989 resultados para brake even point


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Free software and open source projects are often perceived to be of high quality. It has been suggested that the high level of quality found in some free software projects is related to the open development model which promotes peer review. While the quality of some free software projects is comparable to, if not better than, that of closed source software, not all free software projects are successful and of high quality. Even mature and successful projects face quality problems; some of these are related to the unique characteristics of free software and open source as a distributed development model led primarily by volunteers. In exploratory interviews performed with free software and open source developers, several common quality practices as well as actual quality problems have been identified. The results of these interviews are presented in this paper in order to take stock of the current status of quality in free software projects and to act as a starting point for the implementation of quality process improvement strategies.


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This paper presents the first performance evaluation of interest points on scalar volumetric data. Such data encodes 3D shape, a fundamental property of objects. The use of another such property, texture (i.e. 2D surface colouration), or appearance, for object detection, recognition and registration has been well studied; 3D shape less so. However, the increasing prevalence of 3D shape acquisition techniques and the diminishing returns to be had from appearance alone have seen a surge in 3D shape-based methods. In this work, we investigate the performance of several state of the art interest points detectors in volumetric data, in terms of repeatability, number and nature of interest points. Such methods form the first step in many shape-based applications. Our detailed comparison, with both quantitative and qualitative measures on synthetic and real 3D data, both point-based and volumetric, aids readers in selecting a method suitable for their application. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Single-sensor maximum power point tracking algorithms for photovoltaic systems are presented. The algorithms have the features, characteristics and advantages of the widely used incremental conductance (INC) algorithm. However; unlike the INC algorithm which requires two sensors (the voltage sensor and the current sensor), the single-sensor algorithms are more desirable because they require only one sensor: the voltage sensor. The algorithms operate by maximising power at the DC-DC converter output, instead of the input. © 2013 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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We study the problem of finding a local minimum of a multilinear function E over the discrete set {0,1}n. The search is achieved by a gradient-like system in [0,1]n with cost function E. Under mild restrictions on the metric, the stable attractors of the gradient-like system are shown to produce solutions of the problem, even when they are not in the vicinity of the discrete set {0,1}n. Moreover, the gradient-like system connects with interior point methods for linear programming and with the analog neural network studied by Vidyasagar (IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 40 (8) (1995) 1359), in the same context. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Shortly after the loading of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) core, the axial power distribution in fresh fuel has already attained the characteristic, almost flat shape, typical of burned fuel. At beginning of cycle (BOC), however, the axial distribution is centrally peaked. In assemblies hosting uniform burnable boron rods, this BOC peaking is even more pronounced. A reduction in the axial peaking is today often achieved by shortening the burnable boron rods by some 30 cm at each edge. It is shown that a two-zone grading of the boron rod leads, in a representative PWR cycle, to a reduction of the hot-spot temperature of approximately 70 °C, compared with the nongraded case. However, with a proper three-zone grading of the boron rod, an additional 20 °C may be cut off the hot-spot temperature. Further, with a slightly skewed application of this three-zone grading, an additional 50 °C may be cut off. The representative PWR cycle studied was cycle 11 of the Indian Point 2 station, with a simplification in the number of fuel types and in the burnup distribution. The analysis was based on a complete three-dimensional burnup calculation. The code system was ELCOS, with BOXER as an assembly code for the generation of burnup-dependent cross sections and SILWER as a three-dimensional core code with thermal-hydraulic feedback.


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Riblets are small surface protrusions aligned with the flow direction, which confer an anisotropic roughness to the surface [6]. We have recently reported that the transitional-roughness effect in riblets, which limits their performance, is due to a Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instability of the overlying mean flow [7]. According to our DNSs, the instability sets on as the Reynolds number based on the roughness size of the riblets increases, and coherent, elongated spanwise vortices begin to develop immediately above the riblet tips, causing the degradation of the drag-reduction effect. This is a very novel concept, since prior studies had proposed that the degradation was due to the interaction of riblets with the flow as independent units, either to the lodging of quasi-streamwise vortices in the surface grooves [2] or to the shedding of secondary streamwise vorticity at the riblet peaks [9]. We have proposed an approximate inviscid analysis for the instability, in which the presence of riblets is modelled through an average boundary condition for an overlying, spanwise-independent mean flow. This simplification lacks the accuracy of an exact analysis [4], but in turn applies to riblet surfaces in general. Our analysis succeeds in predicting the riblet size for the onset of the instability, while qualitatively reproducing the wavelengths and shapes of the spanwise structures observed in the DNSs. The analysis also connects the observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability of mixing layers. The fundamental riblet length scale for the onset of the instability is a ‘penetration length,’ which reflects how easily the perturbation flow moves through the riblet grooves. This result is in excellent agreement with the available experimental evidence, and has enabled the identification of the key geometric parameters to delay the breakdown. Although the appearance of elongated spanwise vortices was unexpected in the case of riblets, similar phenomena had already been observed over other rough [3], porous [1] and permeable [11] surfaces, as well as over plant [5,14] and urban [12] canopies, both in the transitional and in the fully-rough regimes. However, the theoretical analyses that support the connection of these observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability are somewhat scarce [7, 11, 13]. It has been recently proposed that Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instabilities are a dominant feature common to “obstructed” shear flows [8]. It is interesting that the instability does not require an inflection point to develop, as is often claimed in the literature. The Kelvin-Helmholtz rollers are rather triggered by the apparent wall-normal-transpiration ability of the flow at the plane immediately above the obstructing elements [7,11]. Although both conditions are generally complementary, if wall-normal transpiration is not present the spanwise vortices may not develop, even if an inflection point exists within the roughness [10]. REFERENCES [1] Breugem, W. P., Boersma, B. J. & Uittenbogaard, R. E. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 562, 35–72. [2] Choi, H., Moin, P. & Kim, J. 1993 J. Fluid Mech. 255, 503–539. [3] Coceal, O., Dobre, A., Thomas, T. G. & Belcher, S. E. 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 589, 375–409. [4] Ehrenstein, U. 2009 Phys. Fluids 8, 3194–3196. [5] Finnigan, J. 2000 Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 32, 519–571. [6] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 1412–1427. [7] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 J. Fluid Mech. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2011.114. [8] Ghisalberti, M. 2009 J. Fluid Mech. 641, 51–61. [9] Goldstein, D. B. & Tuan, T. C. 1998 J. Fluid Mech. 363, 115–151. [10] Hahn, S., Je, J. & Choi, H. 2002 J. Fluid Mech. 450, 259–285. [11] Jimenez, J., Uhlman, M., Pinelli, A. & G., K. 2001 J. Fluid Mech. 442, 89–117. [12] Letzel, M. O., Krane, M. & Raasch, S. 2008 Atmos. Environ. 42, 8770–8784. [13] Py, C., de Langre, E. & Moulia, B. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 568, 425–449. [14] Raupach, M. R., Finnigan, J. & Brunet, Y. 1996 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 78, 351–382.


