Most, but not all, cats presenting with signs of aortic thromboembolism are found to have underlying cardiac disease at the time of presentation. In most cases no underlying disease has been diagnosed prior to presentation with paresis/paralysis and profound anxiety. This article will review commonly used treatments for thromboembolism and agents proposed for prophylaxis. Many of the proposed treatments are themselves associated with a high morbidity rate and long term clinical trials are required to make comparative risk-to-benefit ratio assessments of these different options. In cats which do survive the initial treatment, clinicians are still faced with the perplexing problem of long term thrombus prevention, as a majority of cats have been shown to re-embolise despite prophylaxis.


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Background: Testamentary capacity (the capacity to make a will) is recognised in the literature as an important issue for speech-language pathologists' assessment of people with aphasia, but current guidelines for clinical practice lack an empirical base. Aims: The research aimed to suggest some guidelines for clinical practice based on information considered relevant for the court in determining testamentary capacity. Methods & Procedures: A recent legal case involving a challenge to the will of a woman with severe aphasia was critically examined with reference to current guidelines in the literature regarding assessment of testamentary capacity. Outcomes & Results: Examination of the information available on the case indicated that the judge gave priority to accounts of the everyday communication of the person with aphasia (including reported discourse samples) over the information provided by expert medical witnesses. The extent to which communication effectiveness could be maximised was found to be a matter of key significance to the determination of capacity. Conclusions: This study has implications for speech-language pathologists' assessment practices and reports, as well as for scope of practice with regard to legal decision making of people with aphasia. These issues are discussed in relation to the World Health Organisation's ICF framework of functioning for social participation.


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Objectives: To describe what is known of quality of life for colorectal cancer patients, to review what has been done in the Australian setting and to identify emerging directions for future research to address current gaps in knowledge. Method: A literature search (using Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Sociological Abstracts) was conducted and 41 articles identified for review. Results: Three key areas relating to quality of life in colorectal cancer patients emerged from the literature review: the definition and measurement of quality of life; predictors of quality of life; and the relationship of quality of life to survival. Results of existing studies are inconsistent in relation to quality of life over time and its relationship to survival. Small sample sizes and methodological limitations make interpretation difficult. Conclusions: There is a need for large-scale, longitudinal, population-based studies describing the quality of life experienced by colorectal cancer patients and its determinants. Measurement and simultaneous adjustment for potential confounding factors would productively advance knowledge in this area, as would an analysis of the economic cost of morbidity to the community and an assessment of the cost effectiveness of proposed interventions. Implications: As the Australian population ages, the prevalence of colorectal cancer within the community will increase. This burden of disease presents as a priority area for public health research. An improved understanding of quality of life and its predictors will inform the development and design of supportive interventions for those affected by the disease.


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Two methods were compared for determining the concentration of penetrative biomass during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on an artificial solid substrate consisting of an inert gel and starch as the sole source of carbon and energy. The first method was based on the use of a hand microtome to make sections of approximately 0.2- to 0.4-mm thickness parallel to the substrate surface and the determination of the glucosamine content in each slice. Use of glucosamine measurements to estimate biomass concentrations was shown to be problematic due to the large variations in glucosamine content with mycelial age. The second method was a novel method based on the use of confocal scanning laser microscopy to estimate the fractional volume occupied by the biomass. Although it is not simple to translate fractional volumes into dry weights of hyphae due to the lack of experimentally determined conversion factors, measurement of the fractional volumes in themselves is useful for characterizing fungal penetration into the substrate. Growth of penetrative biomass in the artificial model substrate showed two forms of growth with an indistinct mass in the region close to the substrate surface and a few hyphae penetrating perpendicularly to the surface in regions further away from the substrate surface. The biomass profiles against depth obtained from the confocal microscopy showed two linear regions on log-linear plots, which are possibly related to different oxygen availability at different depths within the substrate. Confocal microscopy has the potential to be a powerful tool in the investigation of fungal growth mechanisms in solid-state fermentation. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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High concentrations of ammonium ( up to 270 kg N/ha) have been observed in a Vertisol soil below 1 m depth near Warra in south-east Queensland. This study examined the possibility that increased water movement into the subsoil after the removal of native vegetation, and a subsequent increase in periods of waterlogging, could have triggered nitrate ammonification and be responsible for the production of ammonium. Two incubation experiments were conducted to test this hypothesis. The first involved the incubation of repacked cores that had been amended with 30 mg N/kg of 5 atom% N-15 nitrate under low oxygen conditions for a period of 360 days. Over this time period the N-15 enrichment of the exchangeable ammonium fraction was monitored in order to detect any reduction of nitrate to ammonium. The second experiment involved the incubation of soil amended with 30 mg N/ kg of 5 atom% N-15 nitrate under waterlogged and low oxygen conditions for 75 days. During this period the redox potential of the soil was monitored using a field test to determine if reducing conditions would develop in this soil over a period of waterlogging, combined with the monitoring of any nitrate reduction to ammonium. The results of these experiments indicated that a small amount of nitrate ammonification (< 0.1 mg N/ kg) could be observed in the Warra subsoil, but that unless the rate of reduction were to significantly increase with time, this could not account for the accumulation of ammonium observed in the field. The environmental conditions that would make either dissimilatory or abiotic nitrate ammonification favourable were not observed to develop. Consequently, it has been concluded that the observed nitrate ammonification occurred via an assimilatory pathway. Due to the low rate of microbial activity in this subsoil it is considered unlikely that this process was responsible for the subsoil ammonium accumulation at Warra.


