915 resultados para Total tardiness
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação em jato dirigido com e sem proteção do bico de pulverização através de chapéu-de-napoleão para misturas de herbicidas de ação total na cultura da mamoneira de porte anão, na safra 2004/2005, um experimento foi conduzido no município de Garça-SP, utilizando-se o híbrido Lyra e espaçamento de 1,0 x 0,5 m. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 x 10, com quatro repetições, em que o primeiro fator representou a forma de aplicação de jato dirigido com e sem uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e o segundo os herbicidas: glyphosate (0,72 kg ha-1); glyphosate + 2,4-D (0,72 + 0,35 kg ha-1); glyphosate + flumioxazin (0,72 + 0,025 kg ha-1); glyphosate + carfentrazone-ethyl (0,72 + 0,016 kg ha-1); glyphosate + diuron (0,72 + 0,75 kg ha-1); MSMA + diuron (1,44+ 0,75 kg ha-1); paraquat + diuron (0,9 kg ha-1); paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1); paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1); e testemunha capinada. A aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas, nas entrelinhas da cultura, utilizando-se pulverizador costal pressurizado com CO2, com uma ponta XR 8002-VS para o uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e duas pontas XR 11002-VS, espaçadas de 50 cm, para condição sem proteção, ambas com consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L ha-1. O herbicida glyphosate e as misturas de paraquat + bentazon, glyphosate + 2,4-D e paraquat + diquat proporcionaram os maiores níveis de produtividade da mamoneira Lyra quando aplicados em jato dirigido e com auxílio de chapéu-de-napoleão. As misturas paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1) e paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1) demonstraram ser as mais indicadas para aplicação em jato dirigido com proteção do bico de pulverização.
At the cashew nut processing industry it is often the generation of wastewaters containing high content of toxic organic compounds. The presence of these compounds is due mainly to the so called liquid of the cashew nut (CNSL). CNSL, as it is commercially known in Brazil, is the liquid of the cashew nut. It looks like an oil with dark brown color, viscous and presents a high toxicity index due to the chemical composition, i.e. phenol compounds, such as anacardic acid, cardol, 2-methyl cardol and monophenol (cardanol). These compounds are bio resistant to the conventional treatments. Furthermore, the corresponding wastewaters present high content of TOC (total organic carbon). Therefore due to the high degree of toxicity it is very important to study and develop treatments of these wastewaters before discharge to the environmental. This research aims to decompose these compounds using advanced oxidative processes (AOP) based on the photo-Fenton system. The advantage of this system is the fast and non-selective oxidation promoted by the hydroxyl radicals (●OH), that is under determined conditions can totally convert the organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O. In order to evaluate the decomposition of the organic charge system samples of the real wastewater od a processing cashew nut industry were taken. This industry was located at the country of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The experiments were carried out with a photochemical annular reactor equipped with UV (ultra violet) lamp. Based on preliminary experiments, a Doehlert experimental design was defined to optimize the concentrations of H2O2 and Fe(II) with a total of 13 runs. The experimental conditions were set to pH equal to 3 and temperature of 30°C. The power of the lamps applied was 80W, 125W and 250W. To evaluate the decomposition rate measures of the TOC were accomplished during 4 hours of experiment. According to the results, the organic removal obtained in terms of TOC was 80% minimum and 95% maximum. Furthermore, it was gotten a minimum time of 49 minutes for the removal of 30% of the initial TOC. Based on the obtained experimental results, the photo-Fenton system presents a very satisfactory performance as a complementary treatment of the wastewater studied
Dans cet article on cherche à identifier les effets de l'institutionnalisation dans la production de la subjectivité dans un établissement scolaire total. La recherche est basée sur le roman «O Ateneu » de Raul Pompeia, analysé à partir de la théorie de Goffman (1961-1987) relative aux institutions totales. on décrit l itinéraire moral que le personnage Sergio développe, à son entrée à l'internat, évoquant les vicissitudes par lesquelles il passe dans ce contexte institutionnel : période d'adaptation, crises évolutives, initiations sexuelles, problèmes de rivalités, etc. les établissements totaux semblent s'organiser d'une façon caractéristique et fonctionner de manière autonome. on pourra comprendre les problèmes sociaux et les effets sur la subjectivité produite par les institutions totales par l étude des relations de pouvoir subjacentes à ces types d'établissements. Le temps pendant lequel un individu vit comme interné peut laisser des marques profondes dans sa subjectivité et se configure comme un thème personnel approprié.