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In this chapter, we present a review of our continuing efforts toward the development of discrete, low-dimensional nanostructured carbon-based electron emitters. Carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, herein referred to simply as CNTs, are one-dimensional carbon allotropes formed from cylindrically rolled and nested graphene sheets, have diameters between 1 and 500 nm and lengths of up to several millimeters, and are perfect candidates for field emission (FE) applications. By virtue of their extremely strong sp2 C-C bonding, intrinsic to the graphene hexagonal lattice, CNTs have demonstrated impressive chemical inertness, unprecedented thermal stabilities, significant resistance to electromigration, and exceptionally high axial current carrying capacities, even at elevated temperatures. These near ideal cold cathode electron emitters have incredibly high electric field enhancing aspect ratios combined with virtual point sources of the order of a few nanometers in size. The correct integration and judicious development of suitable FE platforms based on these extraordinary molecules is critical and will ultimately enable enhanced technologies. This chapter will review some of the more recent platforms, devices and structures developed by our group, as well as our contributions towards the development of industry-scalable technologies for ultra-high-resolution electron microscopy, portable x-ray sources, and flexible environmental lighting technologies. © 2012 by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A numerical study is presented showing the structural response and sound radiation from a range of thin shell structures excited by a point force: a baffled flat plate, a sphere, a family of spheroids and a family of closed circular cylinders. All the structures have the same material properties, thickness and total surface area so the asymptotic modal density is the same. Dramatic differences are shown in the total radiated sound power for the different shells. It was already known that the flat plate and the sphere behave very differently. These results show that the cylinders and, particularly, the spheroids show patterns that are not intermediate between the two but instead display new features: in certain frequency ranges the radiated sound power can be at least an order of magnitude greater than either the plate or the sphere. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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An easy-to-interpret kinematic quantity measuring the average corotation of material line segments near a point is introduced and applied to vortex identification. At a given point, the vector of average corotation of line segments is defined as the average of the instantaneous local rigid-body rotation over "all planar cross sections" passing through the examined point. The vortex-identification method based on average corotation is a one-parameter, region-type local method sensitive to the axial stretching rate as well as to the inner configuration of the velocity gradient tensor. The method is derived from a well-defined interpretation of the local flow kinematics to determine the "plane of swirling" and is also applicable to compressible and variable-density flows. Practical application to direct numerical simulation datasets includes a hairpin vortex of boundary-layer transition, the reconnection process of two Burgers vortices, a flow around an inclined flat plate, and a flow around a revolving insect wing. The results agree well with some popular local methods and perform better in regions of strong shearing. Copyright © 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three questions have been prominent in the study of visual working memory limitations: (a) What is the nature of mnemonic precision (e.g., quantized or continuous)? (b) How many items are remembered? (c) To what extent do spatial binding errors account for working memory failures? Modeling studies have typically focused on comparing possible answers to a single one of these questions, even though the result of such a comparison might depend on the assumed answers to both others. Here, we consider every possible combination of previously proposed answers to the individual questions. Each model is then a point in a 3-factor model space containing a total of 32 models, of which only 6 have been tested previously. We compare all models on data from 10 delayed-estimation experiments from 6 laboratories (for a total of 164 subjects and 131,452 trials). Consistently across experiments, we find that (a) mnemonic precision is not quantized but continuous and not equal but variable across items and trials; (b) the number of remembered items is likely to be variable across trials, with a mean of 6.4 in the best model (median across subjects); (c) spatial binding errors occur but explain only a small fraction of responses (16.5% at set size 8 in the best model). We find strong evidence against all 6 documented models. Our results demonstrate the value of factorial model comparison in working memory.