901 resultados para UNIVERSIDADE


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Descrição da abordagem curricular que se concretizou no âmbito da lecionação de algumas unidades curriculares aos Cursos de Formação de Professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de Évora.


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Descrição do processo de gestão curricular realizado no âmbito dos Cursos de Licenciatura em Ensino Básico-1º Ciclo e de Complemento de Formação Científica e Pedagógica para o mesmo nível de escolaridade na Universidade de Évora.


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O Projeto Janelas Curriculares de Educação Popular no Ensino Superior Universitário pretende proporcionar aos estudantes da Universidade de Évora – através da sua participação em projetos educativos da Universidade Popular Túlio Espanca/UPTE – oportunidades de conceber, planificar e concretizar projetos de educação não formal abertos à participação da população do Alentejo, decorrentes da mobilização do conhecimento e da competência científica, cultural, técnica e tecnológica oriundos da respetiva formação académica e enquadrados, sempre que possível, no âmbito dos planeamentos didáticos das unidades curriculares frequentadas.


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Adotando a educação popular, através de modalidades não formais, como raiz didática privilegiada e tendo consciência da responsabilidade social que lhe cabe, no território em que se encontra localizada (a região Alentejo), a Universidade de Évora, através da sua UPTE, pretende contribuir para a formação científica, cultural e técnica dos cidadãos do Alentejo, promovendo a sua participação em dispositivos formativos indutores de estilos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida que estimulem e reforcem o gosto e o prazer de aprender.


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You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students


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O Livro “Janelas Curriculares de Educação Popular na Universidade de Évora: para um conhecimento académico mais humanista e solidário” apresenta o projeto promovido pela Universidade Popular Túlio Espanca de Évora/UPTÉ, que proporcionou – aos estudantes, investigadores, professores e colaboradores da academia – oportunidades de conceber, planificar e concretizar iniciativas de educação não formal abertas à participação da população do Alentejo e decorrentes da mobilização dos conhecimentos e competências científicas, culturais, técnicas e tecnológicas disponíveis na instituição. Para os estudantes, sempre que possível e conveniente, as “janelas curriculares” ocorriam no âmbito dos planos de estudo das suas formações académicas, contribuindo para os respetivos processos de aprendizagem e avaliação, com devida supervisão dos seus docentes.


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The objective of this study is to assess the natural light of the classrooms sectors, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique, by using questionnaires and brightness levels measurements inside the classrooms. In order to check the users satisfaction degree, it was initially done a general approach on the related aspects to natural light: their characteristics, availability, sources, opening systems and evaluating tools. It was also determined the necessary brightness levels for the activities development in the classroom and the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique used in the search analyses. Then, it was made the UFRN Campus` characterization; the models` definition which formed the data collection basis; the detailing of the procedures used in the research, the processing description and the data analysis. Subsequently, the results that clarify the issues raised were shown through quantitative and / or qualitative data analyses. This research notes a high level of satisfaction by the users, despite some problems such as the reflections occurrence on the board, the lack of uniformity and, occasionally, the brightness low levels


