1000 resultados para capacidade de suporte
The groundwater quality has been compromised as a result of the intensification of human activities over the years. Groundwater contamination by nitrate is one of the effects of this degradation, a socio-environmental problem that affects many regions of the world and particular the city of Natal (RN). Developing techniques for nitrate removal in water is intended to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound, and those that involve biological processes have produced economic and environmental advantages. This study proposes a technology for biological removal of nitrate in water supply for humans, using the endocarp s coconut as a carbon source and bacteria support. The experiments were performed in pilot scale anoxic, testing different areas of the substrate surface. Results showed high rates nitrate removal during the monitoring period, noting the occurrence of denitrification after the beginning of system operation. The best performance was achieved in the treatment system containing substrate surface area increased, indicating that the decrease in the endocarp size contributed to increased bacterial activity, improving the ability to remove nitrate. About the quality analyzed aspects of water, it was found that the proposed technology has the potential water use for human consumption
The improper disposal of nitrogen in receiving water courses causes problems such as toxicity to living beings through the consumption of oxygen to meet the nitrogen demand, eutrophication and nitrate contamination of aquifers. For this reason it is often necessary to be carried out complementary treatment of wastewater to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound in the wastewater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biological removal of nitrogen compounds using submerged aerated and anoxic filters as post-treatment of an anaerobic system, with low cost and innovative technology, which in previous studies has shown high removal efficiency of organic matter and great potential biological nitrogen compounds removal. The simple design with perforated hoses for air distribution and filling with plastic parts proved to be very efficient in relation to organic matter removal and nitrification. The system presented, in the best stage, efficiency in converting ammonia to nitrate by 71%, and produced a final effluent concentration below 10 mg / L of NH3-N. In addition, carbon concentration was removed by 77%, producing final effluent with 24 mg/L COD. However, denitrification in anoxic filter was not effective even with the addition of an external carbon source. There was a reduction of up to 56% of nitrogen caused by the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The high voids space presented by this type of support material coupled with direct aeration of the sludge, allows the respiration of biomass retained between the endogenous phase, increased cell retention time and sludge retention capacity, producing a final effluent with turbidity less than 5 UT and total suspended solids around 5.0 mg/L
Verificar a relação entre capacidade cardiorrespiratória e gordura corporal em mulheres. Foram analisadas 229 mulheres com idade entre 50 e 84 anos. Foi realizada avaliação antropométrica e calculada a razão cintura/quadril, bem como o índice de conicidade. A capacidade cardiorrespiratória foi avaliada pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos. Com o pedômetro foi possível avaliar: velocidade, comprimento da passada e total de passos. Os resultados foram distribuídos em quartil, e a comparação feita pela análise de variância com post-hoc. A relação entre teste de caminhada de seis minutos e a antropometria foi feita pela correlação de Pearson. Os resultados revelaram que mulheres com capacidade cardiorrespiratória no quartil4 apresentaram idade estatisticamente menor (p<0,05) que as do quartil1. As medidas antropométricas apresentaram valores menores (p<0,05), quando comparados os resultados dos quartis3 e 4 com os quartis1 e 2. Conclui-se que mulheres com maior tecido adiposo e acúmulo de gordura central apresentam menor capacidade cardiorrespiratória.