Neste artigo, apresentamos um caso da literatura relativo ao internato escolar por meio do qual exemplificamos e discutimos alguns aspectos da violência e subjetividade na instituição total. Utilizamos as análises de Goffman sobre as instituições totais e algumas hipóteses psicanalíticas a respeito da agressividade para a leitura de O Jovem Törless , de Robert Musil. Instituições totais parecem ultrapassadas, mas elas persistem na atualidade: FEBENS, asilos, orfanatos, conventos, prisões, quartéis, manicômios, seminários para formação de padres, etc. Nossa pesquisa visa ao desvelamento do modo de funcionamento dessas instituições e a explicitação de seus efeitos na produção da subjetividade daqueles que delas participam. Concluímos que no paralelo que podemos estabelecer entre os fins educativos do internato escolar e os objetivos terapêutico-correcionais do hospital psiquiátrico e da prisão, existe mais do que uma simples analogia.
Neste artigo, estamos desenvolvendo um estudo relativo às instituições totais. Pesquisamos no romance O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia quais são os dispositivos disciplinares produtores de subjetividade no contexto institucional. Trata-se de uma análise institucional tomando como campo de pesquisa um caso da literatura, pautada pelos referenciais de Goffman e de Foucault. Goffman diz o que são e como funcionam e indica o que produzem as instituições totais. Foucault, por sua vez, nos revela como são possíveis as instituições disciplinares e quais as razões de sua emergência. A leitura de Goffman a partir das análises de Foucault pode nos proporcionar um enriquecimento fecundo na compreensão dos processos de produção de subjetividade na sociedade contemporânea e, de modo específico, no contexto das instituições totais. Goffman analisa as práticas não-discursivas, ele as articula com grande sutileza, fazendo falar os detalhes mais pitorescos e aparentemente insignificantes do cotidiano institucional: percebemos então o plano microfísico das relações intra-institucionais, mergulhando nas diferentes estratégias nas quais o poder se ramifica, circula, domina e produz saberes e sujeitos.
The aim of this study was to obtain an isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt, fermented with Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti, with suitable sensory properties and to assess the effects of the final product on blood lipids in hypercholesterolemic rats. Four isoflavone supplementation procedures were tested, in which the isoflavone was added at these stages: (1) before heat-treatment; (2) after heating and before fermentation; (3) after fermentation and (4) in the okara (by-product of soy milk) flour stirred into the fermented product when consumed. The products were subjected to a test of sensory acceptability. To assess their potential hypocholesterolemic properties in vivo, four groups of rats were used: control (C), hypercholesterolemic (H), hypercholesterolemic plus fermented product (HF) and hypercholesterolemic plus isoflavone-supplemented fermented product (HFI). Hypercholesterolemia was induced in rats of groups H, HF and HFI by feeding them on a commercial rat chow to which cholesterol and cholic acid had been added. Total, HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in the blood of the rats. No significant sensorial differences were detected among the samples of soy yogurt supplemented with isoflavones at various processing stages. Rats fed a fermented soy product enriched with isoflavones (HFI group) had significantly (P < 0.05) less serum total cholesterol (15.5%) compared with rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet (H group). Non-HDL cholesterol was less (P < 0.05) in rats fed a fermented soy product enriched or not with isoflavones (27.4 and 23.2%) compared to H group. The HDL-C and triglyceride concentrations did not differ significantly among the groups. It was possible to obtain an isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt with satisfactory sensory characteristics. The resulting supplemented soy yogurt was capable of producing a lipid-lowering effect in hypercholesterolemic rats, relative to the animals that did not consume this product.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A introdução do assunto qualidade, segundo as necessidades de mercado abre espaço para a discussão da qualidade como necessidade pessoal, e também para a formação do cidadão/profissional, além de introduzir assuntos específicos de administração de empresas. Dessa forma, foi oferecida uma disciplina optativa para os alunos do Instituto de Química do Campus de Araraquara, abordando o tema Qualidade e foi denominada Gestão da Qualidade por três anos seguidos. da avaliação geral do curso extraiu-se que ele deveria ser realizado sempre, que o tema é atual e relevante e contribui para a formação profissional/pessoal. Com relação ao comprometimento com o curso de graduação, cerca de metade dos alunos assume o seu comprometimento com os estudos e os restantes dizem estarem somente envolvidos. Conclui-se, portanto que o curso atingiu os seus objetivos propostos, introduziu os principais conceitos de qualidade segundo as normas da qualidade da série ISO 9000 e suscitou a discussão da formação do aluno/profissional/cidadão.