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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A Administração Pública tem sido alvo de uma reflexão sistemática, que pretende encontrar políticas de gestão que consigam solucionar os problemas de performance dos serviços públicos, evidenciando as suas potencialidades e procurando responder aos desafios com que se confrontam na atualidade. O fenómeno da globalização está na origem de acelerados ciclos de mudança que exigem das organizações urna gestão mais cativa e objetiva, alicerçada em métodos de gestão moderna que vão de encontro às exigências do mundo atual. Eficiência e eficácia dos serviços públicos são, mais do que nunca, duas imposições de uma sociedade crítica e carente de qualidade. A melhoria da performance do serviço público, mais do que urna necessidade, é uma exigência. Como responder a este desafio? Regra geral, os serviços públicos possuem urna fraca cultura de gestão estratégica, o que justifica parte da dificuldade que sentem em transformar a estratégia em objetivos operacionais, de forma a estabelecer ações que visem a obtenção de resultados, definindo medidas para a sua monitorização. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC) poderá contribuir para a implementação de uma cultura de gestão estratégica no Sector Público. A formulação dos objetivos estratégicos, das metas e dos indicadores, para cada uma das perspetivas subjacentes a esta metodologia, permite às organizações efetuarem uma gestão mais adequada dos sistemas que são objeto da sua acão. Este trabalho, partindo da identificação dos ajustamentos que é necessário efetuar ao modelo original de BSC de Kaplan e Norton, propõe um BSC adequado às Instituições de Ensino Superior Público (IESP) em geral e à Universidade de Évora em particular, assumindo-se que esse BSC poderá constituir uma importante ferramenta de gestão estratégica, essencial na avaliação e gestão da performance organizacional. ABSTRACT: The Public Administration has been the target of a systematic reflexion, who wish to find management policies that can resolve the performance problems on public services, showing their potential and aim to respond to the challenges they are facing today. The phenomenon of globalization is the cause of accelerated cycles of change that require organizations a more active and objective management, based on modern management methods that meet the demands of today’s world. Efficiency and effectiveness of public services are more than ever, two charges of a society criticism and lacking in quality. Improving the performance of public service, rather than a necessity is a requirement. How to respond to this challenge? Generally, the public services have a weak culture of strategic management, which explains part of the difficulty they feel in turning the strategy into operational objectives in order to establish measures aimed at achieving results, defining measures for its monitoring. The Balanced Scorecard can contribute to the implementation of a culture of strategic management in the Public Sector. The formulation of strategic objectives, targets and indicators for each of the perspectives that underlie this methodology enables organizations to make better management systems that are the subject of its action. This work, leaving from the identification of the adjustments that is necessary to effectuate to an original model of BSC of Kaplan and Norton, proposes a BSC appropriate to the Institutions of Superior Public Teaching (IESP) in general and to the University of Évora in individual, when are assumed that this BSC will be able to constitute an important tool of strategic, essential management in the evaluation and management of the organizational performance.


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Eventos - Dia da Universidade Aberta


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O estudo que se pretende desenvolver no âmbito desta Dissertação de Mestrado tem como objectivo geral proceder à análise das percepções sobre os impactes da formação Profissional no desempenho profissional dos recursos humanos na Universidade de Évora. Para concretizar a finalidade deste trabalho, procede-se à reflexão sobre os impactes sócio organizacionais de uma estratégia avaliativa da formação ministrada pela Universidade de Évora, através do estudo da análise dos diferentes modelos de gestão e de desenvolvimento teóricos da formação, no desempenho dos recursos humanos, nomeadamente o modelo de Kirkpatric, através da transferência de conhecimentos e motivação dos mesmos. Relativamente à Metodologia a ser utilizada a investigação é de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa, incidindo no Estudo de Caso no âmbito do Núcleo de Formação Contínua da Universidade de Évora. No que concerne aos resultados esperados com este trabalho, pretendemos analisar as percepções sobre os impactes na eficácia das acções de formação realizadas no do POAP em 2006/2007, na óptica de diferentes instâncias organizacionais, relativas à transferência de conhecimentos para contexto de trabalho; aquisição de novas competências por parte dos recursos humanos Universidade de Évora. /ABSTRACT: The study that is to be developed in the extent of this master 's degree essay has as general goal to analyse the perceptions on the impacts of the professional training in the professional performance of the university of Évora's human resources. ln order to achieve this goal there'll be considerations on the impacts of socio-organizational of an assessment strategy of the training led by the University of Évora, by studying the analysis of several theoretical models of management and development in training, in the performance of the human resources, namely the application of the Kirkpatrick model, through knowledge exchange and motivation of the human resources. ln what concerns the methodology being used in the investigation it is of qualitative and interpretative kind and it will fall upon the Case Study of the Continuous Training Department of the University of Évora. Regarding the expected results of this written essay it is intended to analyse the perceptions of the impacts in the effectiveness of the training sessions which occurred in the extent of POAP in 2006/2007, regarding the different organizational authorities, in what concerns the knowledge exchange to the working environment, acquisition of new abilities of the human resources of the University of Évora.