Este estudio se refiere a una investigación a cerca de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, y, mediante las análisis del modelo 2009, entender lo que el lector se supone que responder en las preguntas de esta prueba. El estudio tiene como objetivo satisfacer se presume lector general para responder a las preguntas de prueba de Brasil y el mapa de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la matriz de referencia tal prueba. Los objetivos específicos apuntan a examinar los temas de Prueba Brasil, identificando qué descriptores se materializan en el mismo, que son los más recurrentes. El estudio tiene como fundamentos los estudios bakhtinianos a cerca de los diálogos del linguaje (Bakhtin, 2003, 2008; Volochínov/Bakhtin, 1993) y la concepción de la lectura defendida por Geraldi (2007), Larossa (2001) y DeCerteau (1994). La investigación és caracterizada como cualitativo-interpretativo, con enfoque socio-histórico, y se encuentra dentro del campo de la Lingüística Aplicada, que en las últimas décadas ha demostrado contribuciones para la enseñanza de lenguas y formación docente. Para hacer el análisis de las pruebas, inicialmente construido una tabla (Tabla 1), que contiene los seis macrotópicos Matrix lengua portuguesa en la que estábamos repartiendo los descriptores presentes en las cuestiones de prueba referenciada relacionándolos con sus temas. Tras analizar la cuestión, con el fin de identificar al presunto lector a responder a estas preguntas. Mediante análisis de la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, entendemos que ella está de acuerdo con los Parámetros Curriculares de la Lengua Portuguesa. Así, la concepción que subyace en la lectura es que la lectura es una actividad que depende del proceso individual, pero que és parte de un contexto social e involucra a habilidades relacionadas con la comprensión y producción de sentido. Mediante la observación de la prueba, afirmamos qué el lector con la capacidad de responder a las preguntas es lo que desarrolla actitudes favorables a cerda de la lectura. A saber: (i) reconocen ampliamente las palabras, (ii) identifican los objetivos y funciones de la lectura, en reconocimiento de la función de apoyo de género y el contexto del texto, (iii) predice el contenido de los textos a se lee a la luz de su apoyo, su género y su contexto; (iv) plantea hipótesis sobre el contenido del texto que se lee, (v) es capaz de buscar ideas textual e intertextual. Es decir, hace inferencias, aumentando la comprensión, la asociación de diversos elementos presentes en el texto y que son parte de sus propias experiências personales, (vi) construye la comprensión global del texto leído por la unificación de la información explícita e implícita, (vii) tiene la capacidad de evaluar la lectura de forma ética y afectiva, o de hacer extrapolaciones coerentes sin escapar de la temática del texto. Por último, podemos decir que las implicaciones pedagógicas de este trabajo para mi actividad profesional es de gran importancia, ya que desde la detección de lo que se requiere de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, un nuevo enfoque para la enseñanza de la lengua materna como podemos reflexionar sobre eso y encontrar maneras de mejorar nuestro desempeño. Tanto nuestro entrenador como nuestros compañeros. Dejando a un nivel puramente descriptivo de los problemas de acción conjunta más eficaz, entendiendo que la enseñanza de lectura tiene un carácter complejo. En este sentido, tenemos que ser menos intuitivo y más reflexiva. Nos gustaría hacer hincapié en que tenemos la intención de socializar esta investigación con nuestros compañeros, ya que entendemos que es un material que puede contribuir a un nuevo aprendizaje para la práctica de los profesores que se inclinan. Además indicó que la principal contribución de este trabajo es nuestra mirada en el proceso de la lectura en el aula, la comprensión de que el estudiante de ofertas diarias con textos localizados, derechos de autor, histórico y representativo de las diferentes interacciones en el mundo. Por lo tanto, es el momento de ser gestado las prácticas de lectura hacia una educación más significativa
Este estudo tem como objetivos analisar a eficácia da fisioterapia em grupo sobre a marcha, o equilíbrio corporal e o risco de queda, e verificar se há correlação entre a capacidade funcional da marcha e o equilíbrio em indivíduos com hemiparesia crônica. Participaram do estudo 21 adultos hemiparéticos, com idade média de 58,9±10,6 anos, com seqüela de no mínimo 1 ano após acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico ou hemorrágico. Os sujeitos foram submetidos a um programa de 1 hora de fisioterapia em grupo duas vezes por semana durante seis meses. Foram avaliados por meio da escala de equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e do teste de levantar e caminhar cronometrado TLCC (TUG, na sigla em inglês de timed up & go) antes do programa, após 13 e ao fim de 26 semanas. Os resultados mostram uma redução progressiva, embora não-significativa, no tempo de execução do TLCC e aumento progressivo, também não-significativo, do escore na EEB. Foi observada forte correlação entre as duas escalas (r=0,7, p<0,05). Assim, a terapia não foi efetiva para produzir melhora nos escores dos testes, mas contribuiu para manter a mobilidade.
