968 resultados para dielectric breakdown
Bi1.5Zn1Nb1.5O7 (BZN) epitaxial thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on Al2O3 with a double ZnO buffer layer through domain matching epitaxy (DME) mechanism. The pole figure analysis and reciprocal space mapping revealed the single crystalline nature of the thin film. The pole figure analysis also shows a 60º twinning for the (222) oriented crystals. Sharp intense spots in the SAED pattern also indicate the high crystalline nature of BZN thin film. The Fourier filtered HRTEM images of the BZN-ZnO interface confirms the domain matched epitaxy of BZN with ZnO buffer. An electric field dependent dielectric tunability of 68% was obtained for the BZN thin films with inter digital capacitors patterned over the film.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of a method based on microwave spectrometry to detect structural distortions of metallic stents in open air conditions and envisage the prospects of this approach toward possible medical applicability for the evaluation of implanted stents. Methods: Microwave absorbance spectra between 2.0 and 18.0 GHz were acquired in open air for the characterization of a set of commercial stents using a specifically design setup. Rotating each sample over 360º, 2D absorbance diagrams were generated as a function of frequency and rotation angle. To check our approach for detecting changes in stent length (fracture) and diameter (recoil), two specific tests were performed in open air. Finally, with a few adjustments, this same system provides 2D absorbance diagrams of stents immersed in a water-based phantom, this time over a bandwidth ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 GHz. Results: The authors show that metallic stents exhibit characteristic resonant frequencies in their microwave absorbance spectra in open air which depend on their length and, as a result, may reflect the occurrence of structural distortions. These resonances can be understood considering that such devices behave like dipole antennas in terms of microwave scattering. From fracture tests, the authors infer that microwave spectrometry provides signs of presence of Type I to Type IV stent fractures and allows in particular a quantitative evaluation of Type III and Type IV fractures. Recoil tests show that microwave spectrometry seems able to provide some quantitative assessment of diametrical shrinkage, but only if it involves longitudinal shortening. Finally, the authors observe that the resonant frequencies of stents placed inside the phantom shift down with respect to the corresponding open air frequencies, as it should be expected considering the increase of dielectric permittivity from air to water. Conclusions: The evaluation of stent resonant frequencies provided by microwave spectrometry allows detection and some quantitative assessment of stent fracture and recoil in open air conditions. Resonances of stents immersed in water can be also detected and their characteristic frequencies are in good agreement with theoretical estimates. Although these are promising results, further verifica tion in a more relevant phantom is required in order to foresee the real potential of this approach.
L'arthrose est une maladie dégénérative des articulations due à une dégradation progressive du cartilage. La calcification de l'articulation (essentiellement due à des dépôts de cristaux de phosphate de calcium basique -cristaux BCP-) est une caractéristique de cette maladie. Cependant, le rôle des cristaux BCP reste à déterminer. Nous avons tout d'abord déterminé en utilisant des cultures primaires de chondrocytes que les cristaux de BCP induisaient la production de la cytokine IL-6, via une signalisation intracellulaire implicant les kinase Syk, PI3 et Jak et Stat3. Les cristaux de BCP induisent également la perte de protéoglycanes et l'expression de IL-6 dans des explants de cartlage humain et ces deux effets peuvent être bloqués par un inhibiteur de IL-6, le Tocilizumab. Par ailleurs, nous avons trouvé que l'IL-6 ajouté à des chondrocytes, favorisait la formation de cristax de BCP et augmentait l'expression de gènes impliqués dans le processus de minéralisation : Ank (codant pour un transporteur de pyrophooshate), Annexin5 (codant pour un canal calcique) et Pit-1 (codant pour un transporteur de phoshate). In vivo, les cristaux de BCP injectés dans l'articulation de souris induisent une érosion du cartilage. Dans un modèle murin d'arthrose du genou induit par ménisectomie, nous avons observé la formation progressive de cristaux de BCP. Fait intéressant, la présence de ces cristaux dans l'articulation précédait la destruction du cartilage. Un agent susceptible de bloquer les calcifications