963 resultados para Trinidad


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Spanish Educational Laws have been promoting the widespread use of English; as a result, Spanish Uni versities are looking for ways to give students more international training in order to prepare them for a future that will increasingly involve global problems and partnerships. Therefore, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM), and the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada (UBCO) have come together to offer opportunities for international collaboration and learning, thus facilitating virtual encounters among Spanish and Canadian students. The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages, such as autonomous and life-long learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process. Additionally the ‘virtual’ mobility is provided at no extra cost. This article presents the preliminary results of two virtual exchange programs that have been offering varied forms of study which are venue-independent, and have clearly expanded the range of scenarios for the students on both sides by promoting collaborative work and cultural exchange.


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The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages [1], such as autonomous and lifelong learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process


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This paper examines two kinds of questions relating to the lexical needs of professional ESP students: (1) what range of terms and words do they need help with? (2) what types of dictionary, bilingual and/or monolingual, can they make use of in solving lexical problems?


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Tanto en prelim. como en la port. consta el año 1743


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Seamounts, submarine banks, volcanoes and undercurrent channels are prominent geomorphic features that have become an important target for minerals research and exploration with the goal of future exploitation. Polymetallic ferromanganese deposits are common types of mineralization on these settings. Co-rich ferromanganese crusts are important as potential resources of Mn and Co, but also Ti, Ni, Tl, REEs, PGEs, and other metals. Many seamounts and channels along the Atlantic Spanish continental margin are known to hold mineral deposits but are poorly studied. This work presents and briefly describes the most recent activities of the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME) on exploration and investigation of ferromanganese deposits along the Atlantic Spanish continental margin. Different submarine areas from the northwestern margin of the Iberian Peninsula to the west off Canary Islands have been surveyed by geophysical, sampling and underwater observations from 89 to 4000 m water depth. The mineral deposits cover a large diversity of submarine geological and geomorphical features: mud volcanoes and diapirs related to hydrocarbon seeps, seamounts associated with hot spot volcanism, hydrothermal vents in active magmatic volcanoes, structural basement highs and banks or contourite channels. Considering the collected dataset, we present the preliminary results of the study of these mineral deposits, including ferromanganese nodules and crusts and phosphate pavements and nodules, which can be considered as potential sources of raw materials.


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The well-known eponym El Sidrón has a very special history. It started with the development of a karstic system between two types of rock (sandstone and Neogene conglomerates) as a result of the flow of a small stream. It continued with the use of the cave as a refuge and a hiding place during the Spanish Civil War and the aftermath and with the presence of some endemic species of bats and cave insects


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We have analysed the geochemical (element analysis), mineralogical and sedimentary facies to characterize the sedimentary record in Fuentillejo maar-lake in the central Spanish volcanic field of Campo de Calatrava and thus be able to reconstruct the cyclicity of the sedimentary and paleoclimatic processes involved. The upper 20 m of core FUENT-1 show variations in clastic input and water chemistry in the lake throughout the last 50 ka cal BP. Being a closed system, the water level in this maar-lake depends primarily on the balance between precipitation and evaporation


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Los yacimientos de El Perro y La Fragua se sitúan en el Monte Buciero (Santoña), separados únicamente por apenas 600 metros, en una zona que presenta un microclima particular que provoca el desarrollo de una vegetación con variedad de especies mediterráneas relictas y otras de carácter más atlántico. Ambos presentan niveles del Magdaleniense, Aziliense y Mesolítico que han sido datados empleando el método del carbono-14. En todos los niveles se encuentran abundantes restos de moluscos, incluyendo representantes del género Patella, que se analizaron mediante el método de racemización de aminoácidos. Las edades obtenidas con este método son superiores a las de radiocarbono y a la atribución cultural de los materiales.


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La racemización de aminoácidos como herramienta geocronológica se ha revelado como un excelente método para poder datar yacimientos arqueológicos empleando tanto restos óseos como moluscos. Dada la escasa cantidad de material necesaria y el bajo coste analítico, presenta una serie de ventajas sobre otros métodos como el carbono-14 ya que para datar un nivel se emplean varias muestras lo que, entre otras cuestiones, permite identificar resultados anómalos así como aproximarse al time-average de un yacimiento


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Geochronology is a critical issue in paleoseismological research. The aminoacid racemization technique shows important advantages respect to more traditional dating methods; not just for the lower costs and promptness, also because the object to analyze is relatively frequent, in this study: terrestrial gastropods. Furthermore, the costs of the analysis are by far faster and cheaper compared to other dating techniques. Racemization results allow comparing the relative age from different sedimentary units from one trench to another.Additionally, the racemization technique can also be used as a geochronological tool, provided a calibration curve has been first obtained for the particular climate for the area and, ideally, for a particular genus. In this study we show the results obtained from the analysis of 40 samples of terrestrial gastropods from 7 different trenches located in the Murcia Region (SE Spain). Making use of the D/L ratio of aspartic acid we show the coherence found between relative stratigraphic ages and the racemization age. Finally, we show a provisional conversion equation between age of racemization, obtained from Torres et al. (1997) algorithm, and the likely age of the samples. RESUMEN: El control geocronológico es una cuestión crítica en los estudios de paleosismología. La técnica de racemización de aminoácidos ofrece importantes ventajas respecto a otros métodos de datación, tanto en los costes y rapidez, como en la facilidad de encontrar el objeto de análisis; en este estudio, gasterópodos terrestres. Los resultados permiten comparar la edad relativa entre unidades sedimentarias diferentes de unas zanjas a otras. La técnica de racemización también es una herramienta geocronológica, si bien es necesario primero establecer una curva de calibración para el ambiente climático de la zona e, idealmente, para un género concreto. En este estudio se muestran los resultados obtenidos en 40 muestras de gasterópodos terrestres recogidas en 7 zanjas de investigación paleosismológica en la Región de Murcia. Haciendo uso de la relación D/L del ácido aspártico mostramos la coherencia entre las edades relativas estratigráficas y su edad de racemización. Finalmente, proponemos una relación provisional de conversión entre las edades de racemización obtenidas por el algoritmo de Torres et al. (1997) para gasterópodos de la zona central de la Península Ibérica y la edad probable de las muestras.