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Three studies support the vicarious dissonance hypothesis that individuals change their attitudes when witnessing members of important groups engage in inconsistent behavior. Study 1, in which participants observed an actor in an induced-compliance paradigm, documented that students who identified with their college supported an issue more after hearing an ingroup member make a counterattitudinal speech in favor of that issue. In Study 2, vicarious dissonance occurred even when participants did not hear a speech, and attitude change was highest when the speaker was known to disagree with the issue. Study 3 showed that speaker choice and aversive consequences moderated vicarious dissonance, and demonstrated that vicarious discomfort-the discomfort observers imagine feeling if in an actor's place-was attenuated after participants expressed their revised attitudes.


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Controversies In its present condition, rural Australia is characterised by a discourse of decline that sees country towns and regions as places of demoralisation and despair. From a Foucauldian governmentality perspective, those who live in these spaces are not so much 'powerless' to the demands of urban-based governments and global capital, as rendered governable according to the socio-political ambitions of late capitalism. While important insights have been derived from such analyses, it is argued in this paper that excessive attention is often paid to the power of the state with little concern for the various ways in which local people engage with, and transform the strategies and effects of state power. Rather than utilising the concept of resistance to make sense of these interactions, a sociology of translation is adopted from the Actor Network Theory literature. Applied to two case examples, it shows how governmental policies and programmes are frequently the outcome of the interactions and negotiations that take place between all those enrolled in the actor-network.


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It has been reported that Neisseria gonorrhoeae possesses a very high level of catalase activity, but the regulation of catalase expression has not been investigated extensively. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, it has been demonstrated that OxyR is a positive regulator of hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes, including the gene encoding catalase. The oxyR gene from N. gonorrhoeae was cloned and used to complement an E. coli oxyR mutant, confirming its identity and function. The gene was inactivated by inserting a kanamycin resistance cassette and used to make a knockout allele on the chromosome of N. gonorrhoeae strain 1291. In contrast to E. coli, the N. gonorrhoeae oxyR::kan mutant expressed ninefold-more catalase activity and was more resistant to hydrogen peroxide killing than the wild type. These data are consistent with OxyR in N. gonorrhoeae acting as a repressor of catalase expression.


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Sco proteins are found in mitochondria and in a variety of oxidase positive bacteria. Although Sco is required for the formation of the Cu-A centre in a cytochrome oxidase of the aa(3) type, it was observed that oxidases with a Cu-A centre are not present in many bacteria that contain a Sco homologue. Two bacteria of this type are the pathogens Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The sco genes of N. gonorrhoeae strain 1291 and N. meningitidis strain MC58 were cloned, inactivated by inserting a kanamycin resistance cassette and used to make knockout mutants by allelic exchange. Both N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis sco mutants were highly sensitive to oxidative killing by paraquat, indicating that Sco is involved in protection against oxidative stress in these bacteria. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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One perpetual concern among Indigenous Australian peoples is authenticity of voice. Who has the right to speak for, and to make representations about, the knowledges and cultures of Indigenous Australian peoples? Whose voice is more authentic, and what happens to these ways of knowing when they make the journey into mainstream Western academic classrooms? In this paper, I examine these questions within the politics of “doing” Indigenous Australian studies by focusing on my own experiences as a lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland. My findings suggest that representation is a matter of problematizing positionality and, from a pedagogical standpoint, being aware of, and willing to address, the ways in which power, authority, and voice are performed and negotiated as teachers and learners of Indigenous Australian studies.