tel que le sodium thiosulfate (STS), administré à des souris ménisectomisées, inhibait le dépôt intra-articulaire de ces cristaux ainsi que l'érosion du cartilage. Nous avons identifié ainsi un cercle vicieux dans l'arthrose, les cristaux induisant l'interleukine-6 et l'interleukine-6 induisant la formation de ces cristaux. Nous avons étudié si on pouvait bloquer cette boucle cristaux de BCP-IL6 soit par des agents décalcifiants, soit par des inhibiteurs d'IL-6. In vitro, des anticorps anti IL- 6 ou des inhibiteurs de signalisation, inhibaient significativement IL-6 et la minéralisation induite par IL-6. De même le STS inhibait la formation de ces cristaux et la production de l'IL-6. Tout récemment, nous avons trouvé que des inhibiteurs de la xanthine oxidoréductase étaient aussi capables d'inhiber à la fois la production d'IL-6 et la minéralization des chondrocytes. Finalement, nous avons pu exclure un rôle du système IL-1 dans le modèle d'arthrose induite par ménisectomie, les souris déficientes pour IL-1a/ß, MyD88 et l'inflammasome NLRP3 n'étant pas protégées dans ce modèle d'arthrose. L'ensemble de nos résultats montre que les cristaux BCP sont pathogéniques dans l'arthrose et qu'un inhibiteur de minéralisation tel que le STS ou un inhibiteur de l'interleukine-6 constitueraient des nouvelles thérapies pour l'arthrose. -- Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common degenerative disorder of the joints, results from an imbalance between the breakdown and repair of the cartilage and surrounding articular structures. Joint calcification (essentially due to basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystal deposition) is a characteristic feature of OA. However, the role of BCP crystal deposition in the pathogenesis of OA remains unclear[1][1]. We first demonstrated that in primary murine chondrocytes exogenous BCP crystals led to IL-6 up-modulation and that BCP crystal signaling pathways involved Syk and PI3 kinases, and also gp130 associated molecules, Jak2 and Stat3. BCP crystals also induced proteoglycan loss and IL-6 expression in human cartilage expiants, (which were significantly reduced by an IL-6 inhibitor). In addition, we found that in chondrocytes exogenous IL-6 promoted calcium-containing crystal formation and up- regulation of genes codifying for proteins involved in the calcification process: the inorganic pyrophosphate transport channel Ank, the calcium channel Annexinö and the sodium/phosphate cotransporter Piti. In vivo, BCP crystals injected into murine knee joints induced cartilage erosion. In the menisectomy model, increasing deposits, identified as BCP crystals, were progressively observed around the joint before cartilage erosion. These deposits strongly correlated with cartilage degradation and IL-6 expression. These results demonstrated that BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production are mutually reinforcing in the osteoarthritic pathogenic process. We then investigated if we could block the BCP-IL6 loop by either targeting IL-6 production or BCP crystal deposits. Treatment of chondrocytes with anti-IL-6 antibodies or inhibitors of IL-6- signaling pathway significantly inhibited IL-6-induced crystal formation. Similarly, sodium thiosulfate (STS), a well-known systemic calcification inhibitor, decreased crystal deposition as well as HA-induced IL-6 secretion in chondrocytes and, in vivo, it decreased crystal deposits size and cartilage erosion in menisectomized knees. Interestingly, we also found that xanthine-oxidoreductase (XO) inhibitors inhibited both IL-6 production and calcium crystal depositis in chondrocytes. We began to unravel the mechanisms involved in this coordinate modulation of IL-6 and mineralization. STS inhibited Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation and we are currently investigating whether XO represents a major source of ROS in chondrocyte mineralization. Finally, we ruled out that IL-1 activation/signaling plays a role in the murine model of OA induced by menisectomy, as IL-1a/ß, the IL-1 R associated molecule MyD88 and NLRP3 inflammasome deficient mice were not protected in this model of OA. Moreover TLR-1, -2, -4,-6 deficient mice had a phenotype similar to that of wild-type mice. Altogether our results demonstrated a self-amplification loop between BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production, which represents an aggravating process in OA pathogenesis. As currently prescribed OA drugs are addressing OA symptoms,our results highlight a potential novel treatment strategy whereby inhibitors of calcium- containing crystal formation and IL-6 could be combined to form the basis of a disease modifying treatment and alter the course of OA.