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The aim of this study was to determine if the soils, waters and plants from the Aliaga dump contained polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their quantification.The results showed that PAHs concentrations in soils are in general higher than the reference levels from the Spanish legislation. Waters and plants contained PAHs but in low concentrations. The possible actions for remediation (photodegradation and bioremediation) seem to be unviable here because of the large volume of materials involved, although its use as an additive for the cement industry and derivatives can be considered. It is proposed that fluorantene in waters, and phenanthrene and benzo[ghi]perilene in soils be considered as pollutants as well as to study the incorporation of PAHs to plants. Key-words: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, soil, plant and water contamination, fly- ash, power plant. RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar y cuantificar los hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs) en los suelos, plantas y aguas de la Escombrera de Aliaga. La concentración de PAHs en las cenizas supera, en general, los valores establecidos en la legislación española.Las aguas y plantas contienen PAHs, aunque en concentraciones bajas. La remoción de los materiales para someterlos a fotodegradación y biorremediación es inviable debido al gran volumen de la escombrera, aunque se plantea su uso como aditivo en la fabricación de productos derivados del cemento. Se propone incluir el fenantreno y benzo[ghi]perileno en la normativa de suelos, así como el naftaleno en la de aguas y la elaboración de una legislación sobre la incorporación de estos compuestos a las plantas.


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El aprendizaje de la Geología requiere de una habilidad que se consigue principalmente con la práctica en la Naturaleza, siendo más efectiva cuando los conocimientos se intentan trasmitir a otra persona. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados obtenidos tras introducir cambios en asignaturas relacionadas con la Geología empleando nuevas tecnologías, que han supuesto la mejora del aprendizaje combinando el trabajo práctico personal del estudiante con la realización de vídeos en el medio físico en los que explican los aspectos geológicos visibles a diferentes escalas. Asimismo, se han elaborado fichas de “rutas geológicas”, acompañadas por estos vídeos en las que se señalan los aspectos geológicos más importantes. Los vídeos se han subido a las plataformas “moodle”, “facebook” y canal “youtube” donde las personas interesadas pueden consultarlos. Las guías se encuentran en la plataforma “moodle”. Los estudiantes manifestaron su satisfacción por esta actividad ya que, además de adquirir conocimientos geológicos, adquirieron la seguridad de expresarse en público con un lenguaje técnico. Ello supuso una mejora en las calificaciones y un incremento de la motivación. Por otro lado, los estudiantes que lo deseen pueden realizar itinerarios de interés geológico sin necesidad de ir acompañados de un docente, profundizando en los temas que más les interesen Abstract: Learning Geology requires a skill that is primarily achieved with practice in nature, being more effective when one tries to transmit knowledge to others. Here, we show the results of an educational innovation program in courses related to Geology using new technologies (ITC) in order to increase the acquisition of geological knowledge. This program is designed mainly on the basis of individual work with video recordings in the field in which students explain geological concepts at various scales. These videos have been uploaded to the “moodle”, “facebook” and “youtube” channel, where people can view them. We also elaborated "Geological routes," which are accompanied by these videos indicating the most important geological aspects that can be observed, that were uploaded to “moodle” platform. The realization of these videos has been warmly welcomed by students, and they show increased motivation, accompanied by an improvement in grades. They also gained confidence in public speaking using technical language. Also, students can make itineraries of geological interest without having to be accompanied by a professor, deeping into the most interesting topics.


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Alcance y contenido: Executoria de hidalguía, iniciada en 1565, a favor de Antón Gallego, Alonso Gallego, Blas Mogollón [Blas Gallego Mogollón] y Miguel Gallego, y que resolvía el pleito que tenían estos con el Concejo de la villa de la Puebla de Alcocer (Badajoz), demostrándo su nobleza y limpieza de sangre y por tanto, declarándoles exentos de "pechar ni contribuir en los pechos y derramas reales y concejales ... de que eran libres y esemptos los hombres hijos dalgo"


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The convergence process among European academic degrees pursues the exchange of graduate students and the adaptation of university programs to social demand. Within the framework of the European Higher Education, European universities will need to be more competitive not only by increasing or maintaining the student enrolment, but also in their academic performance. Thus, the reinforcing of English language education within the University Programs might play an important role to reach these objectives. In this sense, a complete survey was accomplished at the Agricultural Egineering School of Madrid (ETSIA ) addressing issues such as: identification the needs for bilingual instruction at ETSIA, identification resources needed and interest and background in English language of students and professors (San José et al., 2013). The conclusions and recommendations to promote the bilingual instruction in the ETSIA, taking into account the approaches followed by other Spanish universities, are presented in this work.


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Universities are offering more and more courses and programmes in an additional language. At HEPCLIL, therefore, we would like to debate the methodological im - plications of these changes, giving voice to practical classroom experiences and initiatives. We would also like to act as a platform for cutting-edge research on CLIL in higher education. What impact does teaching in an additional language have on content or language learning? What are the effects on teachers and stu - dents in higher education?