Percolação convencional, percolação correlacionada e percolação por invasão num suporte multifractal
In this work we have studied the problem of percolation in a multifractal geometric support, in its different versions, and we have analysed the conection between this problem and the standard percolation and also the connection with the critical phenomena formalism. The projection of the multifractal structure into the subjacent regular lattice allows to map the problem of random percolation in the multifractal lattice into the problem of correlated percolation in the regular lattice. Also we have investigated the critical behavior of the invasion percolation model in this type of environment. We have discussed get the finite size effects
The restriction of physical fitness is directly related with hypertension and sleep disorders, while the respiratory muscle strength is associated with hypertension, but the literature is scarce regarding its relationship with sleep disorders and particularly with excessive daytime sleepiness. Objectives: To compare physical fitness and strength of respiratory muscles between people with hypertension with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and non EDS people, those who do not feel excessive daytime sleepiness, in addition to relate aerobics resistance and functional mobility of patients. Methods: An observational, analytical and transversal study, evaluated 32 elderly with hypertension, divided into two groups (EDS and non EDS), in which the following topics were measured; respiratory muscular strength, functional fitness, level of physical activity, level of excessive daytime sleepiness, quality of sleep and intensity of the patients snoring. Results: There was a significant difference in the level of EDS (P=0,00) and quality of sleep (p=0,03), however, the data related to snoring intensity (p=0,18), maximum inspiratory pressure PImax (p=0,39) and maximum expiratory pressure PEmax (p=0,98) did not show any difference. Also, no significant difference was observed concerning physical fitness, presenting p=0,08 for the sitting and getting up test on the chair in 30 ; p=0,54 for the extension and flexing of the elbow test in 30 ; p=0,38 for the walking test 6 ; p=0,38 for the parking gear test 2 , p=0,08 for the sitting and reaching test; p=0,42 for the scratching the back test; p=0,49 for the getting up and walking test; and p=0,62 for the global rate of activity limitation. There was moderate positive correlation between 6MWT and 2MST, r=0,54 (p=0,01) and negative moderate correlation between 6MWT and TUG, r=-0,61 (p=0,000) and between 2MST and TUG, r=-0,60 (p=0,000). Conclusion: The presence of EDS in the hypertension people studied, showed a bad quality of sleep, however this sleepiness did not influence the strength of the respiratory muscles. The physical fitness came out diminished in all hypertension people, regardless of the presence or non presence of sleep disturbance; and there is a close relationship between cardiovascular resistance and physical mobility, since when there is less cardiovascular resistance, there is precarious physical mobility and vice-versa
Introduction: The ability to walk is impaired in obese by anthropometric factors (BMI and height), musculoskeletal pain and level of inactivity. Little is known about the influence of body adiposity and the acute response of the cardiovascular system during whole the 6-minute walk test (6mWT). Objective: To evaluate the effect of anthropometric measures (BMI and WHR waist-to-hip ratio), the effort heart and inactivity in ability to walk the morbidly obese. Materials and Methods: a total 36 morbidly obese (36.23 + 11.82 years old, BMI 49.16 kg/m2) were recruited from outpatient department of treatment of obesity and bariatric surgery in University Hospital Onofre Lopes and anthropometric measurements of obesity (BMI and WHR), pulmonary function, pattern habitual physical activity (Baecke Questionnaire) and walking capacity (6mWT). The patient was checking to measure: heart rate (HR), breathing frequency (BF), peripheral oxygen saturation, level of perceived exertion, systemic arterial pressure and duplo-produto (DP), moreover the average speed development and total distance walking. The data were analysed between gender and pattern of body adiposity, measuring the behavior minute by minute of walking. The Pearson and Spearmam correlation coefficients were calculated, and stepwise multiple Regression examined the predictors of walking capacity. All analyses were performed en software Statistic 6.0. Results: 20 obese patients had abdominal adiposity (WHR = 1.01), waist circumference was 135.8 cm in women (25) and 139.8 cm in men (10). Walked to the end of 6mWT 412.43 m, with no differences between gender and adiposity. The total distance walked by obesity alone was explained by BMI (45%), HR in the sixth minute (43%), the Baecke (24%) and fatigue (-23%). 88.6% of obese (31) performed the test above 60% of maximal HR, while the peak HR achieved at 5-minute of 6mWT. Systemic arterial pressure and DP rised after walking, but with no differences between gender and adiposity. Conclusion: The walk of obese didn´t suffers influence of gender or the pattern of body adiposity. The final distance walked is attributed to excess body weight, stress heart, the feeling of effort required by physical activity and level of sedentary to obese. With a minute of walking, the obeses achieved a range of intensity cardiovascular trainning