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidences link T helper 17 (Th17) cells with multiple sclerosis (MS). In this context, interleukin-22 (IL-22), a Th17-linked cytokine, has been implicated in blood brain barrier breakdown and lymphocyte infiltration. Furthermore, polymorphism between MS patients and controls has been recently described in the gene coding for IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP). Here, we aimed to better characterize IL-22 in the context of MS. METHODS: IL-22 and IL-22BP expressions were assessed by ELISA and qPCR in the following compartments of MS patients and control subjects: (1) the serum, (2) the cerebrospinal fluid, and (3) immune cells of peripheral blood. Identification of the IL-22 receptor subunit, IL-22R1, was performed by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence in human brain tissues and human primary astrocytes. The role of IL-22 on human primary astrocytes was evaluated using 7-AAD and annexin V, markers of cell viability and apoptosis, respectively. RESULTS: In a cohort of 141 MS patients and healthy control (HC) subjects, we found that serum levels of IL-22 were significantly higher in relapsing MS patients than in HC but also remitting and progressive MS patients. Monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells contained an enhanced expression of mRNA coding for IL-22BP as compared to HC. Using immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, we found that IL-22 and its receptor were detected on astrocytes of brain tissues from both control subjects and MS patients, although in the latter, the expression was higher around blood vessels and in MS plaques. Cytometry-based functional assays revealed that addition of IL-22 improved the survival of human primary astrocytes. Furthermore, tumor necrosis factor α-treated astrocytes had a better long-term survival capacity upon IL-22 co-treatment. This protective effect of IL-22 seemed to be conferred, at least partially, by a decreased apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: We show that (1) there is a dysregulation in the expression of IL-22 and its antagonist, IL-22BP, in MS patients, (2) IL-22 targets specifically astrocytes in the human brain, and (3) this cytokine confers an increased survival of the latter cells.
Monikulttuurinen johtaminen on globalisaation ja nopean kansainvälistymisen takia erittäin ajankohtainen aihe. Suomessa sitä on kuitenkin tutkittu vasta vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia Suomen suurlähetystöjenmonikulttuurista johtamista Aasian eri kohdemaissa ja kulttuureissa sekä ottaa osaa tieteelliseen keskusteluun monikulttuurisesta johtamisesta. Tutkimuksen kohdemaiksi on valittu neljä Aasian maata, jotka ovat tällä hetkellä hyvin ajankohtaisia nopean talouskasvunsa takia. Itä-Aasiasta mukana ovat Etelä-Korea (Korean tasavalta), Japani ja Kiinan kansantasavalta sekä Kaakkois-Aasiasta tutkimuksessa mukana on Malesia. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto koostuu kahdesta laadulliselle tutkimukselle poikkeuksellisesta avoimesta kyselystä, jotka on lähetetty edellä mainittujen maiden suurlähettiläille eri kohdemaihin. Analyysissä menetelmänä on käytetty teemoittelua, jonka avulla on voitu jäsentää saatua aineistoa. Näin teemojen vertailu on myös ollut helpompaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista kävi ilmi, että monikulttuurinen johtaminen on erittäin haasteellista kansallisten kulttuurien eroista johtuen. Arvot ovat hyvin keskeisessä osassa kulttuuria tutkittaessa ja niiden erot voivat vaikeuttaa kanssakäymistä eri kulttuureista tulevien ihmisten kesken, koska asioiden merkitykset jäävät usein arvoituksiksi vieraasta kulttuurista tuleville henkilöille. Kansallisen kulttuurin tekijöistä kieli, arvot ja uskonto ovat merkittäviä monikulttuurisen johtamisen kannalta. Tutkimuksesta kävi myös ilmi, että Itä- Aasian maissa konfutselaisuudella on suuri merkitys yhteiskuntafilosofiana. Se on muokannut yhteiskunnan arvoja, tapoja ja rakenteita. Vanhempien ja ylempiarvoisten ihmisten arvostus ja vahvasti hierarkkinen yhteiskuntarakenne ovat tyypillisiä konfutselaisuuden piirteitä. Kulttuurin ulottuvuuksista merkityksellisempiä tämän tutkimuksen kannalta ovat yksilöllisyys