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O avanço das tecnologias de informação continua a mudar os paradigmas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os meios disponíveis são cada vez mais diversificados e, com a necessidade de procurar novos estudantes e diversificar o público-alvo, as instituições de ensino superior estão a repensar os seus modelos de negócio e estratégias pedagógicas. A proliferação de dispositivos móveis catalisa uma aposta crescente no ensino a distância (EaD) no sentido de proporcionar aprendizagens em mobilidade (m-learning). No entanto, as soluções existentes para m-learning são ainda pouco adaptadas às recentes metodologias de EaD, na maioria das vezes funcionando como extensão de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ou com muito foco nos conteúdos. Sendo a Universidade Aberta (UAb) a única instituição de ensino superior público em Portugal de ensino a distância, com um modelo pedagógico próprio, constitui um natural caso de aplicação de tecnologia móvel em novos contextos de aprendizagem, importando por isso estudar e desenhar os mecanismos de interação mais adequados com professores e estudantes em mobilidade. Adotou-se neste trabalho a metodologia Design Science Research, tendo sido identificadas as características e comportamentos de potenciais utilizadores, e definidas as funcionalidades que devem ser disponibilizadas na primeira versão de uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis (app) no contexto do ensino a distância. É proposto o design da interface dessa app, usando o modelo da UAb como caso de aplicação, e disponibilizada uma lista de orientações para o desenvolvimento do protótipo funcional. Da investigação realizada, concluiu-se que a interface proposta constitui um modelo válido para o desenho de uma app para aprendizagens em mobilidade, no regime de ensino de uma universidade virtual. A partir deste modelo, as instituições de ensino superior podem desenvolver apps adaptando-se ao avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e ficarem alinhadas com as necessidades dos seus alunos e docentes, particularmente se dispuserem de oferta formativa a distância.


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This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart


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Operational procedures may negatively interfere in negotiation and execution regarding universities and business companies. In some cases it may even derail business interaction. Thus, aiming to overcome this and other barriers a university-industry interaction model was structured. The model enhances the appropriation of technological solutions on behalf of enterprises, as well as aim to improve the quality of teaching and research done at the university. In order to conduct a case study, sampling considering the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) was made as well as the Oil and Gas sector. For data collection questionnaires, classroom observation, document analysis, semi-structured interviews were used. The study describes the companies as well as the internal organization of UFRN in their interaction context. The diagnosis related to past interactions as well as the expectations of the companies and the university s internal subjects regarding the university-industry relationship were also studied. Thus, specific questionnaires were applied for the three types of groups: researchers, managers and business companies. These subjects pointed out that the great deal of barriers they identified were related to issues regarding the university internal management. Given these barriers, the critical factors were then identified in order to overcome this reality. Among the nine critical factors only one belongs to the macro environment, while the remaining factors are related to organizational issues present in the university context. It was possible to formulate a university-business interaction model one the researched focused on the case study results and contribution from a theoretical framework that was enabled trough literature review. The model considers all business collaboration mechanisms; it focuses on a particular strategic productive sector and provides a co-evolution vision over time, according to the sector´s development strategy. The need for institutionalizing the relationship with the companies involved is pointed out. The proposed model considers all the critical factors identified by the research; it aims long-term relationship with the company and integrates teaching, research and extension actions. The model implementation was also considered. It was seen that it must be done in three phases. The phases will be defined by the level of maturity in the relationship between the university and the companies. Thus, a framework was developed in order to assess the interaction level regarding company institutionalization. Whilst structuring the model was a concern with replication came up. It was pointed out that this model should not only serve to this specific case study situation. So the final result is a model of university-industry relationship appropriate in the first instance, for UFRN, but has applicability, in general, to any Brazilian university