The results of studies about the ideal resistance training intensity for reduction of resting blood pressure levels, as well as this type of training to increase the functional capacity of hypertensive older women are still unclear, since the few investigations usually analyze young individuals normotensive, and the literature lacks precise information in elderly hypertensive subjects. Objectives: To determine the effect of two resistance training intensities on resting blood pressure and the effect of resistance training on functional capacity in elderly women with systemic arterial hypertension, analyzing these variables before and after eight weeks of intervention. Methods: Patients underwent eight weeks of resistance training, with a frequency of three times per week on alternate days, in the afternoon. The exercises performed were: leg press, bench press, knee extension, lat pull-down, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, standing cable hip abduction and biceps curl. Results: It was found that patients who underwent training with moderate resistance, showed a reduction on resting values of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) p<0.03 and of mean arterial pressure (MAP) p<0.03. Patients who underwent mild resistance training showed reduction in resting values of MAP (p<0.03) and a tendency to decrease in DBP (p<0.06). With regard to functional capacity, the results showed significant increase in the strength of arms and legs, agility and aerobic endurance (p<0.001) and maintaining flexibility (p>0.05). Conclusion: The data indicated that both mild and moderate resistance training, even when started in old age, promoted cardiovascular benefits and also improve the functional capacity of hypertensive older women.
Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2) bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased significantly (91.2 ± 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ± 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ± 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ± 11.1 bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001) postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p = 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery. However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the 6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of obese patients after surgery
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUCTION: Cardiac and pulmonary manifestations of the Chagas disease (CD) affect between 20-30% of the infected subjects. The chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) has some peculiarities such as arrhythmias and, especially heart failure (HF) and is potentially lethal due to left ventricular dysfunction. How respiratory disorders, patients get progressive loss of functional capacity, which contributes to a poor quality of life related to disease. Measurements of lung volume by the movement of the chest wall surface are an alternative evaluation of lung function and kinematics of complex thoracoabdominal for these patients. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the kinematics of the thoracoabdominal complex through the regional pulmonary volumes and to correlate with functional evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory system in patients with Chagas disease at rest. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a cross-section study with 42 subjects had been divided in 3 groups, 15 composed for patients with CCC, 12 patients with HF of different etiologies and 15 healthful presented control group. An optoelectronic plethysmography (POE), Minnesota questionnaire, six minute walk test, spirometer and manovacuometer was used. RESULTS: It was observed in the 6MWT where group CRL presented greater distance 464,93±44,63m versus Group HF with 399,58± 32,1m (p=0,005) and group CCC 404±68,24m (p=0,015), both the groups presented difference statistics with regard to Group CRL. In the manovacuometer 54,59±19,98; of the group CCC and 42,11±13,52 of group IC found group CRL presented 81,31±15,25 of the predicted versus, presenting in relation to group CRL. In the POE it observed a major contribution in abdominal compartment in patients with IC if compared like CCC and control groups. On the basis of the questionnaire of quality of life of Minessota, verified a low one groups CCC and IC 43,2±15,2 and 44,4±13,1, respectively (p<0,05) when compared with the control group (19,6±17,31). CONCLUSION: it seems that the patients with CCC possess same functional and respiratory characteristics, observed for the POE, 6MWT, manovacuometer and spirometer to the patients of group HF, being able to consider similar interventions for this complementary group as therapeutical of this neglected disease