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We investigate coherent electron transport through a parallel circuit of two quantum dots (QDs), each of which has a single tunable. energy level. Electrons tunnelling via each dot from the left lead interfere with each other at the right lead. It is shown that due to the quantum interference of tunnelling electrons the double QD device is magnetically polarized by coherent circulation of electrons on the closed path through the dots and the leads. By varying the energy level of each dot one can make the magnetic states of the device be up-, non- or down-polarized. It is shown that for experimentally accessible temperatures and applied biases the magnetic polarization currents Should be sufficiently large to observe with current nanotechnology.


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Improving students' outcomes from schooling requires schools to be learning organisations, where both students and teachers are engaged in learning. As such, knowledge and talk about pedagogy need to be at the core of the professional culture of schools. This article argues that this will require the valuing of teachers' work, that is, their pedagogical practices, to be a central focus of educational policy. Dangers are associated with this argument in terms of understating the impacts of poverty, lack of funding to disadvantaged schools and other social factors such as the pressures of globalisation upon students' educational opportunities. Hence, while acknowledging the importance of pedagogy to students' outcomes, the article contextualises the argument through a recognition of the policy and structural conditions that work against the valuing of teachers and their work. It then conceptualises how, within this context, a focus on pedagogies can make a difference to students' academic and social outcomes from schooling. This conceptualisation utilises the productive pedagogies model of classroom practice, developed in a large Australian study of school reform, as an example of the forms of pedagogical practices that support students' achievement of academic and social outcomes. It is argued that such pedagogical practices ought to be a concern of teachers, school administrators, education systems and local communities interested in schools as learning organisations.


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This study discusses distance learning (DL) as a corporate education strategy in the scope of National Policy on Staff Development. The purpose was to identify, along with managers and specialists of National Network of Schools of Government in Brazil (RNEG), demanded competencies for DL professionals acting in continued education to service public. Part of the research is based in official documents and in related capacity-building initiatives of Schools of Government in the last three years. Through questionnaire sent to managers of institutions of RNEG, we identified existing infrastructure, teams profile, actions developed in DL and training needs. The research allowed to map the critical competencies to work in DL programs and to create a proposal from a Competency-Based Training Matrix for school teams in order to leverage continuing education programs to public servants in three spheres of government. The results revealed the key technological, pedagogical, management and communication skills, as well as the critical activities and content to be included in the training plans. It was found that 88% of institutions have already implemented or are in the process of implementing DL, and the other 12% are deficient in qualified staff to make regulations on hiring personnel or in technology fluency. This corroborates the importance and the contribution of Competency-Based Training Matrix for RNEG


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Reformas de corte gerencial n??o s??o uma novidade no Brasil e est??o condenadas a reaparecerem de forma recorrente, dado o incessante processo de renova????o das teorias de administra????o no setor privado. Dado permanente apelo que det??m junto ?? ??rea governamental, ?? natural que estejam continuamente sendo transplantadas para o setor p??blico com maior ou menor sucesso, conforme um conjunto de circunst??ncias e caracter??sticas. O trabalho busca fazer uma breve an??lise comparativa dos processos de transforma????es em determinadas pol??ticas de gest??o p??blica nos dois ciclos de reformas autodenominadas gerenciais ocorridas nos dois mandatos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. O texto identifica contrastes em rela????o a aspectos do policy making process nos dois momentos, com ??nfase para os momentos relacionados com a forma????o da agenda, especifica????o de propostas e processos decis??rios. Na primeira parte s??o recuperadas algumas quest??es comuns a outro esfor??o de reforma ??? no caso a de 1967 ??? e na conclus??o, s??o feitos alguns coment??rios relacionados com o legado de reformas de cunho gerencial no contexto do governo atual.


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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a forma????o de consensos sociais e pol??ticos para a reforma do Estado e de seu aparelho em n??vel estadual, conforme a governabilidade democr??tica. Optou-se por uma pesquisa sobre a privatiza????o das Centrais El??tricas Mato- Grossenses S.A. (Cemat), considerada representativa tanto da reforma empreendida pelo Estado de Mato Grosso quanto das dificuldades do setor el??trico em n??vel nacional. O referencial metodol??gico dessa pesquisa ?? composto de um problema e de quatro hip??teses de trabalho. Trata-se de estudo de caso da esp??cie ???provas de plausibilidade???, em que, por uma aplica????o iterativa, apresenta-se uma proposi????o te??rica inicial e, em seguida, as conclus??es da pesquisa s??o comparadas, o que permite sua revis??o e compara????o. Para tanto, descrevem-se a privatiza????o da Cemat e os problemas da desestatiza????o do setor el??trico brasileiro no seu conjunto. Por fim, na conclus??o, verifica-se a validade das hip??teses e fazem-se algumas considera????es finais sobre a pesquisa.