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Since Michel Mayor and his student Didier Queloz s pioneer announcement, in 1995, of the existence of a planet orbiting the star 51 Peg, up to present date, 695 extrasolar planets orbiting stars of spectral type F, G, K and M have been discovered. A study on the behavior of the total angular momentum of the planetary systems known up to present date becomes relevant when we know that about 98% of the angular momentum of the solar system is associated with the planets, although they represent only 0.15 percent of the mass of the whole system. In this dissertation we study the behavior of stellar angular momentum, orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum in a sample of 282 stars harboring planets, including 40 multiple systems. We observed that planetary systems containing more than one known planet have both higher orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum compared to those who have only one planet. This analysis shows that multiplanet systems tend to have higher momenta, suggesting that the planets in such systems that contribute to the greater portion momenta have been found. Thus, planetary systems with lower values for the momenta represent the best candidates to the discovery of new planets
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients who wear complete dentures due to the limitations of this type of prosthesis. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) is used to achieve, besides other advantages, greater masticatory efficiency. However, analyzing critically the literature, it is observed that there is not enough scientific evidence that support the BBO as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. This way, the purpose of the present study was to verify if complete dentures wearers with BBO present better masticatory efficiency and capacity than those with canine guidance (CG). A double-blind controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was made of 24 completely edentulous patients. The subjects wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts for equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test, performed by the colorimetric method, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine- containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient´s ratings of their chewing function, which is the masticatory ability. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0,0952) and masticatory ability (x2=0,5711/ p=0,4498) between the two occlusal concepts studied, as well as there was no correlation between these two variables (p=0,2985). Based on these results, it seems reasonable to use CG for the setup of complete dentures, since it is an easier and quicker technical procedure, until that future researches can come to complement this question
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of milking procedures on the levels of total bacterial count (TBC) in bovine milk. In the first study the influences of procedures for hygienic milking, cleaning of milking equipment and milk cooling tanks on the TBC levels were evaluated. Four bulk samples of milk were collected from each tank in eight properties for TBC analysis, employing the flow cytometry method. A questionnaire was applied in each property to assess the current situation of milking procedures on each production system that took part on this research, followed by training of employees in good agricultural practices in the production of milk and monitoring of the TBC measurements. The methodology for analysis of longitudinal data was considered, focusing on random effects models. The results showed that the handling procedures for milking and the cleanliness of the cooling tank contributed to a further reduction in the levels of TBC raw milk cooling tanks. The second study aimed to describe the percentage of the properties that comply with the Normative Instruction Nº 51 (Brazil s IN 51) with regard to total bacterial count (TBC) in bovine milk. The study was conducted from January 2010 to July 2011. Milk samples were collected from the eight properties selected for TBC analysis by the flow cytometry method. Again, on each property a questionnaire was applied to assess the current situation of milking procedures on each production system that took part on this research, followed by training of employees in good agricultural practices in the production of milk and monitoring of the TBC measurements. The methodology of marginal models based on Generalized Estimate Equations (GEEs) was followed in the statistical analysis. The results showed that the handling procedures of the milking and the cleanliness of the cooling tanks contributed to a considerable percentage of the properties that reached the limits of TBC established by IN 51