vs. kollektiivisuus, valtaetäisyys ja konfutselaisuuden dynamiikka (lyhyen vs. pitkän aikavälin suuntautuminen). Kaikki tämän tutkimuksen maat ovat kollektiivisia sekä niissä valtaetäisyys on myös korkea. Tämä tuo haasteita monikulttuuriseen johtamiseen Suomen suurlähetystöissä, koska suomalainen kulttuuri on useimpien länsimaiden tapaan yksilöllinen ja valtaetäisyys on suhteellisen matala. Konfutselaisuuden dynamiikka vaikuttaa lähinnä vain Itä-Aasian maissa tuoden mukanaan erittäin vahvan hierarkian, jota ei voi sivuuttaa. Tutkimuksen aineistoa käsitellään näytenäkökulmasta, eikä sitä ei voisuoraan verrata muihin organisaatioihin tai kulttuureihin. Toisaalta jokaisen kansallisen kulttuurin ihmiset toimivat tietyllä tavalla tietyssä kontekstissa, riippumatta siitä, missä organisaatiossa he työskentelevät. Kulttuuri ohjaa ihmisen toimintaa ja kansallinen kulttuuri on yrityskulttuuria voimakkaampi tekijä.
The plane wave electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties of DC sputtered Ni79Fe16Mo5 and copper layers were studied according to ASTM D 4935-89 on frequency range of 50 MHz – 2.5 GHz and RF magnetic shielding effectiveness by shielded magnetic loop probes. Results show that Ni79Fe16Mo5 provides better RF magnetic shielding above the layer thickness of approximately 120 nm. Copper provides better plane wave shielding effectiveness. The effect of shield internal interfaces was studied by depositing thin multilayer structures with and without a dielectric spacer layer.
Ankle fractures in adults are usually managed by open reduction internal fixation. In elderly patients the surgical dilemma relates to bone quality. Osteoporosis is the enemy of internal fixation, and secure purchase of screws in osteopenic bone may be difficult to achieve. Insufficient screw purchase may lead to loss of reduction, wound breakdown, and infection. Postoperative management after osteosynthesis usually requires an extended period of restricted weight bearing. However, this is not feasible in older patients as a result of their lack of strength in the upper extremities and frequent comorbidities. Therefore, augmen- ted methods of internal fixation and specific surgical techniques have been developed using metal and bone cement. This permits this fragile population to begin early full weight bearing in a removable brace.
[Summary] 2. Roles of quality control in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. - 2.1. Pharmaceutical industry. - 2.2. Biopharmaceutical industry. - 2.3. Policy and regulatory. - 2.3.1. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). - 2.3.2. The European Medicine Agency (EMEA). - 2.3.3. The Japanese Ministry of Work, Labor and Welfare (MHLW). - 2.3.4. The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic). - 2.3.5. The International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). - - 3. Types of testing. - 3.1. Microbiological purity tests. - 3.2. Physiochemical tests. - 3.3. Critical to quality steps. - 3.3.1. API starting materials and excipients. - 3.3.2. Intermediates. - 3.3.3. APIs (drug substances) and final drug product. - 3.3.4. Primary and secondary packaging materials fro drug products. - - 4. Manufacturing cost and quality control. - 4.1.1. Pharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.1.2. Biopharmaceutical manufacturing cost breakdown. - 4.2. Batch failure / rejection / rework / recalls. - - 5. Future trends in the quality control of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. - 5.1. Rapid and real time testing. - 5.1.1. Physio-chemicals testing. - 5.1.2. Rapid microbiology methods
The pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (PDBD) and pulsed corona discharge (PCD) were compared for their efficiency to degrade phenol in water solution. Results show that PCD has higher efficiency than PDBD to degrade phenol. When initial pH of water solution was elevated, phenol degradation in the PCD reactor was significantly enhanced, although no considerable effect was seen in the PDBD reactor. The PCD reactor was also able to degrade lignin significantly, both in synthetically prepared solution and in pulp and paper mill wastewater. Water temperature did not affect phenol degradation; however, lignin was better oxidized at lower temperature.