Objective: To compare the effects of the treadmill training with partial body-weight support (TPBWS) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) method on gait of subjects with chronic stroke. Design: Quasi-experimental study. Setting: Laboratorial research. Participants: Twenty-three subjects (13 men and 10 women), with a mean age of 56,7 ± 8,0 years and a mean time since the onset of the stroke of 27,7 ± 20,3 months, and able to walk with personal assistance or assistive devices. Interventions: Two experimental groups underwent gait training based on PNF method (PNF group, n=11) or using the TPBWS - Gait Trainer System 2, Biodex, USA (TPBWS group, n=12), for three weekly sessions, during four weeks. Measures: Evaluation of motor function - using the Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM) and the motor subscale of the Functional Independence Measure (motor FIM) -, and kinematic gait analyze with the Qualisys System (Qualisys Medical AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) were carried out before and after the interventions. Results: Increases in the STREAM scores (F=49.189, P<0.001) and in motor FIM scores (F=7.093, P=0.016), as well as improvement in symmetry ratio (F=7.729, P=0.012) were observed for both groups. Speed, stride length and double-support time showed no change after training. Differences between groups were observed only for the maximum ankle dorsiflexion over the swing phase (F=6.046, P=0.024), which showed an increase for the PNF group. Other angular parameters remain unchanged. Conclusion: Improvement in motor function and in gait symmetry was observed for both groups, suggesting similarity of interventions. The cost-effectiveness of each treatment should be considered for your choice
Este estudo objetivou avaliar e correlacionar os níveis de vulnerabilidade ao estresse no trabalho e percepção de suporte familiar em trabalhadores porteiros. Participaram 100 porteiros de uma empresa prestadora de serviços de médio porte. Utilizou-se o questionário de caracterização, a Escala de Vulnerabilidade ao Estresse no Trabalho (EVENT) e o Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (IPSF). A idade média dos participantes foi de 37,8 anos; trabalhavam na empresa, em torno de quatro anos e como porteiros, em média, há cinco anos. Os resultados mostraram uma pontuação média na medida de estresse geral da EVENT, sugerindo indicação de poucos estressores nesse grupo de porteiros. O IPSF também apresentou pontuação média, indicando que grande parte dos participantes possui percepção de bom suporte familiar. As análises mostraram correlações negativas fracas, porém estatisticamente significantes, entre a dimensão adaptação familiar do ipsf e as dimensões clima e funcionamento organizacional, pressão no trabalho e total da EVENT.
The public dental services in Brazil were limited, practically, to the basic care, so that the specialized services acted, up to 2002, no more than 3,5% of the total of clinical procedures. That lower offer reveals the difficulty of continuity of the attention, that is, the comprehensiveness in the assistance, particulary, the reference and counter-reference system. Brasil Sorridente search to supply those needs when proposing Speciality Dental's Centers(CEOs Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas, Brazil) to compose the services of average complexity. In 2005, Ministry of Health enabled the three CEOs of Natal, located in the North II, East and West Sanitary Districts. This investigation evaluated the implantation of these CEOs, as support of the family health care teams, in the perspective of organization of the services in assistencial nets in Natal/RN. It was a study of evaluation, with qualitative approach and some quantitative data as contribution. Dentists, users and managers were interviewed to identify and to understand their perceptions, relationships and experiences in the daily of the services. The conceptual base that orientated the investigation was the principle of comprehensiveness, in its operational sense of the hierarchization in health attention levels. The collection of data was done with documental research, direct observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis was accomplished by triangulation of the extracted content from the used techniques and sources of interviewed groups depositions, looking for theoretical-conceptual support in specific bibliography. The results pointed aspects that go away from the comprehensiveness like: low resolution of problems in the basic net; little valorization of the space in the health units; traditional models of access to health services, insufficient offer for some specialties, compromising the reference and counter-reference system; practices centered in procedures in the CEO; bureaucratic directions from basic care to the specialized service; disintegrated and disjointed system among levels of attention; disrespect to the municipal protocol. On the other hand, there is an approach of compreensiveness in situations like: increase of the access and covering in the Family Health Strategy (ESF Estratégia Saúde da Família, Brazil); larger approach between professional and user; tendency to the quantitative and qualitative growth of specialized actions; punctual initiatives of relationships among levels; existence of protocol to guide professionals