In the area of drug discovery, natural products represent a myriad of templates for new lead discovery. It is, however, most unlikely that the bioactive principle itself shall become a drug; it is much more likely that a medicinal chemistry project needs to be initiated as soon the potency or selectivity or specificity of the new natural product candidate has been disclosed. Brazil has an enormous biodiversity where just a few has been disclosed. Nevertheless, it urges to initiate a joint collaboration in order to circumvent a major breakdown linking between natural products and medicinal chemistry in this country. This paper is intended to encourage people to follow up one of the most pushing forward enterprise that needs to be settled: the pharmaceutical industry.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of 209 chemical compounds with the molecular formula C12H10-nCl n, where 1 <= n <= 10. They were commercially produced as complex mixtures for various uses, being employed principally as dielectric fluids in capacitors and transformers. They are not easily degraded due their chemical and physical stability and tend to bioaccumulate in the organisms. After the discovery of their xenobiotic activity, restrictions were imposed for their use, as well as for their discards. Nowadays the development of recovery processes for contaminated environment urges to be done due to the extension of reached areas.
The microwave oven became a common domestic equipment, due mainly to the short time spent to heat foods. One of the most interesting characteristics of the microwave oven is the selective heating. Different from the conventional oven, where the heating is not selective, the heating by microwave depends on the chemical nature of the matter. Many Students of Chemistry have no knowledge of the principles involved in this selective heating, in spite of the daily microwave oven use. The heating by microwave is feasible for chemistry courses. In discussions about the microwave absorption by the matter it is possible to explore chemical properties like: heat capacity, chemical bound, molecular structure, dipole moments, polarization and dielectric constant. This paper presents the basic principles involved in the microwave heating. It is proposed a simple and inexpensive experiment that could be developed in general chemistry courses, to illustrate the relationship between heating and the chemical properties of some solvents. Experiments to check the power of the microwave oven are also proposed.
The application of microwave heating to organic synthesis is presented in a concise manner. Issues such as the history of the microwave oven, dielectric heating, reactions techniques (dry reactions, MORE chemistry), domestic ovens, microwave reactors, microwave effect and control of selectivities are discussed. Selected examples from the literature showed faster reactions, improved yields, less thermal degradations and cleaner reactions.
Glucocorticosteroids (CT) show a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. In view of this, they are extensively used in sports medicine, but their misuse (systemic administration) can lead to severe injuries on athletes and has been restricted by the IOC in recent years. For GC-MS analysis, a derivatization step is necessary in order to convert them to a stable form, thus preventing thermal breakdown with the loss of the ketone side chain. Derivatization of CT is reviewed and a new approach of silylation is presented for screening of CT in urine.
Nyky yhteiskunta tulee päivä päivältä riippuvaisemmaksi sähköstä ja sen luotettavasta siirrosta ja jakelusta. Suurhäiriö kantaverkossa on erittäin epätodennäköinen, mutta sen mahdollisuutta ei koskaan voida kokonaan rajata pois. Suurhäiriön seuraukset ovat erittäin vakavat ja yhteiskäytön palautus häiriön jälkeen voi pitkittyä. Diplomityössä käsitellään kantaverkkoyhtiö Fingrid Oyj:n kaasuturpiinivaravoimalaitoksia ja niiden ominaisuuksia kantaverkon suurhäiriössä. Varavoimalaitosten pimeäkäynnistysvalmiudet tarkastettiin ja niissä suoritettiin koeajoja, jotka sisälsivät jatkuvan ja dynaamisen tilan koeajo osuudet. Yhdessä laitosyksikössä tehtiin myös pimeäkäynnistys ja saarekekoeajo. Koeajojen perusteella saatiin arvokasta perustietoa kaasuturpiinilaitosten ominaisuuksista ja mahdollisuuksista toimia pimeäkäynnistystilanteissa. Varavoimalaitosten matemaattista mallintamista yksinkertaisella teollisuuskaasuturpiinilaitoksen mallilla kokeiltiin siinä kuitenkaan onnistumatta. Kokemusten perusteella esitetään keskeisimmät havainnot ja ehdotukset kevyen, moniakselisen kaasuturpiinilaitoksen mallintamiseksi.